
MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

[Creating Pumpkinmancer Class: Confirm?] Pro VR Gamer Jack O’Neil died as tragically as he lived: betrayed, then eaten by ducks! Luckily, fate gave him a second chance when he found himself coming back to the past. Watch as he makes his return as a Ranker, even stronger than before! This time he aims to become number one and clear all regrets from his previous life. He will right all wrongs and wrong all rights! — Eh…what?! To all the Players and NPCs of the gaming world of ‘INFINITE’: F … ⎧ᴿᴵᴾ⎫ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Welcome to Rise of The PP: Pumpkins & Chaos It’s huge! That’s what she said as she saw the massive…undead army! This is a tale of a beautiful friendship between a kind young man and his many peculiar undead summons. So what if a few in-game realms end up being destroyed? *Shrug* ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ——Attention may Contain—— - Amazing PP (Peerless Pumpkinmancer) - Badass MC (Shows people his PP Class) - Awesome Gaming world (INFINITE!!!) - Bullied NPCs (PP hard to handle) - NPC Waifus (2D becoming 3D!) - Magic (PP Magic is best magic) - Multiverse (PP across worlds!) - 100% sane friends (Officially) - Guild Wars (PP VS guilds!) - Scorned beauties (No BS!) - Taming (Cool travel pets!) - Secrets (PP finding stuff!) - Pumpkins (Spooky!) - R18 tag (?!?) - Much more! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ----More chaps when this becomes popular ---- Release rate: 1 Chapter/day 2 Chapters/day top 100 3 Chapters/day top 50 Official Discord: https://discord.gg/dV5DVyhj57 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

ClasslessAscension · Games
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412 Chs

Undead Trial!

Darkness as the eye could see, only darkness. This place felt like Thanatos's Death Realm but apparently was a prison. Yet there was no prisoner in sight…

[Trial of the Undead Lord Graham Activating!] 

[Giving up or death will result in failure!] 

  A trial? Trials were always an incredible opportunity…as long as one didn't push himself too far. Far too many heroes had fallen from trial backlash. 

— Sizzle! — 

The darkness started to distort. He couldn't see it, but he could feel it perfectly for some reason. That's when five name tags suddenly appeared. < Animated Skeleton! Lv 23!> 

"Is that it?" Jack raised a brow. Was the difficulty supposed to come from the lack of vision? 

He didn't even bother using a weapon. He happily took the things apart with his new shiny claws. They were sharp enough to dismantle the living and somewhat effective even against bones.