
Skylark's Determination    

Xin skillfully maneuvered the boat behind a massive rock, effectively concealing their presence from the view of the Reef Raiders' outpost.

He retrieved the spyglass he had obtained from one of the pirate NPCs, although he couldn't recall the name of the pirate who gave it to him.

Eager to see what awaited them, Skylark repeatedly asked, "What do you see? What do you see?"

"Five gladiators, two Tyrannosaurus Rexes, three assassins, and two giant sharks," Xin replied nonchalantly, his tone steady and composed like he was enumerating the ABCs.

Skylark's eyes widened in panic, and she impulsively snatched the spyglass from Lord Schrodinger's hands to see for herself. As she peered through the lens, her gasp of astonishment confirmed the dangerous predicament they were in.

"This is not good," she muttered, her heart pounding in her chest. "How come it's different from what was mentioned in the forums?"