
Martis Vs The S.A.B.E.R Squad

Cyclops was wondering in the jungle and noticed Rafaela on rock seriously injured, he rushed to call Johnson

"Johnson come here quickly, Rafaela is seriously injured, bring hayabusa and saber with you, we might have a strong enemy"

"Okay I'll be there in no time, Come on let's role"

Johnson transformed into a car and rushed to Cyclops with Hayabusa and Saber inside

"We're here bring Rafaela inside Johnson" Said Hayabusa

Martis jumped and landed on the rock that Rafaela was lying down

"Who here is worthy"

"Martis, are you the one who hurt Rafaela" said by saber

"That was Thamuz, the Lord of wraith"

"What are you doing here Martis" said by Hayabusa

"I am here to conquer this world"

"Then I will Just kill you" said by Hayabusa

"Kill me if you can"


"That's nothing, if your going to kill me you need more"

Martis used Ashura Aura and Mortal Coil to Saber and Hayabusa And Martis used Decimate to finish off Hayabusa And Saber

"This blades are my teeth and im all bite and no Bark"

Cyclops used Star Power Lockdown while Martis was not looking

"I will kill you"

"you are not worthy"

Martis throws his sword to Cyclops and teleported behind Cyclops and used Mortal Coil and Decimate, Johnson Rushed to the Celestial Palace and told Gatotkaca and the others what happened

"Three thousand worlds not a single worthy foe"

To be continued...