
mizer0: how i became the strongest while being obsessed with power

Mizer0 has always been obsessed with "power" and will do any means neccesary to obtain it even if it means going through certain consequences

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only the beginning

everything was pure white, nothing there was to think or say

i found myself floating while looking up,this cant be heaven and it cannot be hell by any means,so....[LeTs TrY ThIS OuT]

i opened my eyes once more but this time as a baby,well at least i can sense magic here there were countless orbs everywhere,but unfortunately they were obstructing my vision so i was forced to stop focusing.

my "mother" who was holding me in her hands alongside my "father" were both laughing in joy while my "brother" who i would estimate would be 2 years old was jumping laughing.My "sister" popped her head out of knowhere "HELLOOOO" i found myself staring at her

"hold on why is he not crying?"

"mm yes that is unusual!"

"he must be incredibly strong!!"

the maids were suddenly swarming me

my parents were also giving me worried looks as well

[oh right,time to act like a baby]


<after 11 years passed>

[11yrs] i stare silently at the moon and look at it and reach my hands out,and shoot a spear like blade created by magic at it,

"hey what are you doing,its dangerous up there get down" shiruna [13yrs]

"oh right just give me...like 2 minutes"i replied while staring blankly ahead.

is this excitement? my heartbeat was beating like crazy so it must be,a group of bandits that were planning to attack the house were approaching,personally i didnt really think they were much of a threat to the household as my sister could pretty much handle them.

However to test my abilities i should be the one to fight them right?

i dissapeared across the wind and telwported behind them "Huh wa- WHOS THERE?!"

my cloak which was purple and red swayed across the wind as i raised my hand and a purple dagger created by magic formed

"how about i be your apponent"

"huh you got a death wish little brat" the guy shouted

"hahahaha KILL HIM" the leader shouted

they all swung with their swords while one was firing a bow,i dashed towards them and cut through the first one "ARGHH-GH"

-there was nothing left of him except for blood

the captain ran towards me expecting to grab me somehow but ended up perishing to "wh-WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU!?!"

"huh is that the best you can do" with a diappointed look on my face i slashed once at all 5 of them and proceeded to go to the mansion


my sister was waiting for me by the doorstep when i returned."so what was that about wait 2 minutes" with a smile on her face,well might as well let her punch me.

the next day however is where the real fun begins