
749 - 756

Chapter 749 - Stupid Little Brother!

At that moment, Ling Lan was currently sitting at a corner in a high-class restaurant. There were three people with different aura beside her. The four of them had four completely different and unique auras. This unique combination attracted many people's attention.

Ling Lan lowered her head and squeezed Little White furiously as she vented her frustration. (Little White sobbed. Why am I always the only one getting hurt?)

These three people said that they wanted to bring her to see the once-famous character of the Central Scout Academy of Planet Azure, Li Lanfeng. Ling Lan was speechless. However, she couldn't tell them that she was extremely familiar with Li Lanfeng, right?

When she saw how agitated the valedictorian, Yu Zhengyuan, was, Ling Lan felt a little better. Her love for gossip got ignited. Did Li Lanfeng interact with this junior of his before? She remembered how Li Shiyu worked hard for Li Lanfeng for so many years. It's possible that such a thing happened before. Ling Lan sighed. Why must all the gentle and sincere young men be tricked by sly people?

"He's here." A scout rushed in excitedly.

The cadets that were talking about a moment ago turned silent immediately. Everyone looked towards the door and waited in anticipation. The principal of the Central Scout Academy walked in excitedly with a masked young man.

"He's Li Lanfeng!" There was a huge commotion. However, Ling Lan was not attracted to the warm and gentle Li Lanfeng. Instead, her gaze landed on Li Shiyu who was giving off a cold aura.

Li Shiyu had a cold expression but he still followed closely behind Li Lanfeng. He seemed to be protecting him.

Ling Lan played with Little White's fur when she saw this. She was curious. Did the two of them make up with each other already? That night, they didn't end on a good note.

Ling Lan recalled that dark and windy night a few days ago…

Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng walked into the study outside the bedroom. Li Shiyu was already sitting there with a stern face. When he saw the two of them appearing, his gaze turned dark.

Li Lanfeng looked at Li Shiyu's blackface. His heart dropped. He quickly left the room with the excuse of helping Li Shiyu and Ling Lan get some tea. He needed to calm down and think of a solution first.

Hence, Ling Lan and Li Shiyu were left alone in the study. The atmosphere was awkward.

Ling Lan looked down on Li Lanfeng's actions. Since the situation had come to this point, he should just have the courage to face the consequences. Why did he run away at such a crucial moment? Did he think that he could hide from this forever? Also, what did this have to do with her? Why did she seem like a sinner now?

Ling Lan took a deep breath and threw her uneasiness to the back of her mind. She chose a chair casually and sat down. Then, she nodded at Li Shiyu. "Sit."

Li Shiyu's eyes twitched when he saw Ling Lan acting like the host. However, he felt better when he saw how blatant Ling Lan was. He chose to sit opposite of Ling Lan. He stared at her intently and asked, "Regiment commander, why are you here…"

Actually, what Li Shiyu really wanted to ask was: why are you on my eldest cousin's bed?

Ling Lan replied indifferently, "I came to look for you. I saw your windbreaker on the chair outside so I thought that it was your room."

This was the truth. She didn't know that Li Lanfeng was Li Mulan. Also, she arrived when Li Lanfeng lost control of his spiritual power and started advancing forcefully. Ling Lan had a keen sense of spiritual power so she instantly felt this. She had interacted with Li Lanfeng using their spiritual power many times so Ling Lan remembered Li Lanfeng's spiritual element. Thus, the moment Li Lanfeng lost control, Ling Lan knew who the person was.

Li Shiyu felt slightly guilty when he heard Ling Lan's reply. He thought badly of his Boss just now. However, it was hard not to misunderstand him. The scene just now was…

Wait, something is not right! Li Shiyu suddenly realized that something was wrong. With his Boss's ability, he should know that the person on the bed wasn't him. Shouldn't his Boss have left quietly? Additionally, his eldest cousin brother would not be able to detect his Boss's presence too as his eldest cousin brother didn't practice any physical skills.

It had to be said that Ling Lan's powerful image was etched deeply into the minds of all the members. At the same time, Li Lanfeng disguised himself well. Li Shiyu's suspicion arose again.

Ling Lan knew that Li Shiyu was suspicious but she didn't plan to explain as Li Lanfeng should be the one explaining.

The study turned quiet again. As Li Shiyu was deciding if he should insist on getting to the bottom of the matter, Li Lanfeng… who was also Li Mulan, entered with a tray. There were three cups of hot tea on it.

He passed the first cup to Li Shiyu before walking to the study table. He placed the tray on the table and walked towards Ling Lan with the two remaining cups. He passed one cup to her and sat down beside her.

Li Shiyu was speechless. Did his Boss manage to seduce his eldest cousin brother in a single night? No, it's not seducing, it's attracting… wait, no, that is not right too. Whatever it was, he didn't feel happy thinking about what had happened.

Ling Lan realized that Li Lanfeng's actions were too natural. It was a habit that accumulated over the years. It was hard to change within a short period of time.

Ling Lan sighed. If Li Shiyu was not blinded by disbelief and frustration, he would be able to see through the disguise. No, the truth was, Li Shiyu unconditionally believed in Li Mulan. Hence, he never thought that Li Mulan would lie to him.

How could Li Mulan bear to trick such a good little brother? How could he bear to trick him for so long? Ling Lan started to support Li Shiyu. She reprimanded Li Mulan in her mind for what he had done once again.

Ling Lan looked at Li Mulan with an unhappy expression. Li Mulan gave her a helpless look. That year, he was so focused on defying his fate so he didn't care about Li Shiyu. By the time he regained his senses, Li Shiyu had already walked on the path of no return. He felt remorse about Li Shiyu's situation.

The three of them drank their tea silently for a while. Li Shiyu was not as calm and patient as Ling Lan and Li Mulan. Hence, as expected, he was the first one to break the silence. "So, what is your relationship with my eldest cousin brother, regiment commander? When did you know my eldest cousin brother?"

Ling Lan and Li Mulan didn't talk much, but their silent interaction showed how close they were. Anyone with a brain could see that there was something going on between them.

Ling Lan remained quiet. Li Mulan slowly raised his head. His expression was no longer gentle. There seemed to be a sarcastic expression on it. "My stupid little brother, you still can't see it?"

What a bad opening speech! Ling Lan was speechless. When facing his closest little brother, Li Lanfeng, who always had a clear mind, turned stupid. He chose the worst method to solve the problem. Ling Lan could almost imagine how these two brothers would fall out and never talk to each other again…

As expected, Li Shiyu widened his eyes as he looked at the change of attitude in his eldest cousin brother. He cursed in his heart. Where did his gentle and warm eldest cousin brother go?

Li Mulan shook his head. He stood up and slowly walked towards Li Shiyu. He bent down slightly and smiled. "Military Doctor Li, don't disappoint our leader."

Li Shiyu's face changed. This tone, this voice, this expression. He was familiar with it. He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Li Lanfeng!"

"As expected, you are my stupid little brother." Li Lanfeng smiled gently and touched Li Shiyu's forehead. Li Shiyu felt a cold finger landing on his forehead. He suddenly remembered how his eldest cousin brother always pulled him up whenever he falls down and then tap his forehead while saying, "Stupid little brother…"

Li Shiyu's eyes turned red. He stood up immediately and pushed Li Mulan away. He shouted, "Yes, I'm stupid. That's why I believed in your lies. That's why I thought that you are sick and worked so hard towards becoming a military doctor…"

He looked at Ling Lan furiously. "You two knew the truth, only I didn't. Do you all think that it's funny to watch an idiot working so hard for something non-existent?"

"Hmph!" Ling Lan's cold voice entered Li Shiyu's mind. It calmed his anger down.

"If your brother didn't meet me, his ending would be just like what you imagined," Ling Lan replied indifferently. She decided to help Li Lanfeng. She could tell that if she let Li Lanfeng handle this on his own, the result would be disastrous. She didn't want the two important members on her team to be in conflict. Hence, she had no choice but to step in.

Since she was unable to escape from this responsibility, it's better for her to solve it directly. Ling Lan preferred to solve things immediately. She didn't like to drag it until the end like Li Lanfeng.

Li Mulan looked at her with gratitude. Indeed, he didn't know how to face Li Shiyu.

Li Shiyu had already calmed down. He recalled what his eldest cousin brother had told him when he came back. Seems like not everything was a lie. However, Li Shiyu still felt his heart aching. It was not because of the lies. It was because all these while, his eldest cousin brother, Li Mulan, had been beside him. Yet, he didn't tell him anything.

