
Go to the United States and earn dollars

On the day of departure, all the relatives came to see him off. Hearing the repeated instructions from his parents, the blessings from his sister and brother-in-law, and Xiaoyu's reluctance, this scene seemed like a farewell. An Feng said with sweat all over his face, "Hey, I'm traveling, not going to Mars, what are you guys doing?"

The adults all laughed, but Xiaoyu kept tugging at the hem of his clothes, insisting that his uncle would fulfill his promise to take her to America. My sister coaxed her that my uncle would be back soon, but the little girl became smarter. Crying and shouting to go together, in the end An Feng had to promise to take her with him next time, and after pulling the hook, she stopped. Carrying the tea eggs made by my mother, I got on the bus bound for the city.

   Didn't stay in the provincial capital, the flight flew directly to the capital, and it was already night when they arrived, so they called Tony at the hotel and made an appointment to meet. I used the hotel computer to log on to Huiwang, and found that the auction in New York had ended, and the "Gemini" was sold at an average price of 1.2 million US dollars per carat, with a total price of 36 million US dollars.

In RMB, more than 200 million, luxury houses, sports cars, and many people are willing to call godfathers... And this is just the tip of the iceberg, the one-two-weight blue diamond in his hand is estimated to be even higher, other High-quality diamonds are not far behind.

If the catalog comes out in the future, or the technology of man-made diamonds is found, I am afraid that I will really have to think about whether to travel to the moon in this life... After a sleepless night, An Feng simply hugged the computer and chatted with the diving party in the penguin colony. Who is married, who is married, attack those bad guys who post happy photos. Early the next morning, An Feng took a taxi and went to the local notary office to apply for notarization of the driver's license.

The so-called driver's license notarization means that if you want to drive abroad, you must translate the certificate into the language of other countries (the old version of the driver's license), generally in English, and you can drive in most states of the United States with a notarization, without taking a driver's license, for self-driving travel is facilitated. According to the inquiry, the normal processing time is five days, and An Feng can't keep up.

   But it is not difficult to have money in this world. The "VIP" channel provides a one-hour fast pick-up service. In the afternoon, Tony drove over to pick him up. He still took the VIP and went to the consulate. He still needs a consulate visa to go abroad.

It is said that the passport book in the mainland is really not easy to use. There is no visfree or vison-arrival agreement with Europe and the United States. Some people rushed to the consulate to ask for a visa, but they were rejected before they could say a few words... When An Feng answered the question of the visa officer , Most of them are "no". If you choose the United States for the first time to go abroad, the white passport (empty) is likely to be rejected, but after the letter presented by Tony, the visa officer approved it.

  Going abroad is still easy to use in Hong Kong or Macau. There are more than 100 countries that are visfree and vison-arrival. If you go to a visfree country, you don't need to prepare anything, just buy an air ticket. Some people say that the strength of the country is also reflected in the passport book. Wherever you go, you have to be reviewed by visa officers at various levels. How proud are you? Of course, don't be too happy for the American people. If you go to places like North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan, their pass rate will be far lower than ours.

  After a busy day, An Feng took the flight from the capital to Los Angeles, USA. The original plan was to go directly to New York, but the flight would depart at night. He was in a hurry. This time Tony accompanied him.

Tony said seriously: "You are a big customer, and the company can't treat you badly." It is much more convenient to have more Tony. Anfeng University has passed CET-4 and has struggled to CET-6, but if you really want to communicate with foreigners Communication, I'm afraid not yet. Tony has lived in China for several years, and his Chinese is good enough to be a translator.

More than ten hours later, it was night in BJ, but the sky outside the cabin was still clear. The plane landed at LAX Airport. An Feng and Tony walked out of the airport building with their luggage. Baiyun, the air was so good that he was a little uncomfortable.

  Tony frowned: "The air in Los Angeles is not very good."

  An Feng bowed his head and walked fiercely, the big cities in China can't compare!

  Due to a tight schedule, An Feng stayed in a hotel near the airport, and later had dinner with Tony. He wanted to see Los Angeles, but there were no good places near the airport, so he had to take a car to go. In addition, shopping with a man can easily be mistaken as GAY in the United States.

  Stayed for another day, the plane flew from the west coast to the east coast, landed in New York, and met another person at the passageway, holding a sign in his hand with Tony's English name written on it. Tony hurried forward, and An Feng followed. The other party was a white man in his 30s and 40s, with black hair, taller than An Feng, and with a beard, he looked a bit like Beckham. He shook hands with An Feng and said, "Mr. An, hello!"

   "Hello!" An Feng also said.

  Tony introduced: "He is my BOSS Anthony Blulane, he came to pick you up in person."

  Anthony said with a smile: "Ann helped me earn more than three million dollars, maybe when she can continue to bring me several million dollars, I have to watch you!"

  An Feng smiled speechlessly, foreigners are real.

   "Please!" Anthony gestured for them to go together.

  A black BMW 750 was parked in the airport parking lot. Tony helped An Feng put his luggage away, and then took the driver's seat. Anthony and An Feng sat in the back row and chatted in English. Tony also helped translate from time to time. Anthony is very good at eliciting topics, and he eliminated the strangeness in a short while.

   Talking about the money, Anthony said with emotion: "Ann, the huge tax bill of more than 10 million dollars, are you ready to deal with the tax bureau?"

   "Really ruthless!" An Feng said, no wonder Americans unanimously believe that the IRS is stronger than the FBI, saying that they are going to deduct one-third of the money before they get it.

   "Maybe I should give you a good idea." Anthony said with a smile.

"Please say."

"If you just want to get a sum of money here and return to China after traveling and playing, then the tax is settled. If you stay here, invest, consume, buy real estate, etc., in April next year, I believe the tax will be paid. The bureau will deduct a lot of deductions from your personal tax."

  An Feng asked: "I am not familiar with the tax laws of the United States, how is this calculated?"

"I'm confused about the specific calculation method. I'm afraid you have to hire a private accountant. I can only remind you that a wealthy class like you who invests more than one million dollars in the United States can prove to create ten jobs. If you have a job, the Immigration Bureau will rush to handle immigration for you."

   "I'll think about it." An Feng said.

  Anthony nodded: "I have to think about it seriously."

An hour's drive came to the city center. An Feng received a check in the reception room of the auction company. Anthony came over with two goblets and a bottle of champagne. He poured two glasses leisurely. Anthony said with a smile: "Congratulations, Mr. An! Have you thought about where to go on vacation?"

  An Feng raised the check in his hand: "I'm afraid I have to think about how to deal with this check first."

  Anthony said: "Let me recommend a bank for you, VIP treatment. You don't have an SSN (Social Security Number), and it is very troublesome to open an account by yourself."

  An Feng was about to agree, when a thought flashed through his mind, "You think I will stay and invest?"

   This guy has a clever mind!

  Anthony raised his glass: "Why not? For the poor, this is hell, but for the rich, America is heaven!"

An Feng had already thought about it in the car, and there is no future for him to return to China. He is still concerned about the man-made diamond. This way of making money should not be used on compatriots. The United States is good. The economy is developed, there are many rich people, and they like shiny stones.

   This place undoubtedly meets the condition of "people are stupid and rich in money", so An Feng nodded.

  Anthony clinked glasses with him, went to the side and made a phone call, and came back to tell An Feng to wait.