
798 - 809

Chapter 798 - Add Oil To The Flame!

Han Xuya and Luo Chao looked up and saw a person squatting on the wall, smiling at them. On the roofs of the buildings around them, there were also many people standing there and pointing at them.

"Who are you?" Han Xuya's expression turned dark as she shouted angrily.

"Your neighbor, Evil Wind Mecha Team," The person squatting on the wall continued to smile and replied. After that, he sent out an invitation. "Beautiful lady, shall we have a meal and spend the night together?"

Han Xuya was furious. Although she and Luo Chao grew up with men around them, all their companions treated them like little sisters. They would never tease them like this. In the military academy, they were protected by their companions and seniors so no one dared to harass them. She didn't expect someone to harass her the moment they came to Base 013.

"How dare you!" Han Xuya shouted furiously.

"How dare I? I dare to do even worse things. Do you want to try me?" Everyone on the roof laughed when they heard what he said.

Han Xuya was burning with anger. She jumped up and punched the person on the wall.

Boom! The wall collapsed. The person jumped down and landed lightly on the ground within the base of 250 Ace Mecha Clan. He patted his chest and appeared as though he got a shock. "I'm so scared. I met a female dinosaur."

"Hmph!" Han Xuya snorted. She clenched her fist and started fighting with the person.

The other logisticians saw this and put aside their work. They wanted to help Han Xuya and teach this person a lesson. Luo Chao saw through their intentions and stopped them. She signaled them to let Han Xuya fight first. If Han Xuya didn't vent her anger, she would turn crazy.

The logisticians understood First Lieutenant Luo's decision so they stood at the side and watched the fight. However, they all agreed that if First Lieutenant Han was not able to defeat the person, they would attack him together. In their 250 notebooks, it was written that if they could win by numbers, do it. There was no such thing as heroism. If anyone disobeyed this rule, they would be punished. This mindset was instilled in them the moment they entered the mecha clan. After practicing together for a year, it had become a habit for them.

"Leader, what do you think?" The people standing on the roof appeared to be watching the show happily but instead, they were here to understand the capabilities of 250 Ace Mecha Clan.

"The two female officers are at the peak of refinement. They can be considered at the tip of the pyramid among all the female soldiers. As for those people around them, they should be logisticians…" The person behind Yan Three was good at analyzing people. However, he seemed a little uncertain when he was talking about the logisticians. "These logisticians are not bad too. Most of them are at refinement, even the weaker ones are at the tenth stage of manifestation. They are only one step away from refinement. I've never seen a bunch of logisticians that powerful."

Logisticians were the lowest-rank soldiers. Only those soldiers who couldn't meet any of the requirements for the other positions become logisticians. This position had no future. Yet, the physical constitutions of these people were enough for them to become land mecha operators.

Yan Three touched his chin. He was deep in thought. He only saw the tip of the iceberg of 250 Ace Mecha Clan but they already seemed hard to deal with. 'Is 250 Ace Mecha Clan a titled mecha clan that just got its title removed? Or is this display of strength just for show?'

"Add some oil to the flame." Yan Three whispered to the person beside him.

The person nodded before disappearing on the spot.

Luo Chao was focused on Han Xuya. After observing the battle for some time, Luo Chao noticed that the person who verbally harassed Han Xuya was just slightly stronger than her. He was already at the primary stage of Qi-Jin. Han Xuya was able to fight with him for so long because she was already half-step into the Qi-Jin stage and her innate talent was strength. In addition, her way of fighting was similar to Qi Long, brutal and vicious. The other party was afraid of her viciousness so he got held back.

Luo Chao had read through the rules of the mecha clan so she was about to ask the logisticians to help Han Xuya by ganking her opponent. However, she suddenly sensed danger and she quickly moved her body away.

Another person appeared at the spot where Luo Chao was at just now. If Luo Chao didn't react quickly, she would have been caught by this person.

Luo Chao looked at the person vigilantly. She said slowly, "Please leave our base immediately. If not, we will not show you any mercy." The commotion here should have alerted her brothers. If one of them comes, none of these people would be able to escape.

"Haha, little beauty, I welcome you to show no mercy towards me at night." The person teased Luo Chao blatantly, turning Luo Chao's fair face red in anger. She gritted her teeth. She had not seen such a shameless person in her life. How evil of him.

The people from Evil Wind started laughing when they saw the little beauty gritting her teeth helplessly.

"Haha, little beauty, why aren't you speaking? Have you agreed to communicate with me at night?" The man saw this and raised his hand. He wanted to touch Luo Chao.

Suddenly, his expression changed. He moved his body, wanting to dodge the incoming attack. But, he still failed.

A flash of white light zoomed through everyone, hitting the person who was about to touch Luo Chao, the person from Evil Wind flew through the air and slammed heavily onto the ground. He slid for a few meters, forming a long skid mark on the hard ground.

The flash of white light bounced on the ground and rolled to the side. It was Little White. It stumbled as it got up and walked a few steps. Then, it made a sound and fell to the ground. It fainted.

A figure landed on the spot where the person from Evil Wind was at just now. Luo Chao's beautiful face appeared in front of everyone again. However, this person had a strong killing intent around him, that immediately shut everyone up from Evil Wind.

"You want to 'communicate' with her? Well, let me communicate with you instead." A beautiful smile formed on the person's face. It was a seductive and enchanting smile. However, the people from Evil Wind only felt chills down their spines.

The moment Luo Lang finished speaking, he walked to the person who tried to touch Luo Chao. The person wanted to get up but Luo Lang stepped on his head, forcing his face flat on the hard ground. He tried to struggle but the huge force on his head prevented him from getting away. Luo Lang didn't seem to have used much strength but he still couldn't break free.

Chapter 799 - Stop!

Yan Three's expression changed when he saw this. His physical skills was the highest here, at the optimal peak of Qi-Jin. However, he still couldn't determine how high the man's physical skills was. For him to not be able to determine that, it must be either the person practiced some secret skills or he was more powerful than him. If it was the former, then everything was fine. If it was the former… Yan Three felt that it was impossible. The man should be no more than 25 years old. How could he be a domain realm master?

However, the fact that he couldn't see the other party's physical skills stage still made him worried. He moved his body and appeared in front of Luo Lang. "Little brother, my friend talks a lot but he will never touch the lady. Please forgive him." When he scanned his opponent top to bottom, he noticed that this person was not the little beauty. His major insignia was enough to prove this.

Luo Lang looked up and smiled at Yan Three brightly. "You are their leader, right? It's about time for you to appear."

Yan Three maintained his expression. If the other party still didn't understand his intentions, then 250 Ace Mecha Clan was useless.

A figure appeared at the spot where Little White lying on the ground. He calmly picked Little White up. The moment Little White was in his hand, it woke up. It turned its body and grabbed the person's finger. It started making loud sounds while shaking the person's finger.

"Bastard, bastard. How dare you throw me out like a ball? I will go back and tell master. I will let him punish you…" Its master had asked this person to bring it around to watch the surroundings. How dare he treat it like that. Go and die!

The person sneered. "Are you sure? I will tell your master that you didn't want to save Luo Chao. Tsk tsk."

Little White shivered. It knew that its master cared much about the only two ladies in his team. If master misunderstood him… Little White widened its eyes and looked furiously at the masked man. All it did was made things difficult for him during the marathon just now. What a treacherous person. He kept his grudge and took revenge on it the moment an opportunity came. He threw it out furiously until it got dizzy and almost killing it. Now, he was framing it. Ahhhhh! Little White was really angry. It wanted to kill him.

Little White turned crazy. Its voice got shriller. It landed in his hands because he was the only person who could communicate with it besides its master. 'Sob, master is busy so he doesn't have the time to take Little White out for a walk. Ah, no! He doesn't have the time to take me to inspect the surroundings. That was why master asked the evil masked man to take me out!'

A finger landed on its round body and started scratching it. Little White closed its eyes a little and laid on the person's hand. It moaned in satisfaction. 'Ah, this is so comfortable. I will let you go today. Hey, why are you stopping? Scratch this side.' Little White turned its body and asked the person to continue. It no longer wanted to kill Li Lanfeng.

Li Lanfeng gave a gentle smile. 'As long as I got its weak point, I could do anything to it, right?'

Little White lost to Li Lanfeng's massage. On the other side, the atmosphere between Luo Lang and Yan Three was tense. A battle seemed imminent.

Boom! They two of them punched each other at the same time. Both of them were forced to step back. Yan Three was an experienced person. The moment they stepped back, he swung his leg and hooked the person under Luo Lang's foot back.

Two figures flew out and caught the person. He vomited blood and told his companions in a low voice, "He is very powerful. I couldn't retaliate at all."

The two people retreated back to the crowd. They also realized that the 250 Ace Mecha Clan was not as simple as they thought. This beautiful man was already hard to deal with and with the masked man that appeared silently just now, it will only get harder. They only realized that he was there after he appeared.

Luo Lang saw the other party saving the man who harassed his sister. He clicked his tongue. If his Boss didn't ask them to hide their domains, his opponent wouldn't be able to save his comrade.

"Optimal peak of Qi-Jin!" Yan Three guessed Luo Lang's physical skills from that one punch. He turned serious. "Are you the Regiment Commander of 250 Ace Mecha Clan ?"