If he didn't bump into his eldest cousin brother and his boss today, would he be hidden from the truth his whole life? Wouldn't he really become a stupid little brother in Li Mulan's eyes if that was the case?

Chapter 750 - Thank You!

"Although Li Lanfeng wanted to tell you the truth before you came back, this can't be solved with just an apology." Ling Lan suddenly changed her tone. Li Lanfeng and Li Shiyu suddenly realized that they were pulled up from their seats. In the next moment, they realized they had arrived in front of a huge door.

They knew where this door would lead to. It would lead them to the training area of the Li family's house. At this time of the night, the training area was extremely quiet.

The door suddenly opened. The lights inside lit up, revealing a spacious training area. Li Mulan and Li Shiyu were not surprised that the door and lights opened. Everyone in their team knew that their boss was an ace hacker.

A force pushed them into the training area. Ling Lan stood at the door and coldly said, "We are soldiers. We don't need any nonsense with words. Settle your feuds with your fists."

The moment she finished speaking, the door closed with a bang. Only Li Mulan and Li Shiyu were left in the training area.

"Since our Boss gave his order, come, my stupid little brother. Use me to vent your anger." Li Mulan had walked to the center of the training area and he smiled at Li Shiyu.

Li Shiyu clenched his fist. "I will!" If I don't leave a mark on your face with my fist, how can I repay the lies you told me?

Ling Lan stood near the door. She heard a huge commotion inside and knew that the two brothers had started their fight. To prevent the guards from hearing the noises, she used her domain realm ability to block the area, preventing any sounds from leaking out.

"Boom!" Li Shiyu landed on the ground heavily. Li Mulan touched his cheek which got scraped by Li Shiyu's fist and smiled sarcastically. "Are you planning to defeat me like this?"

"Ahh!" The badly bruised Li Shiyu climbed up from the ground and rushed forward again.

Li Mulan spoke as he dodged the attacks. "Your physical skills didn't improve much. You have been lazy, my brother."

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to ignore my physical skills and focused on making medical agents." Li Shiyu glared at Li Mulan angrily. Wasn't all of these because of him? Why is he reprimanding him now? The more he thought about it, the more furious he got. "However, I'll be different in the future. I'll improve my skills and hit you every time I see you."

"And then? You can only do that in the future…" Li Mulan scoffed.

"Yes, I have to wait for the future…" A cold light flashed past Li Shiyu's eyes. "However, that doesn't mean that I can't do it now." He moved his wrist and a silver light flashed passed.

"I forgot that you are a military doctor." Li Mulan raised his hand helplessly. He saw a small syringe on his left arm. He took it out lightly and said in a soft voice, "My stupid little brother, you are finally smart for once."

Li Shiyu didn't reply to him. He charged forwards, wanting to punch Li Mulan's face. Suddenly, Li Mulan raised his head and gave Li Shiyu a bright smile. Li Shiyu froze. His fist stopped in front of the beautiful face.

A cold finger landed on his forehead. Li Mulan smiled. "I just said that you are smart but now, you became stupid again. As expected of my stupid little brother, you must not be soft-hearted towards your enemies. If not, you will be in a lot of fanger in the future."

Li Shiyu screamed in his heart. Are you even my enemy? If it was not you, would I be soft-hearted? Elder brothers are indeed irritating.

"But I'm happy." The sarcasm in Li Mulan's smile was gone. It was replaced with a sincere look. "Thank you, my cute little brother."

Li Mulan fell towards Li Shiyu with a satisfied smile. Li Shiyu had no choice but to catch him. He looked at Li Mulan who was unconscious due to being under the influence of his agent. His expression changed multiple times. In the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think that one thank you is enough to make me forget about everything… I will slowly take my revenge."

This was what he said but Li Shiyu knew that his anger had mostly disappeared. The sincere thank you from his cousin caused his heart to pound furiously. From the moment he saw his beautiful elder brother when he was young, he knew he was destined to always concede to him.

Li Shiyu carried Li Mulan and opened the door. He realized that his boss was gone. He must have wanted to give the two of them a quiet environment and to give them a chance to save their dignity. After all, after this fight, they looked haggard.

"A fight solves everything? I don't understand their way of settling things." Little Four couldn't comprehend the Li brother's way of compromising with each other. If his closest family member lied to him, he would throw a huge tantrum and might even end their relationship.

Little Four's voice pulled Ling Lan back to reality. She couldn't help but tease him, "That's because you're not a man yet. You're still a child."

Little Four stomped his feet angrily. This is humiliation. How is he a child? This word should only be used on Little Blossom. He said carefully, "It's not as though you are a man…"

At first, Ling Lan was in a good mood. However, Little Four's words made her remembered what she needed to do a year later. Her mood turned for the worse. F**k, Li Mulan's problem was solved but what about hers? She was decisive when settling other people's problem but with her own, she was hesitant.

It's okay, there is still a year left. One year later, I'll tell them the truth. Ling Lan chose to settle it at the end.

"Li Lanfeng seemed to have some capability. No wonder he was able to enter the First Men's Military Academy." Meng Shaoran examined Li Lanfeng carefully as he walked in with the principal.

Ling Lan looked up. She saw the thirst for a fight flashing passed his eyes. She squeezed Little White's fur again. Seems like Meng Shaoran's physical skills was not at the peak of refinement.

Then, she realized that Leng Hanfeng and Gu Zhengrong gave off the same expression too. Not only them, Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu also had the same thirst for a fight. Ling Lan lowered her eyes and stuffed her face into Little White's soft fur. The transfer students consisted of spies from other factions too. She wondered if they were her friends or foes…

Ling Lan was sure that the person from the Flying Dragon Special Forces was among these five people: Gu Zhengrong, Meng Shaoran, Leng Hanfeng, Su Pei, and Xiao Yiqiu. She had her eyes on one of them because she felt that this person was the most suspicious. But, before she had any clear evidence, she would not let down her guard on the other four people.

Li Lanfeng spoke with a few valedictorians of different grades. Then, he decided to stay behind to experience eating at the Scout Academy again. Soon, the entire cafeteria was filled with students. Not only that, normal students crowded around the cafeteria, hoping to catch a glimpse of Li Lanfeng.

Ling Lan looked at the huge crowd and formed a conclusion in her heart. She was not the only person that wanted to use Li Lanfeng's appearance as a distraction to carry out her actions. Other people wanted to use it too. Even the faction controlling the school might be using Li Lanfeng to test the new transfer students and their new teachers.

What happened was, after surveying the surroundings for a week, Little Four didn't notice anything amiss. Ling Lan knew that waiting around would not allow her to complete her mission. She needed to lure her enemies out. Hence, she asked Little Four to leak the news that Li Lanfeng was back on Planet Azure on a holiday. This news was published in a newspaper and only took up a small corner. Normal people would not care for it but to the Central Scout Academy, this was a good opportunity to motivate the scouts. If the faction controlling the school wanted to increase their strength, they would not let go of this opportunity.

Reality proved that Ling Lan's method had worked. The Central Scout Academy personally came to look for Li Lanfeng. Li Lanfeng had gotten news from Ling Lan already so after rejecting the offer politely a few times, he pretended to relent in the end.

"I'm not used to eating in such a noisy atmosphere. I'll leave first." Leng Hanfeng put down his chopsticks and frowned at the crowded canteen. He seemed unhappy.

"You are going back to the apartment? Let's go together." Ling Lan looked at Leng Hanfeng elatedly. She looked as though she had been bearing with the noise for a long time but was too shy to speak up.

Leng Hanfeng looked at the time on his communicator and shook his head. "It's almost time to meet my instructor. I'm not returning to the apartment."

"Oh." Ling Lan's eyes dimmed. She sounded disappointed. She suddenly turned to look at Gu Zhengrong. Gu Zhengrong shrugged. "I'm sorry, I have something on too. My friend asked me out."

Ling Lan teased him, "A lady?" The young ladies on Planet Azure seemed to like men like Gu Zhengrong. Within half a month, Gu Zhengrong already had a girlfriend. All his roommates were envious of him. They always mocked him and said that he was dating too early.

"A child like you won't know anything. Go back to the apartment and play with your handicraft." Gu Zhengrong got exposed by Ling Lan so he replied to her angrily.

Ling Lan gave him a look of contempt. Who is afraid of such a useless threat? She looked at Meng Shaoran and wanted to ask if he was going back.

Chapter 751 - Baiting!

