
Mo|Py: Persis & Darkrine

Rewriting the Synopsis...

_allan_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Revelation at the Golden Skies

They then put their gazes on top of the Golden Valley. Even the male demon knew the battle was not going in their favour, with one of them down and many of the weaker ones killed.

The male demon smirked and looked at the female demon, and the female demon looked at him. Then she nodded yes. She brought her gaze back to Henry, and they disappeared into nothingness.

Eta noticed that he couldn't sense Henry's presence anymore. Eta looked back at the sky and didn't see Henry or the female demon.

The demon that was dead on the floor rose and started to walk. The head of it was still on the floor. Persis saw it too. Then took Leon's gun and shot it.

Pit, Leon and Eta looked at Persis wielding a gun, shocked.

Persis was panting and looked around to see all staring at him.

Persis, "I. I was just scared!", Then tears came from his eyes just saying it.

Pit, "*hoof* thought the kid turned out like Chief too. Thank God he didn't!"

Leon, "Really! That's the way to say about the kid!"

Persis dropped the gun to the ground. Leon then took it from the ground.

Leon, "We can take care of the rest Chief!"

Eta, "I need your help again, Persis."

Persis, "Yes!", as he moved towards Eta, that was when Persis heard a heartbeat, and everything around him paused.

The demon, "So, you were the one!"

Persis then looked and saw the demon descending towards him.

The demon landed and then walked towards Persis, "So, you are the latest Rein!"

Persis didn't like it when the demon knew what he was. Fear then struck him.

The demon stopped and placed his right hand on Persis's head.

The demon, "I am not your enemy. We came to see you!", he then looked at Eta, "This man was the one who killed our last king. Now! Now, we are looking for our next king. Or like the humans would like to call him a Devil!"

The demon then looked back at Persis, "I am the arch-demon of this world, Ignos. I am here to ask you to become the Devil!"

Persis took a deep breath, "If I do accept would you leave these people alone?"

Ignos, "I will. And that does not mean you become our Devil. You will be competing against the other candidates! As I said before, you are only another Rein that we selected! You are the 30th Rein and candidate we've elected. The others are as exceptional as you are. The gifts that Reins receive are very different from the ones the people of this world have!"

Persis wasn't ready to speak since he knew Ignos wouldn't take no for an answer. Ignos knew what Persis wanted to ask, "I will leave even if it is a no. I can't compel you to be our king if you aren't interested in it!", Persis sighed in relief.

Ignos, "But only after I've tested The slayer of our old king!"

Persis looked at Ignos's face and saw he had a grin.

Ignos walked towards Eta, and placed his arm around Eta's shoulder, "I want to be entertained! And what is more, I want to witness his gift at its highest!"

Then he teleported back top and resumed the time.

Eta was waiting for Persis to come towards him, but Persis was too scared to intervene in their fight after witnessing Ignos had a handle on time like him.

Eta, "Look, Kiddo! I. I mean, Persis, I can't do this without you!"

Eta saw Persis was not moving, so he went to Persis instead.

Ignos, "You should just stop trying. He has chosen to stay out of this!"

Eta ignored him and kept moving to Persis.

Ignos wasn't happy that he ignored him and shot a bullet-sized laser beam at him.

Eta dodged it swiftly. Ignos had a grin seeing Eta evade it, so he kept firing at him till it hit him.

Eta kept evading as if natural.

Ignos then aimed it at Persis to see what he would do.

Ignos then saw Eta disappear. Ignos was confused.

Ignos, "What?!"

Eta was behind him, standing on top of a bubble of his.

Eta, "Touch even one of them, and I will slice off your head as I did to your Devil!"

Ignos instinctively got away from there.

Ignos, "How do you know?"

Eta, "Oh, that you were an arch-demon? Well! I killed many of you if you don't know!"

Ignos was angry and went to Eta for the kill. Eta evaded every single one of his strikes.

Persis was watching all of this with the others.

Persis, "How is he able to move like that?"

Leon answered Persis, "It is the tiny bubbles of his that are scattered around. He is known as the tactical mastermind of the Golden Valley. Well, It is us that came up with it, but I am certain he fits the bill. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for him!"

Eta then dropped one of the drones that were with him.

Pit, "That's?!"

Leon, "His Portal drone! That means he could sense Henry's presence!"

Persis, "What if he dropped it by accident?"

Pit, "That's impossible!"

Leon, "I agree!"

Persis was confused.

Leon looked at him, "If you don't believe us look up at Eta!"

Persis looked up and saw Eta waving at them.

Persis, "He is waving at us?"

Pit, "That's for Henry, not us!"

Persis got even more confused.

Persis, "But Henry is not here!?"

Leon, "That's true, but he can speak to him!"

Pit, "Let's go set it up then?", Leon nodded yes.

Leon was positioning it, while Pit was searching for something else.

Persis was too confused about what they were doing and didn't interrupt them to ask about what they were doing. Persis also knew he couldn't see anything either.

Persis said quietly to himself, "Why?", looking to the sky as Eta and Ignos were going at each other.

That was when Rhea got out with a sniper in her hands and panting after making it there.

Meanwhile, just after the female demon teleported along with Henry, He was in Hell, or at least a place like Hell. It was at the core of the planet.

The female demon, "My apologies for bringing you here. We were not in a good position, and she was thinking whilst bowing after the apology, "And also because he told me to take you away from the scene!"

She continued, "For doing that, I will entertain you till things have calmed down over there!"

Henry wasn't too pleased hearing reason and felt she was too cocky.

Henry, "I do not have time for this. *sigh* either way, I, Henry, accept your challenge!"

The demon, "I, Hydrina, will entertain you!"

Then a force field formed around them from the roof. Inside the force field were Henry, Hydrina and 7 platforms of land in lava.

Hydrina, "I give my horns!"

Henry, "I give my other leg!", he wasn't too pleased to say it.

Then a code language formed in spirals Hydrina's horns and Henry's right leg.

Then Hydrina rushed in for the kill.

Henry, "I couldn't ask for a better battlefield. I already won this!"

Henry raised his right index finger, summoning a spike formed from molten lava that impaled Hydrina, causing her to ignite and suffer a fiery demise.

Henry, "And you brought him here to buy some time for him? That's something I never thought of demons scared of humans!"

Hydrina was crying in pain as the lava was burning her into ashes.

Henry, "Ironic, Isn't Demon born from Hell which possibly is hotter than lava dies in lava!"

Hydrina was casting an illusion that was her burning to death while she was behind Henry the whole time.

Hydrina, "Certainly, that would be ironic if we could die in it, but I don't see that happening", Henry turned around and realised she was the one playing him.

The competition of all the Reins will be in the second half of the volume!

_allan_creators' thoughts