

After the parked Guli returned, the gangway was closed, and the two pilots got permission from the traffic control office, the stewardess told them to fasten their seat belts. The plane accelerated on the runway, taxied, and took off... After reaching a certain altitude, the stewardess served them snacks , everyone eats, drinks and chats.

Most of the time, An Feng was talking with three domestic friends. Catilina and Guli's English is not like the American pronunciation they learned in class in China. The English spoken with Spanish and Russian accents is very different, and only An Feng is like this. Only a guy with an open mind can communicate without hindrance.

   After chatting about the plane, Wang Le expressed his attitude: "This time my brother is here to discuss business, and I am here to travel and have a local Christmas."

  Wang Wei said innocently: "I didn't say that I would bring your sister-in-law to discuss business for a week, okay?"

  Tang Feifei smiled, hugged Wang Wei's arm and whispered, "You're smart!"

  An Feng had a brief chat with Wang Wei, and it turned out that he was the successor of the company cultivated by the family. Although Wang Wei has a strict style of work, he speaks from all sides, and it is easy to get along with others. This is the template of an excellent businessman. He talks nonsense when he sees people and talks nonsense, and he can mix it up on any occasion.

  It's a pity that the harmonious relationship is maintained at the level of interests, and they can only become ordinary friends and cannot be friends like Wang Le. An Feng also showed his attitude, if he wanted to talk about business, he would talk to him seriously. Later, I learned that Wang Wei was not in a hurry to consider a branch company, and first obtained the agency right to try sales in China.

Wang Wei said: "In fact, the procedures for opening a branch in China are a bit troublesome. If you first authorize the domestic agent and the market responds well, then consider the next step. Whether it is a branch or an exclusive agent in the mainland, it is stable and the loss is small. Excellent choice. Do you think this idea is suitable?"

Chatting with Wang Wei, a serious businessman, An Feng realized that his previous ideas were too casual. As the saying goes, he was impetuous and not stable enough. There are market and policy environments.

   "I'll have to think it over."

  What Wang Wei said made sense, but An Feng didn't give an answer immediately. He knew that he was not suitable for business, so it was best to find an opportunity to talk to John and ask him to provide reference. Afterwards, Wang Le told An Feng that his brother thought that An Feng's performance was in line with the prudence a businessman should have.

  The short journey ended soon, and the plane landed at Paso Robles Airport. The family drove a four-door pickup to pick them up and return to a quiet and peaceful vineyard area. An Feng heard Tang Feifei say to Wang Wei in the car: "Don't talk about business all day, this time I'm here for vacation."

  Wang Wei hesitated to speak, but finally suppressed his unfinished thoughts to the bottom of his heart.

  An Feng and Wang Le looked at each other and smiled. Wang Le said: "Don't mind, my brother is a workaholic. I suspect that he suffers from work obsessive-compulsive disorder. He can't sleep if he doesn't talk about business all day. I have to give him a calculator to press the numbers to satisfy the absurd thoughts in his head." Only when you think about it can you sleep peacefully!"

  There were many business questions, An Feng took the time to call John and asked him to give him some advice.

John told him: "Trial sale is a good way to test the market. If the popularity is high, the branch is the easiest to maximize the benefits, followed by the exclusive agency, but part of the bonus is in the hands of others, and the subsidiary also The same, it is related to the issue of who holds the controlling stake."

  John's answer was concise and clear from the perspective of An Feng's interests. After An Feng had his own ideas, he became more targeted when dealing with Wang Wei... In the next few days, An Feng even arranged for a helicopter to send Wang Wei and Tang Feifei to Los Angeles for shopping. As for Wang Le, in some respects he is as lazy as An Feng, as soon as he sat down at the table, the two brothers were ready to toast and brag until dawn.

  Americans have a lot of Christmas activities. Joanna's family plans to travel to Europe. Many Americans choose to travel during the Christmas holiday, especially rich families with no financial pressure. Catilina, on the other hand, has to go home before the holidays. Christmas is also a day of reunion for Westerners. She wants to go back to Colombia to see her parents and brothers.

   On the way to send her to the airport, An Feng asked, "Is Christmas in the countries in the southern hemisphere summer?"

  Catilina smiled and nodded: "Of course, I went back wearing a short skirt and a shirt."

  An Feng felt that the rhythm was out of order, so he sent her to the airport and slipped a check into her pocket.

   "Transfer check?" Katilina took it out and looked at it suspiciously. It was an integer of 30,000 dollars.

  An Feng said: "There is a saying in China about giving New Year's gifts. I don't know what you like. This is my New Year's gift to you. Go back and have fun."

   "Well, I will miss you." Katilina stepped forward to hug him, just like other separated couples, they hugged and kissed goodbye.

After returning to the vineyard, An Feng brought Pipi and Dandan to the racecourse for activities. They have already grown into adult dogs. Recently, due to busy work, their training has been a little slack. The habits of the dogs should be developed as soon as possible. After your busy period of time is over, take them to the hunting ground for training.

There are quite a lot of people in the racecourse, and there is nothing to do in the vineyard recently, and the workers who stayed for the holidays are also idle. It happened that Howard, the cowboy, was teaching Tang Feifei how to ride a horse. She was riding a horse for the first time. Wang Wei cheered for his sister-in-law (wife).