Before Ling Lan could open her mouth, Meng Shaoran replied lazily, "I'm not going back. Don't you think this place is very exciting?" He pointed at Li Lanfeng who was answering the question given by his juniors patiently. "I will ask him some things later. Brother Shaoyun, are you not interested in Li Lanfeng?"

Ling Lan shook her head immediately. "I want to get into the Mecha Designing Academy…" Her path was different from Li Lanfeng's path. Why would she be interested in him?

"In that case, you should go back alone, our dear future mecha designer." Meng Shaoran knocked on Ling Lan's forehead lightly.

After living together for half a month, they knew what Ling Lan's dream was.

Suddenly, the three of them tensed up. However, very quickly, they relaxed. They looked around curiously. Just now, they felt two killing intents concentrating on them, but it lasted only for a second. Were they discovered?

Only Ling Lan looked as though she didn't sense anything. She pulled Leng Hanfeng and Gu Zhengrong who were puzzled before bidding farewell to Meng Shaoran. Then, she left the high-class cafeteria.

"Interesting! Li Lanfeng, who did you come back for?" The only person who stayed back, Meng Shaoran, smiled and placed his hand on his chin. He looked at Li Lanfeng as he muttered to himself.

On the way back, Leng Hanfeng and Gu Zhengrong said their goodbyes to Ling Lan. Ling Lan hugged Little White while returning to her room.

"Little Four, where are they?" If she was right, the destination of these people was the forest area. It used to be the territory of the upper graders but now, it was forbidden ground. This was an obvious target. Even if the other party knew that it was a trap, they had to take the risk. If not, they would not be able to feel at ease.

Little Four immediately showed her the location of these two people in her mindscape. Ling Lan saw them walking to the training ground. Leng Hanfeng entered a secret room with an instructor and Gu Zhengrong sneaked into the ladies' dormitory. It seemed like he was really going to meet his girlfriend.

After some time, a gentle-looking instructor walked out of the training ground, and at the ladies' dormitory, a cold and arrogant lady with long hair walked out. After strolling around for a while, they sneaked into the forest.

Their appearance and aura were entirely different but Ling Lan could still tell from their behavioral habits that they were Leng Hanfeng and Gu Zhengrong.

"Looks like they used all kinds of methods to disguise themselves." Ling Lan touched her chin. It seems like she was not the only one who could act as her roommates were on par with her.

"Boss, one of them must be from the Flying Dragon Special Forces," Little Four said excitedly.

"Maybe not." Ling Lan didn't agree with him.

"Why not?" Little Four asked curiously.

"Look at what other three people are doing and you will know." Ling Lan didn't believe that Su Pei, Xiao Yiqiu, and Meng Shaoran would let go of this opportunity.

As expected, Little Four told her that these three people left the high-class canteen one after another. The only difference was, Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu left voluntarily. Meng Shaoran seemed to have noticed their weird actions and followed them out of curiosity.

They were not the only ones who were walking to the forest. All kinds of people in disguises were on the way there. No one wanted to let go of this opportunity so all of them acted together.

"What a perfect baiting plan," Ling Lan said.

"Boss, do you think that the other party did this on purpose?" Little Four asked nervously. If that was the case, do they still have to visit the forest?

"Yes, the other party wanted to use this opportunity to remove all the spies in the school," Ling Lan analyzed the situation calmly.

"This is bad. Don't they know that it is a trap?" Little Four couldn't help but worry for Leng Hanfeng, Gu Zhengrong, and Meng Shaoran. After interacting with them for half a month, he couldn't treat them like strangers anymore.

"They probably know it but they still have to go." Ling Lan took out her toolkit under her bed. There were many tools and metal objects inside. It looked messy but the parts inside could be assembled into a long-range beam gun, which was newly invented by Chang Xinyuan. Once it is dismantled and is mixed with other metal objects, no one would be able to discern it.

Ling Lan moved quickly. Soon, her hands couldn't even be seen. Her hand speed reached its fastest speed where the naked eyes couldn't follow it.

Soon, a beam gun appeared in her hands. She took off her scout uniform and wore a normal black windbreaker. In the next second, she disappeared from her room.

Just like what Ling Lan said, even though she knew that this was a trap, she still needed to take the risk.

It had been five years since the forest turned into a forbidden ground. Without the tampering of the cadets, the forest became a playground for the wild animals. This was their home now. Yet, today, this quiet forest was barraged with a bunch of uninvited guests. Many birds saw them and started chirping, alerting the residents of the forest of their presence.

Leng Hanfeng entered the forest carefully as the forest was filled with ferocious beasts. For a forest that's within a Scout Academy's compound, this was weird. There must be something amiss with the academy.

After walking for a distance, Leng Hanfeng took out a simple map from his clothes. It was drawn by the people who came before him. A few underground bases were drawn on the map. His current mission was to investigate these suspicious locations.

At another corner of the dense forest, Su Pei took out a map too. He compared it with his surroundings. "Is this the place?"

Xiao Yiqiu had a map in his hands as well. He glanced around him and smiled faintly. Then, he walked towards one of the targets.

Meng Shaoran stealthily followed behind Su Pei. He stood on a branch and watched as Su Pei took out a map. He seemed to be looking for something. Meng Shaoran was confused. He didn't understand why Su Pei had such a map. Su Pei found his destination and started to walk towards it. Meng Shaoran hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow him.

"He has something I don't even have… interesting." Meng Shaoran always did things based on his interest, just like now.

Leng Hanfeng cautiously walked deeper into the forest. He took out his map again to ascertain his position. Suddenly, he leaped up and rolled towards a tree.

Grass and dirt flew up at the spot he was standing at just now. Leng Hanfeng could feel the cold sweat on his forehead. He sensed that a sniper rifle was aiming at him just now. Luckily, the other party used a not-so-powerful ejection gun as it didn't create too much noise. If he had used a beam gun, this thick tree might have not been able to block the attack.

"I didn't expect the enemies' defenses to be so strong. The moment I got near them, I got discovered." Leng Hanfeng knew that this sniper was a powerful person. He could only feel his killing intent in the instant he fired that shot.

"Since the enemies put in much effort to stop me, I hope that everyone else would have a smoother journey." Leng Hanfeng frowned. He hated fighting with snipers as it was a troublesome task. Fortunately, there was only one sniper so he was still able to handle it.

Leng Hanfeng calmed down and started sensing his surroundings. He confirmed that there was only one enemy.

The sniper afar stared coldly at the tree. He didn't even blink. He was confident that as long as the person peeked out for even a second, he could shoot him accurately. This was the confidence of an outstanding sniper.

There! The sniper saw his opponent rushing out from behind the tree at a fast speed. He then pulled down the trigger.

The bullet seemed to have hit his opponent. However, it just phased through the target and landed on the ground without any bloodstain.

This is bad! The sniper knew that he made a wrong prediction. However, he didn't get agitated. Instead, he aimed his sniper rifle in the other direction and hold down the trigger, waiting for his opponent to show an opening.

"Too late." A cold voice appeared behind him. In the next moment, he felt a sting in his neck. Then, he became unconscious.

Leng Hanfeng gently put down the sniper's body. The force of presence on him was no longer that of the peak of refinement. Instead, it was the peak of Qi-Jin. This was the reason why the sniper made the wrong decision and lost the battle in the end.

While he was closing the eyes of the sniper, Leng Hanfeng felt something targeting him. His expression changed. He immediately disappeared from the spot and tried his best to escape from the danger. The sniper was just a bait. His body had a device that could sense whether he was alive or not. Once they were pronounced dead, a formidable character would rush to their position and kill the intruder.

Leng Hanfeng ran quickly. Suddenly, he slowed down and then stopped. He looked at a certain direction with vigilance.

"Not bad!" A middle-aged man walked out from behind a tree. He smiled at Leng Hanfeng.

"Thank you," Leng Hanfeng replied coldly. However, he looked at the other party intently, not missing any movements he made.

"Our boss likes people who are talented. Are you interested in joining us?" The man asked amiably. He seemed to really like Leng Hanfeng. There was no sense of danger coming from him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." They took such a long time to plan this trap. Hence, Leng Hanfeng didn't believe that they did it just for fun. There must be some huge scheme behind it. There was a high possibility that they wanted to harm Planet Azure as well as the entire Federation. If that was the case, how could he join them?

Chapter 752 - Materials!

"Then, that's too bad." The man's expression showed a hint of sympathy. It was as though he was unwilling to end the career of this genius, Leng Hanfeng.