"Our regiment commander is not so free. He doesn't have the time to take care of a small fish like you." Luo Lang looked up proudly. Yan Three was unhappy at his arrogant look but he controlled his emotions. He had heard what this person said. He was not the Regiment Commander of 250 Ace Mecha Clan. He became cautious. The thought of giving 250 Ace Mecha Clan an opening gambit was gone.

The Evil Wind Mecha Team was a wild and unyielding mecha team who always had conflicts and arguments with other mecha teams. The commanding officer of the base always felt his head hurt when he thought about them. However, that didn't mean that they were arrogant and brainless. As the leader of the Evil Wind Mecha Team, Yan Three was an intelligent person. He knew his limits. No matter what he did, he never crossed the bottom line of his commanding officer. That was why the Evil Wind Mecha Team had a high status in Base 013. He could see that 250 Ace Mecha Clan was not a simple mecha clan. The people inside were powerful. Hence, he decided to stop whatever he was doing. He would take action again after he understood this mecha clan better.

Yan Three laughed. "This is all a misunderstanding. Brother, we just wanted to greet you all but my team members saw the beautiful ladies and lost their minds. We are sorry that we offended the ladies. I will visit your regiment commander personally and apologize for the reckless behavior of my members."

Luo Lang's anger subsided a little when he saw Yan Three's sincere attitude. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the wall Han Xuya broke. "What about that?"

"Since it's our fault, we will repair it." Yan Three accepted the responsibility immediately.

Luo Lang was satisfied. He shouted, "Xuya, stop fighting."

Han Xuya stopped and panted heavily. Her opponent gave a bitter smile and waved his hands. He didn't expect this lively and pretty little lady to be so fierce. Her strength was greater than his. He could feel the pain on his body at the areas she hit. There were probably bruises all over him.

"I'll let you off today. We will continue tomorrow." Han Xuya saw that she couldn't subdue her opponent today so she issued him a challenge.

"Huh?" The person was shocked. 'Is this lady was still not done?'

Chapter 800 - Bewitch!

"We must fight!" Han Xuya said firmly. She finally met someone whom she could fight on equal grounds without any worry, so she would definitely not let him off that easily.

Speaking of fighting, Han Xuya wanted to cry. She was not a gentle lady like Luo Chao. She liked to solve everything with brutal force. To put it crudely, she liked to fight. However, Qi Long and those monsters around her were much more powerful than her. She couldn't even experience a good fight when she found an equal as they were afraid of hurting her. As for the logisticians, they didn't dare to fight with her at all. In the 250 Ace Mecha Clan which was filled with talents, so there was no one who could be her sandbag. Today, she finally fought to her satisfaction. She would not let this sandbag run away.

Luo Lang saw through Han Xuya's intentions, so he smiled at Yan Three and waited for his reply.

Yan Three decisively betrayed his team member. "Stone, fight with this first lieutenant tomorrow."

Stone's lips twitched. 'Can I reject this invitation? I don't want to be in pain every day.' However, he knew that his leader never changed any decision he had made. Thus, he had no choice but to reply helplessly, "Yes, leader."

If he knew this was going to happen, he would have picked the other lady… he suddenly glanced at his teammate who was lying his other teammates' arms weakly and with blood occasionally dripping down his lips. 'Actually, fighting with this fierce lady is not so bad after all.'

The Evil Wind Mecha Team came happily but left dejectedly.

Li Lanfeng looked at Yan Three's firm back. He raised his eyebrows. 'That man is not someone who would admit defeat easily. This matter hasn't ended yet.'

Suddenly, Luo Lang rushed towards him, stopping just when he was right in front of his face. Li Lanfeng got a shock at the beautiful face that was looking at him intently.

Li Lanfeng smiled. "What is the matter?"

"Why did you act before me just now?" If Li Lanfeng didn't smash Little White at the person who harassed Luo Chao, the person wouldn't have escaped with just light injuries.

"We just came here and don't understand the internal workings of this base yet, so it's better to be careful," Li Lanfeng smiled as he replied.

"Do you think I don't know this?" Luo Lang smiled coldly. 'Does he think that I'm stupid?'

Li Lanfeng raised his hands helplessly and apologized, "I'm sorry then. I was being a busybody."

Luo Lang glared at him. "No sincerity."

Li Lanfeng frowned when he heard this. "Luo Lang, do we have any misunderstanding here?" Ever since they entered the domain stage, Luo Lang had been looking at him questioningly.

"My calm personality told me to keep a distance away from you," Luo Lang replied honestly.

Li Lanfeng wanted to laugh. 'Isn't he betraying himself?'

The calm personality was speechless. The other personalities started laughing at him. This was something only the primary personality would do. What a poor thing. The calm personality couldn't do anything to the primary personality.

"I'm not stupid. I trust my calm personality but Boss trusts you. Hence, I choose to trust you," Luo Lang continued. The calm personality started thinking. 'Is the primary personality really as dumb as they had thought?'

Li Lanfeng retracted his smile when he heard what Luo Lang said. He looked at Luo Lang seriously and smiled after a few seconds. "I understand. Don't worry. Even if I can harm anyone, I will never harm Boss Lan!"

"I hope you remember your words." Luo Lang turned and went to take care of his sister.

'His calm personality?' Li Lanfeng's smile got deeper. As expected, he couldn't deceive everyone. What a failure! Ever since he entered the domain stage, he discovered his other ability——Bewitch! But from the looks of it now, it couldn't be used on everyone. For instance, Luo Lang's calm personality and Rabbit.

When this was happening, Ling Lan was not there with them. She had instead brought Yang Mingzhi along to meet the commanding officer of the base. She only knew what had happened when she came back. During the team leader meeting in the afternoon, she let the team leaders decide how they should handle this matter when Qi Long asked her what they should do.

Ling Lan brought another piece of news back from the commanding officer. Base 013 was going to throw them a welcoming dinner. It was said to be a welcoming dinner but they were just going to have a meal together in the canteen. Of course, the people that were invited to the welcoming dinner were all junior officers and above in terms of rank. The logisticians could only prepare their own meals in their camp.

"They are just trying to pressure us in that kind of situation." Luo Lang raised his one of his eyebrows.

"Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Everyone will be there just to understand our capabilities," Li Lanfeng replied thoughtfully.

"Regiment commander, what do we do?" Yang Mingzhi asked.

Ling Lan looked at the list Lin Zhong-qing had passed to her. It was the list of items provided by the base. Just like what she had expected, they were provided with just the basic items. There was no advanced weaponry. They didn't even provide them with enough supplies of energy storage units. The logistics department of Planet Haijiao was not very good.

She raised her head and replied to Yang Mingzhi, "We will act accordingly." Then, she smiled. "250 Ace Mecha Clan will get to the top in the future."

The ten team leaders smiled as they had understood what their regiment commander meant. 250 Ace Mecha Clan would soon reign over Base 013.

At the commanding officer's office, the adviser beside the commanding officer asked worriedly, "Commanding officer, will something bad happen if the 250 Ace Mecha Clan meet those people?"

"Whether it is good or bad, something will definitely happen. Did you see the Regiment Commander of 250 Ace Mecha Clan?" The commanding officer frowned. Ling Lan was a really cold person, just a glance from her would make him shiver to the bone. She definitely looks like someone that would not be easily controlled. Also, he received the news that the Evil Wind Mecha Team had some conflict with 250 Ace Mecha Clan just now but everything was resolved calmly. If they were able to have the wild Yan Three take a step back, the people in 250 Ace Mecha Clan were definitely not simple.

The commanding officer hoped that a powerful ace mecha clan would come and help to protect Base 013. However, he also hoped that it wouldn't be a mecha clan that was hard to control. As the commanding officer of the base, he didn't want a portion of his power to be taken away by some hard-headed outsiders. Thus, he needed to find out more about 250 Ace Mecha Clan before making further plans.

Evil Wind Mecha Team was not the only people in the base that was hard to deal with. There was another special mecha clan too. The people inside were all descendants of elite families. After gaining some merits here, they would go back and be promoted to whatever position her families had prepared for them. These people were arrogant and domineering most of the time, doing whatever they wanted and looked down on everyone, but because of their strong background, no one dared to talk back to them. The only exception was, the Evil Wind Mecha Team, as it was made up of a bunch of people who were not afraid of death so they were able to subdue this bunch of descendants and stop them from being too overboard. If not, who knew what they would do?

"Have you made the necessary arrangements?" The commanding officer asked.

"Yes," the adviser replied.

The commanding officer smiled. "That's good. We can watch a good show tonight."

Chapter 801 - Lady Mei!

In the female dormitory district of the logistician camp, female JMCs were dolling themselves up carefully as they were going to welcome an ace mecha clan in the welcoming dinner. This mecha clan was just a normal ace mecha clan but there were still some ace mecha masters inside it. Even if these ace mecha masters just newly advanced, they should be at least at the rank of senior captain. These ladies felt their hearts fluttering when they thought about this. All of them hoped to find a powerful officer as their boyfriends or maybe potential future husbands.

However, only one lady appeared out of place. She wore a military uniform and didn't put on any makeup. She had an unhappy expression on her face as she was upset about the behavior of her friends.

"Lady Mei, stop putting on your stern face. Even if you don't like those ace operators, we need them." One of the female soldiers purposely wore a smaller sized military uniform which displayed her curves more prominently. She seemed determined to find a good boyfriend this time.

