

After Rumsak Noi defeated Tang Bun-jong at Max Fighting, something strange happened. There was a sudden increase in people wanting to learn striking from Rumsak Noi. Among them were both martial arts enthusiasts and aspiring fighters. The requests became so numerous that Cho Yong-il felt he needed to come up with a solution.

"Are there really that many requests?" Yu Jung-ak asked Cho Yong-il.

"Yeah. These days, there are more civilians. I think it's because I mentioned on TV that he's working as a trainer. Usually, even when fighters become famous, we don't get requests like this."

"What does Rumsak say about it?"

"He's just going along with it. But from Rumsak's perspective, it must be frustrating. It's all potential income. But this place is only for Team Silence members, so we can't just open it up. It's a bit awkward. When I turn people away, I feel like some evil business owner."

"Come on. Uncle, you treat Rumsak well."