
MM’s Hidden Talent

I have always loved to write. In my teens I spend hours pouring my heart into poetry. Now, married with kids and still in university, writing is often more work than pleasure. I had always heard that writing can be cathartic, and at one time it was for me. Now, I have to push the to-do lists out of my mind just to be willing to sit still longer enough to consider words for pleasure.

Until I got married I was a frequent world traveler. I explored without worry for finances or the future. However, after saying "I do," my Dear Husband and I starting having children and working... and going back to school... and it all just slipped away...

That was until this past summer when a sudden push of wanderlust sprung our whole family into the world of expatriates. Within a two month time we had sold everything we owned and moved across the world to a country in West Africa. Now, everyday is an adventure, especially when I was the only one who had ever even flown on a plane before this move.

It seems only reasonable to share this adventure with the world, even if just through my little overwhelmed eyes. Thankfully, I have this hidden talent...