

In the year 2043, Gabriel was a man known as the "One man army". In the Virtual reality game Deliverance Online, he made his way as an infamous mercenary, willing to do anything for the right price. He led armies into battle, assassinated Kings and even helped old ladies pick flowers. Until one day he refused an offer out of pride and spite from someone to powerful to refuse. With no allies to help him he was thrown into the abyss of despair and forced to watch as his life was taken from him. A pair of gods decide to give him one more chance, to do it all again. His memories were sent back 8 years in the past. Follow Gabriel as he makes his way back to the top, using knowledge to swing things in his favor. Except this time he won't do it alone. Gabriel will face the most difficult task yet, getting along with other people. He will save his family, he will achieve glory, money, women and power to protect them all. It's time for Gabriel's deliverance. =============================== I do not own the rights to the cover. If it is yours, feel free to message me anytime if you want me to remove it.

DarkTidings94 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


Mouse looked around at all the guys staring at him, while [Phat-Cat] stared at them. Feeling toO confused to ask, he just thought they were keen to see what he would loot.

After looting the [Great Horned Demon] Mouse passed it all tO Gabriel with a smile.

"Here you go big brother [Osiris]."

Gabriel smiled and patted Mouse on the head.

"Thanks buddy"

He then showed the rest of the party what was looted. As it was Mouse who did the looting, they managed to get a [Rare] item and it was something Gabriel could eventually use.

[Abyssal Flame - (Rune)(Journeyman) - Req. Must be applied by [Journeyman Runesmith]

Adds (Abyssal Flames) to a weapon or amour.

Gabriel looked at the rest of the party and tried to put on his best puppy eyes. It ended up looking like he was wide eye-glaring at them, confusing the party. Tom then shook his head and sighed.

"Guys, what [Osiris] is trying to say with he's pedo eyes right now, is that he wants this [Rune] thing. Let's all just give it to him to make him stop." Tom pleaded with the Wolfpack.

The brothers finally nodded in understanding. Mouse nodded along while rubbing his chin as he acted like he understood too. Only [Phat-Cat] was the one who still looked confused by what Tom meant by "pedo eyes". She thought '[Osiris] looks adorable right now'.

Gabriel accepted the [Rune] while he sent Tom a kick to the ass.

The party made their way in the compound; they entered via the open gate. Inside was a large barren garden. The only decoration was a straight path that led towards the Pagoda. On the sides of the path were evenly placed statues. They all had what looked like a faun, with long twisted horns on its head. The statues depicted the faun in different sexual positions and some had him raising a dagger to stab someone.

Mouse walked up to one statue; his face was scrunched while he looked at the statue from different angles before turning to the party.

"What is Mr.Tumnus doing to these two women?" Mouse asked.

The whole party froze at the question and looked at each other, waiting for one of them to take the duty of explaining. Gabriel decided he would clear Mouse's confusion.

"This is the statue of the [Horned God] he is... helping the women put on their clothes" Gabriel clarified, he was going to tell the truth but changed his mind after looking at Mouse's innocent face.

"Ohhhhh, what a nice goat-man" Mouse said while he patted the [Horned God] statue like he was petting a pet.

The party arrived after a short walk at the Pagoda-type building's front entrance. A wooden flat door blocked their entrance. It didn't seem to have a handle which perplexed the party. Tom pushed his way to the front and spoke.

"Let me handle this"

He lifted his large two-handed hammer and cocked back for a mighty swing.


[Phat-Cat] yelled out stopping Tom. He looked back at her and raised an eyebrow in question. [Phat-Cat] just shook her head and walked towards the door. She then looked back at the men in a disappointing way and put her hand on the door. Gently moving her hand to the side, the door SLID to the left. All the men went a little red in shame. Mouse however simply walked forwards and sent a hand up to [Phat-Cat] for a high-five.

Gabriel chuckled at Mouse and walked up to [Phat-Cat] putting his hand up for a high-five as well. Followed by [T], [Rex] and Tom. They all chuckled and walked into the pagoda.

