

Chapter 609 - Did You Girls Have Fun?



Disciple Xiao completely indulged herself in the sensation of pleasure as Su Yang rubbed all over her body with his large hands. Her lower cave oozed with Yin Qi, and her body trembled constantly.

When Su Yang reached her legs, he kneaded her soft thighs as though they were dough, and he would often 'accidentally' brush against the entrance of her cave with the tip of his fingers, causing even more Yin Qi to leak from her cave.


Disciple Xiao's m.o.a.ning was so passionate that it'd aroused the disciples that were still exhausted from their session with Su Yang.

"Please… stick it inside my p.u.s.s.y, Su Yang… I can't endure this burning sensation any longer… I'll go crazy!" Disciple Xiao begged him in a desperate voice.

Su Yang nodded, and after Disciple Xiao flipped her body, he rubbed his enormous shaft on her slit before piercing her tight cave.


Feeling her inner walls being torn apart by Su Yang's massive shaft, Disciple Xiao m.o.a.ned loudly.

Meanwhile, Su Yang continuously plunged his rod into her hole, sending shocking sensations across her entire body.




The other disciples watched as Su Yang intensely pounded their Junior sister Xiao for many minutes without any breaks, their eyes wide with surprise, as they didn't expect her to endure his techniques for so long.

"Wow… Junior sister Xiao is actually more impressive than us…"

"What a surprise…"

"To think she'd been hiding her talent all along…"

After another ten minutes of intense cultivation, when Disciple Xiao could no longer endure the pleasure, Su Yang released enough Yang Qi to fill a small bucket into her cave.

"Aaaaahn~! It's so hot~!" Disciple Xiao m.o.a.ned loudly, feeling as though her inner walls were on fire.

Su Yang then removed his shaft from her hole, allowing the Yang Qi inside her cave to leak down her slit like a small river.

And just as the disciples thought that they were done, they noticed the dragon between his legs that was still as stiff as a rock.

"Su Yang… just how much stamina do you have? You just cultivated with ten of us without taking a single break, yet you are still as energetic as when we first started!" They said to him with awe in their voice.

"Of course, I would be energetic. I am surrounded by so many beauties, after all."

The disciples exchanged dazed gazes with each other before laughing at his words together.

"If you say something like that, we will have no choice but to keep you accompanied for a little bit longer, right, fellow sisters?"

"That's right, Su Yang. But will you be able to handle another round with us?"

Su Yang laughed at their words and said, "Only one round? You girls are underestimating me too much. I can handle even ten rounds with you girls and not break a sweat."

"Ten rounds? Now you are talking, Su Yang."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start our second round!"

The disciples quickly surrounded him, and Su Yang began cultivating with them again.

One hour… two hours… three hours…

After another three hours of intense cultivation, eight out of the ten disciples were knocked unconscious from experiencing too much pleasure.

"Four rounds, huh? Not even half of the goal." Su Yang smiled afterward.

"Your stamina is simply too monstrous, Su Yang… I feel like you won't be satisfied even if there's one hundred of us," said Disciple Xiao.

"I won't deny that…" he chuckled.

Sometime later, he said to her, "I'm going to leave first. If you girls ever want to cultivate again, you know where to find me."

"Thank you again, Su Yang, for today." Disciple Xiao bowed to him.

"Don't even mention it."

Two hours later, the disciples began waking up.

"Hmm? When did I fall asleep?"

"Where did Su Yang go?"

"Don't tell me it was all a dream?!"

The disciples began panicking when they woke up without Su Yang by their side, wondering if they were only dreaming just now.

"Calm down, fellow sisters. Su Yang left early since you girls were completely knocked out in the middle of our cultivation." Disciple Xiao said to them.

"Oh… so we weren't dreaming…"

"I can't believe we actually got to cultivate with Su Yang despite what happened! I feel blessed!"

"I had given up all hope when we left the sect, but alas, thank the heavens that Su Yang is who he is."

"I cannot agree more, Sister Jia."

"Anyway, let's clean up and return to the Medicine Hall. I think we've been gone for too long."

Sometime later, when the disciples returned to the Medicine Hall, Su Liqing was already downstairs and ready to greet them.

"Master! We apologize for disappearing for so long!"

"Su Yang was much more energetic than we could've ever imagined…"

The disciples apologized to her.

However, Su Liqing shook her head and asked them with a smile on her face, "I only care about one thing right now, and that is… whether you girls had fun or not."

"W-We had fun, Master!" They quickly nodded their heads.

"Then were you satisfied with the experience?"

"Very!" They nodded again.

"Then I will forgive you for returning so late." Su Liqing said, and she continued, "Anyway, I will finish everyone's work today by myself. You can all go home and rest some more."

"R-Really? You don't have to do that much for us, Master…"

Su Liqing then asked them, "Look at yourselves. How can you work when you cannot even stand still without shaking? If I say that I will handle it, then I will do so."

"T-Thank you, Master! We will work twice as hard when we return tomorrow!" They bowed to her.

"Of course you will." Su Liqing said.

Once the disciples left the Medicine Hall again, Su Liqing sat down with an exhausted look on her face.

"I guess I will have to close the Medicine Hall early today. I won't be able to concentrate on work with my butt in such a condition anyway…" she sighed.

Chapter 610 - The Fang Sisters

After leaving the Medicine Hall, Su Yang walked back to the Yin Yang Pavilion, passing the Training Grounds on the way there.

There were at least a dozen disciples from the Cultivation Division currently practicing their techniques in the Training Grounds, and near the edge of this place was a beautiful young lady silently practicing by herself.


Fang Xiaoru punched the empty space before her, creating a powerful shock wave that shook the air. However, because it was such a powerful shock wave, it distracted the other disciples in the Training Ground despite being on the other side of the place.

"Senior apprentice-sister Fang is truly on another level," sighed one of the disciples there.

"What did you expect from someone who belongs to one of the four great families?"

"It's very distracting with her here. I cannot practice properly when there's an earthquake occurring every three seconds…"

"But it's not as though we can tell her to stop practicing…"

A few moments later, they noticed Su Yang's figure approaching them in the distance.

"Disciple greets the Sect Master!" The disciples there immediately stopped their training to greet him.

"Don't mind me. Continue your training." Su Yang said to them.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

The disciples then continued their training, but their eyes remained on Su Yang's figure, as they were curious about his intentions for coming here.

"Su Yang…" Fang Xiaoru also stopped training after seeing his approaching figure.

"I see that you have improved significantly since I gave you the full technique," he said to her with a smile.

"Yes! I have been training nonstop with the technique ever since then!" she nodded with a proud expression.