"Bam!" Right as the man finished speaking, he had already arrived in front of Leng Hanfeng. He used a strong punch and went straight for Leng Hanfeng's abdomen.

Leng Hanfeng knew the instant he refused, his opponent would attack him. Thus, he had already prepared himself. Even before seeing that extremely fast punch from his opponent, he had blocked his abdomen with both of his hands. He managed to stop the brutal punch.

The force of the punch made Leng Hanfeng slide a few meters backwards, creating two large skid marks on the ground with his feet as the anchors to the ground.

"Focus, reaction speed and timing aren't bad. You really do have immense potential." The man spoke words of approval, yet his fists still mercilessly attacked Leng Hanfeng.

Leng Hanfeng calmly fought against the man, retreating as he fought. His opponent showed the capabilities of an individual at Qi-Jin stage of optimal peak Great Perfection, greater than Leng Hanfeng by one stage. This was why he was being pressured by his opponent. However, even though he was at a disadvantage, Leng Hanfeng was determined to not lose. He endured the pressure and didn't show any fatal openings.

"You are not 16 years old. Which faction sent you here? Is it one of the family's factions in this sector? Or perhaps the Federation's military?" Even genius cadets at this age wouldn't behave as calm as this person when faced with such great pressure. Leng Hanfeng was definitely a very experienced fighter.

Facing spies from different factions, they had already gotten used to it. The sudden rise in ranks of Planet Azure's Central Scout Academy affected the interests of many elite families in the sector. Their enemies definitely didn't want them to continue to benefit off them like parasites. As for the Federation, they had meddled with everything continuously for the past years. It was just that it was difficult to break through the Federation's probing methods.

Faced with the opponent's questioning, Leng Hanfeng didn't make a sound. He glared at his opponent coldly and raised his guard up to defend against any sudden attacks by him. Leng Hanfeng also knew that it would be difficult for him to run away. His opponent clearly still had more up his sleeves in case he did something unexpected or perhaps his opponent wanted to get more information out of him. These could be the reason why his opponent hadn't killed him yet.

Seeing Leng Hanfeng not giving up any information, the man gave up on trying to coerce information out of him. He smiled helplessly and started to attack again. This time however were not the same as they were before, when he still held back. Now, each hit was targeted towards a possible opening, making each hit dangerous and a possible killing blow.

Just like that, Leng Hanfeng, who was still able to somewhat defend against the attacks, no longer could stand on equal ground.

"Bam!" After just seven or eight rounds of exchanges, Leng Hanfeng was hit and was sent flying. In the air, he spat out a mouthful of blood. The man got one hit in, and wasn't about to stop. He moved in closer and sent his fist straight towards Leng Hanfeng's head. Just from visible shockwaves behind this punch, it was possible that Leng Hanfeng's head would be smashed to pieces if he does not dodge the punch.

Right when Leng Hanfeng was about to die at the hands of his opponent, a silver flash suddenly flew past his eyes, and the target was the man.

If the man was to continue his attack at Leng Hanfeng, he would definitely be hit by the silver light… With a hidden weapon that had just suddenly appeared and was coming towards him at breakneck speed, the man decisively chose to give up on killing Leng Hanfeng. He opened his fist instantly and caught the silver light in his hands. It was a silver needle.

Leng Hanfeng barely managed to slip away from death. After he landed on the ground, he stumbled back four or five steps. His forehead was brimming with cold sweat. It seemed that he was quite afraid of the fact that he almost died at the hands of the opponent.

"Who's there?" The man's sharp glare looked towards the direction of the silver needle as he shouted angrily. He realized that there was actually someone else other than them.

Unfortunately, the only answer he got was the sound of leaves and branches whistling in the wind. The man narrowed his eyes and went silent for a moment. Then, he suddenly screamed and shot towards a direction like a cannonball. He clenched his fist and ruthlessly struck on large tree within that direction, "Come out!"

"Bam!" The large tree exploded. The force that was created instantly bisected the large tree in half. Within the cloud of wood chips and dust, a silhouette jumped out. The direction he jumped towards was where Leng Hanfeng was standing.

"Quick, run!" A strong hand pulled on Leng Hanfeng. Leng Hanfeng react quickly as he endured the extreme pain in his chest and followed the other person.

"You're not getting away that easily." The man laughed coldly and instantly caught up to them. In a few seconds, he had already gotten behind Leng Hanfeng and the other person, and then he sent an attack towards them.

Right as the fist was about hit Leng Hanfeng, the other person turned around instantly, crossed his arms and defended the strong fist attack of the man.

"Bam!" The two forces resisted each other. The large force that was created caused Leng Hanfeng to lose control of his body and was instantly blown away.

"Run!" The person who came to help him was a stranger who wore a scout uniform. It seems that he was probably a member of the scouts. It was just that something about that scout uniform made Leng Hanfeng feel odd.

After the stranger said that, he began to fight with the man. The stranger's capabilities was capable of fending the man for a few rounds even with his physical skills just being at peak stage Qi-Jin. However, he wouldn't be able to fend him for too long as the man's physical skills was a stage higher than him. Leng Hanfeng bit his lip, and choose to not run away. Instead, he clenched his fists tightly and went to fight alongside the stranger.

The teachings he had received from his childhood and his own dignity wouldn't let him run away and abandon his companions.

The stranger who was starting to lose his ground, started to be able to take a breather and endured the attacks of the man, with the help of Leng Hanfeng.

"Bam, bam, bam!" The two of them cooperated and blocked many hits from the man. When the two of them were sent flying backwards by the man, the man also stopped attacking with an annoyed expression on his face. The man discovered that with the two of them fighting together, it was now difficult for him to beat them. It was possible that a slight mistake from him would give them a chance to escape.

Since he took this assassination mission, he would lose his reputation if he was to let his prey get away. This was something he could not allow to happen. The man seemed to be rash and conceited, but in reality, he was very cautious. It should be known that most Qi-Jin experts who have lived up until now needed to be able to think with their brains.

On the other side, the person who saved Leng Hanfeng's life asked softly, "I told you to run, why didn't you?"

Leng Hanfeng replied coldly, "I haven't reached the point in my life of being shameless enough to abandon my savior and run for my own life."

The stranger smiled slightly, "Although I think your choice was stupid, I still admire it." As expected, he didn't save the wrong person.

Leng Hanfeng snorted coldly and didn't answer. His focus was on the man in front of him. The sudden cooperation of the two of them made the opponent unable to take them out temporarily. However, this didn't mean that the two of them could actually fight against the man on equal grounds. Two peak stage Qi-Jin users was not necessarily good enough opponents for a person at the level of Qi-Jin of optimal peak Great Perfection. The battle that would ensue was going to be their actual test of skill.

"Be careful." The stranger seemed to also have this realization and softly warned Leng Hanfeng.

This made Leng Hanfeng become less worried. If the two of them both had this realization then they had somewhat of a chance.

"Bang!" Right as Leng Hanfeng was thinking of ways of how he and his savior could be able to get away safely, their opponent attack them fiercely.

"Bang, bang, bang…" Intense sounds of punches and kicks striking against one another instantly echoed through the silent forest.

At that moment, Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu also had people who were hot on their trail. They were panicking as they ran. The direction the two of them ran towards the same trajectory. Not long after, they two of them actually met up.

"You!" The two of them screamed and at the time shouted, "Move!"

After rooming and training together for half a month, the two of them behaved with unexpected tact. They held each other's arms and kicked upwards onto the ground at the same time. They were sent flying upwards by each other's kicks in unplanned unison and flew up into mid-air. It was also this jump that made both of them dodge their opponent's ruthless attack.

"Bam! Bam!" The fists of their opponents struck the ground they were standing on and instantly sent dust and leaves flying into the air.

The two of them were sent tumbling to the side by the Qi-Jin of these two fists. After they landed, they were still mentally and physically gathering themselves. The graduation test their master had prepared for them was actually this dangerous. They couldn't help but think whether their most respected master, who trained them for four years, was lying to them all this time.

"Seeing the way you two move, it seems that the two of you are students who came for your test." After knowing the situation of these two people, the killing intent from the beginning became a smile. The people who attacked them were two 40 to 50 year-old middle-aged men. One was slim and the other was chubby. It was an amusing sight when they stood beside each other. However to Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu, it wasn't funny at all. They were still at the beginning stages of Qi-Jin, while their opponents gave them a feeling of limitless power. It was as though with one move, their opponents could easily squash them to the ground.

