
MMORPG: Phantasm Prodigy

Alex is a middle-aged man who lives in poverty. He got falsely accused as a serial killer and sentenced to death. After his execution, he regained consciousness and gained memories that he shouldn't have. He realized that he had reincarnated into Hong Dae, the CEO of the world's largest trading company which is where the world itself is a world different from his previous world. Alex tries to live his second life as Hong Dae, but after he fainted from lack of rest, he hands over the management of the Moonlight Company to Hong Dae's father, even though the ownership of the company is still in his name. Alex, who has stopped working but still earns a lot of income, is starting to get interested in a trending VRMMORPG game called Phantasm Prodigy. Are you curious about what happens next? In that case, you need to find out by yourself with reading this book. Schedule: Everyday Chapter length: 1000 to 2100 Tags: Male MC, Transmigrated Into Another World, Rich MC, VRMMORPG

Celestial_Carrot · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 16 - Royal Palace (2)

After feeling satisfied beating up the deputy commander, Valdez stood up and gave a serious look at the troops brought by the deputy commander of the Inarania royal army.

He looked at them as if he would kill them at any moment if they did the same as their deputy commander had done.

"I will tell you guys clearly about something," Valdez said as he stepped on the deputy commander's chest. "This young lady is my guest, so treat her as politely as you treat me."

Hearing orders from Valdez that sounded more like intimidation, the troops chose to just nod at Valdez's orders without saying anything since their lives were on the line.

"It's good that you understand, now take this fatty to the Head Priest in the cathedral and let that old man heal him," Valdez said as he stomped on the deputy commander's chest.

Several people from the troops approached the body of the deputy commander who seemed to be in a dying state and they rushed to carry him.

Those people went to the cathedral to meet the Head Priest, leaving Valdez and Alex with the rest of the troops.

The rest of the troops looked so scared of what would happen to them. This can happen because they already know the brutality of their crown prince from the start.

"Well, for you guys, escort us to the royal palace," Valdez said.

The rest of the troops breathed a sigh of relief that they had not faced such brutal punishment. Some of them even shed tears of joy over their safety from their brutal crown prince.

"Hey, you over there!" Valdez said as he pointed at one of the men from the rest of the troops.

"I?" the man said as cold sweat began pouring from all over his body.

"Yes, you, who else?" Valdez said as he approached the man without hesitation. "Give me your horse."

As soon as he heard Valdez's words, the man immediately handed over his horse to Valdez without saying anything. Valdez immediately got on the horse and rode it towards Alex who he knew as Abigail.

"Take my hand and get on the horse," Valdez said to Alex as he reached out his hand toward Alex.

Alex grabbed Valdez's hand and then he jumped onto the horse which suddenly made the horse they were riding startled and almost lost control.

"Phew... that was close," Valdez said as he calmed down the horse.

"Ah, damn it, I don't know how to ride a horse at all," Alex thought.

[Unlimited Knowledge (Myth) effect activated: Akashic Record]

Suddenly Alex received information about how to ride a horse. The information he got was so easy to understand and made it easy for him to understand how he could ride a horse.

[You acquired a skill: Horse Riding (Rare)]

Alex fixed his sitting position and held on to Valdez's waist.

"Hmm... I think she doing that thing earlier on a purpose," Valdez thought. "Well, whatever, let's just head toward the royal palace."

Valdez spurred his horse towards the north, followed by the rest of the troops brought by the deputy commander.

On their way to the royal palace, they saw a scorched field with traces of cracking on it. They could also see the yellow light particles scattered over the scorched field which indicated that the cause behind that scored field was some kind of powerful magic.

"Ah, I think the deputy commander brought this many troops because that half-elf is doing something crazy again," Valdez thought as he looked at a tower in the middle of the forest. "Even though she often does crazy things, she is still the most talented royal magician."

Valdez and Alex followed by the rest of the troops continued on their way toward the royal palace as if they were pretending they didn't see what they had just seen.

Not long after they left the forest, they finally arrived at the entrance gate to the territorial area of ​​Inarania.

At the entrance gate, there were already two guards where the two of them were kneeling before Valdez.

"We pay our respects towards his highness the crown prince," both of those guards said at the same time.

"You guys can stand up," Valdez said. "And don't forget to open the gate."

Both of those guardians immediately stand up and then opened the gate without saying anything or showing expression as if they were life to become the guardians of the entrance gate to the territorial area of ​​Inarania.

Valdez and Alex entered the gate followed by the rest of the troops brought by the deputy commander.

As soon as they entered the gate, they could see how busy the citizens of Inarania were. Most of them trade some daily necessities, equipment and weapons, etc.

"Ah! It's the crown prince!" a child shouted while running towards Valdez, followed by the other children behind him.

Those children showed happy faces as soon as they saw Valdez. As if they saw a hero that come back from the battlefield to protect them.

"Hello~" Valdez greeted those children with a friendly tone.

"Hi~" those children greeted Valdez back.

Those children started approaching Valdez one by one and flooded him with lots of questions.

"Hey, big brother, who's that behind you?" one of those children said as he pointed at Alex. "Your girlfriend?"

"Did you just clash swords with someone you don't know about without calculation again?" another child asked as if observing Valdez's injured body.

"Or perhaps... you just tried to challenge the demon king's army?" another child asked Valdez.

However, Valdez didn't even bother to answer those questions.

"I'm sorry guys, but I have to go now since I have something to do," Valdez said toward those children.

As soon as Valdez leave, those children looked quite sad when they were left behind by him.

"We'll head straight to the teleport device," Valdez said as he looked at the rest of the troops brought by the deputy commander.

The troops only nodded at Valdez's words, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at the teleport device that Valdez said.

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