"Let me see how much you have truly progressed. Hit me with everything you've got like the last time," he suddenly said to her.

Fang Xiaoru nodded and turned to face him with a serious expression.


After a moment of silence, Fang Xiaoru extended her palm towards Su Yang with all of her strength behind it.


Su Yang raised his hand to block it, but unlike previously, Fang Xiaoru had managed to push him back slightly with the technique.

"Not bad." He nodded afterward, feeling a slight numbing sensation on his hands.

"Well, if you need any advice, you know where to find me. And let me create a formation for you so that you won't distract the other disciples." Su Yang said before creating a large formation beside her.

"The formation will absorb all of your blows. This way you can use all of your strength without worrying about bothering the others."

"Thank you, Su Yang!" she quickly bowed to him.

"Anyway, you can continue practicing for now."

"W-Wait a second!" she suddenly stopped him.

"What else do you need?"

"Um…" Fang Xiaoru showed a bashful expression before speaking in a low voice, "Do you think I can… cultivate with you again?"

Su Yang immediately smiled and said, "Of course. When do you want to do it?"

"Are you available now…?" she asked him.

"Certainly." He nodded.

"Then let's head to my living quarters…"

Fang Xiaoru said as she began walking away.

Sometime later, when they reached Fang Xiaoru's house, a familiar voice resounded not very far in the distance.

"Xiaoru and Su Yang?" Fang Zhelan, who was just returning from walking Xiao Bai, called out to them after seeing them together.

"Elder Sister…" Fang Xiaoru's face reddened even further after seeing her face.

"It's been a while Xiao Bai," Su Yang said after seeing the massive white ball of bluff standing beside Fang Zhelan.


Xiao Bai released a low roar before running to Su Yang and covering his face with her saliva.

"What are you two doing together?" Fang Zhelan approached them and asked.

"Well…" Fang Xiaoru immediately fl.u.s.tered at her questioning.

However, Su Yang responded with a calm expression, "We're going to cultivate."

"Oh…" Fang Zhelan mumbled with a slightly dazed face.

"Do you want to join us?" Su Yang suddenly asked her in a teasing voice, dumbfounding the sisters.

"Uh…" Fang Zhenlan turned to look at her little sister, as she didn't want to intrude on their time together.

"I'm only joking with you. If you want to cultivate with me, I can do it afterward." Su Yang then said.

However, Fang Xiaoru's voice resounded immediately afterward: "I don't mind…"

"Eh?" Fang Zhelan looked at her with wide eyes filled with surprise.

"I said I don't mind having you join us, Elder Sister…" she quickly repeated.

"A-Are you sure…?" Fang Zhelan asked her with a worried frown. Although she doesn't mind sharing Su Yang during cultivation as she has done it before already, the person she would be sharing him with this time is her own sister!

"Do you mind, Su Yang?" Fang Xiaoru asked him.

"Why would I? Although it was only a joke at first, I was the one who suggested it." He said.

"You heard him, Elder Sister. I also don't mind." Fang Xiaoru said to her afterward.

Fang Zhelan nodded, and then she said, "Let me bring Xiao Bai back home first. You can start without me."

Sometime later, Fang Zhelan returned to Fang Xiaoru's house, and by the time she returned, Fang Xiaoru already had her warmup with Su Yang.

"You're finally here, Elder Sister…" Fang Xiaoru said to her with a l.u.s.tful expression on her beautiful face as she laid on the bed with her n.a.k.e.d body twitching. There was even a little Yin Qi that could still be seen squirting from her lower lips.

"..." Fang Zhelan was rendered speechless after seeing Fang Xiaoru's vulgar expression for the first time in her life.

A few moments later, once Fang Zhelan snapped out of her daze, she removed her clothes and got onto the bed with Su Yang and Fang Xiaoru.

"Let's get your body ready, too." Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face.

Fang Zhelan nodded, and she approached him the next moment before giving him a passionate kiss on the lips.

Chapter 611 - The Sisters' Teamwork



Fang Zhelan m.o.a.ned softly as Su Yang nibbled on her b.r.e.a.s.ts and teased her lower lips with his hands at the same time.

"I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g, Su Yang!" Fang Zhelan cried out loud before her body trembled and her cave gushed with Yin Qi, soaking his hands with her love juice.

"Let me pleasure you now…" Fang Zhelan wasted no time reaching for Su Yang's stiff shaft afterward.



Fang Zhelan sucked on his rod like an expert, filling the room with e.r.o.t.i.c noises.


A few moments later, when Fang Zhelan noticed that Fang Xiaoru was staring at her with an envious gaze, Fang Zhelan said, "Let's pleasure him together."

Fang Xiaoru immediately nodded her head, and she began licking Su Yang's shaft together with Fang Zhelan, before taking turns putting it inside their mouth.



While Fang Xiaoru sucked on Su Yang's shaft to the best of her abilities, Fang Zhelan worked on his treasured jewels underneath with her mouth and hands, making Su Yang feel as though he'd entered heaven.

Sometime later, Fang Zhelan said, "Let me kiss you with this mouth, too…"

She then began rubbing her lower lips up and down his stiff shaft, feeling as though she was grinding against a metal rod.

"Me too…"

Fang Xiaoru followed Fang Zhelan's position and movements and also began rubbing Su Yang's shaft with her lower lips.

At this moment, Su Yang's shaft was being sandwiched by the Fang Sister with their lower lips kissing his rod simultaneously.

A few moments later, the Fang Sisters could feel Su Yang's shaft quickly heating up, before it suddenly exploded with his Yang Qi shooting high into the air and raining down on the sisters, almost like a volcano's eruption.

"It's so hot…" Fang Xiaoru said, feeling as though she just took a shower in hot Yang Qi.

"Let me clean it up for you, Xiaoru…" Fang Zhelan suddenly approached her and began licking the Yang Qi sticking onto her body, instantly dumbfounding her.

Once Fang Xiaoru was clean, Fang Zhelan began licking herself. However, Fang Xiaoru quickly said to her, "Since you helped me, allow me to also help you, Elder Sister…"

Thus, Fang Xiaoru began licking the Yang Qi off Fang Zhelan's body.

Of course, Su Yang silently watched them lick each other with an entertained smile on his face.

When the Fang Sisters were finished cleaning each other, Fang Zhelan said, "Who do you want to cultivate with first, Su Yang?"

"I will cultivate with both of you at the same time," he said, baffling them.

"How... How are you going to do that?" Fang Xiaoru asked him.

"It's simple… the two of you will embrace each other from the front and make a sandwich, and I will insert my thing right between your flowers." Su Yang explained it to them.