  An Feng also gave her a lot of applause.

  In the afternoon, Henry came to visit, and greeted An Feng from a distance: "Hey, Bruce, are you going to cut the Christmas tree?"

  Wang Le turned around: "Cut down a Christmas tree?"

  An Feng glanced at Wang Le, then turned to Henry and said, "Okay, now?"

   "Of course, as long as you have time!" Henry said.

   "Okay, wait for me for a few minutes." An Feng greeted Wang Le, who was eager to try, drove out the pickup, brought a gasoline saw, and followed Henry to the outskirts of the city.

  Paso Robles is located in the east where there are many flat lands, but in the west there are mountains. Except for some vineyards, there are a lot of pine trees, both planted and wild, and the common radiata pine is the main one. Followed behind Henry, who was familiar with the road, to the west mountain forest area.

  The two guys of Pipidandan stretched their heads to look at the scenery outside the window, obviously very curious about the forest environment. The pickup truck staggered along a dirt road, and came to an open space full of wheel marks. Henry, dressed in a cowboy outfit, got out of the car and said to them, "This is it. It seems that a lot of people have come recently."

  An Feng took off the gasoline saw, his goal was to find a pine tree of the right size, not too big, just as tall as him.

   "Come here, I found it!" Henry's voice came.

  They followed to see a few tall and straight pine trees, which were very nice. When An Feng was about to pull the chainsaw to work, he heard the roar of a hound behind him.

  The three of them turned their heads at the same time, and found that the two black spaniels who had been following just now were chasing in one direction. The division of labor is not bad, one chases behind and the other outflanks.

They hurriedly followed to see, but the hunting dogs were too fast to see clearly, and the prey also jumped and turned sharply in the middle. Eggy caught up sideways, jumped up and took a bite, then fell to the ground with a low growl.

   "It's a rabbit!" said Henry.

An Feng stepped across the grass and came in front of two particularly excited black dogs. He was right. Eggy had a big fat gray rabbit in his mouth. Dead, Pippi bent his forelegs, staring at it vigilantly, like a qualified hunting dog.

   "Smart!" An Feng squatted down and touched the heads of the two dogs, then grabbed the ears of the big fat rabbit and lifted it up. The weight was at least five or six catties.

   "Amazing!" Wang Le also looked curiously at the struggling rabbit.

  There are a lot of wild animals in the United States, especially rabbits and squirrels. I am afraid that the number is not enough to describe it completely. It should be that wild animals have already flooded. Because Americans don't like to hunt small animals, they don't have a good time either. Without natural enemies, wild animals grow wildly.

   "Plucking hairs on skewers must be very refreshing!" An Feng said.

   "I'm drooling just thinking about it." Wang Le swallowed his saliva.

  Henry was curious: "What are you talking about?"

  Wang Le just wanted to answer in English, but An Feng stopped him: "Don't say it, Americans don't eat rabbits, there seems to be some taboo!"

  Wang Le shut up, An Feng said with a smile: "We plan to take it back to recuperate."

  Wang Le nodded: "Yes, look how pitiful it is."

  It's so pitiful, it's about to become delicious.

  Henry looked at the expressions of the two of them, and suddenly discovered the New World: "I know! I know! You are Chinese, you are going to bake it, right?"

   "What a crazy idea! God, who would do such a cruel thing?" An Feng said in surprise.

Henry knew when he saw his sophistry: "Don't worry, I won't mind if you do this. When I was in Southern California, I heard that you Chinese are very good at eating, such as snakes, birds, rabbits, etc. Delicious, I'm just curious to see how you make it and how it tastes?"

  An Feng and Wang Le looked at each other, and said to Henry: "OK, come tonight as a guest!"

When it comes to roasted rabbit meat, An Feng is not even in the mood to cut down a Christmas tree. He hastily sawed two small pine trees, let the two dogs out for a walk, and listened to the barking of dogs, Pi Pi flauntingly held a A dying rabbit ran back, and the weight was no smaller than the one in his hand.

  Wang Le is envious: "There are so many rabbits in the United States!"

There are not so many taboos from China. After returning home, a few men gather together to pluck and peel the hair of the two rabbits, cut off their heads and dig out the internal organs. After washing, add salt, light soy sauce, pepper, shredded **** and other materials After marinating for two hours, brush it with sesame oil, put it in a baking tray, put it in the oven, brush the oil every 20 minutes, a scent wafts in the kitchen, my stomach has been growling, staring at the oven All of them were starving faces.

  An Feng sighed: "It's not easy to eat wild game once."

  Wang Le despised: "There are a lot of rabbits in front of our house. If you don't pretend to be aggressive, we will still be good friends!"

  An Feng laughed.

After about 40 to 50 minutes, I took out the baking tray, and the two rabbits inside had been baked to a beautiful golden brown, and the aroma was tangy. Needless to say, the knives and forks were put together, each took a large piece on the plate, and took a bite It is crisp and tender, and the oil juice overflows the mouth, which is endless aftertaste.

  Under their instigation, Henry also tasted a few pieces of rabbit meat, and after eating it, he was naturally full of praise: "It's so delicious, I didn't expect this cute thing to be so delicious!"

   Several compatriots looked at each other and laughed.