

I woke up in a novel. i become the cannon fodder ex-wife of the ML who was hopelessly in love with him. The character was supposed to die but now i am in her body. LOVE! I am gonna get a divorce anyway it was a contractual marriage. MONEY! As a genius hacker money is nothing to me. MEN! Well they flock around me because of my beauty. But what is this? A man keeps pestering me. Finally i lashed out,"Who are you?" He said,"My dear wife have you forgotten about me?"

Iqra_Ali_2541 · Urban
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20 Chs


As, Albert looked at the Suzain's sleeping face.He couldn't help but wonder how she had made him lose hsi composure and let his emotions get the better of him.

From as far as he could remember. From the first time her at Old Master Bright's birthday party more than 2 years ago.

She was dressed like a mature young lady and since then every time they met mostly due to their grandfathers.Her eyes never left him. They ere always filled with adoration and a weird kind of infatuation.

Then, more than one year ago his grandfather urged mainly ordered him to marry her.

Helpless, against the old scourge who have had a heart attack every time he tries to disobey him. He agreed for the marriage.

But,on their wedding night itself. He made it clear that he has no intention of marrying her and only did so under the insistence of his grandfather.

When she heard it, she threw a great tantrum. Telling him, how much she loved him.

At the end, they entered a one-year contract marriage.

But she didn't gave up and continued pestering him. Calling him almost hundred times a day. Even using Old Master Bright to force him to go to his villa in which she lived.

If not for the fact for her safety, Old Master Bright didn't announce her marriage to the outside world. He was sure that she would have pestered him coming to his company everyday..

The day before yesterday' when Su Chen informed him that their one-year contact was going to end. He was a bit shocked as he has completely forgotten about her as she has not pestered him for a few days.

If Su Chen has not mentioned about it . He would have forgotten about this matter as he was looking forward to get rid of her.

Because, to him she appeared like a noisy bee buzzing around him.

WHILE, coming to the hospital, today. He as suddenly reminded of her.

He asked Su Chen if he had settled the matter.and he replied he did.

He was quite surprised when he knew that she didn't threw a tantrum or insisted on seeing him

If she has used his grandfather to keep up the marriage,. He surely would have dealt with her the hard way.

But when Su Chen told him she had a message for him. He was convinced that she would lament how much she loved him and was willing to give up her lime for him.

Contrary to this, this damn woman cursed him of impotency.

After hearing what she said an indescribable rage grew in his heart.

That's why when she bumped into him earlier. He was sure that she just said that to get his attention and purposely bumped into him just now.

But when she just bowed and apologized and was leaving without even looking at his face.a.

The rage in his heart burst out. He felt especially annoyed when she ignored his presence unlike earlier when she had eyes for him only..He even purposely warned her to stay away from him and stop playing any tricks.

She not only denied knowing him but even replied arrogantly to him. Not to mention the fact that she called him a NARCISSIST.

He didn't knew what overtook him but his rage got the better of him. He has always maintained his composure but at that time he just had one thought in his mind that he need to teach her lesson.

A lesson that she is not allowed to ignore him. She can't pretend to not to know him She can't look at him with contempt and estrangement.

While thinking all this. He had already made his way to his car with her on his shoulder.

Although, he something different. He proceeded to scare her by attempting to choke her but when he remembered how she had made him act impulsively.

He couldn't help but get angry at himself. At her for being able to AFFECT HIS EMOTIONS

And unknowingly his grip on her neck tightened as way to vent out his frustration.