"As expected of you, Su Yang… I am always learning new things from you…" Fang Zhelan said with a smile on her face.

She then looked at Fang Xiaoru and said to her, "Since you have a smaller body, I will be on the bottom."

Fang Xiaoru nodded and proceeded to lay her chest on top of Fang Zhelan's chest, essentially giving her a hug.

'This is actually more embarrassing than I'd imagined…' Fang Zhelan thought to herself with a slightly red face. Not even in her wildest dream would she imagine herself hugging her little sister while they were both n.a.k.e.d.

Once the Fang Sisters were in position with their bottom lips kissing each other, Su Yang approached them and inserted his thick sausage directly between their lower lips, creating a sandwich with the Fang Sisters' lips.



The Fang Sisters m.o.a.ned simultaneously as Su Yang's shaft rubbed against their flower and their pink pearl, and despite no real penetration, they still felt as though they were being f.u.c.k.i.e.d by him.

A few minutes later, Su Yang suddenly inserted his thick shaft into Fang Zhelan's cave, before releasing his sauce into her narrow hole.

"Ahhhhh~!" Fang Zhelan did not expect the sudden penetration and filling and m.o.a.ned loudly.

However, Su Yang did not empty all of his Yang Qi into Fang Zhelan and quickly switched to Fang Xiaoru's hole midway before he continued releasing his Yang Qi.


Fang Xiaoru also m.o.a.ned loudly as she felt her hole being filled up quickly.

After he finished emptying his load into Fang Xiaoru, Su Yang unplugged his shaft from her hole. His Yang Qi then flows out from her hole and onto Fang Zhelan's lower lips, creating a waterfall made of Yang Qi.

"That was amazing…" Fang Xiaoru said as she laid on Fang Zhelan's chest with a blissful face.

"You can't fall asleep yet, Xiaoru. We've only just begun." Fang Zhelan said to her with a smile.

"We can continue while she rests for a bit." Su Yang said to her.

Fang Zhelan nodded and laid Fang Xiaoru near the end of the bed so she could move more freely.

And while Fang Xiaoru recovers her stamina, Su Yang and Fang Zhelan begin their second round of cultivation.




Fang Zhelan m.o.a.ned in a s.e.xy voice as Su Yang pounded her flower with his meat.

Meanwhile, Fang Xiaoru watched their cultivation with an intense gaze.

'The way Elder Sister moves her body feels so natural. It's so much better than my stiff movements.' She sighed inwardly after realizing the difference in their movements and abilities.



Fang Zhelan continued to cultivate with Su Yang for many minutes, and by the time Fang Xiaoru recovered enough stamina to continue, it was time for Fang Zhelan to rest, allowing Fang Xiaoru to take her place.




Su Yang proceeded to cultivate with the Fang Sisters, alternating between Fang Zhelan and Fang Xiaoru every ten minutes, and they would continue with this rotation until both of the sisters could no longer move from exhaustion.

At the end of their cultivation, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Fang Zhelan twenty-one times, whilst Fang Xiaoru could only handle eleven rounds before falling unconscious.

Chapter 612 - Su Yang's Plans

"Thank you for today, Su Yang. I feel like I've gotten even closer to my sister because of our cultivation." Fang Zhelan said to him afterward.

"Don't even mention it. And if you ever feel like cultivating together again, just let me know." He said with a smile.

Sometime later, Su Yang left the place and returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"Hmm… Elder Sister? Where's Su Yang?" Fang Xiaoru woke up minutes after Su Yang left.

"He already left." She said.

"I see…" Fang Xiaoru nodded.


The atmosphere quickly became awkwardly silent for the next few moments with neither of them knowing what to say in this situation.

"Umm… Elder Sister…" Fang Xiaoru suddenly broke the silence and looked at her with a serious expression.

"Can you… teach me more about dual cultivation? I want to be able to pleasure Su Yang with my body just like you, Elder Sister."


Although she was dazed at first, Fang Zhelan eventually nodded her head and said with a gentle smile on her face, "What would you like to know? I will teach you everything I know."

Fang Xiaoru's face immediately brightened, and she said, "I want to learn how to move my body elegantly just like you, Elder Sister! I also want to improve my endurance so that I can last longer during our sessions!"

"You will naturally improve your endurance and stamina as you cultivate more with Su Yang. There are other methods to improve your endurance, but I believe that cultivating with Su Yang is the most effective method because of how intense his techniques are." Fang Zhelan explained to her.

"As for my movement techniques… While I have never taught anyone before, I will try my best to teach it to you."

"Thank you, Elder Sister!" Fang Xiaoru nodded with enthusiasm.

"Let's do our best to please Su Yang next time too," said Fang Zhelan with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, after returning to the Yin Yang Pavilion, Tang Lingxi said to him, "How many girls did you cultivate with today? 10? 20? 30? 100?"

Su Yang merely smiled and said, "I have long discarded the habit of counting each and every single one of my cultivations."

"Regardless, you sure are living the life right now, darling."

"What do you mean?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows at her words.

"Think about it. You are currently living every single day free of worries, simply cultivating with young and pretty girls to your heart's content. If you wanted to, you can pretty much cultivate with anybody you want in this world without worrying about offending any Immortal or God. And even if you did offend someone, you can simply take care of them with your own strength, as you are an existence that cannot be restricted by this world's standard."

"However, in the Divine Heavens, it is the complete opposite, as you have enemies in almost every city and island that exists, and some of them are so powerful that even you cannot deal with them without some assistance."

"Have you ever thought about staying in this world and starting a new family— a new life here?" Tang Lingxi asked him with a serious face.

"Has it ever crossed my mind? Of course. However, I cannot simply abandon all of my responsibilities there to enjoy a new life by myself. Even if it may be dangerous and a single wrong step could end my life, I must return to the Divine Heavens and make everything right."

"I cannot abandon you— or anybody for that matter— even at the cost of my own life." He said.

"...What do you plan on doing after you return? Surely, you must have something in mind." Tang Lingxi then asked him.

"I am going to settle down," he calmly responded a moment later.

"Excuse me?" Tang Lingxi raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

Su Yang then walked to the window and stared at the Profound Blossom Sect with a profound gaze and atmosphere around him.

"After experiencing this carefree life, I think I have finally found what I really want in my life." He said sometime later.

"My life lost its meaning the same moment I lost my first wife. I didn't know what to do after her death, so I wandered the world aimlessly, hoping to find something that could fill the void in my heart."

