

Chapter 740 Liquid of Fertility

After leaving Bai Lihua's house and the Heavenly Swan Sect, Su Yang went to the Cai Family to pick up Cai Yan.

Before Su Yang's arrival, Cai Yan's parents approached her, who was peacefully studying the technique Su Yang gave her to pass time until he picked her up.

"Mother? Father? Do you need something from me?" Cai Yan lowered the scroll to look at them.

Their parents looked at each other for a moment before Cai Yan's mother extended her arms with a smile on her face and a small box in her grasp.

"Here, Yan'er. This is a gift for you," she said to her.

"What is it?" Cai Yan accepted the box with a curious look on her face.

Hearing her question, her father spoke, "It's a medicine known as Liquid of Fertility, and it'll greatly enhance your chances of being fertilized. Drink it before you do 'that' with Su Yang, and make sure he releases his white stuff inside your body."

"You… You want me to conceive a child with Su Yang?" Cai Yan looked at her parents with a speechless expression on her face, seemingly in disbelief. Never in her life did she expect her parents to be so supportive— even aggressive for her, especially when it was related with another man, as they would usually keep her away from other men.

"Of course we would want to see our grandchildren! Aren't you and Su Yang partners? What's wrong with bearing his child? You're already a woman, Yan'er. Most women around your age have already experienced giving birth."

"B-But this is too sudden… And Su Yang and I aren't really like that…" Cai Yan said to them in a dumbfounded voice.

"You're not? Then what are you two? Don't tell me you're giving your body to a man you have no relationship with— that you don't even love?" Her mother quickly frowned.


Since she didn't want to explain to them, Cai Yan said, "I understand… I will ask Su Yang if he wants to conceive a child with me…"

Sometime later, Su Yang arrived at the Cai Family.

"Welcome, Su Yang. Our daughter is already prepared to head to the Profound Blossom Sect with you." Cai Yan's mother greeted him at the door.

A few moments later, Cai Yan appeared before him.

"Please take care of our daughter, Su Yang," Cai Yan's parents lowered their bodies to bow to him.

"Please take care of me, Master…" Cai Yan followed her parents and bowed to him.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't treat her any less than perfect."

Sometime later, Su Yang boarded the flying boat with Cai Yan before returning to the Profound Blossom Sect.

Once they had arrived at the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang showed Cai Yan her living quarters and said, "This will be your new home for now until you decide to leave."

"Thank you, Master." Cai Yan bowed to him again.

"If you are ready to begin cultivating, just let me know," Su Yang said.

After a moment of silence, Cai Yan said, "I am ready to cultivate now, Master."

However, Su Yang said to her with an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry, but I have already appointments with other disciples, and it'll take at least 6 hours. I'll come to see you as soon as I am done with the others."

Cai Yan nodded and said, "Don't worry about it, Master. There's no need to apologize since it was my decision to come here."

"Then I'll see you in a few hours."

After Su Yang left, Cai Yan settled down in her new home and took some time to familiarize herself with the new scenery and environment before she started studying the alchemy technique again.

Time passed by in a flash and before she knew it, many hours had passed, and Su Yang returned to her living quarters.

"We can do this tomorrow if you'd like, Master. It's already getting dark, and you have already been cultivating for the entire day," Cai Yan said to him.

Su Yang chuckled before speaking, "I do this for a living— there's no way a few hours with the disciples would tire me out."

Hearing his words, Cai Yan nodded and said, "Please come inside, Master."

Sometime later, they entered Cai Yan's room that was already filled with her unique scent.

"Um… Master… I have something to ask of you…" Cai Yan suddenly said to him after they sat down on the bed, acting a little fidgety and out of character.

Su Yang looked at her with a smile and said, "You don't need to tell me anything, I already know about the Liquid of Fertility that's inside your robes. Did your parents tell you to bear my child?"

Cai Yan looked at him with a surprised face before nodding her head in a dazed manner.

"Y-Yes… They did… But how did you…?"

"The Liquid of Fertility has quite the strong smell, after all. I have known about it ever since I picked you up," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"S-Since that long?" Cai Yan's jaw dropped wide open.

After a moment of silence, Cai Yan spoke, "Then… do you think you'll be able to…? I completely understand if you don't want to since I am only your disciple and we're doing this to improve my cultivation..."

After another moment of silence, Su Yang spoke, "I don't mind."

"R-Really?" Cai Yan looked at him with wide eyes.

Su Yang nodded and continued, "But I won't be by your side forever, so if you don't mind bearing my child while knowing that I won't be able to take care of it, I'll agree to your request."

"..." Cai Yan became silent.

After a long moment of silence, Cai Yan nodded with a resolute expression on her face, "This is mostly my parents' wish because they want an heir for the family, and they'll probably want to raise the child by themselves anyway, and I want to focus on alchemy. Therefore, I won't ask you to take responsibility."

Chapter 741 Training Cai Yan

"Since that's the case, I'll impregnate you. However, I won't do it today," Su Yang said to Cai Yan.

And he continued, "The only reason the Profound Blossom Sect disciples were able to improve their cultivation so quickly was because they had absorbed my Yang Qi, so if you don't absorb my Yang Qi, it'll make the entire process pointless."

"Furthermore, if I impregnate you now, it'll slow down your training a few months later, even halt it completely until after you give birth. Therefore, I will impregnate you once you have reached the Earth Spirit Realm and finish most of our lectures."

Cai Yan nodded, "I understand. Then I'll save the Liquid of Fertility until..."

"I don't need the Liquid of Fertility to impregnate you. Just throw that trash away," Su Yang suddenly said.

If his partners needed something like the Liquid of Fertility to get impregnated by him, it would be a slap to his face, who has spent many years learning and mastering the technique that allowed him to control his Yang Qi and impregnate his partners at will with 100 percent success rate.

"In fact, you can give it to me. I'll dispose of it for you."

"O-Okay…" Cai Yan nodded with a dazed look before handing him a small bottle of clear liquid.

Once the Liquid of Fertility was in his hands, Su Yang closed his hand and crushed the bottle before using his alchemy flames to erase all of its contents until there was nothing left.

Cai Yan was speechless after witnessing Su Yang destroy the Liquid of Fertility so viciously, acting almost like he was enemies with it or something.

After destroying the Liquid of Fertility, Su Yang looked at Cai Yan before handing her another scroll.

"What's this?" she asked him.

"That is a cultivation technique for Dual Cultivators. It's really no different from a normal cultivation technique except for a few extra steps that allow you to absorb the Yang Qi in your body. If you use this technique to absorb the Yang Qi after our cultivation, it'll be more effective than just absorbing it normally," Su Yang explained to her.

"It won't take long to learn it— an hour at most even for people with average talents. If it's you, it'll take even less. We'll begin our cultivation once you have learned it."

Cai Yan nodded and immediately began studying the cultivation technique.

Meanwhile, Su Yang sat on the bed and began cultivating.

About twenty minutes later, Cai Yan placed the technique down and said, "Master, I have learned the technique."

Su Yang opened his eyes and immediately began loosening his robes, "Then let's begin."

Cai Yan blushed a little when she saw Su Yang's smooth skin and flawless figure for the first time.

"Come over here," Su Yang said to her.

Cai Yan then stood up and loosened her own robes before approaching him.

A few moments later, Cai Yan laid on the bed with her body completely naked and Su Yang staring intimately at her.

"As expected of a young lady from a noble family— you have a very luscious body," Su Yang praised her with a smile on his face before using his fingers and running them down her body.


Cai Yan immediately tightened her jaws to resist moaning.

"Don't hold it in and let it out— you'll feel much better that way." Su Yang said to her as his fingers reached the bare slit between her legs.

He proceeded to tease the area around the slit until it was soaking wet, causing Cai Yan to moan continuously, "Aaahh~!"

Once her little sister was completely wet and drooling with Yin Qi, Su Yang spread her legs wide open before kissing her slit with his lips and skillfully licking all of the sweet juices with his tongue.

Cai Yan moaned even louder after feeling Su Yang's tongue licking all over her little sister, feeling an unfamiliar feeling spread throughout her body.

"It's coming! It's coming out!"

Cai Yan exclaimed before releasing a long flow of Yin Qi from her slit.

A few moments later once Cai Yan's body stopped twitching, Su Yang began rubbing his hot and stiff rod between her wet slit, teasing the swollen pink pearl that had been aroused for a while now.

"Master… stick it inside me already… I cannot hold it any longer!" Cai Yan suddenly pleaded with a lustful expression on her elegant face.

Once his dragon was soaked with Cai Yan's slippery substance, Su Yang poked her sealed entrance with just the tip, spreading it wide open.

"So painful!" Cai Yan sucked in a breath of cold air after feeling an intense pain between her legs for the first time in her life.

"I'm going to go deeper now," Su Yang said to her a moment later.

"Go ahead." Cai Yan nodded.

Su Yang then pushed his meatstick deeper into her cave— until his rod was knocking her at the end of the cave.

Meanwhile, Cai Yan clenched her jaws to endure the pain, and she could even feel the sensation of her own virgin blood sliding down her skin.

"Are you okay?" Su Yang asked her afterward.

"I'm… fine…" she nodded with a resolute expression.

Su Yang nodded, and he began moving his hips, thrusting his meatstick into her slipper yet tight cave and pulling it back out a second later after reaching the end of her cave.

Very quickly, Cai Yan stopped feeling pain and could no longer feel anything else besides pleasure.




Cai Yan tossed away her graceful character and began moaning without restraints, fully indulging herself in the pleasure that overwhelmed her inexperienced body.