"She already has Major Zhou. Of course, she wouldn't care about the new ace mecha masters." Another female soldier covered her mouth and smiled with her eyes, but there was envy in her eyes. Major Zhou had been chasing Lady Mei for the past few days. They were touched by all the things he did for her but Lady Mei's heart was rock solid. She was not moved at all.

"What do you mean by mine? If you want him, you can take him." Lady Mei frowned. She had no feelings towards Major Zhou at all. His identity and his oppressive behaviors caused her to remember her mother's sufferings.

Lady Mei's name was Mei Gu ('Gu' here means lonely). The female soldiers felt that her name was not so nice to call her so they called her Lady Mei. Lady Mei liked to take care of them like an elder so this nickname suited her quite well.

Lady Mei was an illegitimate child. She didn't know who her father was. Her mother also didn't want to tell her who he was. However, after years of probing, she found out when her mother was a JMC, she got played by a high-ranking officer. The high-ranking officer abandoned her after a while and even threw her out of the military so that he could cover up what he did, destroying her mother's life. Lady Mei couldn't even imagine what her mother felt when she gave birth to her.

"If Major Zhou likes me and gives me what I want, I will willingly let myself fall in love with him. I don't understand what you are thinking. He is such a sincere and loving man," The female soldier said with a tone filled with jealousy. She felt she was good-looking too. Why did Major Zhou fell for Lady Mei and not her?

"I will not rely on a man for my needs," Lady Mei replied with a dark expression.

"What is wrong with relying on a man?" The female soldier stood up instantly. The two of them were about to start a fight, but the other female soldiers pulled them apart.

Lady Mei looked at the bunch of innocent ladies and sighed. She said coldly, "With the exception of talented monsters, all ace mecha masters are at least 30 years old and above. Most of them will have families already at that age. 250 Mecha Clan is just a normal ace mecha clan, so there will probably not be any talented people in it. It will be difficult for you all want to find someone you like."

"There will definitely be fish that escaped the net." The female soldier who was dressed sexily smiled. They could accept older men as long as they were not married. The average lifespan in the Federation was 150 years old so a 20 years old age gap meant nothing.

"That's right. Even if those talented and powerful people come to our base, we won't have any chance too." Another female soldier said, "Only a goddess like Li Yinfei will be able to…"

"It is not impossible too. General Ling Xiao's wife was a JMC, right?" One female soldier didn't agree with her friend. She started to appear as if she was dreaming and said, "I believe that my Ling Xiao will come and look for me."

"Stop dreaming!" The other female soldier laughed. They were all excited and anticipating this welcoming dinner while Lady Mei sat dejectedly at the corner. She didn't want to talk to these stupid ladies whose mind was filled with blind love.

Lan Luofeng was a lucky person. However, how many Lan Luofengs was there in the military? Most ladies were tricked and played by the officers. Her mother was one of them.

"Fine, fine, Lady Mei, don't be angry!" A beautiful female soldier saw the sadness in Lady Mei's face and rushed over. She hugged Lady Mei's shoulder and patted her. "I know that you are afraid that we will be fooled by the men. You want to climb up using your own abilities. However, we just don't have that kind of ambition. We just want to marry a good husband and have a child with him."

"But…" Lady Mei looked at the excited ladies. She was worried. There were so many cases of female JMCs getting tricked. Why couldn't they wake up?

"Don't worry. We will keep our eyes sharp." The beautiful female soldier knew what Lady Mei was worried about. But, they still thought that they were able to meet the man of their dreams.

Lady Mei knew that her persuasions were useless now, so she sighed and let them do what they wanted.

Soon, the female soldier finished dressing themselves up. They went to the canteen together, which looked entirely different. It had been cleaned up and the tables had been rearranged. Each mecha clan was assigned to a table or an area. The JMC female soldiers were the attendants for this welcoming dinner. They would serve the officers their foods and drinks.

Many officers were already seated at the cafeteria. They were either resting in their seats or chatting with the person beside them. When the JMCs walked in, their eyes lit up. Although they might not have any untoward thoughts about these women, it was still only natural for them to admire beautiful ladies.

A bunch of young junior officers around 30 years old were sitting at a table near the stage saw the female soldiers entering, and instantly got excited.

"Brother Zhou, the woman you like came too," a fair young man said to the handsome man he was sitting next to. He was the person that had been chasing Lady Mei. His name was Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen turned and saw Lady Mei's cold face. He was elated. The moment he entered this base, he was entranced by this cold and arrogant lady. However, no matter what he did, she didn't fall for him. This just perked his desire to conquer her even more. Until now, he didn't know if he really liked her or he just wanted to satisfy his desires.

He stood up immediately and walked towards the JMCs. The people around him followed behind him.

"Lady Mei, long time no see!" Zhou Chen shouted with a bright smile.

The female soldiers beside Lady Mei pushed her forward, so Lady Mei had no choice but to reply, "Major Zhou, we just met yesterday."

Chapter 802 - Help Me!

"Lady Mei, seeing you after only such a short time felt like an eternity. Don't you feel the same?" Zhou Chen had a flirtatious expression as he spoke.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. I just know that it has only been 16 hours since we last met!" Lady Mei said coldly. She didn't want to give Zhou Chen any anything to work with. She becomes very irritated every time Zhou Chen shows up with that kind of expression on his face.

Zhou Chen's smile instantly froze up. Lady Mei gestured the female soldier beside her, preparing to go around Zhou Chen. She didn't have any thoughts of continuing to speak with him, causing him to lose his dignity in front of his posse.

The officers around them saw this scene and began to laugh softly. These privileged and arrogant people like Zhou Chen had irritated and angered many people. The piercing laughter was a clear indication of mockery and making fun of him.


A hand suddenly grabbed onto Lady Mei's wrist. Zhou Chen, who was the owner of the hand, had a cold expression on his face. He said slowly, "Lady Mei, I've already asked you out for three months, shouldn't you give me an answer already?" If there weren't other officers around, he wouldn't care if Lady Mei continued to play around with him. However, now that they were seen in public, his ego did not allow himself to be stepped on by a common female soldier.

Lady Mei flung his hand off of her wrist, "Major Zhou, I had already told you very clearly three months ago. We. Are. Not. Happening!" Afterwards, she led her friends, who were scared, and prepared to leave.

"Ah!" Lady Mei suddenly cried out in pain. It turns out her hand was grabbed by him once again. However this time, he didn't hold back and made it painful for her.

"Lady Mei, you should understand that I will not take no for an answer. I've already given you respect. If you don't comply, I'm going to be very angry." Zhou Chen didn't allow anyone to reject him in public, especially if it was an average and powerless female soldier.

"Do you not understand the words coming out of my mouth? I don't like you, please let go of my hand!" Lady Mei had hardened personality. How could she give in to this person? Even if she was to be expelled by the military, she still wanted to leave with her dignity.

"You should have come quietly when you had the chance. Little Wu, A'Mo, take her to my room!" Zhou Chen tossed Lady Mei towards the two people behind him and gestured them to take her away.

"Let go of me, let go!" Lady Mei kicked and punched the two officers who tried to drag her way. In her mind she knew that if she didn't save herself now, she would be ruined. Although the regulations of the military was strict, it was only in divisions during normal times. However, on the front lines of a battlefield, there were a lot of shady things happening. For some bases, they even neglect occasions when soldiers assault female soldiers in order to quell the killing intent and anxiousness from the battlefield.

The female soldiers that came with Lady Mei were all dumbstruck. They saw Zhou Chen's cold expression, and didn't dare to say anything.

The officers around them all frowned. Some wanted to make a move but were stopped by those around them. Offending a privileged individual for a normal JMC was not worth it. In the end, most of the people in Base 013 were all just commoners. These junior officers all climbed the ranks one by one. Once they offend these people, they could predict that their futures would be completely destroyed.

"Captain?" The Evil Wind Mecha Team had entered just then and saw this scene. They all had angry expressions on their faces. One of them asked the leader, Yan Three, whether they should make a move.

Others might be afraid of these privileged individuals, but it didn't mean those from Evil Wind were afraid of them. They had some power in this base, so if the higher-ups were to punish them, they would need enough reason to do so. They also had the right to go to court and use their merits to ask the disciplinary committee to conduct an investigation. Even if they couldn't leave without a scratch, they would still give the privileged individuals a hard time.

Right as Yan Three was about to nod, he saw a few familiar silhouettes. He smirked and said, "Don't make a move just yet, 250 Ace Mecha Clan is here!"

He wanted to see how would the people from 250 Ace Mecha Clan deal with this problem!

"What's happening?" Luo Chao and Han Xuya were the first to arrive. They saw a female soldier fighting for her life to get away from two junior officers who were trying to drag her away, and they asked in confusion.

The junior officers from 250 Mecha Clan's logistics division all shook their heads. They had also just arrived and didn't know what was happening.

Lady Mei saw that there were female officers at the door and immediately had an idea. She shouted loudly, "Help me! Please help me!" She was not going to give up until the very last moment.

"Hey, let her go!" Han Xuya couldn't bear to see what was happening. No matter what had happened or whether that female soldier was in the right or wrong, she still wanted to stop it and ask about the situation since she saw it.

Little Wu saw Han Xuya's young and elegant beauty and instantly had a thought, "Wow, when did our base get such high quality girls? How about it? Do you want to come with me?"

Han Xuya frowned. 'What is with this base? Why were all of these people so creepy and like to take advantage of women?'

