
MMORPG: Myth Online

Aakesh was living a happy, contented life until tragedy struck his family, plunging him into deep and dark despair. That's when Myth Online, the world's first VRMMOPG, emerged without fanfare, promising players an unprecedented level of immersion and adventure. Follow Aakesh on a breath-taking adventure through the world of Myth Online, as he battles monsters, meets allies, and uncovers the dark secret that caused the tragedy. With each step, Aakesh must confront the harsh realities of life and death, love and loss, and the power of perseverance. *** Reward System: 50 GTs- +1 Chapter, 100 GTs- +2 Chapter, 200 GTs- +3 Chapter, 500 GTs- +4 Chapter, 1000 GTs- +5 Chapter. 1 Magic Castle: One Bonus Chapter on the next day, 1 Spacecraft: Two Bonus Chapters on the Next day, 1 Golden Gachapon: Theee Bonus Chapters on the Next day. The rewards would follow the pattern as said, not one additional chapter after every goal. *** The cover is taken from Pinterest. If the owner sees it, they can contact me.

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Chapter 40: Coin Tosser(1)

Chapter 40: Coin Tosser(1)

The diary faded as Aakesh read all the information available on the newly unlocked page.

It came just in time as it introduced Aakesh to the seven most significant classes in the history of the Panagea, as well as some weird ones like the Coin Tosser.

Aakesh thought it was the best of the three options because it would allow him to have multiple classes in addition to the Coin Tosser's benefits.

If Aakesh wanted to do things differently, he needed to work much harder than others.

Manish, his younger brother, only found three coins in his multiple rebirths, but Aakesh's goal was to discover all eleven of them and equip himself with top significant classes.

Eleven coins meant eleven Coin Tossers, but if Aakesh had all of them, he would be the only one in existence.

The diary made it clear that each extra class Aakesh wanted to equip himself with would cost him a coin. It meant that the more coins he had, the more classes he could equip himself with.

These coins weren't ordinary, as they were the personal creation of the Emperor in the Blacksmith system, so there was no twelfth coin after the Emperor's era was over.

It was a topic better left for the future since he had no extra time to splurge on learning so many classes. Aakesh decided to find the three coins told to him by Manish and equip himself with at least one additional class before the Earth merged with Panagea.

Getting the class, Coin Tosser, wasn't easy, as it was in a difficult spot and required a tough quest. There were three coins' locations in the diary, but even the nearest one was in a city.

Aakesh had reached Level 10, which meant he could now use the travel portals set up around Panagea's towns and cities to get to the city. It wasn't cheap, so Aakesh now needed to earn some coins.

Aakesh had been postponing his visit to the tough level of difficulty, but now that he needed money, Aakesh decided to enter it since he still had two attempts left.

Time flew by, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Aakesh didn't hurriedly enter the dungeon but first went to the potion shop and bought one MP recovery potion. Only after he found it to be full, Aakesh left for the dungeon.

Aakesh used the Silver Sword this time, decreasing the difficulty level further. Aakesh cleared the dungeon twice in quick succession and earned enough to travel to the city at least once.


Wolf Town was one of the subsidiaries of Yellow City in the Radison Kingdom. The coin Aakesh wanted wasn't in Yellow City but in Purple City.

The Purple City was only second to the capital of the Radison Kingdom in affluence and strength. The noble families in these cities were traditional families with a history of tens of thousands of years.

One such noble household in Purple City was the Sutra family. It was a mid-tier noble family, but the current generation of the family made it stand out.

Veera, the son of the current patriarch of the Sutra Family, was one of the most talented current generation members in the Radison Kingdom, with him already reaching Level 50 while still being under the age of sixteen.

Not only that, Veera had another arsenal in his hands, his handsome face. Despite only being sixteen, the number of ladies smitten by him came from all walks of life. One such admirer was Alia.

Alia didn't have an ordinary background, but she was the daughter of the current patriarch of the Bhinar family. Due to their long history—which predates even the establishment of the Radison Kingdom—the Bhinar family was in charge of the Purple City.

Veera used Alia's obsession with him to his full advantage and made great strides in strength. The patriarch of the Bhinar family doted on Alia, so he had no choice but to get along with her actions.

"Have you found it?" A man, seated comfortably on a woman's lap, asked.

The man looked to be not a day older than sixteen, while the woman looked to be in her early twenties. The woman's eyes had a love sign, which was impossible, while the man, who rested his head on her lap, had a grin. The duo was none other than Veera and Alia.

The woman was also beautiful, but when compared with the man, she looked like a toad.

"Yes, my love," Alia responded with her alluring voice.

A glint passed through Veera's eyes as his hands played with the area between Alia's thighs.

Alia lost herself at that moment as a battle between the duo began on the bed.


After Alia left, the smile on Veera's face disappeared, and a disgusted expression took its place as he saw Alia leave the room with her footsteps not stable at all.

"How long do you want to torture me?" Veera suddenly muttered after he closed the door to his room, as if talking to himself.

"Once we have that, you will be free of her." A hoarse voice rang in the room, its origin and direction unknown.

The disgusted expression turned into excitement as Veera couldn't wait to throw Alia out of his life. He hated women like her, who lost their sanity whenever they saw a beautiful thing.

Veera had a secret that only he and the owner of that voice knew. His eyes shined as he repeated what he had learned from Alia today.


After Aakesh had accumulated enough coins to travel to the Purple City, he decided to travel there. He'd have to stay at this level for a longer period of time the longer he put off taking the class.

Since Wolf Town wasn't a very large town, it only had a single travel portal, and that too was in an extremely guarded area. It was next to the town lord's house.

Any adventurer below Level 10 was prohibited from traveling through the portal, as it would kill them. After Aakesh reached there, he had to show his level on his status panel to the guard. Since Aakesh could show only the things he wanted, no other information was visible to the guards.

After the verification, it was now time for Aakesh to enter the portal.


A/N: Sorry for the long break!

I have already broken many promises, so I won't make many. I will only say that I will try my best from today on not to miss a single day!

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I know many of you had many questions about the class, but don't worry; I have many amazing things planned. The Coin Tosser would be the primary class, with others serving as supplements.

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