
New Consortium

 But An Feng's idea of ​​starting a business independently was quickly interrupted, and his assistant team was targeted as soon as they started their operations. In fact, someone wanted to make a venture capital investment in his new company. The background was not small. The other party was said to be from the Morgan consortium and had a strong interest in An Feng's new company.

  An Feng was surprised when he heard the name Morgan, how did they find him?

   Don't blame him, he always thinks that he is just a rich man with a little money, but in the eyes of others, he is a venture capital target and a strange man who makes wealth.

   In addition, he is a core member of the consortium, a role that is steadily rising as a whole, and it is impossible not to be noticed. IBM, which is controlled by the Morgan consortium, has a lot of cooperation with GP. Naturally, it is not difficult to get to know An Feng. They kept proper attention and found business opportunities.

  Nowadays is no longer the era when consortiums travel alone. The development of science and technology has led to economic globalization. The era when a consortium controlled a large enterprise decades ago is gone. Now consortiums are interpenetrating and restricting each other. GP has capital injection from the Sinclair family, but it also has investment from Morgan.

  Information in the industry is still relatively circulating. Not only the Morgan consortium, but other big consortiums may also know his name. After all, offshore companies, split shares and other vest methods are all badly played by them. Calculating with your brain, you can know who has the highest share among them.

   After some connections, they got in touch with An Feng's chief assistant.

  John Adams has broadened his horizons now. Perhaps a few years ago he would have been shocked by the name of the Morgan Consortium, but now he only treats an industry partner with a more knowledgeable attitude and a naturally stable mentality. He politely rejected the invitation for An Feng, saying that he had to notify him first.

  When An Feng received the call from John, he was training the little tiger with the hounds in the vineyard.

   He finally asked: "You mean the other person wants to talk to me?"

   "Yes sir, do you have time?" John asked.

   "The day after tomorrow, book me a seat in a coffee shop in Los Angeles." An Feng said, throwing out the bone in his hand, Xiao Bai excitedly chased after him.

  Strictly speaking, An Feng and them are competitors of the consortium, but the businessmen have no hatred, only interests, and the price is enough, so they can still get together. Although An Feng didn't want to accept the venture capital investment—he was on his side if he wanted to come, but he still showed up on time to save the other party's face.

   There are four people in total, An Feng and his assistant, and the other two.

   "Mr. An!" One of the handsome middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes smiled and stretched out his hand, "I'm Hunter, nice to meet you!"

   "Me too!" An Feng sat down after shaking hands, took off his sunglasses and waited for them to speak first. The three people present were all dressed formally, only he was wearing a shirt and jeans, a pair of outfits just returned from the beach, comfortable and casual. Bystanders saw that An Feng must be the boss.

Hunter didn't beat around the bush, he cut straight to the point: "Mr. An, we are very interested in your new company, and we know that you are currently working alone, and there are many constraints in terms of capital or other aspects. Are you interested?" Accept outside investment?"

  An Feng asked: "Do you know the industry the company is in?"

Hunter smiled: "Mr. Adams and I have learned about the production of bio-drinks. In terms of the function and form of drinks, it has great potential, but unlike other high-tech products, its market depends on certain publicity. , the previous stage is very expensive."

  An Feng thought about it for a while. It might not be as simple as it seems on the surface. They are afraid that they learned that the company's technology is obtained from the research center, and the research center has repeatedly performed miracles, which made them intend to take risks. And to put it bluntly, venture capital is naturally an investment with both risks and returns.

  An Feng did not refuse outright, but said: "My plan is to register a capital of 100 million. If I accept the investment, how much can you contribute?"

  Hunter said: "If possible, we will hold the shares."

  An Feng smiled: "You are so funny!"

  Hunter also smiled: "From a business perspective, we naturally hope to take 49% of the shares and give about three times the investment."

  Three times the 49 million shares, it is only 140 million US dollars, and for Anfeng, Bida will be a brand that monopolizes the earth in the future, which is completely out of proportion. So he shook his head: "Mr. Hunter, you have a big appetite, and the asking price is very low. You were optimistic about it just now, but you are actually not sincere."

  Hunter said: "But it is different from a battery. There is no intuitive data to illustrate its value. We can only explore the way."

An Feng nodded: "I agree, your concerns are justified, but I am very confident in my company. And you ask for too many shares, but you give too little funds, why don't I ask for money from insiders, at least More than five times, more than ten times."

Hunter said: "Of course, in normal times, these huge investments may not be too difficult, but Mr. An, you know that the consortium in Texas has recently encountered differences in funding and direction. At this time, it will not have much energy to care about you. side matters, and we are sincere."

  An Feng didn't know about it. He glanced at John and nodded slightly.

  An Feng knew it in his heart, it seemed that he was too leisurely, and he didn't know about this kind of thing inside. He said again: "Mr. Hunter, let me make another suggestion, 30% of the share, at least 500 million, don't rush to answer, you go back and discuss it, and give my assistant an answer."