"Did you not understand what i said? I told you let her go!" Han Xuya's impression of these two people instantly went into the negatives. She originally only wanted to ask for the reason of the issue, but now she decided that no matter what, she was going to take care of this issue. Looking the creepy looks the two senior captains gave her, she knew they weren't nice people!

"Heh, a first lieutenant dares to order us to let someone go?" A'Mo laughed coldly, "Has your superiors never taught you about ranks?"

"No, he really hadn't!" Han Xuya said with a smile. The mecha operators in 250 Mecha Clan were all senior colonels or lieutenant colonels. Even her childhood friends were all majors, even the lowest rank were senior captains. Thus, she didn't care too much about this senior captain who stood in front of her.

Han Xuya's words made A'Mo's expression change instantly. This was the first time someone disrespected him in public. He suddenly had an evil thought. If that was the case, then he should have this woman with Lady Mei.

He suddenly went to grab Han Xuya. Han Xuya's eyes sharpened and threw her fist towards him.

"Bam!" The sound of punches being thrown could be heard.

"Ah!" A pained shout followed after the punching sound.

A'Mo held his right hand with a pale expression on his face. He looked at the woman who had broken his hand with a sinister look. He didn't think that she would have that much strength, wounding him in one hit.

"What happened?" The activity around them angered Zhou Chen who had already calmed down. He walked over and asked in a cold tone.

"Elder Brother Zhou, this woman actually dares to meddle with your affairs." A'Mo saw Zhou Chen come over and instantly told him about it.

Zhou Chen's eyes looked towards Han Xuya and also saw the beautiful Luo Chao, who was behind Han Xuya. Together Lady Mei, who was although somewhat flustered, the three different beauties made him salivate in his mouth. He couldn't help but lick his lips and softly say, "I didn't think that the base would have two more beauties. Very nice. Very nice."

Chapter 803 - An Amusement Park for Fighting!

Zhou Chen's creepy expression instantly angered Han Xuya. She put her hands on her waist and shouted, "What are you looking at? Shouldn't you let go of that female soldier?"

"You broke my friend's arm, shouldn't you take responsibility for that?" Zhou Chen smiled coldly. Although he liked beautiful girls, he definitely wouldn't allow them to stand over him.

"What do you want me to do?" Han Xuya suddenly smiled while playing with her fingers without a care in the world. When she came here, her elder cousin brother said that if she were to be in trouble, she shouldn't make it difficult for herself. She was told she could do anything and make a scene, and there would naturally be someone there to clean it up for her.

Han Xuya knew this was their Boss's orders. If she had Boss's protection, even if she was to break through the heavens, she would still be fine.

Luo Lang was also told that by her elder brother, Luo Lang, thus she was was only watching Han Xuya worked her magic with a calm smile on her face. She didn't have any thoughts of stopping her. In Luo Chao's mind, Boss Lan would help them out if they were stuck in a sticky situation.

'It seems these two girls aren't terrified at all.' Zhou Chen, who had always had his way in Base 013, had immediate change in his expression, "It seems you don't know who I am."

Han Xuya sighed softly. 'Why do these antagonists always say the same thing?' She clenched her fist, cracking her knuckles, "Then tell me, who are you?" Once all the pointless chatter ends, she would finally be able to start fighting again.

Seeing Han Xuya's movements, Zhou Chen understood her intentions 'She actually dares to put up a strong front in front of me…' His expression showed a hint of anger and he waved his hand. Seeing that hand movement, a dozen of his friends who was just spectating the tense atmosphere, instantly came forward.

"You actually dare to not respect us and dare to attack the 8th battalion? Do you not know the significance of the 8th battalion? You're really looking for a death wish." Their families deliberately put them into a base that had any connections with a division. They wanted to give these young people real military merits, so that it will be easier for them to climb up the ranks. Their families really did a lot for them.

"Oh, the 8th battalion? Okay… but what does that have anything to do with me? Yes, I am not respecting you. What can you do to me?" Han Xuya laughed. Her bravado made other officers frown slightly as they were all used to female soldiers being submissive. They definitely weren't used to such an arrogant woman.

Only Lady Mei's eyes glistened when she saw what Han Xuya did. She discovered that she was what she aspired to be. Whoever was to put their hand on her, she would ruthlessly cut it off and not care about the consequences.

Han Xuya's arrogant attitude instantly angered those arrogant and privileged individuals. They didn't wait for Zhou Chen's order, and they all instantly surrounded her.

Although Lady Mei admired Han Xuya, she was concerned when she saw a dozen junior officers circling her at the same time. She began to worry about the cool and poised female officer.

"Come at me!" Han Xuya's eyes brightened and ran towards them. She finally had a chance to show off. Before, when she got into these types of situations, it would always be taken care of by Qi Long and Luo Lang, leaving her no chance for her to do anything even if she wanted to. She didn't think that after arriving at Base 013, she was actually the one with the most chances to fight, leaving her with an amazing impression of this base. It was like an amusement park for fighting.

"Bang, bang, bang." Many people were sent flying, smashing into the tables and chairs on the side. They created a big mess, causing the person in charge of the cafeteria to have pale expressions on his face. He was internally crying. He could already imagine the angry and murderous face of the logistics department head. He might lose his job because of this.

'If I had known that things would get this out of control, I would have stopped him before he could let his people take that JMC away.' The person in charge of the cafeteria thought in his mind regrettably.

When Little Wu saw that his friends actually couldn't even beat a woman, his expression became sinister, and he thought of a plan to choke Lady Mei in order to threaten Han Xuya. Right when he was about to choke Lady Mei, he suddenly felt his chin taking a strong hit. Just as he was about to pass out, he heard a cracking sound coming out of his chin.

Luo Chao arrived beside Lady Mei and pulled Lady Mei away, taking her far away from the fight. It was to make sure she wasn't hurt from the people who were sent flying by Han Xuya. Although seemed to have been focusing on Han Xuya, she was actually staring at Lady Mei, in order to determine the perfect time for her to take her back. Seeing the perverted guy preparing to using Lady Mei as a hostage, she decisively made a move. Although Luo Chao's physical skills was not as good as Han Xuya, it was still easy for her, who had reached the peak of refinement, to strike down someone who was only at the early stage of refinement.

Seeing his friends continuously get beaten up by strong women, Zhou Chen couldn't hold himself back anymore, and he pounced towards Han Xuya with the intent to disable her forever.

"Bam!" However, Zhou Chen was immediately intercepted by someone in mid-air.

"You're opponent is me!" A silhouette landed on front of Zhou Chen and said calmly.

Zhou Chen's eyes widen and said in a surprised tone, "Zhou Yu, it's you?" The person who intercepted Zhou Chen was none other than Second Lieutenant Zhou Yu from 250 Ace Mecha Clan's logistics department. He just had bare minimum amount of merits in order to participate in the welcoming dinner. He was the second group to come in and was only behind Han Xuya and Luo Chao by a short while. He came just in time to see Zhou Chen attacking Han Xuya.

"Yes, it's me. Is it really that strange?" Zhou Yu clenched his fist. His wrist, that took the hit, was somewhat numb. With his current capabilities, it was still somewhat difficult for him to intercept Zhou Chen. However, this small bit of pain made him feel fantastic. It meant that his efforts of working towards not being a piece of useless trash had paid off.

"I didn't think that trash like you would actually pass the new recruit examination and be taken in by a division… But why are you torturing yourself? If you can't learn the Zhou family's Divine Dash technique, then you don't have the qualifications to be part of the Zhou family," Zhou Chen said with a serious tone.

"Does it matter if I can't be part of the Zhou family?" Zhou Yu said indifferently.

A year ago, the Zhou family's abandonment made him feel lost and anger. He took these feelings with him as he joined the military, and he coincidentally entered 250 Ace Mecha Clan. After a year of being with comrade who shared similar feelings of abandonment, the issue with the Zhou family had been resolved in his head… He had brother-in-arms alongside him now, such as Chen Yi'an, Guo Rongqi and others from the logistics department who worked hard with him. Everyone was putting forth all their efforts into becoming stronger. What made him even more emotional was that their regiment commander, Ling Lan, never gave up on trash like them. After researching their physical constitutions, she had personally created a set of physical skills techniques that were suitable for their respective constitutions, which helped them to quickly advance. They were originally only at the primary stage of foundation, the lowest stage of the Federation's physical skills. However, in that single year, they all managed to advance. Most of them entered into the early stages of refinement, while he grew even faster and advanced to the peak of refinement. This was why he was promoted to second lieutenant.

Zhou Chen didn't think that Zhou Yu would give him such an answer and was instantly stunned. He still remembered the face Zhou Yu made when the Zhou family given him the punishment. It was full of resentment, otherwise he wouldn't have left the Zhou family and joined the military.

When Zhou Yu saw Zhou Chen's stunned expression, he smirked. If it wasn't for everything Regiment Commander Ling had done, he might not have been able to reach this point. Now, Zhou Yu was no longer Zhou Yu of the Zhou family, but was instead Zhou Yu of 250 Ace Mecha Clan. Back when he had advanced to the early stages of refinement, he had already made a decision. He planned on following his Boss Lan who had given him a new lease on his life.

Chapter 804 - Threat?

"Trash, you finally understand that you can never be a part of the Zhou family." Zhou Chen reacted quickly and gave a look of disdain.