"Unfortunately, you guys haven't reach our standards yet." The skinny man showed a slight hint of dissatisfaction in his expression. Five years of extensive training and nurturing only to yield such results? If that was the case, how could they get into the Flying Dragon Special Forces, who only took in monstrous individuals?

Only when they gain control of the Flying Dragon Special Forces, would they be able to take control of the future of the Huaxia Federation. Their organization's goal wasn't only to just have some control within the military.

"You shouldn't demand too much from them. If these people were acknowledged by the higher-ups to let them participate in this test, then that means they have the potential to become stronger." The chubby one smiled like a Buddha. He looked like he had good intentions, but Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu could see the hidden and vile intentions behind the man's smile.

From the ruthless attacks at the beginning, the two of them already knew that their respected master, their so-called legendary faction, wasn't so nice.

Chapter 753 - Snipe!

"Should we send them?" The skinny man frowned. Although people like them would send higher authorities new materials every year, not all of them could succeed. Until now, there was only one successful case. Those that failed took up much of the organization's wealth and manpower. If he was not satisfied with the performance of the material, he didn't want to let them join. The two people in front of him didn't meet his standards.

"You are thinking about it too much. We are just in charge of sending materials in. As for whether they will become a success or a failure, that is the job of those lunatics." The chubby man continued smiling. However, the words he said did not fit his image at all. He even looked at Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu coldly with an icy gaze while still having that smile on his face. It was like they were looking at a poisonous snake.

Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu were outstanding talents in their families. With them being able to reach the peak stage of Qi-Jin at 16 years old, they, of course, were not stupid. When they heard what the other party was openly saying, they knew that nothing good was going to happen to them in the near future. They exchanged glances with each other, and without even saying anything, they simultaneously escaped in separate directions. They hoped that their opponents would hesitate for a moment.

This short gap in time might not allow them to escape safely.

The moment Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu ran off, the chubby and skinny man gave a sarcastic look before each of them choosing a target and chasing after their own targets.

The surprise escape allowed them to distance themselves from their pursuers, but this distance was getting shorter and shorter. It could be said that the two men purposely allow them to have the chance to run away. They wanted to see how these two young men would react when hopelessness engulfed them.

Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu were frightened but they were calm and collected. Thus, they immediately understood their opponents' intentions. Su Pei made a decision and Xiao Yiqiu showed a wild look in his eyes. The two of them immediately stopped in their tracks and charged at their opponent.

Since they couldn't escape, they might as well fight to their deaths!

"Haha, not bad. Courageous! I like it!" The firm look on the two young men's faces made their pursuers excited. They were not satisfied with their capabilities but their temperament might allow them to survive the secret arts and become a successful experiment.

The chubby and skinny men were prepared to take their attacks. Unexpectedly, their attacks were a feint, and as of this result, Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu flew past them safely.

This was out of their expectations. Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu had succeeded in buying them more time. The two men got slightly furious. They stopped holding back their speed and they instantly appeared behind Xiao Yiqiu and Su Pei.

However, Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu already managed to group together. Xiao Yiqiu pulled Su Pei behind him. His face turned red. He opened his mouth wide and roared loudly.

The loud roar echoed through the entire forest.

"Domain!" The chubby man reacted quickly. He immediately released his domain realm power to forcefully contain the sound within the barrier he created.

The skinny man's expression changed. "That is the Conqueror Wave from the Xiao family."

Xiao Yiqiu realized that his family's Conqueror Wave was not able to break through his opponent's technique. He now knew his opponent was not at any stage of Qi-Jin. No one on the same stage as him should be able to contain his Conqueror Wave. It meant that his opponent couldn't contain it even if he was at the optimal peak Great Perfection of Qi-Jin.

"Su Pei, you only have ten seconds." Xiao Yiqiu's eyes were turning red. His handsome face started becoming hideous.

"Xiao Yiqiu…" Emotions started appearing in Su Pei's eyes, which was unexpected as he always seemed nonchalant about everything.

"Remember the thousand years long alliance between the Su family and the Xiao family.. hurry up and leave!" Xiao Yiqiu pushed Su Pei forcefully. Su Pei made use of this force and moved at the speed of light towards the edge of the forest.

Xiao Yiqiu, if we both manage to live, you will be my most important friend. You will be my only confidant too.

"I will take care of the young man from the Xiao family. You can go and chase after the other one." The skinny man knew that the chubby man used up too much energy to contain the Conqueror Wave so he volunteered to take care of this troublesome fellow in front of them.

The Xiao family. Based on their ability and their bloodline, they should be able to become a second-rate elite family. Unfortunately, just like the Xie family, they had too little people in their family. Thus, they were only able to become a wealthy family on a third-rate planet.

However, it was wrong to think that they were just a low-class family. They didn't have many family members but everyone in the Xiao family was a human-beast. It was said that this ability inherited from their ancestors. Once they release the power of their bloodline, they would become a ferocious and strong beast. Of course, this was just a rumor among the upper echelons. No one had really seen the members of the Xiao family transforming before.

The skinny man knew of this trait so he knew that the weak-looking Xiao Yiqiu was not easy to deal with.

The chubby man moved. Xiao Yiqiu wanted to stop him. He was prepared to use his life to exchange for ten seconds of time for Su Pei to escape.

"Your opponent is me!" The skinny man moved and blocked Xiao Yiqiu. However, at that moment, Xiao Yiqiu's face turned hideous. It seemed as though his entire face was splitting apart. He opened his mouth larger than normal. He roared.

"Damn it!" The chubby man had no choice but to stop. He released his domain and stopped the Conqueror Wave from hitting him again. Because of this, Su Pei got closer to the edge of the forest.

"Don't care about him. Leave him to me." The skinny man stopped holding back. He took over the chubby man's position and released his domain. He sealed Xiao Yiqiu within his domain.

A few shiny metal wires appeared on the ground. These metal wires slithered up Xiao Yiqiu's body and bonded him up like a dumpling. The metal wires coiled around his body turning into metal rings, which restricted Xiao Yiqiu. The element of the skinny man was metal.

"Okay!" The chubby man saw that the skinny man had subdued Xiao Yiqiu so he disappeared to chase after Su Pei.

Xiao Yiqiu tried his best to escape from the metal rings. However, the strength of a domain realm master was too powerful. Even if he aroused the power of his bloodline which allowed him to get near the optimal peak Great Perfection of Qi-Jin, he would still be unable to break free.

Xiao Yiqiu never expected the skinny man to be a domain realm master too. That was why he could only stop the chubby man for a mere three seconds, much shorter than the ten seconds he predicted. The only good thing was, Xiao Yiqiu thought that he would be dead by now. Yet, he was still alive and could continue fighting with the skinny man.

Meng Shaoran saw Su Pei and Xiao Yiqiu splitting up. He was indecisive. Which one should he help?

Based on his ability, he could only fight with one of the two domain realm masters. If the two of them attacked him together, he would surely die. It meant that he must give up one person in exchange for the life of another.

"I'm curious about the Xiao family but I'm more curious about the Su family…" Meng Shaoran made a decision. He moved and followed behind the chubby man.

Compared to Xiao Yiqiu, Su Pei was calmer and more decisive. In the face of a life-or-death situation, he wouldn't show any emotions in his eyes. Even when Xiao Yiqiu decided to sacrifice himself to save him, he still made the right decision, even though he was touched.

He has potential! Meng Shaoran had a good impression of Su Pei.

"Ah!" Xiao Yiqiu sounded like a beast roaring. His body started to turn into a beast. This meant that the power of his bloodline was fully released. As the power of his bloodline was released, the metal ring that the skinny man created started to crack.

"Troublesome." The skinny man frowned. He stomped his feet and his force of presence started exuding out. The metal ring on Xiao Yiqiu's body lit up, and the cracks disappeared.

There were not many metal elements found in the forest. This was why the skinny man couldn't make a metal coffin to encase him. The skinny man didn't expect the young man's bloodline to be so strong. It pushed him further than the optimal peak of Qi-Jin. It almost broke his metal ring.

When he saw that Xiao Yiqiu had no more energy to resist, he walked up and wanted to take Xiao Yiqiu back to his secret base.

Just as he was about to grab Xiao Yiqiu, he felt a killing intent targeting him. He moved to the side instinctively.

Boom! Blood spurted out of his right shoulder. The skinny man shuddered and moved a few meters back. He hid behind a thick tree trunk.

He looked at the direction where the shot came from. He hadn't recovered from the shock. The person who shot him was an exceptional sniper as he used a normal bullet to hurt him. The man looked at his wound. A bullet slowly floated out of it. At his stage, bullets shot into his body could be forced out using his hidden energy.