Inside was a Japanese style home. With a square table in the middle and pillows for kneeling surrounding it. To the side was a set of stairs. Gabriel looked back at the party.

"I think we cleared out all the enemies but the quest hasn't been completed, there should still be one more [Boss] level Witch or Demon around here. I am guessing on the top floor but let's check every room together just in case." Gabriel said.

The party nodded and readied their weapons in case of an ambush. Gabriel equipped his Khopesh again and left his hand open in case he needed to throw an axe at a Witch's face.

On the second floor were 4 sliding doors leading to different rooms. The thrid floor had what looked like an armory/dojo. The area had empty weapon and armour racks around the sides, with a soft square mat in the middle.

The party then arrived at the top floor after doing a sweep of the other floors finding nothing important. The top floor was an open-air floor. It had no walls and you could view everything around for miles. There was only a small round table and chair on one side of the floor facing the end of the precipice.

Sitting at the table was a young woman sipping tea, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. She appeared to be of Japanese heritage, with raven black hair that went down to the floor. Wearing a green kimono, she exuded grace and charm taking small sips of her tea.

The party looked perplexed at her, as [Rex] sent everyone a PM so the woman couldn't hear them speak.

"Is this the boss [Osiris]? She doesn't look like one of those ugly Witches"

Gabriel was not fooled by this harmless looking woman however. His instincts were warning him that this was a dangerous enemy. Gabriel replied to everyone.

"She is definitely the boss, prepare yourselves. I am not sure what type she is but I think she might be a shape shifter. Look at her feet".

The party looked at the Japanese woman's feet or what should have been feet. Instead, what they saw peeking out the bottom of her Kimono was a pair of black talons. Like what you would find on a crow. The Japanese woman finally responded to their presence as he noticed them looking at her 'feet'.

"Hello Dears. I see you have made many of my Witches take an impromptu flying lesson. That is not very nice when you are the ones trespassing. Now tell me, what brought you here?" The Japanese lady queried. She never once lost her gentle smile.

Gabriel stepped forwards and signaled to his party with a hand behind his back. The party started to spread out. This was noticed by the woman but didn't seem to faze her.

"We have come to root out the evil that is the [Coven of the Horned God]. Now tell me where [Baroness Mengrel] is and what you are planning by stealing the citzens of Roma's life force" Gabriel wasn't didn't actually expect an answer. He just wanted to stall time for the rest of the party to get into position. To his surprise though the woman answered. Her smile finally starting to drop as she sounded ticked off.

"Oh! You're the annoying fellow who helped Manius's brat kid. [Baroness Mengrel] wasn't happy about that. You are lucky she is not here right now or you would be in for a long slow death. As I am one with a large compassionate heart... I will kill you all quickly!!" The last word sounded like a bird's screech.

The Japanese woman lunged at Gabriel; her long Kimono sleeves turned into long sharp feathers. The feathers had a metallic glint to them as they swept past Gabriels head as he rolled to the side. [Rex] who was right behind Gabriel wasn't quick enough and decided to brace himself behind his shield.

When the feathers made contact, they let out a loud metal on metal screech and threw [Rex] into the railing. He was inflicted with a stun status. Gabriel took the chance to [Inspect] her.

[Otori – LVL 25 (Boss)(Impossible) - [Witch Druid - Shapeshifter]]

HP – 15,000/15,000

MP – 4,500/5,000

Additional Info: Was once a powerful druid who protected the Avian's of Fangun Forest. Due to Imperium expansion her forest was cut down. Twisting her once kind soul into something dark and twisted. She turned to the [Horned God] to attain power for her revenge.

[T] ran up to attack [Otori] as she went to strike [Rex] in his stunned state. Before he could strike though. She swung her feathered arm at him, several feathers came flying out like arrows causing [T] to change his attack into a block.

Gabriel knew they wouldn't defeat this boss by attacking separately as she was too quick for them.

"Mouse! Set up some [Frozen mines]. [Gremlin] protect him. [Phat-Cat] put your [Mana-shield] on [Rex]. [T] and [Rex] fight together, one defends while the other attacks." Gabriel issued out a set of quick orders and the party got to work quick.