"If I'm trash, what about you? I haven't seen you for more than a year but you are still at the primary stage of Qi-Jin. You made no improvements at all. Looks like you are going to become a useless person like me soon." Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Chen. This was the person he was envious of in the past. From the looks of it now, his jealousy was too cheap in the past. In 250 Ace Mecha Clan, Zhou Chen could only become a logistician like him.

Zhou Chen's face turned red with anger and viciousness appeared in his eyes. Although he was stronger than Zhou Yu, he was not among the outstanding batch in the Zhou family. If he didn't have a good mother who had a powerful background, the Zhou family wouldn't have placed so much emphasis and resources on him. He knew that he was not that impressive, so he liked to vent his frustrations on Zhou Yu to feel better about himself. Zhou Yu was in that kind of position due to him being unable to practice the Zhou family's Divine Dash technique. Zhou Chen was able to vent his frustrations by showing off his abilities in front of him. It was because of the Zhou family's cruel and unforgiving environment that caused Zhou Chen's mind to become twisted.

Zhou Yu's words exposed his greatest insecurity. He went berserk. "Zhou Yu, go and die!" Zhou Chen shouted in anger. His eyes were bloodshot as he pounced at Zhou Yu while releasing his Qi-Jin to its maximum. He wanted to kill Zhou Yu.

However, Zhou Yu remained calm in the face of an attack. He congregated all his energy and blocked the attack.

Boom! Zhou Yu took a few steps back before he stabilized himself. A drip of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. He was only at the peak of refinement, so the power of Qi-Jin had injured him heavily. However, he didn't want to lower himself in front of Zhou Chen. He swallowed the blood that gushed up to his mouth, leaving only a couple of drops of blood that slipped out his mouth.

"Zhou Yu, are you alright?" A second lieutenant jumped out and held him up. It was Zhou Yu's good friend, Chen Yi'an. Chen Yi'an was only at the primary stage of refinement but Chang Xinyuan realized his talent in mecha modification so he moved Chen Yi'an to the modification department. Thus, Chen Yi'an became Chang Xinyuan's helper. His rank jumped from a third rank corporal to a second lieutenant, making him able to attend this dinner.

"I'm fine!" Zhou Yu wiped the blood off his mouth. He suffered a heavy internal injury but he was happy. This person was no longer the devil in his heart anymore. He was able to resist him now. Zhou Yu believed that in one more year, he would surpass Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen was furious when he saw a primary stage refinement soldier interrupting the battle between him and Zhou Yu. He felt that the other person was not giving him any respect. The angry Zhou Chen raised his fist and aimed it at Chen Yi'an, preparing to give this arrogant second lieutenant a bloody lesson.

Zhou Yu was shocked when he saw Zhou Chen's fist coming towards Chen Yi'an. He quickly pulled Chen Yi'an behind him and prepared to use his body to block the fist.

Boom! A figure flew out and slammed through multiple tables at the canteen. The force was so great, the figure smashed through four round tables before he stopped.

A cold and handsome senior captain had appeared in front of Zhou Yu. He was the person who kicked Zhou Chen away.

"Brother!" Chen Yi'an popped his head out behind Zhou Yu. He was elated when he saw the person in front of Zhou Yu. It was his brother, Chen Yifan.

Chen Yifan's true capabilities were immediately found out when he entered the 250 Ace Mecha Clan. He was then transferred to the mecha team and became a member of Li Yingjie's team 10. The two brothers belonged to two different departments so they came with their own team in sequence. In 250 Ace Mecha Clan, the logisticians would arrive first, followed by the mecha team. Li Yingjie's team 10 was the first mecha team to arrive at the canteen. When Chen Yifan saw someone attempting to harm his younger brother, he immediately acted.

Zhou Chen picked himself up from the ground with much effort. It was a simple series of actions but he was in tremendous amounts of pain by just doing it. Thus, he couldn't control himself and vomit out blood while clutching his stomach. After multiple attempts of trying to stand up but eventually falling on the ground, he finally stood up, albeit a little wobbly. Then, he maliciously looked at the person who had injured him.

"How dare a senior captain injure me. I will report this to the disciplinary committee. You can just sit there and wait for the military to kick you out." Zhou Chen gritted his teeth. He knew he was not this person's match. Hence, he prepared to use his family background to punish these bastards who dared to provoke him.

"Is someone threatening my team members? Are you bored of life?" An arrogant voice came from the open door, before revealing a major who entered the room slowly.


"Leader Li!"

The team members from team 10 and the logisticians saluted the major.

Major Li snapped his fingers indifferently. His team members knew what their leader was like so they quickly moved to the side. Chen Yifan looked at Zhou Chen in pity before bringing his brother and Zhou Yu to the side too.

The logisticians also knew the personality of Little Leader Li, so they immediately followed the other members of team 10 without hesitation.

There were two team leaders with the surname Li in 250 Ace Mecha Clan. To differentiate them, they called Li Lanfeng, Big Leader Li, and Li Yingjie was referred to as Little Leader Li. The personalities of these leaders were also a direct contrast with each other. Big Leader Li was gentle, well-mannered, thoughtful, treats his subordinates well and just an overall good person. Everyone liked him. If anyone made Big Leader Li angry, it must be the fault of the other person. As for Little Leader Li, he was the complete opposite. He was arrogant, bossy, impatient, offends people easily and was not afraid of anybody. He was like the devil of their mecha clan. However, there was only one person who could bring him down a notch, and that was their regiment commander. Whenever Little Leader Li saw their regiment commander, he would immediately become like an angel.

Soon, only Zhou Chen and Li Yingjie were left at the doorway.

Li Yingjie slowly walked towards Zhou Chen. He bent down and patted Zhou Chen's cheek. "How can someone like you dare to threaten my man? What a disgrace." As he spoke, the force he exerted on his hand increased. The handprint on Zhou Chen's cheek was slowly becoming more prominent on Zhou Chen's face after each and every time Li Yingjie patted him.

Chapter 805 - Can't Hold It!

When Li Yingjie was about to slap his cheek, Zhou Chen wanted to move away from his hand. However, he got suppressed by his force of presence, freezing him in his place, forcing him to receive all the slaps on his cheeks. He could clearly feel each slap progressing more harsher than the last, with the distinct and continuous 'pah' sound. Zhou Chen glared at Li Yingjie furiously. He would have fainted by the slaps but his anger forced him to remain conscious.

"As expected of an ace mecha clan. What a grand entrance." A sarcastic voice sounded from the door.

Zhou Chen looked at the person who came and his eyes lit up. His life savior was here to save him.

Li Yingjie turned his head slowly and saw a handsome 30 years old lieutenant colonel smiling as he walked in. When he walked passed Li Yingjie, he glanced at the other officers from the base who were watching the show.

The officers' expressions changed when they saw this person. When this person glanced at them, they immediately turned and walked away. No one dared to provoke him.

Zhou Chen's background was strong but it was insignificant compared to this person.

The person stood in front of Li Yingjie and flicked his insignia. He appeared to be dusting his insignia, but Li Yingjie knew that he was showing him that he had a higher rank.

Li Yingjie smiled. 'Is he trying to compare rank?' There were many people in his team that had a higher rank than this person. In 250 Ace Mecha Clan, military rank was like an ornament. If everything was done based on rank, 250 Ace Mecha Clan would be in a mess. Their regiment commander was just a lieutenant colonel. However, there were many senior colonels and lieutenant colonels in the mecha clan.

The person was confused when he noticed that Li Yingjie was not frightened at all by his rank. The thought of threatening this person using his military rank was pushed to the side. Compared to Zhou Chen, this person was much more vigilant. He knew that there were normally two kinds of people that were not afraid of someone with a higher rank than themselves. These kinds of people were either rash and stupid, or he had the capabilities or background to not be afraid. The first kind was easy to deal with but the second…

"Major, shouldn't you restrain yourself since you just came to the base?" The person asked.

"Restrain?" Li Yingjie smiled. "We are already restraining ourselves." Based on his temper in the past, he would have already ordered his team to jump on Zhou Chen together by now.

The person was clearly not expecting such a reply as he was stunned, freezing his smile. 'This brat doesn't show me any respect at all. How irritating.' The person's eyes turned cold. He lowered his right hand and rubbed his fingers quickly.

At that moment, Zhou Chen suddenly shouted, "Boss Song, these people are looking down on our mecha clan and on you too."

The person glared at Zhou Chen. 'What an idiot!' He wanted to understand more about the other party first so that he could make a better decision but Zhou Chen's words immediately made them enemies. He was forcing him to teach this brat a lesson. If not, he wouldn't be able to hold his head up high in Base 013 anymore. Everyone would think that he was afraid of this brat if he did not teach him a lesson.

The person hated Zhou Chen for saying this. No one could force him to do anything. Even if Zhou Chen came from the biggest family that supported his grandfather, he wouldn't forgive him so easily.

Zhou Chen's heart dropped when he felt Boss Song's cold gaze. He knew that he had offended his boss in his rush to take revenge on Li Yingjie. He remembered Boss Song's cruel methods of torture. Cold sweat formed on his forehead. The thought of revenge was quickly thrown to the back of his mind. He didn't even have the time to think of Lady Mei now as he was thinking of ways to pacify Boss Song so that he would let him off.

Boss Song turned to look at Li Yingjie. He clapped his hands lightly and laughed, "Did you hear what my friend said? Is that true?"

