
Chapter 241: The Fan Favorite

"Ladies and gentlemen Cellan Gustalam"

Cellan got off the scale, flexed his "muscles", and raised his arms. Even though he had a big, strong body, the boos from the crowd said something else.

Whatever intimidation he hoped to project was drowned out by the fans' disapproval.

Victor stood at the edge of the stage, shaking his head slightly.

Damon watched silently from backstage, arms crossed, his eyes narrowing.

The announcer's tone shifted, building excitement. "And now, fighting in the light heavyweight division for this bout, The Supreme Fighter himself, Damon Cross!"

The cheers from the crowd were very different from the angry looks Cellan had gotten earlier. As soon as Damon walked out onto the stage, the crowd went crazy.

He walked with calm confidence, his shoulders relaxed as he approached the scale.

Some fans yelled his name as the cheers got louder. Even though Damon didn't smile, the sides of his mouth moved a little.