Many minutes later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into her body, filling every nook and cranny inside her cave.

"Go ahead and cultivate the Yang Qi in your body now. Once you're done, we'll do it again, and we'll continue doing this until you can no longer move. If you want to reach the Earth Spirit Realm quickly, you'll have to endure this like the disciples had," Su Yang said to her afterward.

Cai Yan nodded and began absorbing the Yang Qi in her body.

Chapter 742 Leaving Behind His Legacy

After spending an hour absorbing the Yang Qi in her body, Cai Yan could already feel her cultivation rising significantly, greatly shocking her.

'This is much more effective than I'd expected!' Cai Yan cried inwardly. It was no wonder the Profound Blossom Sect disciples managed to reach the True Spirit Realm and Earth Spirit Realm in just half a year from the Elementary Spirit Realm!

At this rate, she might really achieve the Earth Spirit Realm in half a year if not even quicker!

"Looks like you are done," Su Yang said after seeing Cai Yan open her eyes, and he continued, "Let's continue cultivating."

Cai Yan nodded, and she laid on the bed before spreading her slender legs wide open.

Su Yang inserted his rod into her cave and began cultivating again.

They continued this process until the entire night passed.

Once it was morning, Su Yang left Cai Yan's living quarters while Cai Yan rested in her room with her body completely exhausted.

"Welcome back, darling. Did you cultivate with someone new yesterday? I can sense unfamiliar Yin Qi on you." Tang Lingxi said to him from the bed.

Su Yang nodded, "Yes, it's one of my disciples— the one with the Jade Flames. She wanted to reach the Earth Spirit Realm as soon as possible, so she decided to cultivate with me in order to do so."

"What a dedicated young girl," Tang Lingxi said, and she continued, "Did something else happen? I can feel it."

Su Yang approached her with a smile and sat on the edge of the bed before speaking, "I really cannot hide anything from you, huh?"

After a moment of silence, he continued, "Cai Yan, she asked me if I can impregnate her, and I agreed."

"Again? At this rate, you'll really impregnate every woman in this world before you return to the Divine Heavens." Tang Lingxi chuckled.

"But what's wrong with that? Do you not want to?"

"No, that's not it. It just feels weird to impregnate somebody I don't plan on bringing to the Divine Heavens. When I agreed to impregnate Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi over a year ago, I didn't want to take responsibility because I was afraid of bringing them to the Divine Heavens, but I had at least thought about it, and they were passionate about it. However, with Cai Yan… it is a little different."

"Furthermore, there are no feelings between Cai Yan and myself, and we're only cultivating so she can reach the Earth Spirit Realm quicker— it's merely training."

"I see… I understand what you mean, but that's quite common in the cultivation world. There are many women out there who conceive with men they don't even know because they want a talented child, and that is the number one priority for most young ladies from big families out there." Tang Lingxi said.

"Well, I know that, but it still feels weird doing it myself, as I have never willingly impregnated a woman before coming to this world," Su Yang said.

"If you don't like it, why don't you just refuse? I can imagine plenty more women will be coming to you for the same purpose in the future once they learn about it."

"Who said I don't like it? I have always wanted to have my own legacy, but I was too afraid to actually do it. Even though I won't be taking responsibility for these children, they are still my children nevertheless. Perhaps in the future, once everything has calmed down and I deal with my problems in the Divine Heavens, I will return to this place and see if they still want my help."

"What if thousands of years have passed by then?" Tang Lingxi asked them.

"Whether it be thousands of years or millions of years from now, my legacy will still exist within their bloodline, which is more than enough for me," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

Sometime later, he said, "Anyways, enough about me. What about you, Lingxi? How long do you have left in that body?"

"Three months at most, I guess," Tang Lingxi looked spoke while looking at her own hands.

"Three months, huh. Well, is there anything you want to do before you return to the Divine Heavens?" Su Yang then asked her.

"Nothing particularly— Or, to be precise, nothing that I want to do can be done."

Tang Lingxi looked at Su Yang and continued, "I am satisfied with just being around you for now. Once you return to the Divine Heavens, I'll make up for it."

Su Yang nodded with a smile on his face, and the two of them proceeded to talk to each other about random things for the rest of the day.

The following day, Su Yang left the Yin Yang Pavilion to fulfill his duties as the Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect by cultivating with the disciples.

Once he'd returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion at the end of the day, he was approached by Liu Lanzhi, who said to him, "Su Yang, there has been an influx of people coming to the Profound Blossom Sect lately— mostly to see you, and the sect elders have been refusing them, but they are getting overwhelmed. Do you think you can do something about it?"

"This must be due to my identity as the Alchemy Master being revealed." Su Yang nodded and said a moment later, "Okay, I'll do something about it tomorrow."

"One more thing…" Liu Lanzhi pointed to her stomach and said, "It's almost empty, and I have a few questions regarding the cultivation technique you gave me."

Su Yang nodded and said, "Okay, let me fill you back up before we talk about the technique."

Sometime later, Su Yang followed Liu Lanzhi back into her room, and they began cultivating with each other. After filling Liu Lanzhi's cave with Yang Qi again, Su Yang began answering all of her questions regarding the technique.

The following morning, Su Yang left the Yin Yang Pavilion again, but he was not going to any disciples' house. Instead, he went to the entrance of the sect, where a crowd of guests could be seen waiting outside.

Chapter 743 A Story of an Immortal Living in a Distant World

"S-Su Yang!" The disciples that had been promoted to sect elder after the Regional Tournament expressed excitement after seeing Su Yang appear before them.

"I'll take care of this," Su Yang said to them as he flew above the entrance and hovered before tens of thousands of people that gathered in front of the Profound Blossom Sect.

"Look over there! That's Su Yang!"

"Su Yang?! Did someone just say Su Yang?! Where?!"

"Su Yang! I am from the Xin Family and I have with me—"

"The Xiao Family from the Southern Region would like to have an audience with you—"

"This is the…"

"Su Yang…"

"I am…"

The noises there quickly erupted after someone mentioned the name 'Su Yang', and everybody there turned to look at the sky.

"Quiet down." Su Yang suddenly spoke in a calm voice, yet it boomed louder than the sound of thunder followed by an intense pressure that filled the atmosphere there, immediately turning the place dead silent.

Once the place was completely silent, Su Yang spoke in a calm voice, "I understand that everyone is here to see me, but I am currently not seeing any guests. However, I will be at the major gathering assembled by the Xie Family to answer any questions that you may all have. Until then, stop gathering around the Profound Blossom Sect like a bunch of rats. It's bothering my disciples, which bothers me."

"However, if you're not here for me but something else, you can remain here, and one of our sect elders will be with you shortly. That's all I have to say."

Without even waiting for any responses, Su Yang returned to the sect and said to the young and inexperienced sect elders, "That should take care of the problems."

"Thank you, Su Yang!" They bowed to him.

Su Yang nodded and continued, "As a small reward for having to deal with this, I will visit you ladies later today."

The sect elders' expression brightened even more after hearing his words, and they nodded with excitement, "We'll be waiting for you!"

Once Su Yang left the scene, the sect elders returned to dealing with the guests that came to the Profound Blossom Sect for official business, whilst over 90 percent of the crowd disappeared after Su Yang's little speech, allowing the sect elders to finally breathe.

Afterward, Su Yang went back to his daily routine and cultivated with the disciples until night, where he would continue to cultivate with his women if they wanted.

Time passed quickly, and a week later, Su Yang left the Profound Blossom Sect to head to the Heavenly Swan Sect to lecture Bai Lihua again.

"Your speed has increased since my last visit. It took you a month to master 20 recipes last time, whilst it took you only a week to master 10 Elementary-grade pills this time," Su Yang praised Bai Lihua after seeing her progress. "At this rate, you'll master all of the Elementary-grade pills I gave you by next week."

"Thank you, Su Yang. None of this would've been possible without you," she said.

Sometime later, Su Yang continued lecturing Bai Lihu, spending an entire day with her before leaving her living quarters.

However, right as Su Yang approached the door and prepared to leave, he suddenly stopped moving, as he noticed Bai Lihua's fidgeting movements.

Seeing this, Su Yang said with a smile on his face, "Do you want another kiss before I leave?"

Hearing his words, Bai Lihua's face flushed with redness, but she nodded her head nevertheless.

Su Yang approached her a moment later before giving Bai Lihua a kiss on the lips.

"Then I'll see you again next week."

Su Yang waved to her before leaving.

However, instead of leaving the Heavenly Swan Sect and returning straight to the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang went to another building inside the Heavenly Swan Sect.

*Knock* *Knock*

Su Yang knocked on the door to this building a moment later.

While he waited for the person to opened the door, Su Yang pondered, 'Although it's a bit early, I will have to reveal the truth to her sooner or later, and in her case, it would be better for her to learn the truth sooner so that she has sufficient time to think about it.'

The door opened sometime later, and Su Yin appeared before him.

"It really is you, brother! I could smell your scent even before I got close to the door!" Su Yin greeted him with a bright smile, as this is the first time that Su Yang has approached her.

"Hello, Su Yin. Can I come inside?"

"Of course! I would never turn you away!" Su Yin said to him.

Sometime later, once they were inside and seated, Su Yin asked him while sitting right beside him on the couch, "What brings you here, brother? Are you perhaps here about your identity as the Alchemy Master being revealed? If you're here to apologize for lying to me on that day, then I don't need it. I understand why you lied to me on that day about your identity."

Su Yang shook his head and said, "No, this has nothing to do with my alias as the Alchemy Master. This is about me… you… it's about us, and our future."

