



Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 213 Danzo's Meeting With Hanzo Was Ridiculed

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The two split up and Qian Yue came to the mission department.

"Find out some missions and commissions from the Land of Rain and the Land of Iron."

"OK, just a second."

The people in the mission department took out the dossiers and began to select the missions. Soon, the missions and commissions of the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Iron were selected.

Qian Yue began to choose.

Relatively speaking, the Land of Rain has very few missions, but the Land of Iron has many missions and entrustments.

Most of them are escort missions, escorting caravans to the Iron Country.

The person in the mission department said with a cigarette in his mouth:

"Because the Hanzo from Rain Shinobi Village led people to attack the Iron Country, the number of escort missions to the Iron Country has increased a lot recently. This entrustment pays well. If you are interested, you can follow it."

"Let me see."

Qian Yue opened the scroll and checked it.

The content of the commission is to escort a caravan transporting food and medicine to the Iron Country. The food is bought by the way, and medicine is currently the most scarce commodity in the Iron Country.

It seems that the impact of the war on the Iron Kingdom is not small, and Hanzo made these warriors suffer a lot.

There is still a time limit.

Looking at the terms of the commission, Qian Yue narrowed his eyes.

The task reward is a bit high.

Undoubtedly, Qian Yue's heart was moved.

Although he is not so short of money, who would think that he has too much money.

An A-level task has a reward of up to two million. According to the percentage, as the team leader Jōnin, he can get close to one million taels.

But is an A-level mission really worth spending so much money?

You must know that the difficulty of the task is related to the reward, and you can't look at the level of the task on the surface. Some C-level tasks may have higher rewards than B-level tasks.


"Is there a problem with this mission?"

"It should be listed as an S-level task."

Qian Yue looked at the people in the mission department.

There is a problem with this task hierarchy.

"Such escort missions should not be classified as A-level missions, because there is a possibility that there will be no battle with the enemy.

But if a battle breaks out, it will become an S-level difficulty.

After Mr. Hokage's decision, it was finally set as an A-level task. "

"It's even possible to run into the demigod Hanzo, right?"

Qian Yue took over the conversation.

It became an A-level mission, not an S-level task, because if you were lucky, you would be able to reach the Iron Country without even breaking out in battle.

and bad luck

Chances are you'll be targeted by enemies from Rain Shinobi Village, or maybe even Hanzo the Big Boss himself.

Since Rain Shinobi Village is attacking the Iron Country, Hanzo would not want to see any supplies enter the Iron Country, especially medical supplies to save lives.

The people in the task department showed an expression that I couldn't help it.

Qian Yue smiled and said:

"This task is a bit interesting. It turned out to be ordered from the task department, not directly assigned by Hokage."

Konoha's missions and entrustments are divided into two types. The first is to select and accept them in the mission department.

The second is to be assigned by the Hokage office to assign some special tasks to a suitable team to perform.

Usually, tasks that have reached level A and level S are mostly assigned by the Hokage office to suitable people, and at least a small number of high-level tasks will be sent to the task department.

After lighting up the cigarette, the staff from the mission department took a deep breath:

"This task has been hung up for several days, and there is no suitable person to accept it."

"Why don't you think about it?"

Isn't this nonsense?


Qian Yue was speechless, because of the war, except for those with special positions in the village, most of the remaining Jōnin went to the front line.

Not many Jōnin remained in the village.

And the standard for accepting this task requires Jōnin to lead the team.

How many people who can become Jōnin are stupid?

It is clear that there is a high probability of bumping into Hanzo, the demigod, and the reward is high, but the reward is high and you have to spend money.

Besides, it's not a task assigned by the village, who the hell has nothing to do to try their luck, betting that they won't collide with Hanzo.

The war with Rain Shinobi Village is just over, and Jōnin of Konoha doesn't know how terrible Hanzo is.

This directly led to the fact that this high-paying task was hung up for several days and still no one took it.

Third Hokage didn't assign a team to carry it out either, because Danzo had already left the village and was on his way to the Land of Iron, maybe he was negotiating with Hanzo Lache.

At this time, assign a team to deliver supplies to the Iron Kingdom. Once they are hit, it may cause the negotiation to break down.

That's why Third Hokage delegated this task to the task department.

Because he knew that even if he let it go, the Jōnin in the village would basically not touch this task.

Those who are capable will not perform this task, and those who are not capable are afraid of bumping into Hanzo. They have a life to make money, but a life to spend money.

"I'll think it over."

Qian Yue did not take this task hastily, but left the task department. Anyway, there are many suitable tasks, so there is no need to worry.

"Oh, what a pity."

Looking at the back of Qian Yue going away, the uncle of the mission department sighed, this mission seems to be suspended.

If the remuneration is high, someone must execute it, otherwise the high remuneration is useless.

Having said that, why didn't Lord Hokage directly assign such a task to a suitable team to perform it?

I just hope that in the end it won't be randomly thrown to a small team.

It would be bad luck for this team if they ran into Hanzo Tut Tut.

The Land of Iron, the chaotic battlefield area, Hanzo and Danzo met, and both sides brought many people.

Danzo, in particular, brought almost all of the roots.


Obviously he didn't trust Hanzo, and was worried that Hanzo would suddenly attack him.

For Danzo, who is ambitious and spares his life, pomp is not important, the important thing is not to have any accidents.

Asking his subordinates to wait in the distance, Hanzo didn't pay attention to Gen's people at all. He walked up alone, glanced at Danzo whose head and shoulders were wrapped in bandages, and said with a sneer:

"It seems that the old lady Chiyo hurt you very badly."

A flash of resentment flashed in his playful left eye, and Danzo kept a cold face.

"It seems that the failure of the war has made you lose your fighting spirit as a demigod, and you have reduced yourself to making fun of other people's crippled bodies."


Hanzo sneered:

"Okay, who are you and I, I know in my heart, don't talk about these useless things, what do you want to do with this old man."

Danzo came to find himself absolutely uneasy and kind.

Thinking of the defeat in the war, Konoha's contempt, and the blasted gate of Rain Shinobi Village, Hanzo's gas masked face twitched a few times, and his tone towards Danzo became more and more cold.

"I want to discuss cooperation with you."

Danzo did not mention the tasks given by the village. For him, the tasks of the village are not as important as his own personal interests.

"Ha ha ha ha"

After being stunned for a moment, Hanzo couldn't stop laughing.

"Cooperation? If the old man's guess is correct, you Danzo is probably here on behalf of Konoha, asking the old man to retreat and give up attacking the country of iron."

You Konoha's little thoughts, how can I not know about Hanzo?

Talking about cooperation is simply a joke.

Hanzo's laughter was extraordinarily harsh, at least it sounded harsh to Danzo.

"That is a matter of the village, and has nothing to do with the old man personally."

Danzo admitted that the village gave him such a task, but he also clearly told Hanzo, I will not take this task seriously, and I came to you this time for an individual, not for the village.

Do you think the old man will believe you?