"One thing led to another, and I learned the existence of dual cultivation. Although it did not fully restore my feelings, it was enough to temporarily fill the hole in my heart, and I continued to hone my dual cultivation skills from that point forth regardless of the trouble I may encounter by doing so. Eventually, just like I'd with the sword, I reached the pinnacle of dual cultivation, and I'd made countless enemies and companions in the process."

"In my previous life, it was constant drama and action, and I never really got the chance to truly settle in one place and relax with my companions, and even when I did, it was only for a short period. However, after being reincarnated into this world and living a relatively carefree life, I have learned something, or should I say I have gained something new?"

After a moment of silence, Su Yang continued to speak.

"I… I want a home where I can spend the rest of my life with everyone I love. I want to create a real family in that place— a paradise that's free of worries and drama. However, in order to do something like that, I must get rid of any threat that might hinder or prevent my dreams."

Su Yang then turned to look at Tang Lingxi and said in a cold voice, "Therefore, I am going to get rid of my problems once and for all. I have been running away for far too long. The Ten Families… the Four Supreme Clan… the Heavenly Emperor… It does not matter who they are. If they are going to threaten my plan, I will erase them all."

"However, in order to do that, I will need help—your help."

"A paradise where the others and I can spend every day with you, huh?" A wide smile appeared on Tang Lingxi's face, and she approached him with a narrowed gaze.

"What do you need me— the Asura God Clan to do?" she asked him a moment later.

"I will let you know when the time comes," he said, and he continued, "My priority right now is to return to the Divine Heavens safely. Once I return, I will start the preparations."

Hearing his words, Tang Lingxi nodded.

'So the God of Pleasure with enough connections and resources to move the entire world will finally be using his powers, huh? I cannot wait to see how the Divine Heavens will react once they learn of this…' Tang Lingxi thought to herself with an impatient smile on her face.

Su Yang continued to stare outside the window at the Profound Blossom Sect.

'Wait for me, everyone. Once I return, I will create a home—a paradise where we can love and embrace each other without a care in the world for the rest of our lives, just like I'd promised.'

Chapter 613 - Divine Nature Garden

Two weeks have passed since Su Yang cultivated with the Fang Sisters and shared his future plans with Tang Lingxi.

Nothing notable happened during this time, and Su Yang would continue to spend each day either cultivating with the disciples or giving lectures to the other disciples.

"It's about time I check on those three cute alchemy disciples of mine." Su Yang said to Tang Lingxi before leaving the Profound Blossom Sect.

"If I recall correctly, the Divine Nature Garden should be around this area…" Su Yang flew around the place on the flying ship until he could see their sect.

Sometime later, he arrived at the Divine Nature Garden, one of the few sects in the Eastern Continent that specialized in medicine and alchemy.

As Su Yang approached the sect, he could smell a strong medicine aroma in the air that instantly relaxed his mind. It was so strong in fact that if someone that didn't know anything about their sect were to walk by this place, they would easily realize the type of sect his place was.

"You there with a suspicious appearance! Stop right there!" The guards by the entrance shouted at Su Yang who was in his disguise after seeing his approaching figure.

"Identify yourself! And what are you doing at our Divine Nature Garden?!" They continued to speak after Su Yang stopped approaching them.

"I am here for the Sect Master and his disciple, Luo Yixiao. Bring them out there." Su Yang said to them.

"Hah? Who do you think you are? Neither the Sect Master nor the Young Lady is someone you can meet with just because you asked!"

"Unless you have an appointment with them, you can scram!" The guards said to him.


Su Yang sighed inwardly before saying, "I have already told them that I would be coming around this time. Did they not mention this to you? Regardless, I don't have the time to play games with you. If you won't tell them to come out, I will go in there myself."

"The audacity! Where do you think you are?! This is the Divine Nature Garden, where the majority of the top pills in the Eastern Continent originate from! We even have the Xie Family's backing! Unless you don't treasure your life, you better get the hell out of here!"

"If you continue to bother us, losing your life will be the least of your worries!"

The guards remained adamant about chasing him away.

"Listen here, I am—"

"Your identity no longer matters anymore! You are not welcomed here!"

"This is our last warning for you! Scram!"

After being interrupted by the guard before he can even introduce himself, Su Yang sighed out loud, "If you won't even listen to me, I won't waste my breath anymore."

He has given up on trying to convince them and began approaching the sect once again.

"You dare?!"

The guards immediately pointed their weapons at him with their True Spirit Realm cultivation bases coursing through their bodies.


Pap! Pap!

Su Yang used the Nine Astral Steps to instantly get in front of the guards before sending them flying with a slap on their faces.

"You are lucky that my disciple lives here, or else I would've killed you without any hesitation." Su Yang said to them as he entered the sect.

After Su Yang entered the sect, one of the guards outside retrieved a red pill from his pocket and lit it on fire before tossing it into the air.


The pill exploded into a red cloud once it reached the peak, immediately alerting the disciples and sect elders within the sect.

"It's a red warning from the guards outside! We are being attacked!"

"F.u.c.k! Of all days, why must this happen when the Sect Master is in closed cultivation?!"

Nearly every sect elder in the sect began rushing towards the front of the sect where the entrance was located whilst the disciples gathered in the center of the sect as they'd practiced hundreds of times in case of such situations.

'Haaa… why must they make this even more complicated?' Su Yang sighed inwardly after being surrounded by the sect elders.

"Who the hell are you?! And why are you attacking this place?!"

Although the sect elders were surprised to see that it was only a single individual attacking their entire sect, they didn't dare to underestimate Su Yang who was emitting a formidable aura that made them feel powerless.

"My surname is Xiao, and I am here to pick up Luo Yixiao, my disciple." Su Yang said to them.

"Eh? Luo Yixiao's Master? But her Master is—"

The sect elders quickly realized the situation, but they were still doubtful.

"How do we know that you're the real person and not some impersonator trying to kidnap Luo Yixiao? After all, you did force your way into this place…" One of the sect elders said to him.

"You'll know the truth once you bring your Sect Master or even Luo Yixiao herself here." Su Yang said.

"That's going to be quite difficult, as Luo Yixiao has not appeared for almost a month now and only the Sect Master knows of her location. However, the Sect Master is also unavailable since he's in closed cultivation right now..." The sect elder explained the situation to him.

"That's quite problematic indeed." Su Yang nodded.

A few moments later, he continued speaking, "Then bring a cauldron to me. I'll use my alchemy skills to prove my identity."

"You want to use alchemy to prove your identity…?" The sect elders exchanged perplexed gazes, as they have never experienced such a weird situation before.

However, if this intruder really turns out to be the real deal, they would be able to experience for themselves his otherworldly alchemy abilities that were said to have shocked even the top alchemy experts in this world including their own Sect Master.