"It's about our future...?" Su Yin swallowed nervously after seeing the serious expression on his face.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang said, "There's something you should know about me, Su Yin. I wanted to tell you this before, but I didn't want to hurt you, who was overwhelmed with joy that you have reunited with your brother."

"What is it, brother? I can handle it— I promise."

Su Yang nodded and said, "Before I tell you everything, allow me to tell you a little story— a story of an Immortal living in a distant world."

Su Yang proceeded to tell Su Yin about his life as an Immortal in the Divine Heavens and how he experienced reincarnation without explicitly stating that he was the Immortal.

Chapter 744 Su Yin's Decision

After telling Su Yin his background without revealing that it was him, Su Yang asked her, "What do you think?"

"What do I think…?" Su Yin raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner, completely puzzled as to why Su Yang would tell her such a story in the first place.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Well… It's definitely an interesting story, and that person sounds like a person that brother would become when he grows older… However, I don't know what else to think of it. I'm sorry, brother..."

"There is no need for you to apologize, Su Yin," Su Yang said to her with a smile, and he continued, "Now back to talking about us…"

"Do you remember when our father sealed my memories and kicked me out of the family?"

"Of course! I would never forget that, nor will I forgive father for doing such a horrible thing to you!" Su Yin quickly nodded.

"Well, after I became a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect, a few things happened, and I was nearly killed. However, because of that near-death experience, something awakened inside me."

Su Yang then looked at her with a serious expression and said, "I… I am completely different from the 'Su Yang' before he got kicked out of the family, don't you think so too, Su Yin?"

"I-If you say it like that, then yes, you have definitely changed. However, I don't think it's a bad thing at all! Although you were lovely before, I think the current you is even better! After all, you were not this talkative before, and I feel like I am closer to you now that we can communicate like this!"

"Is that so…? I am somewhat relieved to hear that," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

However, his smile disappeared a moment later, replaced by a serious look, and he said, "Su Yin, I want you to listen to me very carefully and let me finish speaking before you react, okay?"

"O-Okay…" Su Yin nodded her head in a nervous manner, wondering why Su Yang was being so serious.

"The reason I am so different is simply because I am a different person. However, it's not in the way that you might be thinking right now."

Despite seeing Su Yin's wide eyes, Su Yang continued, "The story I told you about not long ago— about the Immortal who reincarnated. That Immortal is me, and I was reincarnated as your brother in this life."

"However, for some reason, I didn't have memories of my past life right after birth, and it was only after my near-death experience at the Profound Blossom Sect that brought back my memories. Therefore, while I am your brother, I am also not your brother at the same time."

Su Yang turned silent afterward, allowing Su Yin to process and comprehend everything he'd just told her. However, after many minutes of silence, Su Yin remained speechless.

After ten minutes of pure silence, Su Yin finally opened her mouth to speak, "Although I am still trying to understand some things, I think I get the gist of it. I thought at first that you were going to tell me that you were not my brother all along, but it turns out that was not the case."

"And while you may no longer be the brother that I loved, you are still the brother that I have grown to love even more and that is all that matters to me."

"So you don't mind that I am not the brother that you've loved since the beginning?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised by how well Su Yin was handling the situation and truth.

"Yes, I don't mind. After all, you're still my brother, right?" Su Yin said.

"That's right," Su Yang nodded.

"Then that's all it matters!"

Su Yang chuckled and said, "It seems like I have underestimated you, Su Yin, and I rarely misjudge women. As expected of my little sister."

However, despite the smile on Su Yin's face, Su Yang could sense a feeling of uncertainty and worry deep within Su Yin's heart, so he stood up and said, "Follow me."

Su Yin nodded and followed Su Yang.

A few moments later, they entered one of the bedrooms.

"Brother… this is?"

"There's still one more thing that I haven't told you yet, Su Yin." Su Yang turned to look at her and continued, "Within two years, I am going to leave this world and return back to my own world— the Divine Heavens."

"L-Leave? What do you mean by that, brother?! Are you going to leave me all alone again?! I don't want you to leave!" Su Yin immediately cried out loud.

"I know you don't want me to leave, but I also cannot stay here no matter what. I have things that need to be done in the other world. Therefore I have a proposal for you. Do you want to come with me to the Divine Heavens?"

Su Yin's eyes widened with surprise.

"You… want me to come with you? What about father?" Su Yin asked him.

"Unfortunately, he'll have to stay in this world. Even if I asked him, he won't agree to abandon the Su Family. I am only giving you a choice right now. If you want to follow me, then I will take you with me. If you want to stay in this world, I will also respect that choice."

"And while I cannot give you my Family Seal because it doesn't work on those with the same bloodline, I can still treat you as a family member, and not as a sister, but as my woman. What do you think?"

"I… I want to follow you, brother! No matter where you go, I will go with you! I have learned from your disappearance and our separation that I will not be able to live without you in my life! Please! Let me follow you!"

Chapter 745 A Lot of Practice and Swallowing

After hearing Su Yin's decision, Su Yang nodded and said to her, "Come over here."

Su Yin nodded, and she approached him before entering his embrace.

A few moments later, Su Yang removed her clothes, revealing her petite and flawless body to him.

"Brother…" Su Yin stared at him with a passionate gaze.

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "Call me Su Yang from now on."

Su Yin nodded, "Okay, Su Yang…"

Although it felt very weird at first, it had this oddly satisfying tone to it, almost like she'd always wanted to say his name.

After laying Su Yin on the bed, Su Yang began eating her small, wet cave, savoring her pink meat for many minutes without stopping.




Su Yin moaned loudly as her body trembled with delight and her heart overwhelmed with joy.

Many minutes later, Su Yang revealed his stiff dragon and inserted it into Su Yin's thigh cave, spreading her inner walls wide apart.

A moment later, Su Yang began moving his hips, thrusting his rod in and out of her cave and knocking on the end of her cave with the tip.

"Aaaaaah~!" Su Yin's body gushed with Yin Qi a few minutes later, and Su Yang released his Yang Qi into her body simultaneously.

After they both stopped climaxing, Su Yang continued moving again without giving Su Yin any time to rest.

Of course, Su Yin didn't complain and accepted everything Su Yang did to her.

Many hours later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi inside Su Yin for the 100th time, whilst Su Yin climaxed uncontrollably.

Sometime later, Su Yin said, "Thank you, Su Yang, for accepting me despite our relationship…"

Su Yang smiled and said, "Don't even mention it. And to tell you the truth, I still cannot see you as my sister since I have lived for so long without one, and I have only known you for a little over a year not including the time before I recovered my memories."

"By the way, do you want to stay here in the Heavenly Swan Sect or move to the Profound Blossom Sect with me?" Su Yang asked her sometime later.

"I will stay here for now. I still need to talk to my Master about leaving the sect in the future, after all," Su Yin said.

"Okay, then I will see you later."

"See you later, Su Yang!"

Once Su Yang left her living quarters, Su Yin curled up on the bed like a caterpillar and began giggling to herself in a silly manner.

"Hehe… brother accepted me as his woman! Hehehe…"

Meanwhile, Su Yang returned to the Profound Blossom Sect, where he continued to cultivate with the other disciples.

A few days after Su Yang spoke with Su Yin, two beautiful women with similar features appeared before him as he returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"S-Su Yang!"

"Fang Zhelan? Fang Xiaoru? What are you doing at the Yin Yang Pavilion? Were you looking for me?" Su Yang asked them, and he continued, "If you needed to see me, you could've contacted me through the communication jade slip."

"I'm sorry, Su Yang, but we came here for another reason…" Fang Zhelan said with a weird look on her face.

"Hm?" Su Yang narrowed his eyes, and then his powerful nose picked up a certain scent lingering on their bodies.

"I see… you two went to see the babies, huh?" Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"H-How did you know that?!" Fang Xiaoru exclaimed.

"I can smell their scent lingering on your body, so I can only assume that you had them in your arms at some point," Su Yang said.

"Heavens… Just how powerful is your nose? If only I was born with such a powerful nose," Fang Xiaoru mumbled in a dazed voice.

"You think I was born with this nose?" Su Yang chuckled.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Fang Xiaoru looked at him with a puzzled face.

"I wasn't born with a strong nose. I practiced a technique that strengthened my senses, especially my nose since it's really convenient for alchemy," Su Yang revealed the truth to them.

Sometime later, Fang Zhelan said, "By the way, congratulations, Su Yang. You have two very beautiful daughters."

"Thank you," Su Yang said with a smile.

"Anyway, since you ladies are already here, why don't we cultivate? It's been a while since we've done it, after all."

Fang Zhelan quickly nodded and said, "I was also hoping for that when I came here. What do you think, Xiaoru? Do you want to cultivate together with us again?"

"I do!" Fang Xiaoru immediately nodded her head.

"Let's do it in this place since you are already here," Su Yang then led the Feng sisters into one of the empty rooms inside the Yin Yang Pavilion.

Sometime later, Su Yang laid on the large bed while the sisters removed their clothes and crawled onto the bed with him.

"No matter how many times I see your thing, it always impresses me…" Fang Zhelan said as she kneeled beside Su Yang's legs with her slender fingers wrapped around Su Yang's thick dragon.

A few moments later, Fang Zhelan began working on Su Yang's rod with her mouth by giving him a deep fellatio while Fang Xiaoru laid between Su Yang's legs on her stomach and licked and sucked on his jewels.




The Fang sisters made lustful noises with their mouths as they savored Su Yang's meat to their heart's content.

Many minutes later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Fang Zhelan's mouth, which she swallowed without any problems despite the excessive amount that flowed into her mouth and throat.