It's just too deceiving! !



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Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 214 A Disagreement Makes Hanzo Murder

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The old man wanted to start a war against the country of grass, and you, Konoha, jumped up and made all kinds of troubles, which eventually led to the outbreak of war.

Now that the old man chooses to bow his head and wait for someone to negotiate, it is better for you, Konoha, to send a Tsunade over directly.

It is clear that I look down on the old man.

After being rejected, directly bomb the city wall and use Rain Shinobi Village to force the old man to start a negotiation.

The old man still gave in.

But for the sake of the village and the land of rain, they had to launch another war to plunder the land of iron.

At this time, you Konoha jumped out to point fingers, do you really think I Hanzo has no temper?

"Cooperation is unnecessary. I can't climb Konoha Shinobi Village. As for the war in the Iron Kingdom, it is a grievance between my Rain Country and the Iron Country, and has nothing to do with you, Konoha."

Hanzo didn't want to listen to Danzo's nonsense at all.

Regardless of whether you represent the village or an individual, I, Hanzo, have no interest in talking to you.

Don't come to me if you're interested.

I'm in a hurry, and I, Hanzo, are not easy to mess with.

You, Konoha, don't regret any ridiculous actions you make at that time.

This Hanzo is simply unreasonable!

Danzo's face was livid with anger, and before he even had time to speak, Hanzo let himself go, never giving himself a chance to convince him.

"Hanzo, could it be that you want to be my enemy, Konoha?"

Since you don't want to talk about it, don't blame me for using the village to oppress you.

As soon as he took two steps, Hanzo stopped, and slowly sent his clenched fist, groped towards his back, and stared back at Danzo:

"Are you threatening the old man?"

If it's Third Hokage who said that, it's fine, why are you Danzo?

Just because of your status as assistant to Hokage?

What are you.

No, there is evil spirit!

Hanzo wanted to attack himself.

Hanzo's cold gaze full of murderous intent swept over him, Danzo's heart skipped a beat, and he backed away subconsciously.

"Master Danzo, be careful."


Seeing that Hanzo was ready to kill, the ninjas at the root hurried forward to protect Danzo, and the rest surrounded Hanzo.

"Hanzo, are you threatening the old man?"

Danzo was so angry.

Hanzo sneered:

"You are only allowed to threaten the old man, but not you? It seems that the old man has a high opinion of you, Danzo, the root of the leaves."

"Stop him!"

Seeing that Hanzo's hand had grasped the handle of the sickle, Danzo's pupils shrank and he quickly backed away.

He knew that Hanzo really wanted to kill him, not to scare himself or threaten himself, but really wanted to kill him.

Damn Hanzo!

Cursing inwardly, Danzo backed away quickly, he didn't want to put himself in danger.

After experiencing being surrounded by thousands of generations, Danzo became particularly resentful of his life, not daring to make fun of his own life.

The subordinates can still be cultivated after they die, but if their own lives are lost, there is nothing left.


Danzo didn't forget to say harsh words while running away, which made Hanzo especially disdainful.

Thanks to you, Danzo is still a high-level person in Konoha, he is simply a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death, even worse than Sannin.

Sannin can at least fight back and fight to the death, but you Danzo will only run for your life.

"Protect Danzo-sama!!"

Hanzo turned his face when he said that he turned his face, and the people at the root quickly surrounded him.

The remaining few left quickly with Danzo, they couldn't let Danzo face the threat.

"Protect Lord Hanzo!!"

The battle was about to break out, and the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village also rushed up.


Hearing the screams coming from behind, Danzo trembled with anger.

But he can't stay. Now that he lost one eye and one hand, he is half disabled, his strength has been weakened a lot, and he is no match for Hanzo at all.

If you don't run and stay and fight, it will definitely be him, Danzo.

"Danzo, you coward, do you just leave your subordinates and run for your life?"

The madman! !

Danzo would never have imagined that Hanzo's mentality would burst just because of his words.


Overpowering others is what Danzo likes to do, and this habit was also cultivated in the village.

It's a pity that what Danzo didn't realize was that because of the war with Konoha, the defeat in the war, and Qian Yue's persecution, Hanzo was particularly sensitive to his tone and attitude in this regard.

Danzo wanted to overwhelm him, but he was throwing a stone at his own instep, which instantly enraged Hanzo.

"Master Danzo, run, he is chasing you."

Root's ninjas defiantly intercepted Hanzo just to give Danzo time and a chance to escape.


The more this is the case, the more Danzo wants to start his recovery plan as soon as possible. He is really fed up with his body that has declined due to injuries.

What would happen if you shot Danzo?

He would undoubtedly offend Konoha, but Hanzo still made a move. He wanted to keep Danzo, and he didn't bother to think about the consequences.

It's a pity that Gen's ninjas intercepted bravely, and finally Danzo ran away, leaving only corpses on the ground.

Despite heavy casualties, Gen's ninjas stopped Hanzo, allowing Danzo to escape.

With the assistance of Gen's ninja, Danzo returned to the village as quickly as possible.

"Danzo, you"

Looking at Danzo, who was furious, pushed open the office door and rushed in, in a mess, Third Hokage was stunned.

Didn't you go to the Iron Country to negotiate with Hanzo?

Back so soon?

He also made himself so embarrassed.

It looks like negotiations have broken down, otherwise Danzo wouldn't be doing what it is.

Even though he already guessed the answer in his heart, Third Hokage still tried to ask.

"Danzo, have the negotiations failed?"

"He never gave me a chance to talk!! This lunatic!!"

Regardless of his own image, Danzo cursed loudly:

"Don't give the old man a chance to speak, and don't fear the threat of my Konoha, this Hanzo is simply crazy."

If you are an individual, you have to give Konoha face?

I'm afraid not necessarily, there are many people who don't sell Konoha's face.

Hanzo is just one of them.

"This is really not good news."

Third Hokage frowned deeply, and things turned to the side he was afraid of.


The peace negotiations failed, and how to deal with the affairs of the Iron Country was enough for him to have a headache.

Hanzo obviously didn't want to deal with Konoha, let alone choose to retreat because of Konoha.

Most importantly, Konoha was slapped in the face.

With the help of Konoha Hokage, the head of the five great ninja villages, he went to negotiate with the leader of a small village, but he was chased and killed by the other party all the way, and he returned in a panic.

This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Konoha.

Bang bang.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura who got the news rushed over as quickly as possible.

When they saw the embarrassed Danzo, the two knew that something was wrong.

Not only did the negotiation fail to solve the problem, but it caused a lot of trouble for himself.

"what happened?"

Utatane Koharu looked at Danzo, seeing Danzo's gloomy face and not speaking, Third Hokage sighed:

"Hanzo is unwilling to negotiate with us, he feels that Konoha is bullying others, other Hanzos and Rain Shinobi Village."

As he spoke, Third Hokage simply told the story.

Whether it's true or not, who knows, that's what Danzo told him anyway.