"Okay, we'll let you concoct a pill to prove your identity."

In midst of the deafening silence, an old man stepped forward and said loudly.

"Head Elder!" The sect elders were surprised to see this person, who was only second to the Sect Master, agree to Su Yang's suggestion.

Chapter 614 - The Real Deal

After the Head Elder agreed to let Su Yang concoct a pill to prove his identity, they brought him to the lecture stage, where the sect elders usually go to demonstrate their alchemy abilities in public so the other disciples can watch and learn from them.

"This is quite the audience." Su Yang said as he looked around the spectators' seats that were already filled to the brim with disciples and sect elders, almost as though every disciple in this sect was present.

"It would be a great honor if they could witness the Alchemy Master's alchemy skills, after all." The Head Elder said to him.

"Does that mean you consider me as the real one? If that's the case, why should I do this anymore?" Su Yang asked him with a calm smile behind his mask.

The Head Elder showed him a sly smile and said, "It would only be an honor if you were the real deal, and without seeing your abilities, even I cannot say for sure that you're the real Alchemy Master who discovered the Earth Advancement Pills and the Heaven Transcendence Pills."

"Is that so?" Su Yang could instantly see through the Head Elder's intentions, but he pretended to be ignorant since it wouldn't harm him in any way to show their disciples some of his alchemy skills.

Sometime later, before thousands of gazes, Su Yang stepped onto the stage and stood before the cauldron they had prepared for him.

"I don't have the ingredients to concoct an Earth Advancement Pill or the Heaven Transcendence Pill right now, so I will concoct any pill you want." Su Yang said to them.

"Then I would like you to concoct the Heaven Lotus Pill— a Heaven-grade pill that even the Sect Master cannot concoct consistently." Head Elder said to him before ordering someone to bring them the ingredients.

A few minutes later, the Head Elder showed the pill and ingredients to Su Yang before speaking, "If you are truly the Alchemy Master from the Holy Central Continent, then you should be able to concoct the Heaven Lotus Pill without the recipe, right?"

Su Yang looked at the Heaven Lotus Pill for a moment before glancing at the ingredients by his side.

A smile then surfaced on his face, and he said, "You are missing one ingredient that's required for this pill."

"What?" A surprised expression appeared on the Head Elder's face, and he immediately looked at the ingredients closely this time.

'He's right! There really is one ingredient missing! And while it's not the most important ingredient for the pill, missing it will make it impossible to concoct the pill! How is this possible? Can he really tell the recipe just by looking at the pill? Could it be that he'd concocted this pill before? No, that's not possible, as the Heaven Lotus Pill was only discovered last year by the Sect Master, and it hasn't even been released to the public yet!' The Head Elder was profoundly shocked inwardly.

'Perhaps this man is truly the real deal!'

A moment later, the Head Elder slapped the individual who brought the ingredients and shouted at him angrily, "Did you purposefully forget one of the ingredients so that he would be unable to prove his identity?! Do you have no honor?! How are you going to be responsible if he turns out to be the real deal?!"

"T-This disciple wouldn't dare! It was truly a mistake and coincidence that I forgot one of the ingredients!" The person cried with an apologetic expression.

"I deeply apologize for this mishap. It was never our intention to rig the test. I hope you can forgive us." The Head Elder lowered his head to Su Yang but mostly because he already knew in his heart that Su Yang was the real deal.

"Since you are so polite, I will consider this mishap as though it's part of the test." Su Yang said.

"Thank you…" Head Elder said.

Meanwhile, the other disciples and sect elders were dumbfounded when they saw the Head Elder lower his head to Su Yang. Does this mean the Head Elder already recognizes him as the real Alchemy Master?

"Anyway, bring the last ingredient so I can begin." Su Yang then said.

"Right away."

The Head Elder made the individual who screwed up fetch the final ingredient.

Sometime later, once all of the ingredients were gathered, Su Yang began concocting the pill.

"What fierce yet docile flames! I have never seen such wonderful flame control before!" Head Elder and the other disciples gasped in awe when they saw how Su Yang flawlessly controlled the flames around the cauldron.

And just by looking at Su Yang's control over his alchemy flames, the disciples there already began recognizing him as the real deal.

Once the cauldron was heated to the perfect temperature, Su Yang grabbed the ingredients beside him and tossed all of them into the cauldron, shocking the spectators.

"It's just like the rumors! He actually tossed all of the ingredients into the cauldron without any hesitation! He's the real deal!"

One major point the people made when speaking about the Alchemy Master from the Holy Central Continent was his god-like ability to purify multiple ingredients at once, and after witnessing it for themselves, it was truly as shocking and jaw-dropping as the rumors made it sound.

A few minutes later, Su Yang retrieved the flame around the cauldron and opened the lid, and black smoke rushed out the next moment.

"What? Did he burn the pill?" The spectators were dumbfounded to see the black smoke as they only appear when someone burns a pill.

However, when Su Yang retrieved a pure white pill from the cauldron a moment later, the spectators exploded with excitement and admiration.

"The pill was not burned!"

"He actually succeeded concocting the pill on his first try! And it'd only taken him a few minutes!"

"Compared to the Sect Master, who would need an entire day to concoct the pill with less than 10% chance of success, the disparity is simply too vast— like heaven and earth!"

"He's the real deal! The real Alchemy Master from the Holy Central Continent!"

Chapter 615 - Only a Slight Inconvenience

"M-May I take a look at the Heaven Lotus Pill?" The Head Elder asked him in a shaky voice and his gaze filled with a feeling of yearning.

"Go ahead. You can even keep it." Su Yang said as he tossed the Heaven Lotus Pill at him in a carefree manner, treating it as though it was nothing of value.

"Ah!" The Head Elder hastily went to catch the pill in the air with a horrified expression on his face, feeling as though his heart was going to burst from shock.

"T-Thank heavens I caught it…" The Head Elder sighed in relief afterward, yet his hands were still trembling as though he was having a seizure.

"Now that I have demonstrated my abilities, do you still doubt my identity?" Su Yang asked him a moment later.

"This Junior apologizes for doubting the Senior! I will immediately notify the Sect Master of your arrival!" The Head Elder said before disappearing from the place shortly later.

The disciples and other sect elders stared at Su Yang with gazes of admiration and respect.

"I can't believe that I just got to witness Senior Xiao's abilities with my very own eyes!"

"Right?! I have been dreaming of this exact moment ever since I heard of his capabilities! To think my dream would come true so quickly!"