"Looks like you've gotten used to swallowing," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, but it took a lot of practice and swallowing to get used to it." Fang Zhelan laughed in a graceful manner despite her vulgar appearance.

"Let me try next," Fang Xiaoru said as she switched positions with Fang Zhelan and began sucking on Su Yang's rod with passion.

Chapter 746 The Sisters' Decision




While Fang Xiaoru sucked on Su Yang's rod, Fang Zhelan said to him, "Su Yang, do you have any plans for the future? Now that the Profound Blossom Sect is pretty much one of the top sects in the Eastern Continent, what are you going to do with it in the future?"

Hearing her question, Su Yang said, "I am not going to do anything because it'll be up to Liu Lanzhi what she wants to do with the sect. After all, I am not going to be in this place forever."

"Eh? Are you going somewhere?" Fang Zhelan asked him.

"Oh, right, I haven't told you yet. I'll be leaving the Profound Blossom Sect in less than two years from now. In fact, I won't remain in the Eastern Continent or this world for that matter."


Fang Zhelan looked at him with a dazed look, and even Fang Xiaoru stopped sucking on his rod and stared at him in silence.

"W-What do you mean by that, Su Yang? Where are you going to go?" Fang Zhelan asked him a moment later.

Su Yang closed his eyes for a moment before speaking, "I should have told you two about this long ago, but I… I am not who you think I am."

"This is going to sound weird to you but I am actually living my second life…"

Su Yang proceeded to explain to the Fang sisters his real identity and his previous life as an Immortal.

Sometime later, Fang Zhelan spoke with a dumbfounded look on her face, "I already knew that you were too mature and experienced for your age, but to think that you would be… I don't even know what to say right now…"

"Are you disappointed?" Su Yang asked them.

"Why would I be disappointed, Su Yang? You are still the same person I've known and loved since the beginning and nothing will change that. However, I am slightly saddened to hear that you will leave this world. What will I do without you?"

"My elder sister is right… Even though I have known you for far less time compared to her, your background doesn't matter to me because it's not like you've suddenly become a different person."


Su Yang turned silent after hearing their words, and after a moment of silence, he spoke, "Zhelan… do you remember what you told me not long ago?"

"What I said to you…?" Fang Zhelan raised her slender eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

"During the Regional Tournament, you said that you want to be with me forever; that you want to remain in my embrace; that you were not worthy; that your body belongs to me. Do you still think that now?"

"I do! I still think that even now!" Fang Zhelan immediately nodded her head after realizing what Su Yang was talking about.

"Good… then as for what I said to you… that you are worthy… Fang Zhelan, do you want to come with me to the Divine Heavens?"

Su Yang then turned to look at Fang Xiaoru and said with a handsome smile on his face, "Of course, you can come too if you want."

"C-Can I really come with you, Su Yang? Even though I am…?" Fang Zhelan trembled after hearing his words, and on her face was a look of disbelief.

"Of course. I have already told you before that you're not dirty. As a Dual Cultivator, it's only natural for us to have many partners in our lifetime. The only thing that matters is whether you are willing to spend the rest of your life with me and nobody else or not."

"I am willing! I am willing, Su Yang! Even if I were to look for other partners, I can no longer be satisfied by anyone else but you! Furthermore, I have already offered my everything to you!" Fang Zhelan said to him in an emotional voice and teary eyes.

Su Yang nodded, and then he turned to look at Fang Xiaoru, "What about you, Xiaoru? Even though we haven't known each other for long, I really enjoy your company, especially when you're with Zhelan. It'd be a crime to separate such a perfect pair."

"I also want to follow you alongside my elder sister, Su Yang! In fact, I have already decided to follow you no matter where you go ever since I resolved myself to leave the Fang Family!"

After hearing the sister's words, Su Yang then said, "Since that's the case, I am going to make you two my women— my official women."

He proceeded to tell them about the Family Seal and the rules within the family.

"What do you think? Are you willing to become a part of the Su Family and become my woman?"

Fang Zhelan and Feng Xiaoru exchanged glances with each other before turning to look at Su Yang and speaking simultaneously— "We are willing!"

"Good, then let's continue to have some fun before I give you my Family Seal," Su Yang said to them.

The next moment, Fang Xiaoru returned to sucking on Su Yang's rod, and it felt entirely different for Su Yang compared to just a few minutes ago, almost like something had changed within Fang Xiaoru.

Meanwhile, Fang Zhelan was directed by Su Yang to sit on his face so he could savor her lower lips.

Feng Zhelan obeyed his desires and sat on his face a moment later with her lower lips directly on Su Yang's lips.

Su Yang then grabbed her soft buttocks and began licking her beautiful slit with his tongue.


Fang Zhelan released a delightful moan while her body felt tingly all over.

Sometime later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Fang Xiaoru's mouth whilst Fang Zhelan released her Yin Qi inside Su Yang's mouth.

"Mmm!" Fang Xiaoru tried her best to swallow the Yang Qi like Fang Zhelan, but alas, she could only endure it for a few seconds before she removed her mouth from his rod, allowing the excess Yang Qi to shoot all over her face.

Chapter 747 Like a Group of Housewives

"Looks like I still need a lot of practice…" Fang Xiaoru sighed as she wiped the Yang Qi off her face before licking it off her fingers in an innocent yet erotic manner.

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to practice in the future," Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

A few moments later, Fang Xiaoru inserted Su Yang's rod into her tight cave and began riding him like a horse.

Meanwhile, Su Yang continued to eat Fang Zhelan's pink meat while moving his hips to please Fang Xiaoru at the same time.



"My stomach… feels so full~" Fang Xiaoru moaned loudly.

Many minutes later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Fang Xiaoru's cave, filling every nook and cranny inside her body.

"This is… the Family Seal?" Fang Xiaoru rubbed the Family Seal that had suddenly appeared on her body with great interest.

"Yes, but I still need to activate it later," Su Yang said.

A few moments later, Fang Xiaoru laid on the bed to recover, and Su Yang sat up on the bed with Fang Zhelan in his embrace and sitting on his lap.

Once his rod went inside Fang Zhelan's slippery cave with ease, Su Yang began massaging Fang Zhelan's breasts while she moved her hips and rode him in a similar fashion as Fang Xiaoru had.

Pap! Pap! Pap!

Erotic noises filled the room as Su Yang's thick rod slammed into Fang Zhelan's wet cave, sounding as though someone was dancing on a wet puddle.


Fang Zhelan moaned loudly as Su Yang's dragon head knocked on the end of her cave, feeling as though it was trying to dig an even deeper hole in her body.

After many minutes of intense pounding, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Fang Zhelan's cave, creating a Family Seal on her body too.

After laying Fang Zhelan on the bed, Su Yang turned to look at Fang Xiaoru who'd just recovered her energy with a smile on his face.

Fang Xiaoru immediately understood the meaning behind his gaze and opened her legs wide open for him.

Su Yang then inserted his rod into her cave that was still filled with his Yang Qi, and he began pounding her yearning body, causing most of the Yang Qi in her cave to leak out only to fill it back up with his Yang Qi a few minutes later.

Half an hour later, Su Yang switched partners again, returning back to Fang Zhelan, and he would continue this until they cultivated for nearly the entire day.

By the end of the day, Su Yang had cultivated over 50 times with each of them.

"I cannot do it anymore… My body won't be able to handle it…" Fang Xiaoru said afterward.

"Although I can continue, I'll also stop here for today," Fang Zhelan spoke a moment later.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Let me activate your Family Seals before I leave you ladies alone."

He then bit a small hole in his finger before smearing some of his blood onto their Family Seal, activating it.


"Welcome to the family, Fang Zhelan, Fang Xiaoru. I'll introduce you to the others later," Su Yang said to them afterward.

"Thank you, Su Yang, for accepting me and Xiaoru…" Fang Zhelan said to him with a beautiful smile on her face. "I swear that I will continue to do my best from now on."

"Me, too! I promise that I will try my best to reach my elder sister's level of endurance as soon as possible so that I don't become a burden!" Fang Xiaoru said.

"There's no need to rush things, Xiaoru. As I'd said, you'll have plenty of time to practice in the future," Su Yang said to her.

"Anyway, it's already the next day, and I have appointments to fulfill with the disciples. I'll talk to you ladies later."

A few moments later, Su Yang left the room, leaving the sisters alone.

"Elder sister… Thank you…" Fang Xiaoru suddenly said to her.

"What for? I don't recall doing anything to deserve such words," Fang Zhelan raised her eyebrows.

"Thank you for leaving the family and coming to this place. If not for you, I would've never met Su Yang, and I would still be living a boring life at the Fang Family," Fang Xiaoru explained.

"There's no need to thank me for that, you silly. It was not as though I had planned on meeting Su Yang in this place. I left the Fang Family because I wanted to— it was a selfish decision of mine, so I cannot accept your gratitude. If you have to thank something, thank the heavens for allowing us to meet with Su Yang, and thank Su Yang for being the way he is."

After spending many minutes talking to each other as they recovered their strength, Fang Zhelan got off the bed and said, "I am going to wash my body."

"I'll help you, elder sister."

Fang Zhelan and Fang Xiaoru entered the bathroom a few moments later, and they assisted each other by washing each other's back.

Once their bodies were glistening and clean, the sisters dried themselves before leaving the bathroom.

However, to the sister's surprise, they were greeted by three extremely beautiful women when they returned to the room.

"Welcome to the family, Fang Zhelan, Fang Xiaoru." Wu Jingjing and the other girls said to them the moment they noticed their presence.

"Seniors…" The Fang sisters were speechless.

