
Mmorpg: Unity

The world has final reached a point where technology is so advanced, that it will become indistinguishable from magic. Jion Shaka as travels the world of Unity and becomes the Solar systems most powerful being. Then one day the war broke and everything change our Mmorpg became real!

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
76 Chs


The festivities carried on until early morning, it was still dark thou. The streets were silent not even the rats ventured out. The witching hour was looking at the three friends hobble home. The rest of the village seemed to be completely asleep even the wind moved slowly through the street. The only people present being Shaka, Sea, and Nala.

A sudden sword stabs at Sea, by a shadow of a man. He had jumped up and struck at Sea's chest. The strike silent and deadly even Shaka was caught unawares. The man was wearing a dark cloak that covered most of his body from sight down to his grimy boots. It was hard to make out any specific details. His arm and sword all also appeared as a single entity. He had come from around the corner suddenly. His action swift and calculated hitting his target. Be it luck or lack of knowledge about Centaurs, The yet to be identified man had aimed at the "heart" in the chest of Sea's human half. It was a severe injury however Sea had a birth defect that placed his heart in the center of his chest.

[Centaurs have two hearts in their whole body, one in each of its chests. The heart in the human half is more like a loose collection of veins and arteries used to filter the blood of impurities. The Real heart in the bottom half of his body was for pumping blood throughout the whole body.]

Shaka reacted by swinging his spear as soon as his spear fully materialized about a half-second after the strike had landed. The man had yet to even hit the floor when Shaka's spear landed in the assailant's stomach. Shaka stabbed at him again each attack felt unusually light. The man also had not cried out in pain, in fact, it looked like has completely unhurt by the attacks. Shaka called out to Nala, she was moving towards Sea presumably to check on his condition. Get him out of here I will handle this guy and meet you back at base hurry!

Sea had had the shock of his life, he had not felt a weapon like that before it was warm like a person hard as steel. The pain was nothing new he was frozen just by how fast the whole thing happened. His eyes darting all over the man looking for a clue towards his identity. If this week had taught him anything it was: know thy enemy. Shakas's voice had helped him move also, the fact that Nala was able to react faster than him, brothered him a bit but in the moment he did not care.

Nala grabbed Sea by the hand and run into the main street towards Paige's house where they had planned to crash tonight. They were pretty fast and they had not tried to raise the alarm because she wanted to call Paige's men who are more organized than the local militia. They would be back in a minute or so she was not too worried as she knew Shaka could handle himself. Sea was the one she had to get to safety and help she thought he must be very lucky to still be running after being stabbed in the heart. Nala and Shaka had attributed to Sea's healing factor, not that the man has missed his target.

Shaka and the man were battling, the man did not respond to any verbal provocation Shaka had used. He thought to himself this guy is smarter than he looks I might not be able to get information from him this way. As the fight went on the man's style was very basic he was not taking the fight serious or that's how Shaka saw it. Then another thought hit him what if he is not alone. Shit! I am going to kill this guy. Shaka's attacks became more violent and the speed also increased. He landed moe and more blows yet the man was unphased as if he was not taking any damage at all. Then to Shaka's shock, all the wounds healed even the man's clothing went back to normal. What the hell is this guy?

I thought maybe the church had sent an assassin but I have never heard of anything like this before, even our people take some damage even our best healers cant repair their clothes at the same time. Shaka reached into his bag and pulled out a light moss. [A MOSS THAT GROWS IN THE SWAMPS OF AZI USED FOR LIGHT UNDERWATER]. He through it onto the wall it lit the street a bit better allowing him to get a clear view of his opponent. Fully draped in black his face was not covered and it was also unfamiliar to Shaka.

Shaka went all-in attacking the name man's head he managed to get in a clear hit half into the head of the man with his spear. The man still swang at him with his sword as his head fixed itself. Shaka from that moment knew exactly what he was fighting this no man it was a...

Nala banged on the door of the Commander's house, she was sleeping inside. When she got to the door and saw the wound Sea had on his chest she asked them what the hell happened. Nala said there is no time for that Shaka is fighting the guy in the street off Duncan avenue [main road]. We need to go and gather some of your men to help Shaka fight that man.