"This is all thanks to Senior apprentice-sister Luo! If not for her, who managed to pass the exam and become his disciple, he wouldn't even be here right now!"

Meanwhile, inside the Sect Master's home, the Head Elder knocked on the doors loudly.

"Sect Master! This is an emergency! Please come out!"

Sometime later, Senior Zeng opened the door with his face twisted in anger. "You imbecile! Did I not warn you to not bother me no matter what?! Because of you, I accidentally burned the Heaven Lotus Pill again!"

The Head Elder then said with a frown on his face, "You also told me to tell you if Senior Xiao visits our sect no matter what you are doing!"

"What? Senior Xiao is here?" Senior Zeng's eyes widened with surprise, and the anger on his face immediately went away.

"Why didn't you say that first!"

"Because you never gave me the chance to! Anyway, look at this..." The Head Elder then showed the flawless quality Heaven Lotus Pill to Senior Zeng.

"Heavens! How on earth?!" Senior Zeng picked up the pill with trembling hands.

"Senior Xiao concocted it…" Head Elder said.

"Eh? Why would he…"

"Well… this is what happened…"

The Head Elder proceeded to explain the situation to Senior Zeng.


After learning everything from the Head Elder, Senior Zeng's face flushed with anger again.

"Y-You damn idiots! How dare you treat the Senior as though he's some kind of intruder, even making him take a test to prove his identity! How are you going to be responsible if he decides to discard my disciple because of this?!" Senior Zeng roared.

"H-He seemed cool with it, so there shouldn't be a problem…" The Head Elder hastily said as he did not have any excuses to make.

"Whatever! I will deal with you idiots once I get back."

"W-Wait a second, Sect Master! What about the Heaven Lotus Pill?! The Senior said I can have it!" The Head Elder said to him in a panicked voice.

"It's confiscated for now!"

"N-No way!"

Senior Zeng then disappeared before the Head Elder could even begin to complain. He then went to get Luo Yixiao who was also doing closed cultivation within an isolated area of that sect.

"Yixiao! Come out! Senior Xiao is here to pick you up!" Senior Zeng shouted in front of a small building.

A few moments later, Luo Yixiao opened the door and said, "Has it already been a month? Time sure flies when I am studying the techniques the Master gave me..."

Sometime later, Luo Yixiao and Senior Zeng arrived at the lecture stage.

"Look! It's the Sect Master and Senior apprentice-sister Luo!"

The disciples and sect elders quickly stopped their chattering and bowed to them after noticing their presence.

However, the two of them ignored everything there and went straight to Su Yang.

"Disciple Luo greets Master." Luo Yixiao bowed to him.

"This Junior greets Senior." Even Senior Zeng bowed to him without hesitation despite being watched by nearly every disciple in the sect.

"You're finally here. It was quite the hassle, you know?" Su Yang said to them in a calm voice.

Hearing this, Senior Zeng immediately kowtowed on the floor and said, "What happened today is entirely my fault! If only I'd lectured my disciples properly! Please! I swear this won't happen ever again! If that's not enough, allow me to bear all of the responsibilities and your anger!"

However, Su Yang merely shook his head and said, "It was only a slight inconvenience for me, that's all. I'm not really angry."

"Anyway, I have spent enough time here, and I still need to pick up the other two."

He then turned to look at Luo Yixiao and asked her, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes, Master!" she nodded.

"Good luck, Yixiao. Remember to not cause any trouble for the Senior." Senior Zeng said to her with a parting smile, looking as though he was sending his daughter off to another family.

"What are you talking about? You are also coming with us." Su Yang suddenly said, dumbfounding him.

"Eh? Me?" he pointed at himself with a dazed face.

"Teaching an additional person won't make much of a difference. Though, I won't force you. If you don't want to come, you can stay here." Su Yang said to him.

"I-I am willing to come! No— please let me come with you!" Senior Zeng immediately said with a blissful expression.

Su Yang nodded, "You can come, but just remember one thing. I am not accepting you as my disciple, and I am only letting you participate in our lecture as a guest."

"I will definitely keep that in mind!" he quickly said.

"Thank you, Master…" Luo Yixiao also thanked him, as she had a feeling that he was doing this for her.

Sometime later, Su Yang brought Luo Yixiao and Senior Zeng onto the flying boat with him and began making his way towards the Cai Family that was located near the Western Borders at Red Sparrow City.

Chapter 616 - An Awkward Situation

Once they arrived at Red Sparrow City, Su Yang looked for the largest building from the sky.

"That should be the place." Su Yang mumbled to himself after seeing a massive building that occupied a few blocks in the streets.

A few moments later, he descended in front of their entrance.

When he saw the guards standing by the entrance, Su Yang approached them and said, "I am—"

"You must be Senior Xiao, here to pick up the Young Lady, right?!" The guards immediately recognized him and bowed to him in a respectful manner.

"Yes, I am." Su Yang nodded with a pleasantly surprised expression, as he'd expected to encounter a similar situation as he did with the guards at the Divine Nature Garden.

"I am truly sorry, Senior Xiao…" Senior Zeng couldn't help but feel the need to apologize to him again after seeing the Cai Family's competent guards. "I will definitely lecture those idiots properly when I return…"

"The Young Lady is currently studying in her room, please follow me."

The guard then led Su Yang inside the building.

When they passed by the servants inside, all of them would bow to him as if they knew his identity.

'The Cai Family is well prepared…' Senior Zeng sighed inwardly after seeing how the Cai Family welcomed Su Yang and comparing it to how his Divine Nature Garden treated him.

Sometime later, they arrived at Cai Yan's room.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Young Lady! Senior Xiao is here to pick you up!" The guard said after loudly knocking on the door.

A few moments later, Cai Yan opened the door and bowed to Su Yang, "Disciple Cai greets the Master. Thank you for coming all the way here to pick me up."

Su Yang then asked her, "Are you ready to leave?"

Cai Yan nodded and said, "Yes, we can leave at any moment."

"Good, then let's pick up the last one."

Once they were outside, Su Yang retrieved the flying ship and said, "Since this thing is not meant to fit so many people at once, it will be a bit cramped."

"Oh..." Cai Yan blushed slightly when Su Yang suddenly hugged her close to his body so that they would have enough room to fit all four of them inside the small boat.

"I'm going to drop you off at the Burning Lotus Sect before I pick up Bai Lihua." Su Yang said to them.

A few minutes later, Su Yang dropped the three of them in front of Wang Shuren's house at the Burning Lotus Sect before going to the Heavenly Swan Sect.

"Hm? What are you guys doing outside of my house?" Wang Shuren asked them with a puzzled expression after they knocked on her door.