"You know, I have realized something today," Zhu Mengyi suddenly said, and she continued, "Although our children dislike strangers, they are oddly friendly with people who are related to Su Yang. Maybe they have the ability to tell whether someone qualifies to join the family or not."

"If that's true, our daughters are truly talented," Wu Jingjing chuckled.

"Anyway, because you girls were so close to us, we were able to feel your Family Seal being activated, so we came here to see who it was." Lian Li said to them, and she continued, "Though, we have already guessed your identities before even coming here."

Sometime later, the five ladies began talking to each other like a group of housewives, but they all belonged to the same family!

Chapter 748 But I Am Your Man

Another week has passed since Su Yang's previous lecture with Bai Lihua, thus he made his way back to the Heavenly Swan Sect to give Bai Lihua her 3rd lecture.

"Welcome, Su Yang," Bai Lihua greeted him at the door with an unusually bright expression on her beautiful face, and even someone blind would be able to tell her cheerful mood just by hearing her delightful voice.

"You seem happy, did something happen?" Su Yang entered her house with a smile.

"Of course! I have finally managed to master all Elementary-grade pills! Look! All of these are high-quality pills!" Bai Lihua handed him a storage pouch that contained over 100 high-quality Elementary-grade pills.

"I see… Congratulations, now we can finally start working on Profound-grade pills. However, before we start on those, I want you to learn the flame controlling technique I'd taught the others." Su Yang then handed her the technique.

"You can start studying it now; I'll be back soon."

"Huh? Where are you going?" Bai Lihua asked him.

"I promised you that I'd improve the formation protecting the Heavenly Swan Sect, right? Well, I am thinking about fulfilling that promise right now," he said to her.

"Oh! I nearly forgot about that! Do you need any help? If you need spirit stones, the Heavenly Swan Sect should be able to spare about 50 million spirit stones to strengthen the formation…"

"50 million spirit stones? You'd need at least 150 million spirit stones for what I am about to do. However, you don't have to worry about paying me 150 million spirit stones since the Profound Blossom Sect will foot the bill," Su Yang said to her.

"150 million spirit stones?! Are you sure? Even if you can afford it, allow me to at least relieve some of that burden for you! After all, this is my Heavenly Swan Sect!" Bai Lihua insisted.

"You may be the Sect Master of this place, but I am your man, so I will still foot the bill," Su Yang said with a calm expression on his face.

"Huh? What did you just say?" Bai Lihua's eyes immediately widened after hearing his words with a gawking expression on her beautiful face.

Did Su Yang just call himself her 'man'? Surely, she must have misheard him.

"I also promised you that I'd give an answer to your feelings if you finished all of the Elementary-grade pills, right? Or do you not like this answer?" Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

"You… does that mean…" Bai Lihua was still in disbelief and asked him for confirmation.

"I'll give you a better answer once I return. For now, you should focus on the technique," Su Yang said before waving goodbye and leaving Bai Lihua alone.

"W-Why does he keep leaving me hanging like this?! Does he enjoy teasing me that much?!" Bai Lihua cried out loud after Su Yang left.

However, despite how Su Yang was dealing with the situation, Bai Lihua didn't feel annoyed or angry. In fact, the anticipation was only making her more excited.

'What is this feeling? I have never felt anything like this before!' Bai Lihua wondered to herself as she returned to her own room to study the technique Su Yang just handed her.

Meanwhile, Su Yang went to the center of the Heavenly Swan Sect, attracting countless gazes from the female disciples within the sect.

"Hey, look at that. Isn't that Su Yang? What's he doing here?"

"It really is Su Yang! Do you think he's here about 'that' event?"

"So that's what Su Yang looks like, huh? This is actually my first time seeing him and I have to say that he's definitely the most handsome man I've seen to date!"

"Me too! I was debating about whether I should participate in 'that' event, but after seeing his handsome face and noble aura, I have decided that I will also participate!"

"Not only is he exceedingly handsome but he's also extremely talented! What more do you need from him?"

"I heard he's also very skilled in the bed as a Dual Cultivator! I am going to see for myself whether that is true or not!"

It was not just the disciples that gossiped about Su Yang after seeing him, as the sect elders at the Heavenly Swan Sect were also glaring at Su Yang with a yearning gaze.

"What do you think he's doing here?"

"Why don't you go ahead and ask him?"

"You want me to talk to him? No way! Even though he's younger than me, our status is too far apart!"

"We can just follow him and see what he's up to." One of the sect elders suggested.

Thus, the disciples and sect elders decided to follow Su Yang.

And since Su Yang didn't tell them to leave, they continued to follow him.

By the time Su Yang reached the center of the sect, there were over a thousand disciples and sect elders following him.

Once he was at the center, Su Yang sat down on the ground and retrieved a few items before placing them on the floor in front of him.

"That looks like a scroll… What's he doing in the middle of the sect?"

The disciples and sect elders were curious about his intentions, but they didn't dare to disturb him and watched from a distance.

After writing a few things on the scrolls, Su Yang stood up and retrieved a couple of storage rings, and he proceeded to dump spirit stones on the floor like he was throwing out the trash, shocking the disciples and sect elders watching.

"W-What in heaven's name is he doing?! That's millions of spirit stones he's throwing on the floor!"

The disciples and sect elders swallowed nervously while salivating at the mountains of spirit stones that were piling on the floor at an insane rate. However, not a single disciple there dared to step forward to grab the spirit stones even if some of them rolled to their feet. After all, a few spirit stones weren't worth offending someone like Su Yang and potentially losing their chance to cultivate with him!

Chapter 749 Tossing Her on the Bed

Sometime later, once Su Yang emptied all of the storage rings and created many mountains from 150 million spirit stones, he returned to the scrolls on the floor and sat before them again.

After closing his eyes and concentrating a bit, Su Yang slapped the scrolls, causing a purple pillar of light to shoot out of the scrolls and towards the heavens.

However, before they could reach the clouds, the purple pillars were blocked by the formation around the Heavenly Swan Sect before being absorbed by it.

Once the purple pillar of light was completely absorbed, the spirit stones on the ground gushed with spiritual energy before being absorbed by the formation too.

A few minutes later, all 150 million spirit stones dissipated into the air.

Su Yang stood up and patted his buttocks afterward. He then looked at the dazed disciples and sect elders and spoke with a smile on his face, "I have just strengthened the defensive formation protecting the Heavenly Swan Sect. Even Sovereign Spirit Realm Cultivators will not be able to invade into this place now."

"There's no need to thank me since I am merely doing this for your Sect Master."

After a moment of silence, Su Yang continued, "By the way, for those of you who will be assisting me in the near future, I'd like to take this time to thank you now. Thank you, and I promise you that you won't regret it."

When the disciples and sect elders saw the handsome smile on Su Yang's face, they felt as though a sword had suddenly pierced their heart, clearly smitten by him.

"I will definitely be there for you, Su Yang!" One of the disciples suddenly shouted out loud.

"Me too! I will also be there! You can do anything to my body then!"

Once one of the disciples there opened her mouth, the others also began shouting their desire to participate until nearly every disciple there has expressed their excitement.

"Good. I will be looking forward to cultivating with all of you. Until then."

After saying that, Su Yang flew away and returned to Bai Lihua's living quarters.

"So that was Su Yang, huh? He's much more dreamy than I'd imagined!"

The disciples continued to talk about Su Yang even many minutes after he left the scene.

Sometime later, Su Yang returned to Bai Lihua's house and went to the pill room, where she was in the middle of concocting a pill with the new technique Su Yang had given her.

'It's only been a few hours since I gave her the technique and she's already comprehended it to the point where she can apply it to her alchemy. Bai Lihua… you're quite the fast learner,' Su Yang silently praised Bai Lihua inside his head, and he proceeded to sit down on the ground and waited for her to finish concocting the pill.

Two hours later, Bai Lihua retrieved her alchemy flames and opened the pill cauldron, taking out an Elementary-grade pill that was nearly pure white, signifying its high quality.

"What do you think, Su Yang? I tried using the technique you gave me and it improved my ability to control my alchemy flames significantly!" Bai Lihua said to him with excitement on her beautiful face.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Impressive to say the least."

"Really?" The joy on Bai Lihua's face became more apparent after hearing his words.

"Yes. You've exceeded my expectations once again. Therefore, I'll give you another reward. But I cannot think of anything, so why don't you tell me what you want from me? Anything you want," Su Yang suddenly said to her with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Anything I want from you…? Can it really be anything?" Bai Lihua swallowed nervously before asking him with a surprised look on her face.

"Yes. If it's within my power," Su Yang nodded his head.


After a moment of silence, Bai Lihua spoke with a resolute expression on her face, "Su Yang, I want you to be straightforward and serious with me for once. How do you feel about me, really? Can you answer my feelings seriously? Did you mean what you said to me previously? I won't let you avoid me any longer!"

"I know I said anything, but to think you would ask me for so many things… what am I going to do with you, really?" Su Yang shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Su Yang! Answer me seriously!" Bai Lihua said with a serious frown on her face.


The smile on Su Yang's face suddenly disappeared, and after a moment of silence, he began approaching her with a serious expression on his face.

"Eh? What are you doing to me, Su Yang?!" Bai Lihua cried out loud after Su Yang unexpectedly picked her up before carrying her to another room— her bedroom.

"S-Su Yang?!" Bai Lihua tried again.

However, Su Yang suddenly tossed her body on the bed before going onto the bed himself and pinning her down by being right on top of her.

"Su Yang…" Bai Lihua laid on the bed and stared at Su Yang's handsome face that was only inches away from her own blushing face.

