
Mmorpg:return of strongest faction master

Earth in year 2124 A.D. was invaded by the army of hell called devil's army, humans were given power by the wargods temple to fight against them at the start humans were able to push back the devils thanks to that power. "Elysium online" a game made by god's and played by god's, the dream to ascend to godhood. But it was what gave humans power to defend against devil's or so they thought but when the devil king arrived all hopes crumbled and humans died like ants. Before dying jack used a mysterious object which reincarnated him back to earth just before apocalypse and fused with his soul making his soul so strong even gods would envy him and he also got a new ability, SOUL MANIPULATION: Effects: 1)Increase level of any skill by one using equivalent amount of soul energy. Cost: -1 level CD: none. 2) Additional skill: Soul warrior: [Create immortal soul warrior who will listen to your every command using your soul power.] 3) Extra skill: soul barrier: [your soul is heavily protected and no skill or item below tire Vl can damage it or view it's records.] How will jack use his new life and new ability? will he save earth or the whole universe ? read my novel to know the answer. ----------- 100 power stones= 1 extra chapter please support with golden tickets, power stones and comments. ----------- Every support is appreciated guys even if you don't like some things please comment.

Rj_007 · Games
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36 Chs

2. Preparations

<p>After 3 days,<br/>Jack had done all the preparations he could in these three days On the first day he cashed in all his money which was quite a sum due to his frugal nature, and then he went to the black market, as a orphan Jack knew quite a few people there from his past life and they sold some amazing product one of which was 'life serum' which improved body functions, vitality and reflexes this serum was not available for common people even if they had money but in black market he can get it with enough money, he bought 3 syringes of life serum as using too many at once can harm the body.<br/> He also got all the antique weapons in the black market as they existed for the longest on the earth, the longer the existence the more the exposure to the earth's mana and the higher the grade of the weapon. Mana existed on Earth even before the apocalypse, but it's so minute that it's almost non-existent. That's the reason for the slow evolution of Earthlings compared to other planets, but Jack knew something that not many knew, Earth has something more special that other planets.<br/><br/>Then he went to the supermarket and brought a lot of packed food and other utility items.<br/>While coming home he also ate his favourite foods and got a nice haircut. This was the first time in last three years that he could see everyone living such a care free life and ironically this was also the last time so he went all in and enjoyed the moment to the fullest.<br/><br/>On the second day, he went to the dojo after a while of talking with his master he gave his master a hint before leaving,<br/><br/>" Master I have a hunch something big is going to happen tomorrow "<br/><br/>His master just nodded and Jack left the dojo. He then went to all the places where his close once lived and gave them subtle hints.<br/><br/>On the third day, Jack brushed up his sword skills, revised his plan for future events and made note of all the powerful players from the past life he had to help, recruit or destroy.<br/><br/>At the end of all three days before sleeping Jack consumed the life serum for its best effects. He felt his stamina and strength increase each day after he woke up.<br/><br/>Finally, on the 24th of January, the news came about a massive meteor in the sky.<br/><br/>"How much will I be able to do in just 10 minutes?" Jack thought.<br/><br/> Jack was nervous while looking at all the weapons and utility items like packed food, water, medicines,binoculars, retractable ladder and a notebook he wrote about future events and important players.<br/><br/>He was on the roof of a building surrounded by many buildings at the same level of height close to each other.<br/>On the roof, there was also an archery aiming bords and a few caged animals.<br/><br/>"I don't know what title or skill I will get but I will try all I can," Jack thought.<br/>Jack knew he was not the smartest about these things but he brought all that could fit in his inventory and get skills after awakening as a player.<br/><br/>After a few minutes, a loud sound reverberated in the sky <br/><br/>[COUNCIL OF WAR GODS HAS DECIDED TO DESTROY THE PLANET EARTH AND ALL ITS BEINGS]<br/><br/>[THE DEVILS GAIN POWER BY CONSUMING LIVING BEINGS AND HAVE FOUND EARTH AS THEIR NEW TARGET]<br/><br/>[BUT ACCORDING TO THE RULES OF THE UNIVERSE YOU WILL BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO EVOLVE AND SURVIVE]<br/><br/> 364D:24H:59M:57S<br/><br/>[THIS IS THE UNIVERSAL CLOCK WHEN ALL THE COLUMNS REACH ZERO THE METEOR WILL FALL ON EARTH AND THE PLANET WILL BE DESTROYED WITH ALL ITS LIFE]<br/><br/>The universal clock was ticking like a time bomb, everyone was going insane on the internet and you could see grim looks on everyone's faces. But only one person was excited and he was our reincarnator, Jack.<br/><br/>"This is mana, a chance to evolve means this, last time it did feel oddly heavy."<br/>Jack thought of something and sat in a mediating position and started using the mana breathing technique he learnt in his last life. In the last life Jack used mana but only to empower himself and his weapon this time he will use it to attack with spells and magic.<br/>After a few minutes,<br/><br/>[WAR GODS TEMPLE OFFERS HUMANS A CHANCE TO ENTER ELYSIUM ONLINE]<br/><br/>[ELYSIUM ONLINE IS A GAME CREATED BY WAR GODS TEMPLE IN WHICH YOU CAN LEARN MANY SKILLS, LEVEL UP AND REACH GODHOOD IF YOU ARE SKILLED ENOUGH]<br/><br/>[WAR GODS TEMPLE ONLY WANTS YOUR ASSISTANCE TO DEFEAT THE DEVIL GODS APOSTLES WHO ARE TRYING TO REVIVE THE DEVIL GOD]<br/><br/>Jack continued meditation till the message was announced because he knew all of it. He opened his eyes as soon message stopped, and a new holographic screen appeared in front of Jack and everyone.<br/><br/>DO YOU WISH TO ENTER THE TUTORIAL? Y/N.<br/> You have 10:00 minutes to select.<br/>---------<br/><br/>Jack quickly pressed yes and a new message appeared.<br/>*Ding<br/>[Apprentice (0★) job has been acquired]<br/><br/>(Authority: inventory and inspection has been acquired)<br/><br/>*Ding<br/>(You are the first to be a apprentice on Earth.)<br/>[New title: Earth's pioneer has been achieved.]<br/><br/>Jack ignored it and called "inventory"<br/>A new holographic screen appeared showing twenty empty boxes.<br/>Jack used his newly acquired inspection skill on all the food, drinks, water, etc. and stored it which took 10 boxes out of 20.<br/>Then he put a few utility items, and weapons after inspecting and the inventory was filled to the brim.<br/><br/>Then he started with his weapon usage like killing the wild animals with his special weapon moves, piercing the centre of the aiming board with arrows, jumping from one building to another, and what not, He heard another few ding sounds but he ignored them and without waiting he sat in mediation position and after few minutes he heard another ding sound just before the end of allocated time.<br/><br/>0:03<br/>0:02<br/>0:01<br/><br/>Jack was standing wearing all the military stuff with as many weapons and firearms as he could fit in his pockets and backpack, but he had a doubt that his backpack and stuff outside his inventory would not be teleported with him.<br/><br/>0:00<br/><br/>[YOUR SELECTION TIME IS NOW OVER. YOU WILL NOW BE TELEPORTED TO THE TUTORIAL AREA]<br/>------</p>

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