"Hanzo is so bold that he doesn't take Konoha seriously. Hiruzen, we can't just let it go, otherwise other small countries will not take Konoha seriously in the future."

This place must be found, not only to find the place, but also to teach Hanzo a lesson.

Otherwise, how will Konoha live in the Five Great Ninja Village in the future?

If there is one, there are two, and other small countries and small villages follow the example of Rain Shinobi Village?

"I know."

Third Hokage is also in a bad mood:

"The question is how to deal with this matter!"

The best way to teach a village a lesson is to start a war.

Can Konoha start a war?


Experienced the war with Rain Shinobi Village, and is currently fighting with Sand Shinobi Village.

Seeing that Sand Shinobi Village is losing ground, and the hope of victory is just around the corner, Konoha said that it is impossible to start a war against Rain Shinobi Village.

Besides, the peace instrument has only just been signed.

To start a war on the back foot, isn't this a slap in the face?



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Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 215 Comparable To Hatake Sakumo Is Lori Qian Yue

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Third Hokage is also worried about one thing, that is, if Hanzo is pushed into a hurry, will Hanzo do something crazy?

For example, joining Sand Shinobi Village and resisting Konoha with Sand Shinobi Village is not a situation he wants to see.

When people are cornered, they do crazy things.

As soon as the words came out, both Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura fell silent.

It is impossible to start a war, the situation does not allow it, and it is impossible for Konoha to fight another war with Rain Shinobi Village for this matter.

But besides war, is there any other way to solve the problem?

"I'm afraid we need to send someone to contact Hanzo."

After a long time, Mitokado Homura spoke.

"Send who?" Third Hokage looked up.


Mitokado Homura was taken aback.

This seems to be a problem. If you want to contact Hanzo again, at least the people you send should not be too weak.

Otherwise, Hanzo will only be angered again, and the consequences may be worse than Danzo.

Danzo at least has someone with roots to help him resist Hanzo and hold him back.

But with other people, there are not so many loyal and fearless subordinates.

Konoha could not afford such a loss.

"How about calling Hatake Sakumo back?"

After thinking about it, Utatane Koharu thought of a suitable candidate, that is Hatake Sakumo, who is called Mu Ye Baiya.

The older generation does not move, and among the new generation, the most powerful must be Hatake Sakumo.

The Kawa no Kuni battlefield can continue to gain advantages because Hatake Sakumo killed a large number of enemies and dragged Third Kazekage to death.

"Suo Mao can't leave."

The war is at its most critical moment. As long as you work hard, you may be able to force Sand Shinobi Village to surrender in a short time.

Transferring Hatake Sakumo away at this time is undoubtedly giving the enemy time to breathe.

Third Hokage did not accept the offer.


"Lori Qian Yue! Let him go."

Although he was not reconciled and did not deal with Qian Yue, Danzo had to admit that Qian Yue was the one who, apart from Hatake Sakumo, dared to face Hanzo directly, and could even force Hanzo to give in.

Even Hatake Sakumo is not as good as him.

The reason why Hanzo dared to attack him was because Danzo's strength was not as good as before.

When Hatake Sakumo couldn't be transferred, it would be no problem to send Qian Yue there, right?

Hearing Qian Yue's name, Third Hokage frowned.

He remembered that Qian Yue had rejected the task he assigned before, and now that he was assigned again, would Qian Yue accept it?

"No matter what, he, Lori Qian Yue, is always a member of our Konoha, a member of Konoha, and he should also contribute at this time."

There must be a suitable reason, otherwise Qian Yue will definitely refuse again.

Last time is the best proof.

"let me consider it."

Third Hokage thought about it and didn't refuse, but he didn't agree either.

The three of Utatane Koharu knew it was stable after seeing it.

With Third Hokage's character, as long as he didn't refuse on the spot, he would most likely accept their proposal.

"I need you to support me and give me the remaining Chakra metal, as well as some important instruments and equipment."

"Are you crazy?"

Utatane Koharu's eyes widened, and the wrinkles on his face were smoothed out.

She can't believe Danzo is still thinking about Chakra metal, didn't you take a lot last time?

Why do you want it again.

I haven't added it yet. In case Third Hokage needs to use this thing one day, but the logistics department doesn't have it, investigate it, and they will be finished.

Otherwise, they will cause a whole lot of trouble.

"I need these things, you don't need to help me, but no matter what happens in the future, I will not help you again."

They are all a bunch of snakes and rats, and they have done some shady things. Everyone knows that if you don't help me now, but when you have a problem, don't expect me to help you.


Utatane Koharu was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Mitokado Homura smiled helplessly:

"Danzo, why do you have to Chakra metal, can't other things?"


"The rest of the Chakra metal really can't move, or something will happen."

"If Hiruzen finds out, maybe it will involve some previous things. By then, you, me, and Koharu may all be taken down. Do you want to see this situation?"

If there is too much involvement, if there is a problem with one link, the whole system will be thrown.

Danzo knows this truth well.

After thinking for a while, he said to Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura:

"Then let's collect some from the three of us. Don't refuse. I know you have deducted a lot without permission. If you still don't agree, we will go to the Hokage office to confront Sarutobi."

Your uncle! !

Utatane Koharu was speechless angrily, and Mitokado Homura's face was also dark.

Where is your Shimura clan going?

You have the nerve to talk about us, you are simply shameless.

The two families who eat the most are the Shimura and Sarutobi families.

"Okay, okay."

Utatane Koharu laughed angrily:

"You Danzo is fine, I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you, but this is the last time, we won't help you again in the future, don't think there will be a next time, otherwise we will confront Hiruzen."

Danzo didn't care about that at all.

He believed that Utatane Koharu would help him after his anger subsided.

Everyone is a rotten root under a tree. Once dug out, none of them can escape. Their crimes are enough for them to be deprived of their positions and rights, and they will be imprisoned for a lifetime.

At that time, Third Hokage was lenient to them, and there would be countless people jumping out to trample them to death.

He believes Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura are afraid to take the risk.

"Send things to the roots as soon as possible, I need them urgently."

After speaking, Danzo walked past the two and left directly.

Utatane Koharu trembled with anger, pointed at Danzo, and said angrily:

"Look, look, it's lawless!!"

Mitokado Homura smiled wryly.

What's the use of you yelling at me? It's not something we're used to.

"Boom boom boom!!"

"Come in."


Third Hokage, who was worrying, calmed down.

The office door opened, Minato walked into Hokage's office, and bowed to Third Hokage.

"It's Minato, what do you want from me?"

Seeing that it was Minato, Third Hokage showed a kind smile and looked at Minato with satisfaction.

Minato smiled, and said with some embarrassment:

"Master Hokage, Qian Yue intends to take the team out for a walk. I have nothing to do while staying in the village. I have been practicing something wrong recently, so I want to go out for a walk with Qian Yue. It's just a way to relax. Please, Master Hokage, approve."


Third Hokage didn't expect that Qian Yue planned to lead the team out of the village.