The bullet dropped to the ground silently. The skinny man waved his hand and the bullet landed on his palm. He looked at it. It was a familiar model. This bullet should be from the sniper rifle their own sniper used. Seems like the other party killed the sniper attacking him and took his gun.

"I never expected such a powerful sniper to exist in the world. He could hide from the senses of a domain realm master." The skinny man gave a malicious look. As long as he found where the person was, there was nothing his opponent could do. So what if he was a powerful sniper? In front of a domain realm master, he was nothing.

Chapter 754 - Who Killed Him?

The skinny man didn't think that the sniper was that much of a threat to him. However, he still respected the sniper's ability to retract his presence and killing intent. A domain realm master like him was not able to detect him at all.

The struggling Xiao Yiqiu realized that there was a change in the situation, and it was slowly favouring his situation, so he calmed down instantly to heighten his awareness. He slowly congregated his energy. If the rings restricting him showed any signs of loosening up, he would try to break through it again.

The forest regained its peaceful state, only Xiao Yiqiu's haggard panting could be heard within the tense atmosphere. The skinny man knew that a top tier sniper like his opponent would be very patient. It might take a long time before his opponent reveals a weakness, but he couldn't be as patient as his opponent. If the chubby man knew that he was forced behind a tree by a sniper, he would be teased to the ends of his time. Hence, he decided to attack proactively.

The skinny man made this bold decision because he was confident that with his domain realm defense capability, normal ejection guns would not be able to harm him. The skinny man walked out from behind the tree. He looked like he was walking casually but he was already searching for his opponent using his domain. If any bullets get near him, they would be stopped by his domain.

He focused all his attention in the direction where he predicted the sniper was so the rings restricting Xiao Yiqiu started to loosen up. Xiao Yiqiu had been waiting for this chance. The moment he felt the rings getting looser, he explosively released his energy to break free from the metal rings.

"Clang, clang, clang…" The metal rings broke. Xiao Yiqiu executed his plan the moment the opportunity came so he managed to succeed in breaking free from the rings.

The skinny man got a shock. He turned around and looked at Xiao Yiqiu. Just as he wanted to form new metal rings to restrict Xiao Yiqiu again, a killing intent slowly got near him.

"Bang!" The sniper who was hiding finally found an opportunity and shot his second bullet.

When the bullet was around half a meter away from the skinny man's head, it suddenly bounced off in mid-air. The skinny man gave a malicious look. I finally caught you. The skinny man moved and disappeared from Xiao Yiqiu's vision.

Xiao Yiqiu instantly realized that he fell under a scheme by the skinny man. He was trying to get the sniper's position. He got a shock. He was worried about the sniper who helped him so he immediately shouted, "Be careful!"

The skinny man had already calculated the sniper's position. He saw a shadow lying on a tree branch. It was not moving at all. If he didn't actually see that there was someone there, he would miss the sniper again.

The skinny man smiled coldly. He attacked the sniper without mercy.

When his palm touched the back of his opponent, the body instantly turned into a ball of meat.

Something is wrong! The feeling he received from touching the body told him that the person he attacked was already dead. He stopped and took a look at the physical characteristics of the body. He was one of the snipers they had stationed in the forest. The sniper who hurt him was nowhere in sight.

This is impossible! How can someone escape without a trace under my eyes? The skinny man was dumbfounded. Before he could understand what had happened, he felt a stinging pain on his back. He lost control of his body and fell down from the tree branch.

In mid-air, the skinny man used the last of his strength to turn his body around so that he could face the night sky. He saw a man dressed in black standing at his position a while ago, and there was a beam gun in his hand. He couldn't see the sniper's face but he could feel the coldness within the sniper's eyes. It was so cold that he could feel a chill in his bones.

He saw his opponent raising a gun. A colorful beam appeared from the nozzle and engulfed him.

He was using a beam gun, not an ejection gun! The skinny man thought about this when he breathed his final breath.

After Xiao Yiqiu shouted, he realized that this was his best chance to escape. However, after he ran for a few meters, he gritted his teeth and changed his direction. He started to sneak towards the direction where the skinny man went.

It couldn't be helped. The people from the Xiao family would never abandon their life savior. Xiao Yiqiu knew that if he really did escape, he would never be able to achieve a higher realm anymore as this experience would haunt him for life.

It could be said that the people from the Xiao family were born with this character trait. This caused most of them to die before they turned into adults. This was why the Xiao family had so few members. However, it was not easy for a member of the Xiao family to let themselves be indebted to a person. They knew the flaw of their character so they rarely accepted the help of someone, especially those that required the sacrifice of a life.

Xiao Yiqiu carefully walked for a distance. There was no sound around him and there was no trace of the skinny man. He was worried about his life savior but he wouldn't recklessly charge forward. Suddenly, his nose grew larger and he started to sniff around.

"The smell of blood and another weird smell…" The Conqueror Wave was not Xiao family's only ability. Of course, when compared to the Conqueror Wave, their other abilities seemed very negligible.

Xiao Yiqiu was agitated when he smelled blood. Is his life savior killed? If that was the case, why didn't the skinny man come back and catch him?

Xiao Yiqiu slowly moved towards the smell of blood. He was curious and hopeful at the same time.

The smell of blood got stronger. When Xiao Yiqiu reached a thick tree trunk, the smell of blood got extremely strong. He didn't even need his special ability to smell it. He knew that he had reached his destination. He leaned close to the tree and slowly inched his head out.

Something dripped on his face. Xiao Yiqiu wiped it away. He realized what it was and looked up. On a branch more than ten meters away, two arms could be seen just hanging down. Fresh blood was dripping down the arms. The droplet that dripped on him just now was blood.

Is that his life savior? Xiao Yiqiu flew up and landed on the branch. He saw a body wearing the same uniform as the skinny man. There was a huge hole at the back of his body. He had already died for quite a while now. If not, with the hole at his back, there would be more blood gushing out.

Xiao Yiqiu didn't know who the body belonged to so he looked at the other tree, the other location with an intense stench of blood. Another corpse laid under the other tree. Only the lower half of the body was left. Xiao Yiqiu recognized the shoes and pants. They belonged to the skinny man who captured him not long ago.

Xiao Yiqiu jumped down and inspected the skinny man's corpse.

"There are signs of burns due to high temperature at the cut. He was probably shot by a beam gun. His upper body was melted off and his lower body was left lying on the forest floor." Xiao Yiqiu was puzzled. The energy of a beam gun was powerful but the skinny was a domain realm master. How could he be killed so easily by a beam gun?

Anyone below the domain realm is nobodies. Domain realm and Qi-Jin were two entirely different concepts. Not only that, domain realm masters and above were able to block attacks by firearms. They were also able to fight against mechas single-handedly. Anyone below the domain realm would be more susceptive to firearms.

"The only possibility was, the other party broke through the domain realm defense capabilities of the skinny man. However, such a battle shouldn't have been so quiet." Xiao Yiqiu found an answer but another query popped up.

"Did the Federation invent a beam gun that could immediately break through the domain realm defense capabilities?" Xiao Yiqiu laughed at his own idea. This was impossible. A powerful beam gun needed a strong power source, a power source strong enough to kill a domain realm master was impossible to create as it would be too unstable to contain it.

As Xiao Yiqiu mocked himself, he saw the smooth cut on the corpse. "No, this can't be the work of a normal Federation's beam gun…" He touched the surface of the corpse and felt a chill down his spine.

"It's cold light. No, it's a power source many times colder than the normal cold light. I almost got frostbite from the residual energy…" Xiao Yiqiu was frightened. He felt frustrated at himself. How could he make such a dumb decision? If the energy didn't disperse due to the passage of time, his finger might have dropped off by now.

He was sure that the person who killed the skinny man was his life savior.

An advanced beam gun with cold light as its power source. Is he a sniper? Xiao Yiqiu remembered these two points. One day, he would find his life savior and return this favor.

The chubby man moved at an extremely fast speed. Within ten seconds, he managed to catch up to Su Pei. As Su Pei desperately trying to run away, he could feel fatigue trying to wash over him. With the help of Xiao Yiqiu just now, he was already on the outskirts of the forest. Just a few more seconds and he would be able to escape.

Suddenly, something pulled him back. He stopped. Despair flashed passed Su Pei's eyes. The time Xiao Yiqiu bought for him was not enough for him to escape.

