
MJ Fantasy:The Bully

Michael and Tatiana were neighbors.They were only 12 when they met. He bullied her and she never knew what she did to deserve it. Michael eventually moved away and Tatiana thought she was free of him, until one day, 5 years later, her father got a job opportunity in Encino, Califonia and had to move. She starts going to a new school, hoping to have a new start. Both her and Michael cross paths and things start to slowly unravel. Have things changed? Is he still the same? Will feelings develop? What awaits for them??? Tune in on: The Bully

Imani_Jackson_3192 · Teen
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4 Chs

First Day Jitters

September 7th

7:28 AM

"Tatiana!! You're gonna be late for the school bus!!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

It was the first day of school and I was nervous.

What if I don't make any friends?

What if I make a fool of myself?

What if I'm the tallest in my class?!

Ughhhh, all these thoughts are just racing in my head!

I just need to cool out.

Breathe. Just breathe...

"TATIANA!!" my dad yelled out again.

"Okay, enough breathing," I say.

I take a last look at myself before heading downstairs.

"Mornin' dad!"

"Morning, sweetheart! You ready for your first day of 7th grade?!"

"...ermmm...yeah? I'm read--"

"Tati??" he said giving me a "oh really" look.

"Ugh, fine...I'm not...I'm kinda nervous."

"Aww, sweetheart, it's just first day jitters, that's all," he said kissing my forehead.

"I knowwww...I don't know why I get them!"

"Its probably just a mix of a nervous but exciting feeling of a new start at school. Be yourself, stay focused, and try to make new friends. Okay?"

I smiled,"Okay!"

"Alright, now come eat some breakfast I made."

In front of my eyes was a plate of homemade pancakes, eggs, hash browns, sausages and bacon, with Orange Juice!

"Mmmm this looks so delicious...I'm so glad you're a chef, thank you dad!!" I giggled.

"You're welcome, Tati!" he chuckled.

15 minutes later...

I didn't even realize how hungry, I was. Before I knew it, I was finished with my plate.

I may be small but I have BIGGG appetite.

I drank some of my orange juice and smile in satisfaction.

"Mmmm...that. was. gooood." I smiled lazily.

"I'm glad you liked it, but its time for school."

"Ughhhhhhhhhh, whyYyYyY," I said laughing.

My dad laughed,"because you need to learnnnnnn!"


I got up from the table and hugged my dad.

"Bye dad!"

"Bye, sweetheart, have a great first day, oh, and we have new neighbors next door, so I want you to meet them after school," he said kissing my forehead.

"Oh, okay!"

The bus was now in front of my house.

I looked at my dad one last time and waved before getting on.


The ride to school was pretty loud.

It didn't really take too long to get to the school, maybe 20 minutes.

The bus came to stop and I got off.

I started walking towards the school.

I'm so nervous!!

I just want this day to be over already!!

...well, here goes nothin'.

I walk through the entrance of the school building and I see everyone running and pushing through to see their friends from last year. Some people are rushing to get their assigned schedules.

I look around and see a short line for schedules. When it was my turn, I got one.

I looked at it.

"English...Ms. Riverton...room 205."

I start making my way down the halls, searching for my classroom.

"202...204...-ah, 205!"

I walking and see some of people chatting with other classmates.

I took my seat in the middle of the classroom.

I heard people who sit in the back, play around too much or get in trouble, so I didn't even think to go back there.

And the people in the front get called on a lot and I don't like to get called on too much.

So, the middle was just right.

The room began to fill up, and it started getting louder, until the teacher came in.

"Good morning class. My name is Ms. Riverton, and I will be your English teacher for this year. Now, I want to make this year a fun and educational experience for you all but you HAVE to cooperate with me, ok?"

"Yesssssssss!" The class says.

"Good now--"

Suddenly out of nowhere, some kid walks in the classroom all loud and arrogant.

"YES, YES...I'm here. You can applaud now...your king has arriveeeed!!"

The class was laughing but I wasn't laughing. Not one bit.

I looked at him.

He was alright looking.


Who am I kidding?! He was soooooo cute.

He had a cocoa brown complexion, big brown almond-shaped eyes, a nice black puffy afro and a cute nose.

"Excuse me. Who are you?!" Ms. Riverton asked.

The boy spoke, "Jackson--Michael Jackson, that is."

I hear some of the girls in the class giggled and whisper to each other,

"He's so cute!"

"I knowww!!"

"Well, Michael, I need you walk back outside and came back in quietly."

He rolled his eyes, "whatever."

He walked outside the class and came back in quietly. As he walking, he glanced at me and continued walking to the back of the class.

10 minutes later...

I feel something hit my head and I look around curiously and see it's a balled up piece of paper.

I look behind and see Michael laughing at me.

I throw it back it him, only for it to hit his face.

"Argh! I'm getting you back for that!" he told me.

"You started it, you shouldn't have done that in the first place."

I turned back around.

Then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.


It was a textbook that had been in the back of the classroom.

The whole class turned to me.

The tears in my eyes started to spill.

It hurt so bad!!

"What-What's going on?!" Ms.Riverton yelled.

"He threw a t-textbook at the back of m-my head!" I stuttered, while tears fell.

"Mr. Jackson, OUT! You're going to the principal's office--NOW!!" she roared out.

Michael got up, and just before he passed me, he whispered, "your REALLY gonna get it for snitching."

What did he mean?! What was he gonna do??

My throat got dry and my heart started racing.

I touched the back of my head.

Thank God I wasn't bleeding.

But it hurt BAD!

"Ms. Riverton, can you take me to the nurse?? My head really hurts!"

"Yes, sweetie, I'm so sorry. Let's go."

I got my things while exiting the classroom...

God I want this day to be over!!

Stay Tuned...