So asked:

"Where does this kid Qian Yue plan to take the team to carry out the mission?"

"It seems to be the country of rain and the country of iron. He said that he wants the people in the team to realize the danger of the ninja world and the cruelty of war. I don't know what tasks they will take on."

As long as Qian Yue accepts the mission, Third Hokage will know that Minato has nothing to hide.

The Land of Rain and the Land of Iron?

Minato looked at Third Hokage anxiously, hoping that he would grant his request.

Third Hokage thought for a moment, then smiled and said:

"In that case, the old man approves, but first you tell Qian Yue to come to Hokage's office, I have some matters to discuss with him."

"As soon as possible."

"Okay, Hokage-sama."

The request to leave the village was granted, and Minato happily left.

"Find me?"

Qian Yue didn't expect that it would be so easy for Minato to apply to leave the village, but what did Third Hokage ask him for? Is it because of the safety of Hyuga's ringtone?

It's a bit of a fuss.

Even if you know that Hyuga Lingyin is from the Hyuga clan, who can snatch her away from Qian Yue?

"Did you say why you came to me?"

Do you think I might know about such a thing?

Minato gave Qian Yue a look that you can understand, and Qian Yue smiled immediately: "What use are you for!"

"Screw you."



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Hokage: Was Chased By Kushina At The Beginning










Chapter 216 Questioning Third Hokage, Directly Applying For Retirement

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Minato slapped him with a smile:

"Go quickly, maybe Master Hokage is looking for you, and there may be a special task for you."

"I'm afraid when I hear about special missions. I'm sure nothing good will happen."

After complaining, Qian Yue waved his hand and walked towards the Hokage office building.

As Qian Yue said, as long as you hear the word special mission, nothing good will happen.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in."

Opening the door, Qian Yue walked into Hokage's office:

"Master Hokage."

Third Hokage closed the file he was looking at and looked up at Qian Yue:

"I heard from the watermen that you decided to take the team to the Land of Rain and the Land of Iron to carry out missions?"


Qian Yue nodded.

"I haven't decided which direction to go in yet. I need to think about what task to take, because there is Hyuga Ringtone in the team, so there are more things to consider."

"Although the people in the Hyuga clan have always been very protective, I think the flowers and plants grown in the greenhouse will not be able to withstand the wind and rain after all. Take them out for a walk."

"You have a good idea. Without going through some things, these children cannot be alone."

Third Hokage agrees with Qian Yue:

"In this case, I have a task here, I hope you can take this task and complete it."

"What mission?"

Qian Yue confessed very straightforwardly:

"Hokage-sama, if it's a mission about Hanzo, then I forgive you."



You refused before I even said it?

Third Hokage was stunned for a moment, speechless:

"Can you tell me why?

This task is very important to the village. You are also a member of the village. Don't you want to work for the village? "

"Master Hokage, what does this mean?"

Qian Yue reacted violently, blushing, and shouted angrily:

"If I'm not willing to serve the village, why am I working so hard to carry out the task?"

"If I don't want to serve the village, why should I go to the front line and enter the battlefield to kill the enemy?"

"If I don't want to work for the village, why would I threaten Hanzo to bomb Rain Shinobi Village?"

"If I don't want to work for the village, why would I become a mentor Jōnin, leading newcomers to grow?"

"Master Hokage said something like that to me, won't your conscience hurt?"

Qian Yue's voice was so loud that it almost spread out of Hokage's office, and even the people in the aisle outside could hear it.

Everyone looked at Hokage's office in astonishment, not understanding what happened inside.

The atmosphere was a little off, and Anbu's people wanted to enter Hokage's office to stop Qian Yue.

But when I thought about it wrong, Qian Yue didn't do anything she shouldn't have done, she just made her voice a little louder.

Besides, since some sensitive issues are involved, it's best for the people from Anbu not to show up.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Third Hokage was overwhelmed by Qian Yue's series of questioning,

He just asked casually, but Qian Yue's reaction was so big, and a series of questions were thrown, which made Third Hokage a little confused.

"Then what does Hokage-sama mean?"

Qian Yue was unreasonable, and his voice became more and more excited:

"Accepting the entrustment of the village and performing tasks does not count as serving the village?

Going to the front line to kill the enemy, and fighting the enemy desperately, doesn't count as serving the village?

Becoming a guide Jōnin, leading newcomers to grow, doesn't count as serving the village? "

"Then I would like to ask Master Hokage, what does it mean to serve the village?"


"The village asked me to perform tasks, and I performed the tasks. The village asked me to go to the battlefield, and I went to the battlefield.

The village asked me to bring new people, I became the guide Jōnin,

Am I not serving the village? "

"The one who just went in seems to be Lori Qian Yue, right?"

"It's him, that young but powerful brat. It is said that both Third Kazekage and Hanzo fell for his tricks."

"Why did he quarrel with Master Hokage?"

"Who knows, you shouldn't inquire, don't inquire."

The people in the corridor were discussing in low voices, and it was not until they were warned by Anbu's people that they restrained their Eight Trigrams and did things obediently.

It's just that everyone pricked up their ears to eavesdrop on the voice coming from Hokage's office.

"Qian Yue, don't get excited, this old man didn't mean that."

Third Hokage hurriedly explained embarrassingly:

"I am very pleased that you went to fight for the village to kill the enemy. I just hope that you can take on this task."


The more Qian Yue said, the more excited she became:

"Others are the heroes of the village when they go to battle to kill the enemy, but I, Lori Qian Yue, serve the village and go to battle to kill the enemy, but I am unknown."

"That's all. In the name of protecting me, I was left in the village and let me be the guide Jōnin. I would like to ask Mr. Hokage, I am still a child, how can I lead three children to grow up?"

"Three children, one from Uchiha, one from Hyuga, and a member of the main clan, are making a mess of the team atmosphere!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking."

Third Hokage head as big as a bucket,

He was really afraid that Qian Yue would say something next, could it be that the village targeted Uchiha, even me, Lori Qian Yue?

Third Hokage believed that Qian Yue knew about the village's actions because he had such a good relationship with Tsunade.

Tsunade will definitely not hide this kind of thing from Qian Yue.

"Since Master Hokage is unwilling to believe me and trust me, then I, Lori Qian Yue, choose to retire from today, and I will no longer be a ninja of the village.

I'm tired, I don't want to be targeted for Uchiha anymore, I just want to be a normal person. "

"Retirement application, I will send it to the office in another day, and the team will have to trouble Master Hokage to find someone to take my place."


"No, the old man didn't mean that"

Qian Yue opened the door and left, Third Hokage was completely stunned.

And those who were eavesdropping were also dumbfounded, what happened?

If there is a disagreement, he will retire and live an ordinary life.

Was it targeted because of Uchiha?

A group of people who don't know why they eat melons look at me and I look at you, and they don't understand what happened in Hokage's office.

Lori Qian Yue is going to retire?

This is not a joke, is it?

All applications are ready.