"Eh? Did the Master not tell you about our arrival?" Cai Yan asked her. "He was the one who brought us here…"

"Su— Master? I didn't hear anything about this..." Wang Shuren shook her head.

"Anyway, since the Master brought you here, come inside. We'll understand the situation once we ask him."

Meanwhile, at the Heavenly Swan Sect, Su Yang landed the flying ship right in front of Bai Lihua's doorsteps before knocking on her door.

However, after receiving zero responses for a few minutes, Su Yang decided to use his spiritual sense to see whether she was home or not.

When he sensed Bai Lihua's presence inside her room, Su Yang raised his eyebrows. Did he not knock on the door loud enough?

"Wait… this is…"

Su Yang suddenly frowned, and he forcefully kicked the door open the next second before rushing into her room.

Inside the room Bai Lihua was laying on the bed, seemingly asleep, yet there was an unpleasant expression on her face, almost like she was having nightmares, and her robes were soaked in cold sweat.

"Complexion pale as sheets, sweating profusely, body slightly trembling… She's ill?" Su Yang could tell that she was sick at a glance, but without proper diagnosis, he won't know the real problem at hand.

He immediately grabbed her hands and checked her pulses.

"Her spiritual energy is a mess! What on earth did she do to make herself so ill?" The frown on Su Yang's face deepened.

"Hm? This smell is…"

Su Yang approached Bai Lihua's lips and sniffed the subtle but unpleasant scent coming from her breath.

"This is the smell of medicine… And it's even poisonous? Why would she consume any medicine with poison?"

Although he was baffled by the confusing situation, Su Yang did not stand around to ponder and quickly went back outside and jumped on the flying ship before soaring back to the Burning Lotus Sect at max speed.

Once he returned to Wang Shuren's house, he tore down the door with a vicious kick and rushed into Wang Shuren's medicine room.

"W-What the?!"

Wang Shuren and the others in the house were shocked when the door was suddenly destroyed with force. However, their shock turned into bewilderment when they realized who was responsible for it a moment later.

"Su— Master?! Why are you in such a hurry?!" Wang Shuren asked him in a confused voice.

"No time to explain now! I will do it later!" Su Yang said as he rushed into Wang Shuren's medicine room.

Inside the medicine room, Su Yang swiftly but calmly grabbed a dozen different medicines.

Once he had all of the medicine he needed, Su Yang went to the pill room next and tossed all of the medicine he just took from the medicine room into the cauldron.

"He's concocting a pill now?" Wang Shuren was stumped by Su Yang's incomprehensible actions.

Less than a minute later, Su Yang left the pill room with a freshly made pill in his hands.

He then jumped on the flying ship and soared back to the Heavenly Swan Sect, leaving Wang Shuren feeling as though she'd just been robbed in broad daylight and before her very eyes.

Upon returning to Bai Lihua's room, Su Yang tossed the pill inside his mouth and crushed it into small pieces. He then drank some water without swallowing it.

Once the pill and the crushed pill inside his mouth was mixed together, Su Yang removed his mask and opened Bai Lihua's mouth with his hands.

A second later, he pressed his lips onto Bai Lihua's lips before forcing the liquid in his mouth down her throat.

However, Su Yang could not relax yet and reached for her robes a moment later.

"Excuse me." He said out loud before ripping the upper half of her robes wide open, revealing a beautiful pair of b.r.e.a.s.ts.

Unfortunately, he was not in the situation or mood to admire the scene and immediately used his finger to press very precise locations on her chest.

A few moments later, Bai Lihua began coughing loudly.

*Cough* *Cough*


*Cough* *Cough*

After a few rounds of coughing, Bai Lihua coughed up a semi-solid ball of green and black substance that reeked of a foul smell.

Seeing the poison that was harming Bai Lihua out of her body, Su Yang finally released a sigh of relief.

Sometime later, Bai Lihua slowly opened her eyes.

"Su Yang…?" Bai Lihua mumbled his name after seeing his face sitting in front of her.

"Wait… Master?!" Once her consciousness began clearing, she realized that it was her Master who resembled Su Yang that was in her room.

Then she noticed that the upper half of her robes were loosened and that her mouth had a weird and foreign taste to it.

"M-Master, you…" Bai Lihua looked at him with a terrified expression on her face, looking as though she'd just been assaulted while she was asleep.

However, no words came out of her mouth, as she was simply shocked speechless by the situation.


Su Yang suddenly cleared his throat and said, "Before you think of me as some predator who would assault women when they are asleep from pain, allow me a moment to explain the situation to you."

He proceeded to explain the situation to her from the beginning.

"I came to pick you up, but you didn't answer the door, so I used my spiritual sense to see if you were home. When I realized the situation, I allowed myself into your room to check on your condition. After understanding that you had somehow ingested poison, I went to concoct an antidote."

"I returned here as soon as I had the antidote and immediately fed it to you. But since you were unconscious, I had to force-feed it to you through the mouth. However, the antidote alone was not enough to get rid of the poison in your body, so I had to perform some acupuncture on your chest to make you cough up the poison. I hope this is enough to clear up the misunderstanding."

"If you want more proof, look at the poison you'd just coughed up." Su Yang pointed at the nasty substance beside her.


Bai Lihua listened to Su Yang's explanation with a dazed expression on her face, and once she realized the terrible mistake she'd just made, her face flushed with embarrassment and shame.

"I-I-I don't know how to apologize to you, Master! To think I had even thought for a moment that you were that type of person when in reality you'd just saved my life!" Bai Lihua immediately kowtowed on the floor before him, even banging her head on the solid floor.

"Calm down. Although the poison is out of your body, you are still injured." Su Yang said to her.

Chapter 617 - Spanking Her Buttocks

"Even if you forgive me, I will never be able to forgive myself for this mistake! I'm truly sorry, Master!" Bai Lihua continued to kowtow to him, feeling as though she'd committed something even worse than treason.

"Please, punish me so I can feel less guilty! I won't complain even if you disown me as your disciple!" Bai Lihua said.

"You want me to punish you?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, please! Or this guilt in my heart will not subdue!" She insisted.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang sighed and said, "Very well, turn around."

Bai Lihua immediately turned around without questioning him.

A second later…


Su Yang spanked Bai Lihua's buttocks so hard that she nearly pissed herself.

"Aaaah!" Bai Lihua m.o.a.ned in pain with pleasure mixed within her voice.

"M-Master… it hurts…" Bai Lihua said a moment later, feeling a stinging sensation on her buttocks.

"Naturally. Or else it wouldn't be a punishment but a reward instead." Su Yang said.