"I wonder what your parents are thinking. You came happily for the test but now, you want to escape halfway through…" The chubby man appeared in front of Su Pei with the same smiley face.

"That's because we were tricked by you all," Su Pei screamed angrily. At his moment, he could no longer maintain his calm attitude.

Chapter 755 - Weird!

Su Pei remembered the respect and expectation he had for his sect. He wanted to laugh at himself for his naivety…

"That is because of your own desires. If not, would you have fallen for the trick?" The chubby man ignored Su Pei's anger and continued smiling.

This was the truth. If the Su family didn't have the desire to return to a first-rank planet and regain the honor they had thousands of years ago, they wouldn't be attracted by the domain realm masters' proposals to let their descendants recognize them as their masters. They did all these because they hoped that one day, a domain realm master would appear in their family.

The Su family started going downhill when no more domain realm masters appeared in their family. If they wanted to regain their status, they needed to groom a domain realm master. They knew that the Su family couldn't resist the allure of a domain realm master so they used it to successfully gain the trust of the Su family head.

Su Pei knew that the Xiao family was in the same situation as them. This was why he didn't feel surprised when he saw Xiao Yiqiu in the Central Scout Academy. He had never seen Xiao Yiqiu before but as the descendant with the greatest potential in the Xiao family, his name was often mentioned by the Su family head.

Hence, on the first day of school when he heard his self-introduction, he instantly knew who he was. The Su family and the Xiao family always had a strong alliance between them. Even when they both lost their status as elite families, they never betrayed each other. He believed that Xiao Yiqiu knew who he was when he heard his name too.

Su Pei felt bitter. The Su family and the Xiao family probably didn't know that they had sent their greatest hope to hell personally. The other party didn't mention anything but from the words like 'material' and 'lunatics', Su Pei guessed that none of them would have a good ending if they were caught.

"Looks like you have calmed down, come back with me then. Actually, the situation is not as bad as you imagined." The chubby man didn't want to continue fighting so he tried to appease Su Pei.

Su Pei scoffed. "What if I say no?"

The chubby man smiled and shrugged. "Then, I have to use some effort and drag you back."

The chubby man felt that Su Pei had no chance of resisting against him at all. As someone at the primary stage of Qi-Jin, it was impossible for him to escape from his grasp.

Su Pei looked gentle and easy-going but he was as stubborn as Xiao Yiqiu, and since Xiao Yiqiu chose to fight, Su Pei made the same decision. They would never bow down to their opponents without a fight.

The chubby man saw Su Pei preparing for a fight. He shook his head in pity. "You bunch of children won't give up until you see a dead end."

The moment he finished speaking, he formed a claw with his fingers. Su Pei felt himself flying uncontrollably towards the chubby man.

"Is this the capabilities of a domain realm master?" Su Pei was hopeless. He was still too weak. He couldn't resist at all.

When Su Pei was about to suck into the chubby man's hand, a shadow suddenly dropped down from the sky. A fist carrying a huge force came towards him too.

The chubby man let go of Su Pei decisively and faced the attack.

"Boom!" Two fists collided in mid-air. Two strong energy clashed. The objects around them got blown away. Su Pei was thrown into the air too.

Su Pei slammed heavily onto a huge tree. He bounced off the tree and fell to the ground. The collision caused him to vomit blood. He was seriously injured but he felt relieved. He didn't know who helped him but his dangerous situation was halted temporarily.

Su Pei endured the excruciating pain in his body and jumped up from the ground. He started to run for his life. The chubby man frowned when he saw Su Pei running away. He wanted to stop Su Pei but another figure blocked him.

"Hey, your opponent is me." A lazy voice echoed through the forest. Su Pei stopped in surprised and turned back. He recognized this voice. He was too familiar with it.

As expected, a familiar face appeared in front of him. It was the sinister-looking Meng Shaoran.

Su Pei wanted to shout at him and tell him to run away. However, he remembered the clash just now. The strength of the two fists was on par with each other! It meant that Meng Shaoran was as strong as the chubby man.

Su Pei was shocked. What is his real identity? Why is he so powerful at such a young age?

The chubby man looked at Meng Shaoran's young face and recalled his powerful fist. His expression changed. "Are you the spy from the Flying Dragon Special Forces?"

The Flying Dragon Special Forces! Su Pei's eyes widened. The special force that held all the outstanding talents of the Federation. Did it really exist?

"What do you think?" Meng Shaoran didn't reply. Instead, he questioned him back.

The chubby man took it as silent consent. He was elated. He never expected to find the spy from the Flying Dragon Special Forces so quickly. He was definitely going to make a huge contribution to the organization.

The chubby man was in a hurry to gain merits for himself so he stopped talking and released his domain realm. He wanted to end this battle quickly.

The moment the chubby man released his domain power, Meng Shaoran's retracted his indifferent attitude and turned serious. He quickly struck with his palm. There was no mercy in his attack. He released all his power too. A heatwave emitted from his body.

"A domain?! That's impossible." The chubby man looked at Meng Shaoran stunned. He felt a strong force blocking his domain power. When did the Federation have such a young domain realm master?

"Why is it impossible?" Meng Shaoran gave an evil smile. The records of the Federation were used to trick outsiders. If it wasn't recorded, it didn't mean that it didn't exist. Every country had information that was not recorded. If they wrote everything down, it was the same as revealing all their secrets to their enemies. The firewall of the mainframe was strong but it was not impenetrable. All the leaders of the country would have some hidden cards behind their backs.

The chubby man suddenly remembered the newest information he had received about domain realm masters. It was about the record for the youngest domain realm master being broken.

"You are the person that broke the record for being the youngest domain realm master, right? 25 years old. As expected of a rare talent groomed by the Federation." The chubby man felt enlightened. They only knew the age of this youngest domain realm master but didn't about anything else about his identity. Now that he looked at it, only someone from the Flying Dragon Special Forces would be able to achieve this.

Meng Shaoran smiled knowingly. He didn't expect his opponent to think this way. However, he didn't care.

"Even if you reached domain realm, you've only been in the domain realm for less than two months. How much could you have learned?" The chubby man sneered. An experienced domain realm master might give him some fear. As for a newly advanced domain realm master, he was confident that he could win against him easily.

"Try it then." Meng Shaoran smiled got brighter.

"Explode!" The chubby man suddenly shouted. The air around Meng Shaoran suddenly exploded.

Meng Shaoran's domain almost got broken by the sudden explosion. Luckily, he was not an inexperienced domain realm master. He had been at this stage for one year. This was enough for him to gain some understanding of the domain realm. He was able to control his domain powers quite well. If he only had less than two months to understand the domain realm, he might have been defeated by his opponent now.

The chubby man's expression changed when he saw his most powerful attack had failed. He immediately shouted, "Explode, explode, explode!"

Another series of explosions occurred. Meng Shaoran felt a sense of danger and instantly retracted his domain for it to be closer to him. The smaller the domain space, the easier it was to control it and the stronger the domain would be.

Meng Shaoran managed to protect himself but he was still injured by the explosions. Blood dripped down his mouth corner.

As the attacker, the chubby man was not in a good condition too. He stretched himself too much and used up most of his energy. The explosions harmed his own body too. A trail of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Looks like both sides have suffered." Su Pei was watching them. He confirmed that Meng Shaoran was a domain realm master too. He looked at Meng Shaoran intently. If he followed Meng Shaoran, would he become a domain realm master too?

"You have been attacking for a while. It's my turn now." Meng Shaoran was not easily bullied. He could have attacked the chubby man. However, he remembered the teachings he received when he was young. Before he knew the capabilities of his opponent, he must not act rashly.

Now, he knew how powerful his opponent was. It was time for him to act.

The heat emitting from Meng Shaoran's body got hotter. The heat turned bright red and slowly congregated to form a solid object.

The chubby man was astounded to see his opponent's domain element turning solid. He breathed deeply and a powerful shield formed in front of him. He started retreating quickly.

"Too late!" Meng Shaoran said coldly. The solidified fire element turned into a flaming dragon and rushed towards his opponent.

The fire element was violent and unstable. Moreover, it was the most powerful element out of the five basic elements. The fire dragon easily broke through the shield and engulfed the chubby figure behind it.

"Ah!" The chubby man screamed in agony. After that, he was swallowed by the flaming dragon, leaving behind just a pile of ash.

Meng Shaoran was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He got puzzled. "Weird, why was his domain's defense power so weak?" When the chubby man attacked him just now, Meng Shaoran knew that his element was air. But, the defense of an air element domain shouldn't be that weak. It was like nothing was blocking his flaming dragon.