"I want you, Bai Lihua. And I meant what I said previously. I want you to be my woman— officially," Su Yang spoke while staring at Bai Lihua right in her beautiful and clear eyes.

"What about you? Did you mean it when you said you love me? Do you really want to be my woman?"

Hearing Su Yang's words and his question, Bai Lihua turned silent for a moment with a dazed look on her face.

A few seconds later, Bai Lihua suddenly moved her arms and touched Su Yang's face with her hands before pulling his head into her.

Once their lips were connected, Bai Lihua began kissing Su Yang passionately, even using her tongue this time.

A few minutes of intense kissing later, Bai Lihua said to him with a loving gaze, "I really love you, Su Yang, and I want to be your woman."

Chapter 750 You're Actually a Pretty Lustful Woman, Aren't You?

After hearing Bai Lihua's confession, Su Yang nodded with a handsome smile on his face, and he said, "Very well, Lihua. I shall make you my woman today."

He then kissed her on the lips again whilst loosening her robes at the same time.


Bai Lihua could feel Su Yang's warm hands roaming inside her clothes and feeling the smooth skin on her body, yet she did not say anything and continued kissing him, allowing Su Yang to touch her as he pleased.

A few minutes later, Bai Lihua laid on the bed naked, revealing to Su Yang her large, luscious breasts and pretty little sister.

"You have a very beautiful body, and I can feel my heart beating faster after a single glance," Su Yang said with a handsome smile on his face as he teased the two pink and perky tips on Bai Lihua's peaks with his fingers.

A few moments later, Su Yang kissed her soft breasts and began sucking on them while his hands reached for the wet lips between her legs.

"Ahhh~!" Bai Lihua unconsciously closed her legs when she felt Su Yang's fingers brush against the edge of her slit.

"Relax." Su Yang said to her.

Bai Lihua nodded with a flushed face before she slowly opened her legs back up, allowing him full access to her untainted pink garden that has never been touched or seen by another man until today.

Su Yang immediately began touching her pink slit the moment it showed itself, rubbing his fingers in-between the split

"Mmmmh!" Bai Lihua's body trembled when an indescribable sensation slithered all over her body, and her body immediately gushed with Yin Qi in an uncontrollable manner.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be that sensitive…" A mysterious smile appeared on Su Yang's face after seeing that Bai Lihua had climaxed so quickly.

"W-Wait a second Su Yang, my body is…"

However, Su Yang continued to rub her slippery bottom lips, causing it to gush with even more Yin Qi.


A lustful expression appeared on Bai Lihua's face, looking like she was on the verge of going crazy.

"Look at how wet you are— you're actually a pretty lustful woman, aren't you, Lihua?" Su Yang gently pinched the pink pearl in her slit, overwhelming her body with pleasure.

"Ahhhh! It's coming out again!" Bai Lihau cried out loud as another wave of Yin Qi squirted from her cave.

"It hasn't even been five minutes and you've already climaxed 7 times. Aren't you a little too sensitive?" Su Yang chuckled afterward.

"Haaa… haaaa… haaa… How long are you going to tease my body, Su Yang?" Bai Lihua looked at him with teary eyes after experiencing too much pleasure.

"Are you already exhausted? The real fun hasn't even begun yet," Su Yang then removed his clothes and tossed them into the air behind him.

Bai Lihua immediately turned silent after seeing Su Yang's dragon, and she continued to stare at it with a dazed look on her face until Su Yang approached her.

However, Su Yang's dragon was so stiff at this moment that it wouldn't budge a millimeter even while he moved, which dumbfounded Bai Lihua even more.

'If he sticks that inside me, I'll definitely become a different person afterward!' Bai Lihua cried inwardly.

"W-Wait a second, Su Yang…" Bai Lihua suddenly said to him in a nervous voice.

However, Su Yang did not stop and suddenly grabbed her by the legs before pulling her body into him.

"Do you want to stop here?" Su Yang asked her after he pressed his whole sausage in-between her slit.

"You don't want this?"

Bai Lihua swallowed nervously at the sight of the overbearing object that was pointing at her from between her legs, feeling as though it was charming her.

"I… I want it…" Bai Lihua mumbled in a dazed voice, and she no longer thought about anything else and only could only focus on the powerful beast that had managed to entice her.

"Are you sure you want it?" Su Yang asked her again.

"Yes! I want it, Su Yang! Please give it to me!" Bai Lihau exclaimed.

"Very well!"

Su Yang immediately moved his hips back before thrusting it forward, piercing Bai Lihua's maiden cave with his sword, spreading her closed walls wide open.

"Ahhhh!" Bai Lihua nearly choked on her own saliva after feeling the intense pain that came from between her legs, feeling as though something had ripped inside her body.

"Are you okay?" Su Yang asked her afterward, as he could see her virgin blood staining the wet bed.

"I am… okay…" Bai Lihua managed to squeeze out these three words despite the pain in her body.

"It'll go away soon." Su Yang began moving his body a moment later, thrusting his beast inside Bai Lihua's bloody cave.

Meanwhile, Bai Lihua clenched her jaw to endure the pain. However, she gradually loosened her jaw as the pleasure began overshadowing the pain, and after a few minutes of cultivation, Bai Lihua could only feel pleasure coming from her lower body that rippled throughout the rest of her body.

Pap! Pap! Pap!

Su Yang pounded Bai Lihua's wet cave with his dragon reaching the deepest parts for many minutes without rest, and Bai Lihua's little sister continuously flowed with Yin Qi the entire time, climaxing again and again with barely any breaks in-between each of them.

"I can't… I can't handle this anymore, Su Yang! My body and mind are going to break at this rate!" Bai Lihua exclaimed sometime later.

"I know when someone is near their limit, and although you may feel like that, you are actually nowhere near your limit, and I am going to prove that to you!" After his sentence ended, Su Yang suddenly began moving his hips even faster than before.


Bai Lihua moaned sharply, yet she did not tell Su Yang to stop, and to her surprise, after they cultivated for a few more minutes, her condition suddenly improved, allowing her to endure the cultivation for longer.

Chapter 751 Finding a New Sect Master for the Heavenly Swan Sect

"Ahhh~! Aaaaah~! Aaaaaaahn~!"

It has been over four hours since Su Yang began cultivating with Bai Lihua, and every time Bai Lihua believed she was at her limits, Su Yang proved her wrong by pushing her body even further and further, and they repeated this process until many hours had passed.

After cultivating for five long hours, Su Yang finally released his Yang Qi inside Bai Lihua for the first time, and his burning hot volcano erupted with a massive load of Yang Qi that he'd held inside his body for the past five hours, making it feel significantly more satisfying and explosive for Su Yang.


Bai Lihua released a sharp and long moan as Su Yang's Yang Qi gushed into her body like a powerful tidal wave, instantly filling every nook and cranny inside her stomach. However, the Yang Qi did not stop flowing even after Bai Lihua was completely full, and the excess Yang Qi leaked outside, creating a puddle of Yang Qi on the bed beneath them.

The moment Su Yang removed his beast from Bai Lihua's cave, like an outburst, his Yang Qi gushed outwards and splattered everywhere on the bed.

A few seconds later, the Family Seal appeared on Bai Lihua's body, and before Su Yang activated it, he explained to Bai Lihua the rules for the family.

"Do you accept?" Su Yang asked her afterward.

"I accept..." Bai Lihua mumbled in an exhausted manner.

After Bai Lihua's approval, Su Yang activated the Family Seal with his blood, welcoming her into his family.

"Welcome to the family, Lihua. And you shouldn't underestimate yourself so much. Look at how long you've lasted when you were ready to give up a few minutes into the session," he said with a smile a moment later. "This is relevant in alchemy too, so keep that in mind."

"I understand, Su Yang…"

Sometime later, Su Yang said to her, "I have refined the formation around the Heavenly Swan Sect so that not even Sovereign Spirit Realm Cultivators could damage it."

After spending some more time with Bai Lihua, Su Yang prepared to leave, "Anyway, I have appointments with some disciples in a bit, but I will come back next week. I will also leave some Profound-grade pill recipes for you to practice."

"Thank you, Su Yang," Bai Lihua said to him with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Don't even mention it."

After Su Yang left the scene, Bai Lihua proceeded to stare at the ceiling with a dazed look on her face for many minutes.

"I'll have to find someone else to be the Sect Master for the Heavenly Swan Sect before I leave with Su Yang to the Divine Heavens, but who should I pick?"

Sometime later, once she'd recovered enough strength to move, Bai Lihua left her building to find her disciple— Su Yin.

"Greetings, Master." Su Yin greeted her at the door with a respectful face.

"Su Yin, I have something important to tell you today," Bai Lihua said as she entered her house.

"I am all ears, Master."

"This might be sudden and come as a surprise for you but I… I plan on making you the next Sect Master for the Heavenly Swan Sect. I know you're still very young, but you are the most talented individual in this sect, and I have seen you lead the other disciples efficiently. Furthermore, every disciple in this place respects you. You have what it takes to become the Sect Master— I believe in you."

Bai Lihua revealed her plans to Su Yin, completely unaware that Su Yin will also be following Su Yang to the Divine Heavens.

A bitter smile appeared on Su Yin's face after she listened to Bai Lihua's words, and she said with her head lowered, "I'm very sorry, Master, but I do not want to be the Sect Master. No… I cannot be the next Sect Master!"

"What?! Why not? Can you at least tell me your reason? Do you dislike it here at the Heavenly Swan Sect?" Bai Lihua asked her with a surprised look, as she didn't expect Su Yin to refuse so quickly.