Ninjas can apply for retirement. For example, some ninjas can't bear the psychological pressure of killing, or for other reasons, and then write an application and send it to the Hokage office.

After the application is approved, the ninja identity certificate can be canceled and become an ordinary person.

Whether you mean it or not, anyway, you bunch of shameless old bastards are targeting me, so I'll beat you up first.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I doing?

Third Hokage didn't react for a long time.

"Qian Yue, what task did Lord Hokage give you?"

When Qian Yue came back, Minato came up to him, but Qian Yue pushed his face away:

"There are no special missions, but there is a scapegoat. Do you want to carry it?"


what happened?

Where did the black pot come from?

"It just so happens that your literary talents are relatively good. Help me write a retirement application, and I can hand it in to Hokage's office tomorrow."

"What application for retirement?"

Minato felt that his brain was not enough.



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Chapter 217 Rather Than Being Morally Kidnapped By Others, Kidnap Others First

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Walking into the bedroom, Qian Yue took out the paper and pen, slapped them on the table, pulled Minato over, and sat down on the chair:

"You can start now, just write something straightforward, which is a normal ninja retirement application."

"Are you crazy?"

Minato stood up abruptly.


What a joke.

Others have psychological problems or physical disabilities and have to retire.

You Lori Qian Yue are doing well, what to write to apply for retirement.

"Yeah, I'm just crazy."

Qian Yue grinned.

Don't you old guys like to do things secretly?

Well, I'll show my cards and I won't play with you.

Just turn the table over, and talk about any problems openly!

I see that you are idle and have nothing to do every day, and you like to make troubles.

"Suppress me when doing meritorious service, and come to me again and again when you need it. If you don't accept the task, you just don't want to work for the village.

That being the case, then I apply for retirement, this ninja does not matter. "

"All kinds of surveillance, overt and covert, all kinds of tossing, as long as you have something to do with Uchiha, no matter how much credit you have made, no matter how much contribution you have made, you will be targeted."

"I'm going to find Master Hokage."

Minato finally understood why Qian Yue wanted to retire. No one could stand being bullied so hard by the top management.

It would be fine if Qian Yue returned to Uchiha.

But he didn't, and that's it, and he was constantly targeted.

The means are a bit harsh and excessive.

"Sit down, finish writing the application for retirement first, and then do whatever you want after finishing writing."

"Get me up!"

"Where's my stick?"


In the end, Little Sun, who was threatened by Qian Yue with force, sat down aggrievedly, and reluctantly helped Qian Yue write a retirement application.

Minato never dreamed that one day he would write this stuff, and he would write it for his best friend.

This feeling sucks.


After finishing writing, Minato dropped the pen and ran away, fearing that Qian Yue would catch him and prevent him from leaving.

Will Qian Yue catch Minato?

Of course not. Instead, he hoped that Minato would act as a loudspeaker to spread the news.

It's best for the whole village, and even the entire ninja world to know about it.

We'll see how Third Hokage ends then.

With unnecessary crimes, he suppressed the geniuses and heroes of the village, forcing the other party to choose to retire and leave his ninja status.

If this kind of thing gets out, there is no need to doubt it. If the higher-ups want to stink, it will still be rotten.

"Captain, are we ready to go out?"

Seeing Qian Yue, Jian Shui was very excited. He had long been looking forward to the day when he would leave the village and perform high-level tasks.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to be disappointed.

Qian Yue patted him on the shoulder regretfully:

"Sorry, Jian Shui, I'm afraid I can't take you on the mission anymore. I came to you to tell you that Hokage-sama will choose another guide, Jōnin, to guide you."


The smile on his face froze instantly, Jian Shui scratched his head, neither crying nor laughing:

"Captain, don't make such a joke, it's not fun."

"I'm not joking. I'm about to retire. I'll work hard in the future. I'm still looking for Suzune and Liangjing. See you again when I have a chance."


The captain is retiring?


When Uchiha Liangjing heard the news, he was stupid, retired?

what's going on.

"Captain, may I know why you want to retire?"

Hyuga Lingyin also expects Qian Yue to take them out of the village, out of the country of fire, to see the vast world and dangerous enemies outside.

But before the opportunity came, we waited for the news that Qian Yue was about to retire.

Hyuga Suzune felt like his brain was going to explode.

"Is it important?"

"Very important."

Hyuga Suzune nodded seriously.

"Probably because I was tired, I was so busy, I did all kinds of meritorious service for the village, and in the end I was implicated and targeted for some ridiculous reasons.


So I chose to retire and let Hokage-sama continue against Uchiha, I'm tired. "

"Even if you change the captain, you still have to work hard. Only strength is the foundation of your own safety."

Touching Hyuga Lingyin's head, Qian Yue smiled and turned to leave.

Did you have to retire because you were targeted?

As a member of Hyuga's main family, Hyuga Suzune knows something about the village's higher-ups against Uchiha, she is not stupid and sweet who doesn't understand anything.

The high-level targets Uchiha, and Qian Yue has Uchiha's blood, although he did not return to Uchiha.

It was also implicated.

"Do you need me to send someone to help you organize your things?"

The daughter has been looking forward to leaving the village to perform tasks, and has been looking forward to it at home.

Qian Yue came to find Hyuga's ring tone, which made the elder Hyuga think that her daughter was about to leave the village and go outside to perform a mission.

"My lord father."

After Hyuga Suzune bowed and said hello, she shook her head slightly:

"There is no need to prepare anymore. The captain plans to retire and stop being a ninja."

"Well, it's okay to retire, after retirement"

Elder Hyuga took the words subconsciously, but realized something was wrong as soon as the words came out, his eyes widened, causing the white pupils to dilate, and his voice was raised several degrees:

"Retired? Is this true?"


It was the first time for Hyuga Suzune to see his father lose his composure. He nodded and replied:

"Yes, that's what the captain said. Because of Uchiha's relationship, I was targeted. I'm a little disappointed, so I chose to retire."


What the hell are you doing to be targeted until you retire?

About these things, Hyuga Grand Elder knows more than his daughter Hyuga Suzune.

He just didn't expect Qian Yue's reaction to be so intense, wasn't he fine before?

How come it bounced back.

Could it be that Hokage-sama has intensified his efforts again?


In Hyuga's view, although Qian Yue has Uchiha's blood, his repeated refusal to return to Uchiha means that he and Uchiha are not on the same side.

Worthier than Uchiha's people.

Is this a blunt killing of the genius of the village?


Seeing his father shaking his head and sighing, Hyuga asked in a low voice:

"Father, is it true what the captain said?"

"Kids, don't ask questions."

Elder Hyuga stared and reprimanded:

"Since Lori Qian Yue has chosen to retire, it means that the team will be disbanded. You should stay at home and practice Gentle Fist."

"Yes, my lord father."

Hyuga Suzune didn't dare to ask more questions, and obediently nodded in agreement.

"Where did the teacher go?"

Minato was in a hurry. He originally wanted to go to Third Hokage, but then cut off the idea and decided to go to Jiraiya first.