'If this brat back down, I would let him off for now. I need to get more information about him first before I take any action.'

"If your mecha clan is filled with people like him, what he said is exactly what I think." Li Yingjie looked at that bunch of people that got beaten up by Han Xuya who was still groaning in pain. He scoffed. In 250 Ace Mecha Clan, even the logisticians wouldn't want to hire these people.

Boss Song's expression turned dark. He could see that this brat in front of him was a rash idiot who didn't know when to give someone an out.

"If that is the case, I have to see what kind of people 250 Ace Mecha Clan is made out of." Boss Song sneered.

Although their mecha clan was not an ace mecha clan, all their mecha operators were special-class operators. There were even a few ace mecha masters among them. He was an ace mecha master too. It could be said that his mecha clan was on par with a normal ace mecha clan with a bunch of special and ace operators like 250. He knew this information because he went to ask the commanding officer beforehand and got the information that 250 Mecha Clan was such a mecha clan.

(The commanding officer: It is true that this mecha clan consists of a combination of special-class operators and ace mecha masters. However, I didn't mention the details just now. Around 95% of their total mecha operators are ace mecha masters. The number of special-class operators is less than 5% of their total mecha operators…)

"However, before we fight, let me introduce myself so that you know who you are fighting with. My name is Song Yiqing," Song Yiqing said calmly.

Zhou Chen's eyes lit up. He added hurriedly, "Our Boss Song's grandfather is the Second Marshal of the Federation. He is the Regiment Commander of 224 Mecha Clan which is under the 8th battalion. After he completes this mission, he will become the regiment commander of an ace mecha clan…" Zhou Chen told everyone Song Yiqing's background.

"You speak too much," Song Yiqing scolded him. However, the pride in his eyes was apparent.

Li Yingjie frowned. He didn't expect such a person to exist in this small base. This… he couldn't handle this person.

In the Federation, elite families and the military were two entirely different entities. Although the Li family was an elite family and had much presence outside, its influence in the military was less than a regiment commander that had real power. This was why the Li family wanted to control a military division. They wanted to have an actual say in the military world. However, the military kept its guard against the elite families too. They wanted to prevent a single family from becoming invincible. That was why the Li family's 4th division had many other factions in it. The other elite families also met the same situation. No matter how much effort they put in, they were unable to control an entire faction. Some elite families lost their chance to gain military power and became a collaborator of one of the marshals. The Zhou family was an instance of this.

Li Yingjie was arrogant and bossy but he was not stupid. He knew that he couldn't handle this person so he went to look for help.

"Qi Long! He is looking for you!"

Li Yingjie threw this troublesome fellow to Qi Long. Then, he disappeared quickly.

Since the Second Marshal was not on good terms with the Third Marshal, why not he let the heir of the 13th division, which was under the third marshal, play with Song Yiqing?

Chapter 806 - I Don't Have Anything Against You!

A person appeared after Li Yingjie's shout. He was a humble-looking youth with the rank of major. The moment he walked over, he got a shock. 'Why is everyone looking at me so weirdly?'

He glanced around and scratched the back of his head in puzzlement. "Erm, who is looking for me?"

He turned and looked at the members of team 10 in a search for the answer to his question. However, all the mecha operators from team 10 lowered their heads whenever Qi Long turned to look at them. They were having a moment of silence for Qi Long. 'An innocent person was pushed out by their team leader to take the bullet again.'

Qi Long then turned to look at Han Xuya and Luo Chao, after he noticed everyone from team 10 wasn't responding to him.

Luo Chao lowered her head as she pointed to Song Yiqing's direction.

Qi Long turned to where her finger pointed to and saw Song Yiqing. He then started to scan Song Yiqing from head to toe. After a while, he said, "Erm, who are you? I don't recognize you."

Song Yiqing's face had turned green in anger. He wanted to teach that arrogant brat a lesson but the moment he exposed his background, that brat ran away in fright. However, that brat still didn't want to give up and called his teammate over to help him. But, when his teammate walked over, he just acted blur and said that he didn't know him? 'Hmph, do they think that the Song family is easy to bully?'

"I didn't expect a small major to have the guts to mess me with me…" Song Yiqing gritted his teeth and waved his hand. A middle-aged man suddenly jumped out from the crowd and attacked Qi Long.

Boom! Qi Long raised his fist and resisted the attack. He immediately raised his hand after that and shouted, "Wait!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. He looked back at Song Yiqing and waited for his command. The Song family placed him here so that he could protect Song Yiqing. Hence, he would only listen to Song Yiqing's orders.

Qi Long saw this and knew that the snobbish lieutenant colonel was the decisive factor. He quickly continued, "I just came here and I really don't know what is happening. If you want to fight, you should at least give me a reason to, right? If not, how am I supposed to answer to my regiment commander?"

'If Boss got angry at me because of this, I would definitely be punished. But… times are different now. I am a domain realm master so I shouldn't just roll over and get punished whenever Boss is in a bad mood. I need to maintain my reputation and dignity as a domain realm master, right…? Fine, in actual fact, my reputation and dignity mean nothing. I am still the Qi Long that Boss could torture whenever he wants.' Qi Long wanted to cry when he thought of this.

"You don't know? Why don't you ask your friend?" Song Yiqing said furiously. 'Why is he putting on that innocent face? Who is he trying to show?'

Qi Long turned and glared at Li Yingjie who was hiding in the crowd. Li Yingjie knew that he was discovered so he popped his head out and said, "Song Yiqing, the grandson of the Second Marshal."

Qi Long felt his teeth hurting. He knew he got fooled by Li Yingjie this time. This stupid person gave him such a big headache the moment he arrived. He looked at Song Yiqing and pondered seriously for a moment. He appeared enlightened and said, "Oh, you are a descendant of the Second Marshal… however, I don't have anything against you. Haha, goodbye!" He turned and wanted to run away. If he had the chance to not provoke this person, he would take it.

When Qi Long retreated, Song Yiqing knew that this bunch of brats were just sheep in wolves' clothing. He was fooled, and his heart started to burn with anger because of it. He shouted furiously, "Hit him!"

The middle-aged man received the order and rushed towards Qi Long. He raised his fist and aimed it at Qi Long's back. However, Qi Long didn't seem to notice the sneak attack at all. Everyone gasped in shock. Of course, only the members of 250 Mecha Clan were extremely calm. If Leader Qi Long would get injured by this, he wouldn't be called Leader Qi Long anymore.

Boom! A human figure flew back into the room and slammed heavily onto the ground. The figure rolled on the ground and toppled a few tables before stopping.

"Pfft!" The person lying on the ground vomited multiple mouthfuls of blood. He couldn't get up anymore.

Qi Long patted his military boots as though he was dusting it. Then, he put down his leg and said nonchalantly, "I said that I don't have anything against you. Why must you still attack me? How stupid."

Qi Long was an oppressive person in nature. However, Ling Lan had a more extreme version of his nature which allowed her to easily suppress his true nature, so he seldom could reveal it.

The entire cafeteria was dead silent. That middle-aged man was at the peak stage of Qi-Jin. However, Qi Long managed to injure him with a single kick. This showed how powerful he was. Everyone looked at the young major in shock and wondered who he really was.

Song Yiqing narrowed his eyes. He was astounded by Qi Long's display of prowess too. However, Qi Long was doing so to obviously humiliate him. This was the first time someone looked down on him so blatantly. His emotions took control of him. He pointed his finger at Qi Long and said angrily, "How dare you injure my man. You…! The Song family will not forgive you!"

"Do you think I'm really afraid of the Song family?" Qi Long snorted. He didn't want to cause any trouble but since someone was really asking for it, he would gladly give that someone trouble. His Boss only instilled them with three rules: don't create trouble, face your problems bravely, and annihilate your enemy.

"Fine. How arrogant. I'm interested to know who you are. How dare you disrespect the Second Marshal!" Song Yiqing was not an idiot. He immediately took out the second marshal card so that he could use it against Qi Long since the Song family card wouldn't do.

"Marshal Song is a role-model of the military, and I'm a soldier, so of course,I respect Marshal Song a lot. However, what does the Song family have to do with Marshal Song?" Qi Long smiled. 'Is he planning to frame him for being disrespectful towards a marshal? Does Song Yiqing think that he is really just a humble and honest person?'

There was one requirement in order to become a marshal. It was that he couldn't be affiliated with his family. It meant that his merits and honor was only for himself. Thus, it wouldn't affect his family's status quo, no matter how much merits he has. Anyone that breaks this rule would be brought to the military court. Of course, none of the marshals really followed this rule. They would all help their descendants to gain more benefits and resources, giving them a smoother path in the military. Everyone knew this. However, no one would say it blatantly. Qi Long made use of this point, so by right, he didn't have to be afraid of Marshal Song.

In the end, Song Yiqing could only complain that Qi Long was disrespectful towards him as Qi Long had a lower rank than him. It was a rule that officers with lower ranks should maintain a certain level of respect for anyone who had a higher rank than them. However, this rule was only applicable whenever they are in a division. Once they went out of the division, this rule was just for the show. When a dispute happened, no one would care what your rank was. The people clearing up the mess would be the generals of the various divisions.

However, no generals would be willing to bow their heads down to their equals, as this would affect the reputation of their respective divisions. Hence, no one would be punished for such a small matter. Also, Qi Long's father was the general of a division. 'Hehe, my father always hit me so it is probably alright for me to take a tiny revenge and create some trouble for him.'

