
7 months in development

Grave stood there and waited for a few hours standing there. For all that time, he kept a constant eye on the movement of every root. Within the next 3 hrs, there was not even a single new leaf sprouted out from the sapling but the roots were about to reach the 10th level.

Slowly roots expanded toward the 10th layer, he waited for roots to get connected to all 100 s eggs on that layer and the moment they did he rushed to the bigger canal and dug the last piece of soil connecting to the ocean to the base.

Ocean water rushed in the empty canal toward the base, filling the base land.

He had designed the base in such a way that water would come up to a certain point and then stopped till the water level decreased.

With the base ground covered in the water, he scanned the sapling as he expected. The roots stopped expanding and in a few seconds, a second leaf appeared, then slowly many small leaves started to appear on the branches.