
MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Betrayed and used, Adam Palestar was a man that dedicated ten years of his life to reach the top in the game—Mortal Online—where the strong rule and weak are abused. It was a game where a single death meant the loss of all the hard work. In the end, he died in a way that was common in this game—betrayed by his closest companions—but he never expected that to happen to him. Now, reborn and regressed back to his younger self, he has a second chance—failure is not an option.

Alekzi · Fantasy
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250 Chs

Adam Vs. Victor

After crawling through a tunnel that spanned several kilometers, Victor returned back to the surface covered in dirt and sweat.

The entrance of the hole was around five hundred meters away from the wall, and they dug for several kilometers.

It was a long and important operation, but it horribly failed.

Victor walked over to a dead-looking tree that was the only tree in sight. There were three horses and one black camel tied to the tree.

He untied his very own black camel from the branch of the tree and hopped on it to start his return journey.

At that moment, he heard some strange noises coming from the hole near him. It sounded like someone crawling.

"The guards have already caught up to me?"

Victor's eyes turned cold, and then he used his sword to kill the horses so the guards wouldn't have any means to catch up to him.

With a squeeze by the reins, the black camel started to gallop towards the looming mountains on the horizon.