  The other party knew that An Feng was issuing an order to evict customers, so the price he offered was really confident, 16 times! With the current listing of some high-quality companies, the stock issue price is only a dozen or twenty dollars. An Feng's asking price was still under the circumstances that the product was missing and the company had no hair.

Even though he has repeatedly created miracles, Hunter still doesn't think he is good at beverages. After all, he is in the electronics industry, and his scope is limited to graphene. For completely unfamiliar fields—at least they think so—he really can't think of him. Where does great confidence come from.

  So Hunter has to seriously consider, such a large investment needs to be discussed by the members of the consortium. He left his business card and said goodbye politely.

  After the two left, An Feng asked, "What's going on recently?"

  John said: "Things are very complicated, we have to start with the two consortiums in Texas one after the other."

   "Tell me, I have a lot of time." An Feng said.

John changed to sit opposite him and said: "Actually, sir, the Texas consortium you belong to is different from the original Texas consortium involved in the oil and arms industry. Cut off the munitions and turn to high technology."

An Feng has also learned that the Texas consortium is different from the current consortium. The former rose after World War II and was involved in everything from oil to arms to some banking industries. However, he is in a younger consortium whose members used to be A group formed after growing in different fields.

As for the reason for the division is very complicated, in short, they are a group of very rich financial families, using their own advantages, a rapidly rising interest group, and joined by the old and huge oil family of Sinclair, their capital is very strong, so they can Get on your feet quickly.

John said: "They are moving too fast, and there are shadows of other consortiums in many fields. Large consortiums must have reliable banks. Of course, American Express Company also has a banking department, but not all of them. The companies that control their shares It's complicated, and it's being acquired intensively."

  Amex has sold many businesses and departments over the past few years, such as selling the once popular business travel to Qatar, and the recent upward trend in market value must be due to the game of the consortium. An Feng felt that a qualified consortium must have its own bank.

  John continued: "Xin's Energy is a traditional family business, and important positions are held by family members. Although this model is stable, it will make allies lack confidence."

An Feng also knows this. It is indeed very rare for a non-listed company to get to this point, and the family business is running very well, with a reasonable debt ratio and huge profits. If it weren't for the fact that they have a lot of cards, someone might have lobbied them to go public. Even the current allies also want a share.

  Naturally, if you want to form a consortium with close cooperation, it is definitely inappropriate to continue to use the family-style management method. The cohesion is not enough, and the sincerity is not enough. So according to John, at present everyone wants the Sinclair family to be frank and honest, and then seize the opportunity to win the shares of American Express.

   Only in this way can this emerging consortium be able to fully exert its strength, otherwise it will only face a situation where the individual is strong and the combination becomes weak. When 1+1 is less than 1, a lot of resources must be wasted. This is their current state. The Sinclair family is very strong, and Blueline is not weak, but because the cooperation is not deep enough, the so-called "strong alliance" ended up holding each other back.

   John doesn't know much about the reason for the disagreement.

  An Feng simply asked them directly.

   No matter how the outside world speculates or infers other cases based on evidence, it is not enough for insiders to say a word. Bazel said that before the end of the presidential election, he will finalize the Texas consortium. They must have a reasonable order, otherwise everyone will hide from each other, and the future cooperation will not last long.

  The Blueline family also agrees. As far as democratic voting is concerned, it has reached a two-quarters approval ratio, and one more vote is needed to pass.

   What about the remaining key vote?

  An Feng thought about it and couldn't think of it—it was him!

  He is one of the giants in the embryonic consortium. It has four major sources of funds, the Sinclair family, the Blueline family, and the Kaigua family, as well as small financial groups and other allies count as the fourth share. In terms of asset value, Sinclair was first, Brulen was second, and he was third.

How much money Sinclair has is still a mystery, but Anfeng's is easy to calculate, 51% of GP company, GP Energy and Electronics Conservative have 200 billion, but in terms of monopoly ability, ten years later It will exceed trillions; there is also a research center against the sky, with personal assets of 80 billion.

As for the Blueline family, the investment losses in recent years have been huge. Except for the GP company making a bit of money, they were originally very strong, but their talents withered. Now they have helped an Anthony. I think he used to be in the auction house business... so far. The market value of assets barely reached the 100 billion level.

If they can reach closer cooperation, it will be no problem for the consortium to rank among the top five. Regardless of how famous those big consortiums are, their actual value is probably hundreds of billions, and there are still declining ones, such as Citigroup, although its assets are close to Two trillion yuan, but most of them are non-performing assets, with a lot of liabilities and bad debts. The market value has fallen to tens of billions of embarrassing situations, and now it is only more than 100 billion in market value.

  So consortiums are not easy to mix nowadays, especially those that rely on the financial industry.

  Perhaps An Feng had little interest in the past, so he could make money without affecting him, but now he needs money very much. A consortium that can continuously produce "dollars" is more ideal. Therefore, he is very optimistic about the frank and in-depth cooperation, and he also voted for it.