
MMORPG: Vampire Lord's Level-UP!

READ THIS: You think this novel hasn't been updated for months? WRONG! I've been making significant changes from the early chapters. For now, here's my periodic update progress: Last Update: November 9, 2023 Chapters: 16 of 139 Chapters Words: +21,000 of 150,000 Words *** UPDATE 04-Dec-2023: I mean, yeah, you practically right :v I'll just add all the fuckin chapter once I've done them in once. That should be good and yet idk when. *** Instead of the cliché plot of a poor, pitiful, and powerless dude dying due to their incompetence, then coming back to the past and attempting to change their fate through a game that once altered the world—yes, they are in the story—but that's not just where the main plot lies. Meet Anubis, the Crown of the Vampire Lord. His emergence in this peculiar world raises countless question marks and uncertainties. His existence is peculiar; he was never programmed to be part of the story, or even to exist in The Last Fantasy game world itself. Yet, here he stands, defying fate! Through his extraordinary presence, he captivates the attention of all; players, NPCs, GMs, and even those who proudly embody the concepts of regressors, reincarnators, rebirth, and divine powers. Along his vast and unguided journey, he encounters countless anomalies. Confronted by beings who claim not to belong to this realm, each with their own goals and threats. Ultimately, it is Anubis who will raise the curtain, inviting those who assert their ownership of this world, and unveiling the true purpose of his existence and the enigmatic secrets that lie within.

Pithecantrophus · Games
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141 Chs

Humbly Read This First Before Reading My Novel, pls?

Hey there, it's the Author speaking! First of all, apologies for interrupting your smooth reading experience. And, you know, feel free to give me a virtual slap, but remember, I'm not into that M stuff – I'm more of an armpit aficionado.

Cutting to the chase, starting from September 1, 2023, I, as the writer of this novel, have decided to give this story a nearly (yes, almost) complete makeover from a different perspective. I truly believe this move will make your understanding of the tale two times, no, three times better, or even more than before.

Some of the arcs (events, occurrences) within certain chapters that I haven't edited yet will still remain relevant to the story. For instance, the XY incident on timeline H will still happen, but after the full revision, you'll experience it from an "AS" perspective instead of the original "XY."

Of course, there will be additions and differences in details and plot, and honestly, I'm pretty excited about this revision because I'm quite confident in the plot I'm bringing to the table. Yeah, this novel isn't famous; it's ranked lower than the lowest, but who cares. I failed the 1st MGS, and I'll do the same for the Second (because of this revision), and while other sex-rate18 novels are reaching a thousand unlocks and having all sorts of features, good for them! I'll focus on my own novel to make it better.

As usual, I won't be updating the revision arcs per chapter, but rather when I deem it's the climax of the ongoing arc – unless I miss it. I also HIGHLY DISCOURAGE reading (buying) beyond locked chapter 115 - until this notification is gone. You can read it and see this world from a different perspective, but I can't guarantee its quality. However, you can always revisit that chapter later when I update it with the new perspective, so it's no biggie.

Ah the list of arcs that I have rewritten would appeared in the: Auxiliary Chapter - Major Revision Update! and I'll delete that chapter and re-released it so to you know in the update notification!