
MMORPG: Myth Online

Aakesh was living a happy, contented life until tragedy struck his family, plunging him into deep and dark despair. That's when Myth Online, the world's first VRMMOPG, emerged without fanfare, promising players an unprecedented level of immersion and adventure. Follow Aakesh on a breath-taking adventure through the world of Myth Online, as he battles monsters, meets allies, and uncovers the dark secret that caused the tragedy. With each step, Aakesh must confront the harsh realities of life and death, love and loss, and the power of perseverance. *** Reward System: 50 GTs- +1 Chapter, 100 GTs- +2 Chapter, 200 GTs- +3 Chapter, 500 GTs- +4 Chapter, 1000 GTs- +5 Chapter. 1 Magic Castle: One Bonus Chapter on the next day, 1 Spacecraft: Two Bonus Chapters on the Next day, 1 Golden Gachapon: Theee Bonus Chapters on the Next day. The rewards would follow the pattern as said, not one additional chapter after every goal. *** The cover is taken from Pinterest. If the owner sees it, they can contact me.

pinaka_ · Games
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96 Chs

Chapter 51: Deal!

Chapter 51: Deal!

"Only time can heal you of your trauma!" The girl suddenly spoke. Recognizing her mistake of Aakesh not understanding her language, she communicated in the language of the Radison Kingdom this time.

The language of the Radison Kingdom was automatically stored in Aakesh's brain as if he had been speaking it since birth. But outside the game, he didn't understand it.

It was like installed software. The data had meaning while it was installed on the device, but once it got removed, it lost that meaning.

Aakesh raised his head and looked at the girl, only to have his heart skip a beat when he saw the beautiful smile on the girl's face.

From her seated position, the girl appeared to be taller than him. Green eyes, blond hair, and pale, wheat-colored skin described her. Her hair was tied into a small bun with a pearly ornament around it.

Aakesh, who rarely cared about the opposite gender, couldn't help but admire her. Only the introduction Apsara more beautiful than the girl in front of him.

It was only for a moment, but the girl at least made Aakesh feel great, and then the guilt overpowered every other feeling in his heart.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" The girl suddenly asked after seeing Aakesh's response.

Aakesh looked at the girl, and the next moment, his eyes trembled as the girl had the coin. Aakesh became flustered as he searched around, and when he didn't find the coin, his face turned ugly.

This time, his face turned ferocious when he looked at the girl. The coin was too important for him to care about beauty. It was only because of the coin that he even faced such a thing.

As the coin was an item belonging to the Divinity system, the trials for the coin grabbers were also different. The test completed by Manish was a straightforward battle, while he faced another one.

A blinding smile spread across the girl's face when she saw Aakesh's ferocious response.

Aakesh's face suddenly turned dumbfounded as the girl flicked the coin toward him. Even though his reaction was slow, he still caught it.

As Aakesh grabbed the coin, he could feel that there was something different about it, but he couldn't put it into words. Even the diary hadn't explained any such thing, so Aakesh looked at the girl.

"Who are you?" Aakesh asked after a long pause.

Aakesh's conscience was wracking him with the knowledge that he had murdered his own family within the illusion, but he knew he had to get out of there. Unlike the floor's quests, Aakesh was still here even after he succeeded in completing the quest or trial.

"Oh, finally someone is asking questions." The girl commented, but she didn't let Aakesh wait for long and introduced herself: "I am Asteria, the previous owner of the Coin of Fate."

Aakesh's mouth flew wide open in shock and astonishment since the diary didn't speak of any such interaction. Before the introduction, Aakesh believed the girl to be someone who had failed the quest in the past but was stuck here.

There were also chances that the girl was lying, but for some reason, Aakesh wanted to trust her.

"Don't be alarmed; I am not the real me, but only a spirit left by the real me," Asteria stated after seeing Aakesh's reaction.


"Why haven't I unlocked the quest or class?" Aakesh asked another question, as when he checked his status panel, there was still nothing there.

The diary said that the quest to unlock the class would begin as soon as the trial was done. Aakesh had been here for several minutes now, but there was no sighting of the quest, nor did he unlock the class, Coin Tosser.

From his conversation with Asteria, Aakesh learned many things about the coin and the class "Coin Tosser."

The class Coin Tosser came with extreme challenges, as the Coin of Fate was an extremely valuable item. Once Aakesh unlocked the class, the coin would melt into him, disappearing from the world. If Aakesh wanted to unlock a second class, he would need to find another coin, or he could also use the coins as a weapon similar to the pseudo coin in his hands.

Every Coin of Fate had a spirit of its own, and the gigantic creature behind Asteria was the spirit of the coin in Aakesh's hands. Once Aakesh unlocked the class, the spirit would disappear with him, but there were ways to activate it.


"I want to make a deal with you," Asteria suddenly said.

The quest to unlock the class hadn't appeared, as the spirit was responsible for it, and the creature was clearly following Asteria's orders.

"What deal?" Aakesh asked, not surprised by the sudden situation.

He wasn't some chosen son of fate that girls would fall over heels for and help him. Since Asteria answered all of his questions, Aakesh anticipated that there would be a motive, and there was one.

"If you promise to help me complete a task, I will unlock the class for you," Asteria said abruptly, leaving Aakesh stunned.

"What do you mean by unlocking the class?" Aakesh asked to make sure he understood the same thing the girl wanted to imply.

"From the moment you stepped into the area, I set my sights on you."

"The fact that you didn't touch any items despite me seeing the greed in your eyes showed me that you are already aware of the secret of the area."

"But the people that came-"

"Everyone touched an item at the start, except for the leader and the girl in the veil, but they cleared the quests," Asteria interrupted Aakesh's sentence, understanding what he wanted to say.

"The girl is someone who belongs to the system of Divinity, while the boy directly rushed toward the palace without stopping," Asteria added.

When Asteria talked about Veera, there was a hint of fear in her voice, surprising Aakesh.

Aakesh wanted to ask Asteria about it, but she ignored the question and returned to the deal.

Time flew by.

After Aakesh accepted the quest, a screen popped out in front of him.

System: Unique Quest: Asteria's Request, accepted.

Requirement: Promise to find her brother and tell him the secret code,

Reward: Unlock Coin Tosser.

Deadline: 14 Months,

Failure Penalty: Account Ban!

Aakesh couldn't even read the details when suddenly the enormous creature behind Asteria exploded into light particles. They then began to gather around Aakesh and soon started to merge into him.

Asteria silently looked at everything that was happening. When the process was about to end, she suddenly smiled and exploded into a brilliant storm of light particles.

The brilliance of her explosion overshadowed the creature as the light particles flew toward Aakesh like a raging tide.

"When you meet my brother, please tell him I am sorry!" A message rang in Aakesh's ears, but he was in no mood to care as his concentration was entirely focused on the sudden scene.

When the process ended, a warm feeling flowed through Aakesh's body, and he clearly felt an increase in his strength.

At that moment, Aakesh forgot about everything else and focused on the screen in front of him, detailing the class's benefits.

When Aakesh saw the screen, he was surprised to see that the benefits of the class were different from what was written in the diary.


A/N: The first volume has come to an end. The next volume will deal with the three quests and leveling up.

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