Compared to him, Jiraiya can speak.

He goes to Third Hokage, and it hardly does anything.

Why does it have to be like this?

Aren't you afraid that everyone will be chilled?

Minato still doesn't understand why the top management must target Uchiha.

It must be aimed at Qian Yue, who has the blood of Uchiha. Is power really so important?

I searched all the familiar places, but unfortunately I couldn't find any trace of Jiraiya.

Minato was in a hurry, so he had to go to the hospital.

In the ward where Nawaki was recuperating, Orochimaru was holding a book and pointing Nawaki on some questions about receiving and releasing ninjutsu. Minato pushed open the door and rushed in.

The loud sound of the door opening startled Nawaki.

"Minato, what are you doing, don't you know that patients need a quiet environment to recuperate?"

"Are you deliberately against me?"

Orochimaru rarely took time to give him a lesson, Nawaki was listening attentively, but was startled by Minato.

"Take a break!"

Minato swears anxiously, and has no intention of answering Nawaki, and asks Orochimaru:

"Senior Orochimaru, do you know where Teacher Jiraiya is? I have something urgent to find him, very urgent."


Orochimaru put the book away and thought about it:

"It should be in some places where children can't go. After the leak of the old man's telescope Technique, sheds have been added to the hot spring pools in the village. He can't peep, and basically changed to have fun."

"Is there anything you can do with him?"



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Chapter 218 Jiraiya Was Fooled Again, And Orochimaru Pointed It Out

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"Jiraiya is the same, nothing has changed."

Nawaki looked contemptuous.

Minato was speechless, patted his forehead and smiled wryly:

"It's a little troublesome, I went to the Hokage office building in the morning to apply for going out, and I plan to go out with Qian Yue to perform a mission.

Master Hokage said that there was a special task for Qian Yue and asked Qian Yue to go to the Hokage office building. "

"Hello Minato!!"

Before Minato could finish speaking, Nawaki yelled:

"You actually want to abandon me and leave the village with Qian Yue, you don't show loyalty!!"

"To shut up!!"

It's already messy enough, what are you still talking about?

Minato stared at Nawaki with a straight face.


Nawaki was silent for a moment, looked at Minato in astonishment, and thought to himself:

Little Sun took the wrong medicine today?

The smell of gunpowder is so strong.

It seems that something interesting happened, the old man and Mr. Qian Yue?

Nawaki fell silent, and Minato continued:

"After Qian Yue came back, he asked me to write an application for him. He is going to retire and stop being a ninja."


The smile on Orochimaru's face faltered slightly.

Nawaki was stunned, ignoring the injuries on his body, and sat up from the hospital bed:

"Hiss~~ Pain Pain Pain!!

This bastard Qian Yue actually wants to retire, what did Master Hokage say to him? "

"Because Master Hokage questioned Qian Yue why he was unwilling to contribute to the village, Qian Yue, who has been targeted, was very disappointed, so he wanted to retire."

"Stop talking, I'll go find Teacher Jiraiya."


Minato rushed out of the ward and ran towards some areas of Konoha where children were not allowed to go.


Nawaki was in a hurry, and wanted to ask Third Hokage himself why he did this.

However, he was injured and couldn't move at all, so he could only look at Orochimaru for help.

Orochimaru smiled slightly:

"I'll go to the old man and ask, you just need to rest in peace, I'll send a message to Tsunade."

"Then please, teacher."

With a wave of his hand, Orochimaru left the ward and closed the door gently.

It seems that the old man has done some good things again, otherwise he would not have retired Qian Yueqi's choice.

If Tsunade knew the news, he would definitely be furious.

"It seems to be getting more and more interesting."

Orochimaru didn't go to the Hokage office building immediately, but went around to the Ministry of Intelligence.

"I need to send some information to Tsunade, you guys prepare a Ninja Hawk."

"Yes, Master Orochimaru!"

The people from the intelligence department didn't dare to ask more questions, put away the scroll handed by Orochimaru, and released Ninjahawk.

Ninja Hawk flew into the sky and headed towards the direction of Kawano Country.

After doing this, Orochimaru walked slowly towards the Hokage office building.

Unfortunately, just not far from the Hokage office building, I met Jiraiya, who smelled of alcohol and had a few lipstick marks on his neck.

Seeing Orochimaru, Jiraiya's eyes lit up, and he walked up quickly, complaining:

"Orochimaru, what do you think the old man is doing? The current situation in the village is already chaotic enough, why is he still adding to the chaos?"

"You don't know the thoughts of a few old guys?"

Orochimaru smiled disdainfully.


Jiraiya paused, smiled bitterly and said:

"I hope this incident won't become a big issue. Once it becomes a big issue, it will definitely affect the morale of the frontline positions. By the way, Tsunade doesn't know yet, right?"

"I just sent her a message."



Jiraiya jumped up and couldn't believe what Orochimaru said.

Has he messaged Tsunade already?

Once Tsunade finds out about this, he will definitely be furious, and maybe he will come back to the village immediately.

Do you Orochimaru think things are not big enough?

Jiraiya was so angry that she almost had a heart attack, pointing at Orochimaru speechless.

Orochimaru sneered:

"Since there is going to be a fight, let's make it bigger and let everyone know that some people's ugly faces are now Mr. Qian Yue, and maybe it will be you and me in the future."

"No, the old man certainly won't do this!"

Jiraiya trusts Third Hokage, he believes that Third Hokage will not do this to him and Orochimaru.

"I didn't believe it before, but unfortunately after experiencing the war in the Kingdom of Rain, I realized that people can change."


Jiraiya was speechless to refute.

The two came to the Hokage office building, and Jiraiya hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Jiraiya and Orochimaru, Third Hokage knew that trouble was coming.

"Old man, what's going on with you? Don't tell me you want to force this kid Qian Yue out of the village so you're willing?"

"The old man didn't mean that."

Third Hokage had a gloomy face, and argued:

"Besides, I am not the one who asked Qian Yue to perform this special task."

The suggestion you made, now that things are getting bigger, of course you have to take the blame.

Things can't be hidden, and since they can't be hidden, then you have to pick yourself out first.

Hokage targeting his own people is different from elders targeting his own people.

The former will make a big fuss if you are not careful, but the latter

No pain, no itching, easy to subside.

"Even if it's not you, it's you who sit back and watch them mess around!"

Jiraiya's angry voice was raised several degrees, and Orochimaru stood with his arms folded and watched the show.

He found the play very interesting.

"What is the special task that Qian Yue must go to complete?"


"Negotiate with Hanzo on behalf of the village to let Rain Shinobi Village leave the Iron Country to end the war. Danzo has already been there, but Hanzo has been chasing him all the way. Anbu and Gen have lost a lot of people."

Third Hokage sighed, picked up the pipe and lit the fire, took two deep puffs of the cigarette:

"Everything we do is for the sake of the village."

"As a neutral country, the Iron Country is being attacked by Rain Shinobi Village ninjas headed by Hanzo, and Konoha must not just sit idly by.