Gabriel sent a Throwing axe at [Otori]'s exposed back, she still managed to move to the side. It felt to Gabriel she had eyes in the back of her head. [Otori] turned to Gabriel after he grabbed her agro. He put one hand parallel to his body and made a come here gesture to [Otori]. She sent out a shriek and dashed towards him, with both arms sticking up behind her.

[Otori] wielded her arms like blades, sending slashes at Gabriel. He dodged, ducked and weaved, using his khopesh to slash at her retreating arms.

The damage dished out was minimal though. Gabriel yelled out "switch" as [T] and [Rex] came in and started to attack [Otori].

"All done brother Osiris" Mouse yelled and then whipped out his crossbow.

Mouse and [Phat-Cat] started to rain fire down on [Otori]. Gabriel signalled to Tom, as they yelled "switch" and took over for the brothers.

After they started taking turns, the brothers and Tom took less damage. Until finally [Otori]'s health got down to HP 7,500/15,000. She then spun around sending out a wall of wind that pushed the party back against the railings.

Gabriel looked at [Otori] and saw her gathering a spell. He knew that this spell would most likely kill at least two of the party. They couldn't move however as the crushing wind continued to hold the party against the railing.

Gabriel was prepared for this though, as most bosses did something similar during reaching half health. He held out his hand, and said [Recall]. The axe that was sent out missing [Otori] earlier came flying back and slammed into her back. Disrupting her spell caused magic feedback which cause some significant damage and stunned her.

"Tom now!" Gabriel yelled.

Tom used [Charge] and [Grand Slam] to send [Otori] flying. She landed right on Mouse's mines. Which wasn't too hard, as Mouse managed to set up 10 of them in time. The mines detonated and froze [Otori]'s legs in place.

"It says she has only been frozen for 6 seconds big brother [Osiris]". Mouse shouted out when he checked his notifications.

As a (Boss) class, it was very hard to put them under any stun effects and if you did manage too. It would never last very long.

It was long enough for Gabirel though, as the moment [Otori] was frozen. The wind that was keeping them in place disappeared, leading most of the party to fall to the ground from the sudden lack of resistance.

Gabriel landed on his feet however and unleashed all three axes straight at [Otori] following in a perfect line. All three slammed into [Otori]. Gabriel then charged forwards and activated [Heat of the Desert] on his khopesh, bathing it in flames.

A flurry of attacks followed as Gabriel applied massive amounts of damage to the boss. The party followed quickly and the melee users all dog piled on her. Bringing [Otori]'s health quickly down to HP 100/15,00.

[Otori] sent out another [Wind wall] and pushed the party back again.

"You annoying little worms! How dare you hurt my beautiful feathers. I will make you all pay for this one day! My god please bless your devoted follower!" [Otori] screeched.

A green and black aura surrounded [Otori], making her squirm and scream in pain. He bones started to distort and grow as black feathers started to sprout all over her body. Her head grew and her face elongated turning into a black colored beak.

She ripped out of her kimono and grew into a twisted looking Raven, with mottled decaying feathers. [Otori] screeched at the party one last time before turning around and with a run up jumped of the Pagoda. Planning to fly off into the sunset.

"Not on my watch you ugly bird!" Gabriel yelled.

When [Otori] finished transforming the [Wind wall] that held the party disappeared again. Gabriel chased after her and using the railing as a step. He dived off the Pagoda after [Otori] his cape flapping in the breeze as he stuck his fists out in a superman pose.

The party stood stock still in shock until [Mouse] broke the stunned silence.

"Can [Osiris] fly? "

Hi Guys and Dolls! I have started to hit a nice work flow at the moment. I will attempt to always upload at least 2-3 Chapters a day before reaching chapter 50. Where I then plan to do 7 chapters once a week for free. If anyone who wants to read ahead. They can donate to my patron page to get up to 20 chapters before everyone else and other goodies too.

DarkTidings94creators' thoughts