Paige immediately formulated her plan, Nala you stay here and tend to Seas wounds as long as your here you will be safe so please wait for me. I will go gather the men to help Shaka, as commander the safety of this town is also one of my responsibilities. Being as experienced as she is she went towards Shaka first as soon as she arrived behind. She blew a horn the whole town was roused, the local militia begun locking down the town. Her men split into groups to go to their assigned posts during an emergency.

Some went to all the prominent members of the town, houses, including the chief to bluster his royal guard. They also had men take over the local command structures to better control the situations. patrols groups were set up and one of those patrols groups moved towards the horn that Paige had blown not thirty seconds ago.

Shaka had also moved into a passive fight style only meant to occupy the man when he saw Paige, he attacked more aggressively as a countermeasure in case the man decided to run. He told that this not a man but a shapeshifter and from the looks of it has been raised by people. [A normal shapeshifter would have been shifting with every attack. It is one of the most difficult creatures to kill before they are fully mature as the brain is constantly moving around the body.]

We have to capture it somehow, I want that monster it can be extremely useful to me especially since it won't talk I might as use it for experimentation. NO! the creature shouted...[Shaka] finally a reaction so it can talk at least. Let's see how far we can push it. Shaka pressed right up to the creature, who sent you? Tell me or die?

Me die you can barely hurt me give us that centaur or die, the monster said with a crooked smile.

Shaka said since you guys are a group what can you possibly do with Centaur his just a colt, nothing special about him? If you are hungry there is plenty of food available you do not need to resort to murder.

Stupid man you know nothing, the boss wants that colt and He will get him and now that I have your attention it should be much easier for my brothers and sisters to take him. Fools you have been tricked. I will leave with this warning do not follow us or else we will also have to kill you all. We can not be stopped you don't even know who we are do not test our patience we will only rest when you are all dead. The monster suddenly grew wings and flew away into the from right in front of Shaka without so much as a fight.

The sky filled with five more figures, one of them being Sea they flew towards the south. It took four shapeshifters to lift him. Paige tried to form a party to chase immediately, only at the behest of Shaka did they go to the house to see what had happened to Nala. Shaka said they can't get very anyway even if all five are working the most they can take is twenty kilometers we will be leaving once we are ready.

Paige raced with Shaka on her back, many of the soldiers gave Shaka the stink eye when they saw him on Paige's back. When they got back to the house Nala was getting up from what appeared to be an unconscious state. Shaka made sure she was not really hurt before asking to explain what happened here. She explained that the patrol that had arrived were all shapeshifters they fought as best as they could however they were overwhelmed and they took Sea.

Dis any of them say anything to you guys before they attacked, they are intelligent enough to plan around us so are you sure they did not drop a tidbit of information we can use to figure out who they are? Shaka is in need of formation the most dangerous aspect of this whole thing was that he still did not know who was after Sea, and the fact they would still attack even after he back home means they are confident in their abilities.

Nala apologized sighting that they barley spoke before they attacked it all happened so fast SHka do you think that Sea will be okay. Shaka replied truthfully I really hope so he is smart enough to know that we are coming for him some as long as he does not cause them too much trouble it should be easier to deliver him alive. It is up to us to get to him before they deliver him.

Commander Paige, please bring only the war band of one hundred we will move out as soon as everyone arrives if you are agreeable with that.[ she nodded]. Good Nala please follow me to my carriage I need to give this.

At the carriage, Shaka told her about the bows that he had made for Sea and Nala also how they function in conjunction with one another. She received her and thanked him. He grabbed his Devouring spear and awaited the arrival of the men.

Being a small professional army meant it only took them about thirty minutes to assemble and get ready to move out. Shaka passed out instructions on the structure of the group each member also carried a beads as proof of identification. Shaka would be fooled by shapeshifters, he also increased the groups to be ten per squad leader he then gave them each a passphrase they had to use it every time they meet up with him even in the middle of a fight or he would kill them. Since shapeshifters are rare, to begin with, he was hoping that they didn't have many more. The trackers were already working as the War band sent off towards the direction of the shapeshifters.

The party was fully clad in armor leather armor. They moved together like a snake through the grasslands stopping for nothing, shaka was at the back the party. He knew they would attract all kinds of monsters as they moved through the grassland he was making a killing off the monster killing bring him a step closer to his goal.

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