Qi Long gave an evil smile. But, to other people, his face was still humble and honest-looking.

Chapter 807 - Bow Down!

Song Yiqing was speechless. He really didn't know if Qi Long really didn't know anything or was he serious about that.

"Since you dare to challenge the Song family, you should have the guts to tell me what your name is, right?" Song Yiqing sneered.

"23rd division, 250 Ace Mecha Clan, leader of team 03, Qi Long," Qi Long replied calmly.

Song Yiqing then looked at Li Yingjie. He still remembered that Li Yingjie humiliated him too.

Li Yingjie raised his head arrogantly. "23rd division, 250 Ace Mecha Clan, leader of team 10, Li Yingjie."

"Good. I'll remember you!" Song Yiqing gritted his teeth as he replied. He decided that he must frame them for being disrespectful towards the Second Marshal. Even if they denied it, it wouldn't affect anything. Such normal soldiers who had no background were easy to deal with.

At that moment, Li Yingjie suddenly sniggered. "Oh right, to prevent you from finding the wrong person, there is something I have to tell you."

Qi Long felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Our team 03 leader is the son of the General of the 13th division, the famous god of the battlefield, Qi Yaoyang." Li Yingjie pushed Qi Long to the crossfire without any hesitation as he really couldn't do anything to Song Yiqing. If Song Yiqing took revenge on him and let his grandfather knew what had happened, he would be chased back to the 4th division. He already spent a lot of effort and time to gain merits in the 23rd division, so he didn't want to go back and become a puppet controlled by his family.

"It's the god of the battlefield!"

"It's the invincible god of the battlefield, Qi Yaoyang!"

Everyone gasped in shock. The three great marshals control the entire military world. However, to the soldiers, their fame was not as great as the undefeatable gods like Ling Xiao and Qi Yaoyang. They were the people they respected the most. Hence, when they heard that Qi Long was Qi Yaoyang's son, they started to look at him with respect. The pressure from Song Yiqing's background now seemed insignificant in comparison.

Even Song Yiqing's heart started pounding furiously when he heard this. A normal major without any background was totally different from the son of an undefeatable god. If he continued to be at loggerheads with Qi Long, he would have to face the anger of two generals, General Ling Xiao and General Qi Yaoyang, as General Ling Xiao would definitely protect Qi Long for the sake of General Qi Yaoyang. That meant that his grandfather would have to face the attack from both the First Marshal and the Third Marshal. This would be a great crisis towards his grandfather's position. The best case scenario of that situation would that the subordinates of the First Marshal weren't willing to help the people of the Third Marshal, hence his grandfather would only have to face one faction. However, even this scenario was already enough for his grandfather to have a headache.

Song Yiqing was not a stupid person, proven by the fact that he was able to gain the support of his grandfather. He immediately thought of the terrible consequences that could come up. His heart dropped. He restrained himself and squeezed out a smile on his face. "I didn't know that you are the son of General Qi. You have my respect. Our families are both working hard for the Federation, so we clearly shouldn't disturb them with our tiny farce"

"So?" Qi Long gave his humble smile again as he scratched the back of his head, pretending that he didn't know what Song Yiqing was saying.

"This matter between us will end here!" Song Yiqing forced his words out. He admitted defeat.

"Oh, was there anything between us?" Qi Long looked confused.

"No." Song Yiqing narrowed his eyes. He knew Qi Long was trying to make things difficult for him. Qi Long just wanted to hear him admitting defeat personally.

Song Yiqing controlled his emotions. Qi Yaoyang? His grandfather would definitely deal with this person and wrestle back control of the 13th division. When that happens, he would take his revenge on this bastard and let him understand the consequences of provoking him.

"That's good. I already said in the beginning that I don't have anything against you." Qi Long smiled and turned to look for Li Yingjie. 'That sneaky fellow used me! Does he think I'm so easily pushed around?'

Qi Long's indifferent attitude proved that he didn't care about Song Yiqing at all. Song Yiqing could hear the crowd laughing at him, and his face turned green with anger. This time, he was humiliated badly by Qi Long. He knew that his reputation in Base 013 had clearly gone down.

"Boss Song… what do we do now?" Zhou Chen asked softly.

"Let's go!" They had already embarrassed themselves. Should they really continue to stay here and embarrass themselves further?

"Oh, okay!" Zhou Chen didn't dare to say anything else, and he quickly asked his men to leave with Song Yiqing.

The commanding officer, who had been watching the show all this time, pretended that he had just arrived. He walked into the cafeteria and asked, "Why is everyone standing at the door?"

His adjutant saw the confused looks of the people from 250 Ace Mecha Clan and informed them hurriedly, "This is the commanding officer of the base, Senior Colonel Du Mingyi."

"Senior Colonel Du!" Qi Long quickly went forward.

"Major Qi, I didn't know that you are the son of General Qi Yaoyang. That' great. I hope that you will become a legend in the battlefield just like the general." Du Mingyi smiled amiably. He held Qi Long's hand and told him he had high hopes of him. This was a display of goodwill.

Du Mingyi understood why 250 Ace Mecha Clan was so special. It only had a population of a mecha team but it was still able to be recognized as a mecha clan. It must be a mecha clan specially formed for Qi Long, just like 224 Mecha Clan. However, 224 Mecha Clan did things in a secluded manner. They didn't ask Song Yiqing to directly become the regiment commander of the mecha clan. Instead, they let him joined a normal mecha clan first to gain some experience. As for 250 Ace Mecha Clan… well, they did try to hide things up. At least they had a regiment commander for show to protect Qi Long's identity.

"Thank you. I will complete my mission under the guidance of my regiment commander and help protect the base." Qi Long gave a shy smile. His humble face didn't suit his status. Du Mingyi felt relieved. It was good that Qi Long was not someone hard to deal with. If another Song Yiqing came, his position of the commanding officer of the base would be in danger.

He couldn't afford to offend anyone!

Du Mingyi wanted to form a closer relationship with Qi Long but his face suddenly turned serious. He turned and saluted towards the door. "Regiment commander."

All the members of 250 Ace Mecha Clan did the same thing too. They formed up in an orderly manner and saluted seriously, shocking everyone in the cafeteria. The entire canteen turned quiet.

Footsteps could be clearly heard throughout the whole canteen. The crisp sound of a pair of military boots stepping on the floor got closer and closer. When the footsteps stopped, a cold and dignified figure appeared in front of everyone.

This newcomer was wearing the lieutenant colonel uniform with a white cloak around her while holding a short whip in her hand.

Chapter 808 - Fatally Attractive?

Ever since the harsh training started, a short whip was always in Ling Lan's hand. These short whips were prepared by Luo Chao and Han Xuya. Ling Lan liked the feeling of holding them so she would play around with them even when there was no need to use them.

Suddenly, a flash of white light landed on her right shoulder. Little White looked at everyone with its cute puppy eyes, warming the cold aura around Ling Lan a little. Just a little.

Ling Lan scanned the crowd with her intense gaze. The soldiers from the base felt as though an ice knife was cutting into their flesh. Those that were weaker had to take a step back before they could withstand the intimidating aura.

When she noticed that all the members of 250 Ace Mecha Clan were standing near the entrance of the canteen, she frowned. "What happened?"

Li Lanfeng had been watching the show the entire time so he hurried forward and told Ling Lan what had happened in the canteen when she had not arrived yet.

Ling Lan nodded slightly. After Li Lanfeng finished recounting, she waved her silver short whip and knocked it on her left palm. She said coldly, "In that case, Qi Long and Li Yingjie will be responsible for this matter."

Qi Long and Li Yingjie's expressions froze. Their Boss wanted them to solve their own problems, but… Song Yiqing was not an easy person to deal with.

However, the two of them quickly forgot about Song Yiqing. They believed that if they really couldn't handle him, their Boss would definitely not leave them to the wolves, so there was no need to be afraid!

Du Mingyi was shocked when he saw how respectful Qi Long was towards his regiment commander. He got even more vigilant. He wondered who this regiment commander was. How was he able to have a prince of the Federation like Qi Long bow down to him?

Du Mingyi gathered his thoughts and smiled. "Regiment Commander Ling, you are finally here. Please have a seat."

Although his actual rank was higher than Ling Lan, a regiment commander of an ace mecha clan had the same status as him in the army. He didn't know Ling Lan's background so to be on the safe side, he chose to be polite first.

Ling Lan handed her short whip to Li Lanfeng, and Little White obediently jumped onto Li Lanfeng's shoulder. Ling Lan tilted her body and stretched her hand out in front of her body.

Du Mingyi smiled and walked into the cafeteria with Ling Lan side to side. When they started to walk away from the entrance, the logisticians of the base cleared up the broken tables and set up new tables. Soon, no signs of a fight could be seen in the canteen. The atmosphere was harmonious again. It was as though nothing had happened.

Lin Zhong-qing saw this and nodded his head secretly. 'The logisticians at this base are quite efficient.'

"What are you looking at?" Li Yingjie suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Lin Zhong-qing glanced at him indifferently and walked away without replying.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me?" Li Yingjie asked in a sad tone.

Lin Zhong-qing looked back at him and saw a Li Yingjie who was like a puppy that didn't manage to get praised by its master.

Lin Zhong-qing's heart turned soft. He replied, "You did a good job of being arrogant."