But because of the defeat in the war, Hanzo hated us Konoha, so the negotiation broke down. "

Bringing the problem to the village level can easily appease Jiraiya, which is the usual method of Third Hokage.

This move works well against both Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Even if they get angry again, Jiraiya and Tsunade will choose to give in for the sake of the village.

If not, after hearing what Third Hokage said, Jiraiya fell silent with a bitter look on her face.

A bunch of words that I wanted to say for Qian Yue got stuck in my throat.

Everything is for the village, and the interests of the village are obviously more important than personal issues.

"I remember Tsunade mentioned that Hanzo hated Konoha because the village didn't send someone with the same status to negotiate after the war, which led to Hanzo's hatred."

Just when Jiraiya was about to be persuaded, Orochimaru said something leisurely.

"Cough cough cough!!"

As soon as these words came out, Third Hokage choked heavily, coughed, and tears flowed out.

Jiraiya stared at Third Hokage with wide eyes, are you fooling me?

"Old man, Jiraiya, Tsunade and I fought desperately on the Rain Country battlefield, and we were dubbed Sannin as an unwarranted and humiliating title. Please don't use Hanzo's excuses."

Third Hokage blocked Jiraiya with other matters, Orochimaru had no objection and would not intervene.

But when Third Hokage blocked Jiraiya with Hanzo, Orochimaru couldn't stand it anymore.

Good job, old man! !

Jiraiya was so angry that she patted the table hard:

"Hanzo's hatred for the village is clearly caused by the negotiations.

Qian Yue was the one who persecuted Hanzo.

Now that it's useless if Danzo goes, what do you think Qian Yue can do if he goes?

Force Hanzo to give in again? "

"Aren't you afraid to force Hanzo to the enemy's side?"

"I remember Qian Yue has already refused to accept this task?"



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Chapter 219 Public Opinion Swept Konoha, The Elders Panicked

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So the previous reason is not valid!

Jiraiya wondered what kind of explanation Third Hokage would give him.

It's a pity that Third Hokage didn't respond, but smoked in silence.

"Ha ha."

Orochimaru knew it was unlikely to go the way Jiraiya wanted.

So he left a meaningful laugh and left Hokage's office first.


Exhaling heavily, Jiraiya rubbed his dizzy head, waved his hands and said:

"Forget it, anyway, you are Hokage, you have the final say, you can talk to you slowly when Tsunade comes back, I can't convince you."

"You informed Tsunade?"

Third Hokage stood up in shock.

Sure enough, Tsunade still has to step in to get it done?

Jiraiya laughed self-deprecatingly:

"It was Orochimaru who informed me, it has nothing to do with me.

If it's okay, then I'll leave first, I'm so dizzy, go back to sleep, rest for a few days and have to go to the front line. "


Third Hokage felt like he was backstabbed from Orochimaru.


When he walked to the door, Jiraiya turned his head and smiled innocently, raised his hand and scratched his head, and said in a pleading tone:

"Old man, if someone wants to target me, please stop me more, I'm your disciple, you can't leave me alone."

Jiraiya was angry, otherwise she wouldn't have taunted in this way.

Helpless, what's the use of mocking?

He can't change Third Hokage's decision at all, maybe Tsunade can.


That's all, let Tsunade make trouble, it's good to have someone to make trouble.

Orochimaru is right, some people do go too far.

By picking himself out, Third Hokage is no doubt telling Jiraiya and Orochimaru that this is what the others meant.

Danzo or the Board of Elders, and he was the one who was persuaded.

Since I have nothing to do with you, nor can I persuade you to change your mind, then I can only let Tsunade make trouble, I hope you will not be pissed off.

Tsunade can't take it out on Third Hokage, but the rest of them just wait and get fired.

Danzo, Utatane Koharu and others don't know that they have been sold by Third Hokage.

When Tsunade returns to the village to make trouble, maybe they will be a little confused.

The news spread quickly, and not long after, almost everyone in the circle got the news.

Many people were surprised by Qian Yue's decision to retire.

In their view, Qian Yue is a rare talent in the village, with strong strength and a certain background.

The future certainly holds promise.

As a result, he was tossed so abruptly that he was about to retire.

How much of this is unknown?

For a while, many people looked at Uchiha.

Knowing that Uchiha was confusedly involved, the old Uchiha patriarch, who was already old and had reached the point of exhaustion, almost didn't recite it in one breath.

Many people are wondering what happened in Hokage's office.

Why did Qian Yue question Third Hokage so angrily, and chose to retire in a rage, preferring to be an ordinary person rather than going through these things again.

"Hiruzen, what are the rumors outside? You just let them argue like this?"

As soon as they got the news, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura rushed to Hokage's office.

Some people have already discussed that Qian Yue was forced to retire because of a disagreement with the members of the elders.

Listen, what does this say?

They suppressed Qian Yue and prevented Qian Yue from standing too high, which would threaten their rights.

But they didn't let Qian Yue retire.

"The old man just did it according to your suggestion."

Third Hokage replied lightly.


These are all suggestions from you, and I followed them.

Now that something happened, you still come to ask me what's going on?


Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura didn't know what Third Hokage and Qian Yue said.

They thought it was because of suppressing Qian Yue that Qian Yue began to rebound and this result was caused.

"Then Lori Qian Yue simply doesn't know what is good or bad. Everything we do is for the sake of the village."

Utatane Koharu turned his gun and asked:

"Then why don't you control it, look at the people outside who are arguing about this matter, saying that we forced Lori Qian Yue to retire and got involved with Uchiha."


Taking a puff of smoke, Third Hokage put on an old face:

"How to control? People in the entire Hokage office building can hear Qian Yue questioning me, how do you ask me to control public opinion?"

"If I really do this, then the fact of forcing Lori Qian Yue to retire will be confirmed!"

Are you two confused?

This kind of thing also wants to control public opinion, relying on public opinion to calm down, this is simply throwing a stone at one's own feet.

"I will personally explain this matter, and the announcement is ready to be released. I believe the villagers will understand us. We are just for the sake of the village, not trying to force Qian Yue to retire."

After hearing what Third Hokage said, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura looked much better.

As long as Third Hokage comes forward to explain and post the announcement, it is equivalent to clarifying.

In addition, Third Hokage personally came forward, which is tantamount to guaranteeing that this kind of thing will not happen.

Everyone will know then that this was just a misunderstanding.

"This kid is a bit resentful because he was left in the village to become the mentor of Jōnin. You guys have restrained yourself recently."

"By the way, what is Danzo doing?"

This happened, Danzo himself was involved, and he didn't respond?

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Third Hokage coughed, "Come in."

"Master Hokage."


I'll talk about it later.

Third Hokage cast a look at the two of them.

"Cast iron, has the style of the weapon been finalized? When will it start to be built?"

"The weapon mold has been made, just"

Cast Iron looked a little embarrassed, and secretly glanced at Mitokado Homura, hesitant to speak.

