
Hider's Leather Armor

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


At the moment Xiao Ling cast the Repellent Ring, Fei Yu's Heal also fell on him. He did not expect it, if truth be told. He had held on for two seconds before casting the spell, but if he knew that she could heal him in time, he would have held on for one more second.

Anyhow, the spell pushed the maggots away. Xiao Ling carefully adjusted his position, so that the ring pushed most of them into a narrow space surrounded by raised rocks.

Although spells like Repellent Ring were very useful, it was extremely difficult to control where the enemy would bounce to. So, when Luan Ying and Yu Xue saw him manage to push those maggots into the narrow space accurately, they could not help but shout, "Excellent!", for they knew few in the entire server could have such precise control. If Xiao Ling could perform like this every time, there would be no problem for him in joining some strong teams or guilds when he reached level 30 to 40.

Four more seconds passed as the little maggots scrambled out of the narrow space. Xiao Ling ran backward and killed the maggots closest to him, and when he saw the Force Blast's cooldown get completed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He did not cast the spell immediately, however, but took his time to search for the right position.

He waited patiently, and when all the maggots came within five yards of him...

Force Blast!

With a bam, all the remaining little maggots were killed in an instant.

At that moment, shafts of white light burst out of Xiao Ling's body and his stats went back to their maximum levels. The rich experience from killing the monsters had gained Yu Xue, Luan Ying, Fei Yu, and him each one level.

Xiao Ling added all 5 stat points to his intellect without hesitation.

Luan Ying and Yu Xue breathed a sigh of relief while Xiao Ling wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. It was really a close call!

When Fei Yu, who was standing to the side, saw Xiao Ling walk over to them safely, she finally put her mind at ease. She was very worried about him just now.

The three men smiled at each other, then Luan Ying and Yu Xue rushed over and circled the culprit of the accident, the maggot king, and showered it with their skills.

Under the attack of Xiao Ling, Luan Ying, and Yu Xue, the maggot king's health soon bottomed out.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Xiao Ling managed to achieve three critical hits in a row, each with a higher damage value than the other. Moreover, the last one actually reached 370, showing signs of exceeding 400. That had shocked Luan Ying and Yu Xue once again, and made them consider whether they should even play as a full-agility rogue or a full-strength druid.

Under the three critical hits, the maggot king finally fell to the ground.

Xiao Ling was pleasantly surprised when he saw his experience rise by another 30%. He did not expect to level up so quickly.

Meanwhile, Luan Ying picked up the items dropped on the floor by the maggot king: they were a pair of gloves and a dagger.

He tried to identify them with common identification scrolls but failed. Suspecting that they might be Epic items, he took out identification scrolls for Epic items and tried again. Immediately, the two items in his hand burst into a dazzling purple light. "We found something amazing!" he cried out in surprise.

Xiao Ling glanced at the items' attributes.

Magic Cloth Gloves

3 - 6 Armor

+9 Intellect

+2 Agility

+10 Mana

Requires Level 10

Dragonfang Blade

13 - 31 Damage

+2 Attack Speed

+5 Strength

+3 Agility

Requires Level 10

The pair of gloves could be used by all spellcasters, and it was better than the ones that Fei Yu and Xiao Ling were wearing. As for the dagger, it clearly belonged to Luan Ying.

Xiao Ling thought for a moment and then said, "I give up." Although he was not a gentleman, he could never allow himself to fight for an item with such a delicate and lovely girl as Fei Yu.

"This won't do," Yu Xue rejected that. "Xiao Yu has taken the Amulet of the Redmoon, and together with this Dragonfang Blade, the three of us have taken two items. If we were to take this item, it would mean that you got nothing at all. Our conscience will smite us."

"Indeed!" Luan Ying chimed in. "As we are a team, the three of us often find some good items. But, you are different, brother Xiao. You always grind alone, and it will be very difficult for you to kill those high-level Bosses. You'd better take this pair of gloves."

Fei Yu also tucked at his sleeve and said with a hint of supplication, "Just take it, brother Xiao!"

Looking at her shy face, Xiao Ling smiled and said, "All right." Since they insisted for him to take it, it would likely leave a knot in their hearts if he refused.

Luan Ying said, "According to the market price, a Dragonfang Blade is about 100 gold coins, and a pair of Magic Cloth Gloves is about 70 gold coins."

"Well, you can just give us 20 gold coins," said Yu Xue.

Xiao Ling nodded, then transferred 20 gold coins to Luan Ying and put away the gloves. Suddenly, he remembered he had a suit of Rare rogue leather armor. He wondered how its was quality compared to the one Luan Ying was wearing now. "I have a Rare rogue leather armor, but I'm not sure if you can use it or not."

"Oh?" Luan Ying's ears pricked up as soon as he heard that there was a rogue-class item. "Show me!"

Xiao Ling took out the leather armor and passed it to Luan Ying.

Hider's Leather Armor

13 - 23 Armor

+5 Strength

+3 Agility

Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 2%.

Luan Ying's eyes lit up when he saw the item. "Can you sell this leather armor to us?"

"Sure!" Xiao Ling had planned to sell the armor when he returned to town, but since Luan Ying could use it, he might as well sell it to him.

After calculating silently for a while, Luan Ying said, "According to my estimation, this leather armor should worth around 180 gold coins."

"180 gold coins?" Xiao Ling's eyes grew wide. "Why is it so expensive?" No matter how he looked at it, he could not find anything unusual about the armor.

"Well, rogues are a class focused on speed and dodging, and its uniqueness is the high dodge chance," explained Luan Ying. "Take me, a level-8 rogue, as an example. My dodge chance is about 7%. Dodging is very useful in combat, so any rogue equipment that can increase dodge chance on the market is very expensive. A low-grade Common, Uncommon, or Rare equipment that adds 1% to dodge chance will cost at least 30 extra gold coins, and 100 extra coins for 2%. Moreover, the other attributes of this leather armor are pretty good as well, actually being better than most Epic equipment. That's why it's so expensive. I should be able to wear it until level 20 or 30."