Li Yingjie immediately smiled brightly in response to his praise. His aura also turned radiant and lively.

Lin Zhong-qing was so moved by that smile that he started to doubt himself. 'When Li Yingjie forced me to enter his team in the past, was it really because he wanted to humiliate me? Or did Li Yingjie just want a friend?'

Lin Zhong-qing smiled. 'It doesn't matter now does it, Aren't I under Boss now?' He never regretted his decision. Lin Zhong-qing looked at the firm back of Ling Lan. Ling Lan was someone strong and well-respected. He believed that if he followed Boss Lan, he would stand at the top one day.

Li Shiyu was speechless when he saw Li Yingjie's stupid smile. He felt that Li Yingjie was embarrassing the Li family. He nudged Li Lanfeng with his elbow and pointed at their stupid little brother.

Li Lanfeng smiled when he saw this. He mouthed two words to Li Shiyu, "Fatal Attraction."

The people from the Li family always had this strange ability. It was proven throughout all their generations but no one understood why it happened. The descendants of the Li family would always find a good buddy that would go through thick and thin with him. From the looks of it, Li Yingjie had luckily found his buddy. They hoped that the two of them would be able to become good friends that would help each other through life-or-death.

Li Lanfeng knew that since Li Shiyu wouldn't take over the Li family as the family head, Li Yingjie was the best candidate for the family head. However, once he becomes the family head, he would be exposed to all kinds of deception and plots, preventing him from being able to lead a simple life anymore. If he was able to get Lin Zhong-qing as his best buddy, he would be able to cross through those kinds of problems without too much of a concern.

Li Lanfeng looked at Ling Lan. 'I found my best buddy too, right? I am really lucky.'

Li Shiyu looked at Li Yingjie and then looked back at his eldest cousin brother who was staring at their regiment commander. He turned envious. 'They had all found their best buddies. What about me?' Li Shiyu looked around at all the familiar faces. Yet, none of them gave him that feeling. Li Shiyu suddenly clicked his tongue then laughed at his greed. Not everyone in the Li family was able to find their best buddy. His father was an instance of someone who didn't. Maybe he inherited his father's fate.

Han Jijyun slowly moved towards Qi Long. Qi Long had a bitter expression on his face and said, "Jijyun, help me think of a way out." Luckily, he had someone to rely on.

"What do you think?" Han Jijyun glared at him. 'You have already provoked the person. What else can you do?'

"Do I have to evade that bastard the next time I see him?" Qi Long was frustrated. That was not his style.

"Did you forget what our Boss said? 250 Ace Mecha Clan was going to the top. It will not be a small fry." Han Jijyun reminded his good friend. He felt that there was an underlying meaning behind the order of the arrival of the teams.

"Do you mean…" Qi Long's eyes lit up.

Han Jijyun mouthed, "Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys." Song Yiqing was the chicken. He believed that Li Lanfeng understood this too. That was probably why he stopped Luo Lang, Xie Yi, Zhao Jun, and the rest of the team leaders that wanted to stop Qi Long just now. He allowed the commotion to become bigger and even used Li Yingjie to expose Qi Long's identity.

This was done to create a hype around Qi Long. It would lay the foundation for him to subdue Song Yiqing in the future. It had to be said that every single step they made had been calculated by their Boss. Han Jijyun had to think carefully about his Boss's intentions in case he understood it wrongly and created trouble for his Boss.

Chapter 809 - Informing!

On the other side, Luo Chao and Han Xuya were comforting the shocked Lady Mei. They asked if she wanted to go back and get some rest. Lady Mei's face was pale but she still shook her head firmly. Soon, she bid farewell to Luo Chao and Han Xuya and went on to continue her mission with the rest of the JMCs.

Ling Lan and Du Mingyi came to the chairman's table. There were already a few lieutenant colonels and majors sitting on the table. They were also regiment commanders and leaders of the various mecha teams there. When they saw the commanding officer coming towards them with a cold-looking youth, they collectively stood up and welcomed them.

Du Mingyi laughed. "Come, let me introduce to you all. This is the Regiment Commander of 250 Ace Mecha Clan which will be stationed at our Base 013 from now on."

Ling Lan's eyes twitched when she heard what Du Mingyi said. She realized that she had an affinity with certain numbers ever since she came into this world. For instance, this base was called Base 013. Her camp was camp 38. Her mecha clan's name was 250 and Qi Long belonged to the 13th division. Luckily, in this world, these numbers have no special meaning. If not, she would be embarrassed.

As Ling Lan complained in her heart, her expression remained the same. Her face still remained cold. After Du Mingyi introduced her, she nodded at everyone at the table and greeted them.

From the short interaction with Ling Lan, Du Mingyi knew that she was silent and hard to get close to, so she was not someone easy to talk to. Hence, he didn't get angry at her attitude and asked Ling Lan to sit down beside him. He went to the front seat and asked everyone to sit down.

Li Lanfeng saw this and helped took Ling Lan's cloak off for her. Ling Lan had no adjutant so such little matters were done by her comrades. Today, Li Lanfeng was on shift.

After Ling Lan sat down, the mecha operators from 250 Ace Mecha Clan also sat down. Du Mingyi noticed this and his eyes twitched. He looked at Ling Lan intently. After a while, he smiled and pointed at the table. He spoke to the lieutenant colonel on his right, "Come, let me introduce the outstanding regiment commanders and leaders of our base. This is the leader of the scout team, Xu Shiming. We are able to escape unscathed many times because Leader Xu and his team constantly providing us with the latest news of the battlefield."

Xu Shiming was a middle-aged man around 40 years old. His eyes were deep. When he saw Ling Lan looking at him, he just nodded sternly. Ling Lan nodded back too. In the future, 250 Ace Mecha Clan would have to cooperate with these teams, so she needed to understand and get familiar with them first.

"This is the regiment commander of the advance mecha team from Ai'er independent army, Cui Yunxuan." Du Mingyi introduced all the people at the table. When he came to an empty seat, he coughed. He wanted to ignore this seat but Ling Lan said, "This should be Lieutenant Colonel Song Yiqing's seat, right?"

Du Mingyi smiled awkwardly. "Lieutenant Colonel Song has a bad temper. However, after he thinks through everything, it'll be fine. Don't worry, Regiment Commander Ling. I will explain to Lieutenant Colonel Song and not let any conflicts happen between the two mecha clans."

Ling Lan glanced at him nonchalantly. "It's alright. Friendly competition is necessary. Let our subordinates have some fun."

Du Mingyi's smile froze. 'Who does he think Song Yiqing is? When he said subordinates, does it mean that he couldn't be bothered to handle Song Yiqing himself? If Song Yiqing was here, he would definitely be furious.' Du Mingyi could imagine the mess Song Yiqing would create if he went berserk. At first, he just wanted to understand 250 Ace Mecha Clan better. Who knew that the situation would turn uncontrollable this quickly? Du Mingyi started to get agitated.

Ling Lan didn't seem to realize what Du Mingyi was thinking. She looked at the next person, Yan Three, who was looking at her thoughtfully. Ling Lan asked, "This is…"

Ling Lan's words woke Du Mingyi up. He quickly continued, "This is the hero of our base. Before you came, his mecha team was the one protecting this base. He is the leader of the Evil Wind Mecha Team, Major Yan Three."

"Oh, so you are the leader of the Evil Wind Mecha Team." Ling Lan smiled coldly. Du Mingyi and Yan Three's heart dropped. 'Is Ling Lan going to settle his grudge against the Evil Wind Mecha Team now?'

"Regiment Commander Ling, I've heard of what the Evil Wind Mecha Team did. Some of the members got too arrogant and went a little overboard. Leader Yan had already reprimanded them. Please forgive them." Du Mingyi protected the Evil Wind Mecha Team. Although they were a bunch of unruly fellows, they still belonged to this base. They were very loyal to this base. This was a trait no other mecha clans in this base had. The other mecha clans were stationed at this base but in times of crisis, no one knew if they could rely on them.

"Based on what you said, the members of the Evil Wind Mecha Team are quite powerful. They just lack in the attitude aspect…" Ling Lan looked at Du Mingyi indifferently. "In that case, I don't mind letting them into my mecha clan to groom them."

The entire canteen turned silent. Everyone's attention was on the chairman's table. The members of the Evil Wind Mecha Team glared at Ling Lan. If their friends didn't stop them, they would have gotten up and scolded Ling Lan.

Yan Three gritted his teeth and looked at Ling Lan sharply. He clenched his fists tightly. He was holding himself back because he knew that acting rashly would just make the situation worse. If not, he might have flipped the table already. At that moment, he felt that compared to this calm Regiment Commander Ling, the arrogant and irritating Song Yiqing who had a powerful background was weak, very weak. This was a perfect manifestation of a vicious character. She wanted to destroy the Evil Wind Mecha Team just because he had provoked her subordinates.

"Regiment Commander Ling, you are good at joking." Du Mingyi forced out a smile.

"Do you think that I'm kidding?" Ling Lan looked at Du Mingyi coldly.

"Regiment Commander Ling, the Evil Wind Mecha Team is our base's team. It will not join 250 Mecha Clan." Du Mingyi's smile disappeared. His tone turned serious. Even if Ling Lan wanted the Evil Wind Mecha Team, he would have to make him agree to it first.

Ling Lan looked at him calmly. "I'm informing you, not asking for your opinion."