"T-That's not it, Master. It's just that… I won't be staying in the Heavenly Swan Sect forever. Actually, I plan on leaving this place in a year or so…" Su Yin explained.

"What?! You're leaving the Heavenly Swan Sect?! Where did this come from!" Bai Lihua was truly shocked now.

"I'm sorry, Master. I should have told you earlier but I haven't been able to think about what I should say to you. However, this has nothing to do with the Heavenly Swan Sect! In fact, I love it here! The disciples are friendly and the sect elders are always so nice to me. It's just that I have someone I love more than this place, and I have decided to leave this place to follow him."


Bai Lihua looked at Su Yin with a speechless look on her beautiful face. Someone she loves more than the Heavenly Swan Sect? There is only one person Su Yin loves more than anything in this world, and that was Su Yang, her elder brother.

"You… Are you going to the Divine Heavens with Su Yang?" Bai Lihua decided to ask her.

"Eh? How did you know?" Su Yin's eyes widened with surprise after hearing the unexpected words 'Divine Heavens' coming from Bai Lihua's mouth.

"Because I…" Bai Lihua decided that it would be better to show Su Yin the Family Seal on her body as an explanation, so she lifted her clothes and revealed her Family Seal to Su Yin the next moment.

"That's… Elder brother's Family Seal…?" Su Yin mumbled.

Even though this is her first time seeing the Family Seal, she has heard about it from Su Yang and she could tell at a glance that it was the Family Seal because she could feel some sort of connection towards it as Su Yang's little sister since she's technically from the 'Su Family' from birth!

Chapter 752 Not Wanting to Fall Behind

"W-When, Master? When did you receive my elder brother's Family Seal?" Su Yin asked her with a slightly dazed look on her face.

"Today…" Bai LIhua said with a slightly bashful face.

"So… you were just cultivating with him?" Su Yin looked at her with a face of disbelief, as she didn't think Bai Lihua would cultivate with Su Yang so soon!

"A-Anyway, since you will be following Su Yang to the Divine Heavens, I won't ask you to become the next Sect Master, and I will find another person to replace me," Bai Lihua said a moment later, dodging Su Yin's question and changing the topic before turning around and walking away.

"Master, you're also going to follow my brother Su Yang to the Divine Heavens, right?" Su Yin suddenly asked her. "After all, you already have his Family Seal."

"That's right. I will be going to the Divine Heavens with you two," Bai Lihua nodded before flying away.

"So Master also became my elder brother's lover…" A gentle smile appeared on her face a moment later, and she returned to cultivating sometime later. Now that she will be following Su Yang to the Divine Heavens, she must increase her cultivation as much as possible so that she doesn't become a burden for him when they leave this place.

Meanwhile, back at the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang continued to cultivate with the disciples.

Once he was finished with his daily routine, Su Yang went to Zhang Xiu Ying's living quarters to see her progress with the cultivation technique he'd created for her.

After speaking with Zhang Xiu Ying for some time, they entered the bedroom for some fun and cultivation.

Su Yang then left her house and proceeded to head to Sun Jingjing's living quarters to cultivate with her.

After Sun Jingjing, he went to find Su Liqing at the Medicine Hall since she was the closest.

Once Su Liqing was satisfied, Su Yang traveled to the sect elders' living quarters and cultivated with them until it was night.

At night, Su Yang would spend some time with the three goddesses before going to sleep with Tang Lingxi beside him on the bed.

The following morning, Su Yang repeated this routine, and he would continue doing this every single day until it was either time to visit Bai Lihua or Wang Shuren to give them their lectures.

A month passed by in a flash, and Su Yang went to pick up Senior Zeng and Luo Yixao for their 3rd lecture.

"Cai Yan is not participating in the lecture today?" Luo Yixao asked him after not seeing her presence there.

"No, and she will no longer be participating in the monthly lectures since she's staying in the Profound Blossom Sect so I get to lecture her more often," Su Yang explained to her.

Luo Yixiao expressed surprise, and she asked him a moment later, "Master, if I also stayed at the Profound Blossom Sect, would you be able to lecture me more often?"

"Well… Even though I say that I am lecturing Cai Yan, I am only giving her minor advice at the end of our cultivation sessions, and I really only lecture her seriously once every two weeks or so."

"That's fine! Even if it's only an extra lecture every month, as long as I get to learn more, I am willing to live at the Profound Blossom Sect, too! What do you think, Master Zeng?" Cai Yan turned to look at Senior Zeng who nodded.

He then said, "If I was not the Sect Master of the Divine Nature Garden, I would also be requesting to stay at the Profound Blossom Sect."

"What do you think, Master? Can I stay at the Profound Blossom Sect for extra lessons?" Luo Yixao asked Su Yang.

A single lecture from Su Yang was enough to improve her alchemy skills by many months. If she could receive two lectures a month instead of just one, she'll definitely become a top alchemy expert in no time! Furthermore, she did not want to fall behind Cai Yan in alchemy, as that would hurt her pride.

Su Yang nodded a moment later and said, "If that's what you want, I won't say no. Just let me know when you are ready to move."

"I can move to the Profound Blossom Sect immediately after the lecture, as I don't have anything I need to take with me besides a few items!"

"Very well, I shall bring you to the Profound Blossom Sect afterward," Su Yang nodded.

Sometime later, they went to Wang Shuren's living quarters and began the monthly lecture.

Three days later, Su Yang brought Senior Zeng and Luo Yixiao back to the Divine Nature Garden. However, he didn't immediately leave like usual and waited for Luo Yixiao to pick up a few things.

Sometime later, Luo Yixiao said her goodbyes to Senior Zeng, "I will see you later, Master Zeng."

"Un. Make sure you don't cause any trouble for Su Yang or the Profound Blossom Sect." Senior Zeng said to her.

"Since both Cai Yan and Luo Yixiao will be at the Profound Blossom Sect, we'll begin having our lectures at my sect instead of Wang Shuren's house," Su Yang said to them afterward.

A few moments later, Su Yang flew away with Luo Yixiao, leaving Senior Zeng standing there with a dazed look on his face.

"It'll be a miracle if she doesn't return as a mature woman…" Senior Zeng sighed in a weird voice before returning to his room to practice alchemy.

Meanwhile, once they returned to the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang assigned the building beside Cai Yan's living quarters as Luo Yixiao's temporary home so that they could be neighbors and talk about alchemy whenever they wanted.

"Thank you, Master, for allowing me to stay here." Luo Yixiao bowed to him.

Su Yang nodded and said, "If you need anything else, you can find me at the Yin Yang Pavilion, or you can use this communication jade slip to contact me."

"I understand, Master." Luo Yixiao said before she settled inside her new home.

Chapter 753 Three Days Left

*Knock* *Knock*

Luo Yixiao knocked on Cai Yan's door after settling in her new home.

A few moments later, Cai Yan opened the door, and to her surprise, Luo Yixiao greeted her with a smile, "Hello, Cai Yan. I'm here to let you know that I will be your neighbor from now on."

"Huh?" Cai Yan did not immediately comprehend Luo Yixiao's words and stood there with a dazed face for a good moment.

"Y-You're going to be living here? In the Profound Blossom Sect? Don't tell me that you'd also decided to cultivate with our Master?" Cai Yan asked her afterward.

"No… I decided to stay in the Profound Blossom Sect so that I can receive extra lectures from Master. And you…" Luo Yixiao didn't notice this at first but after looking at Cai Yan for some time, she'd noticed that Cai Yan's aura was much fiercer than a month ago!

"Cai Yan! Your cultivation base! It increased by two whole levels! But it's only been a month since our last meeting! How is that possible?!" Luo Yixiao exclaimed in a dumbfounded voice.

"Impressive, right?" Cai Yan spoke with a prideful expression on her face, and she continued a moment later, "This is the result of cultivating with Master nearly every single day! I'll definitely reach the Earth Spirit Realm in another three months at this rate, and I'll finally be able to start using my Jade Flames for alchemy! I cannot wait!"

Hearing Cai Yan's excited words, Luo Yixiao couldn't help but mumble in a dazed voice, "Is it really that effective? 'Cultivating' with Master?"

Cai Yan nodded without hesitation and spoke in a shameless voice, "Master's Yang Qi is incredibly potent and rich with spiritual energy; it's unlike anything I've experienced before. And every time he releases it inside my body, it feels as though I'd consumed a priceless treasure."

"R-Release it inside your body…?" Luo Yixiao's mouth opened slightly, and she asked a moment later, "Aren't you… aren't you afraid of getting pregnant? If you become pregnant from cultivation, it'll hinder your life as an alchemist."

"No, it'll be fine as long as you absorb and cultivate the Yang Qi before it fertilizes you. Furthermore, Master is able to control his Yang Qi so he won't fertilize me by accident. And even if he does accidentally impregnate me, I have already asked him to impregnate me before so it won't matter too much," Cai Yan revealed everything to Luo Yixiao with a calm expression on her face.

"You what?!" Luo Yixiao's eyes widened with shock and disbelief. "Aren't you cultivating with him just to improve your cultivation? Why did you ask him to impregnate you then? And how did Master respond? Did he agree?"

Cai Yan nodded and said with a smile on her face, "Yes, Master agreed to impregnate me, and this is also my parent's wish."

"Unbelievable…" Luo Yixiao mumbled, clearly speechless.

After speaking with Cai Yan for a few more minutes, Luo Yixiao returned to her own home. However, she did not start practicing her alchemy like she normally would. Instead, she laid on the comfortable bed and stared at the ceiling with a dazed look on her pretty face, seemingly pondering about many things.