Third Hokage frowned slightly, couldn't he say something in front of the two elders?

It's just for you to build a good Chakra weapon, it's not something shameful, why are you so secretive.

What do you see me doing?

Mitokado Homura, who was drinking tea, glanced at the cast iron and didn't pay much attention.

Utatane Koharu said displeasedly:

"Cast iron, just say what you have to say. Is there any secret in the village that Homura and I cannot know?"

Cast Iron smiled wryly:

"Master Hokage, the Chakra weapon you ordered to cast has already been molded, but there is no way to make it due to lack of materials."

Chakra weapons?

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura thought, no way.

Sarutobi wants to create Chakra weapons?

not good!

The pupils of the two shrank, and they stood up in shock.

The tea cup in Mitokado Homura's hand was even knocked over on the table, and the tea flowed down the table.

There's something wrong with the two of you.

Is there something you are hiding from me?

Third Hokage rushed ahead of the two and said in a deep voice:

"Why no materials?

It's just a Chakra weapon, and doesn't use much Chakra metal. "

It's over.

Third Hokage obviously sensed something was wrong, so he didn't give them a chance to speak.



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Chapter 220 Why Should We Take The Blame For What Danzo Did?

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Utatane Koharu sneaked a glance at Mitokado Homura, Mitokado Homura sighed and shook his head at her.

The meaning is obvious. Don't hide things that cannot be concealed, otherwise it will lead to even bigger troubles.

"I asked my disciples to go to the logistics department to get the Chakra metal, but the people in the logistics department said that the Chakra metal stored in the village is running out and cannot be used to make weapons."

"how can that be!!"

Third Hokage couldn't sit still.

He remembered that there was a lot of Chakra metal in the village, and these Chakra metals were bought from outside at a high price.

To create a weapon, you only need to add a part of Chakra metal.

Not much at all.

After all, not everyone is called Senju Tobirama, who can use Chakra metal to build a Blade of the Thunder Spirit.

In the end, it was given to Qian Yue by Tsunade.

So the question is, where is the Chakra metal in the logistics department?

Taking a deep look at the two elders who bowed their heads in silence, Third Hokage knew what the problem was, forced out an ugly smile, and said to Cast Iron:

"You go back and rest first, I will send someone to deliver the Chakra metal, you just wait to start casting."


Cast Iron obediently left Hokage's office.

The smile on Third Hokage's face, which was uglier than crying, disappeared, and an old face was gloomy and scary:

"Koharu, Homura, is there something you want to tell me?"

One batch of Chakra Metal, and that's it! ! !

The logistics department is basically managed by Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

Chakra metals are gone, the problem must be with them.

Mitokado Homura smiled wryly, wanted to confess, but opened his mouth but found that he didn't know how to speak.


Third Hokage's face became darker and darker, and the anger in his heart burned, and the eyes he looked at Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura became more and more terrifying.

"Hiruzen, you don't have to stare at us like that. This matter has nothing to do with us. You can ask Danzo yourself. He took the things. We didn't know about it afterwards."

Why should we take the blame for what Danzo did?

Flying separately in the face of disaster, selling Danzo decisively at such a time is the most correct choice.

They don't sell Danzo, and it's only them who will end up with the worst luck.


Third Hokage clenched his fists and controlled his shortness of breath:

"Go get Danzo to meet me."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

Anbu's people appeared in Hokage's office, then left quietly to inform Danzo.

Hiruzen looked annoyed.

This is a good thing that Danzo did by himself and has nothing to do with us. We will persuade him after Hiruzen's anger is gone.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura made eye contact.

Anyway, Danzo and the others are determined to sell Danzo to protect themselves, and then intercede for Danzo afterwards.

Not long after, Danzo came to Hokage's office slowly with a walking stick.

"Sarutobi, what do you want from me?

If there is nothing important, don't bother me, the root has suffered heavy losses, and personnel replacement is in progress. "

Mentioning this, Danzo gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

Everyone in these families didn't know what was good or bad, so he asked Danzo to seek help, but in the end, no one ignored him, and they were unwilling to put the family members to the root.

Although most of the root people are cultivated by orphans, but can orphans compare with ninjas from various families?

Danzo has been staring at the Konoha families for a long time, especially Uchiha and Hyuga.

However, Third Hokage did not allow him to do so.

As a last resort, Danzo could only focus on those small and medium families.


Unfortunately, they were all rejected.

He was worrying about this matter, and suffered heavy losses in this wave, but Third Hokage refused to give him a lot of help on the grounds of excessive war losses.

Without the full support of Third Hokage, it would have been difficult for Root to recover.

"Let's not talk about the roots."

When Third Hokage heard this, his mood became even worse.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura on the side are also speechless.

What's your non-blind eye, Danzo, for, a blowhole?

Can't see Hiruzen's ugly face?

convinced you.

"Can you explain why the Chakra metal from the logistics department was taken away?"


Only then did Danzo react, subconsciously looking at Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

The private taking of Chakra metal was discovered, why didn't you two inform me in advance.

It's a pity that Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura sold him decisively, keeping their heads down as if they didn't see it.

It's up to you, Danzo, to explain it yourself.

Nothing to do with us.


Third Hokage slapped the table and roared:

"Do you know how much money the village spent on so much Chakra metal, and how many old faces I put on, to buy it back?"

"You want to build a Chakra weapon for everyone in Root?"

People in Anbu don't have this qualification, what are you thinking, Danzo?

The preciousness of Chakra metal is self-evident, but what makes Third Hokage angry is not the preciousness of money and things, but that Danzo transferred things away without telling himself.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, as insiders, also kept him from it.


The three teamed up to hide themselves.

Well done.

Third Hokage feels like a puppet Hokage.

I gave you your rights, but in the end you did good deeds without telling me, isn't that a little too much?

Didn't Sarutobi Hiruzen take me seriously?

"I took the stuff."

Now that it has been discovered, sophistry is useless, otherwise it will only make Third Hokage more angry.

Danzo admitted frankly that he took the things.

"What about the Chakra metal? Don't tell me, you're all weaponized."

Third Hokage sneered.

Well done to you Danzo! Well done!

Facing Third Hokage's ridicule, Danzo calmly said:

"I originally wanted to give the Chakra metal to Orochimaru, who is a hero of the village and has made countless military exploits for the village.

I took part of the Chakra metal after I learned that he wanted to give his disciple Nawaki a good weapon. "

"To Orochimaru?"

Third Hokage laughed angrily.

Orochimaru is the hero of the village, and he has made great military exploits for the village. That's right, Third Hokage didn't say that.

Besides, Orochimaru is still his disciple, so it's okay to give Orochimaru some Chakra metal as a reward.

But is this what Third Hokage values?

Because he ordered someone to build the Chakra ninja knife, isn't it also for Orochimaru, and then asked Orochimaru to give it to Nawaki?

The results of it.

Not a hair left!

Besides, who gave you Danzo the right to mobilize supplies from the logistics department?



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