Chapter 756 - It's You?!

After thinking for a while, Meng Shaoran couldn't find an answer as to why the chubby man died so easily. In order to defeat the chubby man, he had used his most powerful attack, which he intended to use to just injure the chubby man and to follow it up with more attacks of his own but instead, he died with just one attack, leaving no traces behind except for a pile of ashes.

While they were fighting, Su Pei used the opportunity and moved far away from them. He hated the domain realm master who taught him for five years but he still felt grateful for his teachings. He taught him that he must retreat as far away as possible when two domain realm masters were fighting.

When Su Pei saw Meng Shaoran defeating the chubby man, his respect for Meng Shaoran skyrocketed. This young man who was the same age as him might be even more powerful than his 'master'. After the fight ended, he inched closer to Meng Shaoran as he felt safer as he got closer to him.

"Thank…" Su Pei didn't know how to address Meng Shaoran.

"No need. If you want to repay me, just tell me what you are doing here." Meng Shaoran was asking about it because it was his mission.

Su Pei wanted to repay his favour to Meng Shaoran. However, he was worried about Xiao Yiqiu's safety, so he said, "No problem, but my friend, Xiao Yiqiu, is chased by that guy's accomplice."

Meng Shaoran smiled nonchalantly. "If he was beaten to death on the spot, you would only find his corpse by now. If he was caught, do you think I would enter their base and save him?"

Su Pei felt his heart dropped. He knew that this young man didn't have the responsibility to save Xiao Yiqiu but he still tried asking. The people guarding outside the base were already domain realm masters. It meant that those people inside the base were even stronger. Meng Shaoran would not take this risk for a stranger.

"As long as he is still alive, we will have a chance of saving him." Meng Shaoran continued, "If you really want to help him, tell me everything you know. With enough information, we can plan our actions."

Su Pei knew what Meng Shaoran said would lead them to the highest chance of them saving Xiao Yiqiu, so he quickly calmed down and organized his thoughts. He told Meng Shaoran how his family met a domain realm master five years ago and why he came to Planet Azure.

"They have already infiltrated the powerful families of this planet." Meng Shaoran was serious. His superiors were right to worry.

After getting the information he wanted, Meng Shaoran prepared to leave. The people protecting the outskirts of the base were domain realm masters. Although there seemed to be something weird about them, it was undeniable that they had domain power and knew how to control it. The people at the base should be more powerful than the chubby man. Him as a sole domain realm master couldn't win against so many domain realm masters even if there was something weird about them. Meng Shaoran was here to complete his mission, not to look for death.

Su Pei got agitated when he saw Meng Shaoran preparing to leave. He immediately shouted, "Are you really from Flying Dragon Special Forces? If so, can you tell me your name?"

Meng Shaoran stopped. He raised his eyebrows and smiled at Su Pei. "Is that important?"

Su Pei clenched his fist. "If you are from Flying Dragon Special Forces, then… I want to enter your force." This might be the only chance to realize his dream.

Meng Shaoran looked at Su Pei intently. He smiled. "You have to work hard then. With your current strength, you might not even be able to have the right to take the entrance test." If Su Pei became as strong as him before he turned 25 years old, they might be able to meet again. Meng Shaoran finally was a little interest in Su Pei. However, it was just a little.

Meng Shaoran left after he finished speaking. Su Pei tried to chase after him. Yet, no matter how fast he ran, he was not able to catch up with Meng Shaoran. Meng Shaoran looked as though he was just casually walking but his speed was very fast.

Just as Meng Shaoran was about to disappear from his sight, Su Pei shouted, "I will definitely get into the Flying Dragon Special Forces. Will you tell me who you are then?"

Meng Shaoran didn't look back. He raised his right hand and waved. Let's talk when you really get in! That was what he seemed to be saying.

In a blink of an eye, Meng Shaoran disappeared. Su Pei was disappointed. But, he quickly pushed his disappointment to the back of his head. He needed to get out of the forest quickly and find someone to rescue Xiao Yiqiu. Meng Shaoran said that he would help him but Su Pei wasn't going to place all his hopes on just one person.

He didn't trust any instructor in the school. Hence, he wanted to find Li Lanfeng. Li Lanfeng didn't look very trustworthy but as someone from the 23rd division, Su Pei was willing to believe him.

Ling Xiao had been Su Pei's idol ever since he was a child. Instinctively, he had been duplicating Ling Xiao's actions and words. He believed that they were no spies in his idol's division.

While Su Pei went to look for Li Lanfeng, Meng Shaoran hid behind a tree and sent the information he got. Then, he returned to the forest. He had to get in touch with someone sent by the military. This was part of his mission too. If he guessed correctly, it should be one of his roommates. He didn't know which one it was but now was the time for the person to be revealed.

Leng Hanfeng and the person who saved him managed to resist against their opponent's attack. However, he was using everything he had to fight against his opponent so he was starting to feel the fatigue coming to him. He panted heavily.

The person who helped him was no better than him. The two of them took another blow by the middle-aged man, forcing them to retreat ten meters back. Leng Hanfeng vomited another mouthful of blood. He was already heavily injured.

"You run away first. I can distract him for ten seconds. After that, I will run," the person who helped him whispered to Leng Hanfeng.

Leng Hanfeng looked up in surprise. The person nodded. Leng Hanfeng remained silent for a moment before nodding.

"When I say attack, you will run." The person formed a stance as he spoke. He looked as though he was going to give it his all in a final strike.

Leng Hanfeng slowly nodded. He started to pretend that he was going to give a final strike too, but secretly he placed most of his weight on his legs. The moment he heard the person shout, he would release all his energy and run away. The person was looking at the middle-aged man but when he saw Leng Hanfeng's actions from the corner of his eye, he gave a look of approval.

The middle-aged man saw their stance and turned vigilant. He was much stronger than them but if they attacked him without care, the outcome would be hard to tell. He prepared himself for their attack. His eyes turned sharp. The moment they attack, he would find their weakness and kill them with a single strike.

"Attack!" The person shouted. The middle-aged man prepared to defend himself. However, he saw one of them suddenly retreating.

I got tricked! The middle-aged man was furious. He wanted to chase after him but the other person blocked him. The Qi-Jin power on the person's body increased exponentially and broke the Qi-Jin boundary.

A half step to domain! The middle-aged man was shocked. No one below the domain stage would be able to defeat a person at this stage. He released all his Qi-Jin and attacked his opponent.

"Boom!" The sound rang through the entire forest. Leng Hanfeng slowed down a little. He turned his head back and looked at the direction of the battle. "Domain? No…" He muttered to himself.

He had a complicated look in his eyes. He hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth and continuing his way out of the forest. About ten seconds later, he stopped and leaned weakly against a tree. He used his last ounce of energy to punch the tree. Then, he turned and went back.

He only left for less than 20 seconds but the place had already turned into a pile of ruins. Leng Hanfeng looked around him. He didn't see any corpses so he relaxed. The person who saved him was not killed, but he didn't know where the person went. Is the middle-aged man chasing him?

Leng Hanfeng didn't know what to do now. Suddenly, a pile of soil was pushed up and a person crawled out. The person looked haggard but the uniform of the Central Scout Academy could still be seen.

This was the person who saved him. Leng Hanfeng was elated. Before he could speak, the person scolded him in a soft tone, "Idiot! Didn't I ask you to run? Why did you come back? Are you looking for death?"

Leng Hanfeng opened his mouth but no words would come out. The person was right. His decision was the same as looking for death. However, if he didn't come back, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for his entire life.

The person's expression softened. He had already guessed Leng Hanfeng's intentions of coming back. "Fortunately, I used a secret method and managed to fool that man. If not, you would be dead."

"Thank you!" Leng Hanfeng only said these two words.

"Why are you thanking me? We are roommates, right?" The person suddenly smiled. He rubbed his face forcefully and soon, the disguise on his face was rubbed off, and Gu Zhengrong's handsome face was revealed.

"Gu Zhengrong! It's you?!" Leng Hanfeng exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course it's me. Who do you think I was? If I didn't recognize you, I wouldn't have taken the risk to save you." Gu Zhengrong looked at his torn and tattered school uniform, then decided to take it off, revealing his muscular body.

Leng Hanfeng looked closely at the tattered school uniform. He finally understood why it looked so familiar. It was a female school uniform. He suddenly remembered that Gu Zhengrong went to the female's dormitory to disguise himself as a female.