After pondering for many minutes, Luo Yixiao finally got off the bed and began practicing her alchemy skills.

Time passed quickly within the Profound Blossom Sect, and two more months had passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time, nothing notable has happened, and besides cultivating with the disciples and his women, Su Yang hasn't really left the Profound Blossom Sect besides picking up Senior Zeng for lectures, going to the Heavenly Swan Sect to cultivate with Bai Lihua and Su Yin, and cultivating with Wang Shuren at the Burning Lotus Sect.

"Darling… I am going to leave this body and return to my original body in three days. I can already feel my control over Hong Yu'er's body weakening. If it wasn't for the fact that she's willingly allowing me to use her body, she could probably already force me out of her body even now." Tang Lingxi suddenly said to Su Yang one day in the morning.

"Is that so? What are you going to do now?" Su Yang asked her.

"As I'd said before, there's really nothing I can do when I am in this body. However, I'd like to spend the rest of my time here beside you," Tang Lingxi said to him with a bitter smile on her face.

Su Yang pondered for a moment before nodding his head and speaking, "Very well, I shall be by your side until you return to the Divine Heavens. In fact, let's leave the Profound Blossom Sect and go somewhere we can be alone for the next three days."

"Okay." Tang Lingxi said.

Su Yang then went to find Liu Lanzhi before telling her about the situation.

"I understand. I'll protect the Profound Blossom Sect until you return. Though, I doubt anything will happen even if you disappear for an entire year…" Liu Lanzhi said with a bittersweet smile on her face, feeling as though she wasn't being useful despite being the Sect Master.

After leaving Liu Lanzhi's room, Su Yang notified the disciples as well as his family that he will be unavailable for the next three days.

Once everything was prepared, Su Yang returned to his room where Tang Lingxi was waiting patiently.

"Shall we go, my dear Lingxi?" Su Yang extended his hand for her.

"Yes, darling." Tang Lingxi grabbed his hand with a sweet smile on her face.

A few moments later, Su Yang and Tang Lingxi left the Yin Yang Pavilion and flew away, disappearing from the Profound Blossom Sect.

After leaving the Profound Blossom Sect, the two of them flew without stopping until they reached the peak of a tall but lonely mountain in the middle of nowhere.

"What do you think? This place seems fitting enough, as our first meeting was also on a mountain in the middle of nowhere," Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face.

"It's perfect," Tang Lingxi nodded, and they proceeded to land on the top of the mountain a moment later.

Chapter 754 Tang Lingxi's Departure

Once Su Yang and Tang Lingxi were on the top of this unknown mountain, the two of them sat on the edge of some cliff and began speaking to each other casually like they were great friends with some intimate feelings for each other.

"I think my impressions of cliffs have been greatly affected by the Eternal Retribution Cliff," Su Yang said with a bittersweet smile on his face.

"Eternal Retribution Cliff… you know you could've left that place whenever you wanted if you truly tried," Tang Lingxi said to him, and she continued, "Why did you decide to stay inside? That's what I don't understand."

"Of course I could've left that place, but what about the outcome afterward? The Heavenly Emperor will chase me until the end of the universe if I left without his permission, and I didn't want an all-out war with 'her' father, nor did I want to go against 'her' family," Su Yang said with a sighing voice.

"So I prepared myself to stay inside for a few thousand years until the Heavenly Emperor eventually calms down and let me leave. But alas, that old man came out of the blue and reincarnated me into this world without any explanation. I don't know whether I should thank him or curse him…" Su Yang shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Though, one thing is for sure— the Heavenly Emperor will definitely think that I've escaped the Eternal Retribution Cliff if he realizes that I am still alive, and I cannot risk that until I've become strong enough. Therefore, don't expect me to announce my return to the world until I am sufficient in power once again."

"If the Heavenly Emperor tries to do anything funny to you, I won't just sit back and do nothing this time, Su Yang, because I am not going to lose you again even if I have to announce to the world our relationship," Tang Lingxi turned to look at him with a serious expression on her face.

"And if you reveal your relationship with a few individuals to the world and the Heavenly Emperor, would they still dare to touch you? I understand that you don't want to rely on us too much as the head of the family, but there are times when you must let us help you. After all, we're your family."

"I know, but those individuals… I don't know how they will feel about me revealing our relationship to the world. While I know what most of you think, there are times when one's action doesn't correspond to their character, and that is only natural," Su Yang said.

And he continued a moment later, "By the way, Lingxi, what happened to the rest of the family? What happened to the Family Seal after my death? Since I died in that world, the Family Seal should've also disappeared with me, right?"

Tang Lingxi then shook her head, "No, the Family Seal didn't disappear. I was going to let you know about this once you've returned, but since you asked now… The Family Seal remained on our body, but it is no longer activated. However, even though it isn't activated, the family rule still applies to us. I have never seen anything like this before."

"What? That is indeed unprecedented…" Su Yang mumbled in a surprised voice.

When one dies, it is common sense that the Family Seal of that person would also perish, but for some reason, even though he'd supposedly 'died', Su Yang's Family Seal remained on his women's body, and despite being deactivated, the family rule was still active.

"I guess I'll have to reactivate everyone's Family Seal once I return. However, there is also a chance that they have already moved on, so the family might downsize a little bit," Su Yang sighed once again.

"Don't underestimate our love for you, Su Yang. I have spoken with most of the family after your death, and although they'd left the family to do other things, they remain loyal to you, as they will continue to do so until their last breath," Tang Lingxi said to him.

"And you… Although you may not realize it yourself, you've changed a lot compared to your previous self, my darling. I'm not saying you aren't good the way you were before, but I kind of like the current you even more."

"No, I am definitely aware of my own changes. I guess this is what happens when you spend enough time in the mortal realm and you are surrounded by only mortals. And while it's only been a year, it feels like much longer has passed for me," Su Yang said.

"Lingxi… Thank you for coming here," Su Yang suddenly said to her with a heartfelt look on his face.

"I know you're doing your best to hold back since you cannot cultivate with me in that body, but I am also doing my best here. Once I return, I swear I will make up for the time lost and cultivate with you for as long as you want."

"You better make it up for me! You have no idea how much I am suffering! Even though I don't show it, I am extremely envious of those people around us! They get to cultivate with you every day as much as they want, yet I am only allowed to be near your side! This is akin to torture for me!"

"One month— No, I am going to cultivate with you for many years straight once you return to the Divine Heavens!" Tang Lingxi said with her fingers raised.

Su Yang nodded with a handsome smile on his face, "Although I won't be able to do that immediately after returning to the Divine Heavens, I'll cultivate with you for ten years straight if you want to after everything is settled."

"It's a promise then." Tang Lingxi suddenly extended her pinky finger.

"You can be really childish at times, you know?" Su Yang chuckled as he pinky swore with Tang Lingxi.

Su Yang and Tang Lingxi continued to talk about random things for the entire day.

Once it was dark and the starry night appeared, the two of them proceeded to watch the stars in silence until it was morning again where Tang Lingxi brought up another topic and the two of them continued to talk for another day.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

"I guess it's about time I leave this body and return to my original body in the Divine Heavens…" Tang Lingxi looked at her hands that were trembling uncontrollably.

She then lifted her head to look at Su Yang with tears in her eyes, dumbfounding him, who has never seen her cry before.

"To tell you the truth, darling, I am incredibly scared right now— scared that once I leave this body and return to the Divine Heavens, I will wake up and everything that has happened here will turn out to be nothing but a mere dream and that you are actually dead," Tang Lingxi spoke with tears flowing down her beautiful face.

"What if I never get to see you again once I leave this body? What if you never make it back to the Divine Heavens? These uncertainties… I am feeling real fear for the first time in my life."

"Lingxi…" Su Yang went to wipe her tears after he snapped out of his daze, and he said to her, "Don't worry, I promise you that this is not a dream and that I am real. Once you return to the Divine Heavens, I will follow you shortly."

"You promise?" Tang Lingxi said.

"I promise."

"I'll go on a rampage in the Divine Heavens if you don't return, and I might end up destroying the damn Heavenly Family that was the cause of all of this," Tang Lingxi suddenly added.

"G-Give me a few years before you decide to go crazy, okay? I don't want you to get hurt and end up like me..." Su Yang said with a stiff smile and his back soaked in cold sweats.

"Ten years. I will give you ten years more years to return to the Divine Heavens," Tang Lingxi said with a smile on her face.

"More than enough time." Su Yang nodded.

"Then I shall wait for you at 'that' place for ten years until you return," Tang Lingxi suddenly said.

"That place, huh. I'll be there— I promise." Su Yang made another promise to her.

"Oh, by the way…"

Tang Lingxi suddenly grabbed Su Yang's face and pulled it towards her own, gently kissing him on the lips.

Although he was surprised, Su Yang didn't say anything and savored this moment.

An entire minute later, once Tang Lingxi removed her lips, she said to him with a beautiful smile on her face, "Don't worry, I had permission to do that from Hong Yu'er. Anyway, I'll see you later, darling."

Su Yang nodded and said, "I'll see you later, my dear Lingxi."

Tang Lingxi then stood there and took a deep breath before closing her eyes.

Tang Lingxi opened her eyes a few moments later, but her eyes gave a different feeling, as was her aura, almost like she'd become a different person.

"Welcome back, Hong Yu'er, and thank you for allowing Tang Lingxi to borrow your body— you have my utmost gratitude," Su Yang said to her in a sincere voice and with his head slightly lowered, something that rarely happens.

"Su Yang…" Hong Yu'er stared at Su Yang with a profound feeling in her gaze, looking like she had a lot in her mind.