
the plotting

'After I got home, I immediately noticed what that thing had done. My left eye was completely black, my eyes yellow, and my hair was long enough to cover it all up. This thing existed above all of us normal humans that was obvious I couldn't even comprehend its true form. That pouf of hair fell back over her eye as she said, "Whatever my ancestors did, they screwed me over big time." kloud then put her hands on the bathroom counter and sighed "How the hell am I going to explain this to mom and dad"

After getting her new eye, the girl saw better than she ever could before and her eyesight improved several times.

But she just couldn't forget the pain that was caused by that thing while all negative emotions were eliminated the feelings weren't.

When Kloud walked, her hair moved, and her hands trembled slightly. How was she going to explain to her parents her brand-new eye? Based on what she learned from that thing, her parents were 3 generations removed from whatever their great-great-grandparents were involved in, and they didn't know a thing about it. "Man it's going to be hard to piece this picture together

'Maybe they won't even see it' She cared deeply for the small family she did have 'As long as I don't get involved I'll be fine they'll be fine was a hopeful string of thoughts a foolishly hopeful string of thoughts.

"That's a tomorrow problem yeah a tomorrow question for when they get home" She went up the stairs and went to her moderately sized bedroom she had a few posters up and a laptop lying across her bed her floor was a mess of papers and clothes.

"Shit I still haven't cleaned it yet" Her parents were going to obliterate her if they came back to a dirty room so, as a result, she got moving and that's when she noticed her first difference she was faster she was moving at breakneck speeds. "Woah this is amazing even though I still want to punch that thing in wherever that face was" The sounds of crunching paper and clothes being thrown in a dirty clothes piles were scattered around the house.

"Kay the new eye isn't that bad for now I still don't trust it that thing has to be watching just know I'm not playing your game" She then heard a distant laugh it was the slientist but loudest laugh she had ever heard it was the most infuriating thing ever for kloud she was mutilated changed all because of some whack deal she didn't even agree to.

It was finally time for them to move with that beast's re-entrance into this world; it signified that the basetrees deal was finally up; the spirits and demons at large could finally act upon their years of pent-up aggressions against the basetrees.

One demon, in particular, has been plotting their downfall ever since his defeat back in the first world war. He had hair as green as grass, his eyes are black and utterly soulless, his name is Hovac, and he was a mercenary scripted into the American army back in the day. The agent was a spy, a snake in a human shell. He was sly, a snake in a human shell. He plotted and plotted but his plans fell apart constantly. At one point he managed to snake his way up the chain of command before getting captured by Steven Basetree and promptly executed.

But unknown to all of them he was contracted by a higher power who also had a grudge against the basetrees he was given 78 years to accumulate and master the amount of power he gave havoc he just gained all of it.

"I would like to know if anyone has received a severance package as a result of the contract expiring xelty."

The wrinkled old man began to open his eyes slowly, signaling to his old friend that in fact the family he resented so much, had been compensated.

"Look I know im not exactly in my prime anymore so they would have little trouble handling me old friend but he gave them his eye"

"He did WHAT" his eye widened his thoughts were running at a million miles per hour 'that eye has the power not on this level of reality maybe it was a weakened version of it has to be' havoc's hands reached out shaking in anger.

"You have to be fucking kidding me" he had spent years preparing his 'perfect' plans he knew they were going to have some type of severance once the contract expired but he didn't think that he would pay that much.

"Send a minor spirit to gauge her I don't know if she has knowledge of the past or not"

"Yes, old friend I shall fetch" despite the apparent age of the elderly man he moved fast he was gone out of sight within seconds he traveled an unimaginable distance.

"Fuck that thing," hovac said to one thing in particular.

A door creaked opened revealing kloud's parents. sweat rolled down the young girl's brow.

"Hey, mom, dad how was your night out" kloud spoke awkardly to a black-haired woman she was of sizable bust and had a pretty face her eyes were as red as an apple. Kloud was wondering if she noticed the new eye she had been given

"It was good your dad is still as weird as ever" a spiky red-haired man spoke up in indignation "I'm not weird your the weird one"

"Xavier im telling you that saying you're not weird makes you weird"

"what ever anyways kloud why are you sweating" kloud flashed a smirk 'so they didn't notice' she was happy that they didn't notice because it saves her a lot

"just got done cleaning my room" she gleamed with confidence.

"oh really what's with the sudden change" her piercing red eyes were staring into her soul.

"it was getting a little bit annoying that's all" it was a believable excuse she did go through ridiculous things if something bothered her enough.

"alright then go off to bed we got to head in work going to be a pain"

'that was a relief now all I have to do is hold back a bit and ill be fine'

She then headed up the stairs following her parents to bed she went into er room and then passed out from the stress of today.

End chapte