"Anyway, tell me about your situation. Although I already have an idea what happened here, I still want to hear it from you."

Bai Lihua nodded with teary eyes and began explaining how she'd got into such a dangerous situation.

"After studying the techniques you gave me, I had an urge to impress you, so I started making pills by myself. Of course, I would burn even the easiest pills at first, but after a few days of practice, I've managed to stop burning the pills once in a while."

"However, while I have stopped burning every pill, they were all of the lowest quality and too dangerous for consumption because they were filled with impurity."

"Then just a few days ago, I finally concocted a pill that was safe for consumption, so I…"

"So you consumed it?" Su Yang continued it for her.

"Yes, Master… And because I didn't know how much I was improving, I ate every pill that was safe for consumption to experience my own improvements…"

Su Yang sighed at her words and said, "I applaud your enthusiasm in alchemy and feel flattered that you wanted to impress me, but using your own body to experiment on your own pills as a novice Alchemist is quite the dumb thing to do, as you might accidentally poison yourself like today…"

"I won't do it again, Master," she said with an apologetic face.

"I am not saying you shouldn't consume your own pills ever again, but you are still too inexperienced for that kind of stuff. Once you are more experienced, it's only natural for you to do it." Su Yang said, and he continued, "Anyway, I'd planned on giving you lectures today, but you are in no condition for that. Spend the next few days removing the impurities you'd built up instead."

"What about my lecture?" she asked, still feeling the desire to learn, as she'd grown increasingly fond of Alchemy after doing it for herself.

"I will give it to you once you are fully healed," he said.

"Thank you, Master."

"Then I will leave you alone now."

Once Su Yang left the place, Bai Lihua stood up with her hands on the buttocks that Su Yang had violated with pain.

"I didn't think he'd spank me for my mistakes as if I was a child…" Bai Lihua sighed deeply, still feeling a weird sensation on her butt.

"What a blunder I've made today! I just hope he won't see me as a weird woman now…"

After sighing for a few more times, Bai Lihua went to cultivate to remove the impurities she'd built up from consuming her own pills.

Meanwhile, after returning to Wang Shuren's home, Su Yang explained the situation to them.

"Unbelievable… To think that Bai Lihua would poison herself with her own pills…" Wang Shuren didn't know how to feel about this incident, as it was weird for someone like Bai Lihua to make such a mistake.

However, Senior Zeng, on the other hand, was impressed by Bai Lihua.

"She has never studied Alchemy before you accepted her as a disciple, right? It's actually quite remarkable that she'd learned how to concoct pills by herself in just a few short weeks! As expected of Senior Xiao's disciple— she's a true genius." Senior Zeng spoke in a praising tone.

"Yes, I was also surprised to hear that she had learned to concoct pills by herself. However, having talents won't mean a thing if she can't use it because she's dead." Su Yang sighed.

"Honestly, what happened to Sect Master Bai isn't all that uncommon. There will be at least one or two disciples in the Divine Nature Garden that would poison themselves from swallowing their own pill every year, but that only happens to novice Alchemists that are too dedicated in their own work." Senior Zeng said.

"Anyway, since Sect Master Bai will not be attending the lecture, what are we going to do?" he then asked.

"We'll have to continue without her for now." Su Yang said.

Sometime later, Su Yang brought the four of them into the pill room and said to Senior Zeng and Luo Yixiao, "Since the two of you already have years of experience in Alchemy, I won't be giving you any lectures for now. Instead, I will have you participate in some exercises that will significantly boost your ability to concoct pills."

"Really? There are such profound exercises?" Senior Zeng's eyes immediately shone with excitement, looking like a child who just received his first toy.

Su Yang nodded and said, "It's really simple, too."

He then looked at Wang Shuren and asked her, "Can you bring two more cauldrons in here?"

A few minutes later, Wang Shuren returned with two new cauldrons and placed each of them in the corner of the room.

Su Yang then went outside for a minute and came back with a few buckets of water and some ingredients.

He proceeded to pour water into both cauldrons until they were filled to the brim with water, and then he tossed the ingredients inside.

"Go ahead and use your alchemy flames to heat up the cauldron. However, I want it to be exactly 300 celsius, and you have to keep it at that temperature for over an hour without changing the temperature."

"Not even a single celsius?" Senior Zeng raised his eyebrows.

"Did I stutter?" Su Yang responded in a serious tone.

"I understand…" Senior Zeng nodded, and he immediately went to heat up the cauldron.

However, he quickly realized that no matter how strong his alchemy flames were, the cauldron would only heat up to 200 celsius and would not increase anymore until at least ten minutes later, and when the temperature did increase, it only went up by one or two celsius.

"W-What's happening? Why isn't the cauldron heating up?" Senior Zeng mumbled with a confused face, as this is his first time encountering such a problem.

"Is it because of the mixture you put inside the cauldron beforehand, Master?" Luo Yixiao asked him with a sweaty forehead.

"That's right. The mixture inside the cauldron will absorb most of the heat from your alchemy flames, making it much harder for you to heat up the cauldron itself. If you want to reach the goal, you'll have to strengthen your alchemy flames."

"Increasing the power and heat of our alchemy flames is easier said than done, as that requires years of practice!" Senior Zeng said.

"Is it really?" Su Yang asked him.

"W-What do you mean?"

Su Yang then said, "Just like how one can quickly increase their stamina if they exert themselves to their limit, you can quickly strengthen your alchemy flames by exerting yourself. All you really need to do is push yourselves and heat the cauldron as though you are trying to melt the cauldron itself."

"But how are we going to control the flames if we have to exert so much energy? We won't be able to control the temperature, much less maintain one!" Senior Zeng said with wide eyes.

"One step at a time, old man. You can worry about controlling the flames after you can heat the cauldron up to 300 celsius." Su Yang said.


Although Senior Zeng still had plenty of questions, he decided to keep them to himself, as he didn't want to appear too distrusting and was afraid that it might anger Su Yang.

Shortly later, Senior Zeng and Luo Yixiao returned to heating the cauldron, but they were no longer controlling their alchemy flames and exerted all of their spiritual energy, causing the flames to go crazy.

However, even when using all of their strength, neither Senior Zeng or Luo Yixiao could reach a temperature higher than 250 before they run out of spiritual energy and collapse from exhaustion.

"Until you can maintain the temperature I want for an hour, I will have you continue doing this exercise. If you cannot achieve it even after one month, I will no longer lecture you, and in Luo Yixiao's case, I will let you go as my disciple."

When they heard Su Yang's words, their hearts became filled with anxiousness, and they immediately began heating the cauldron again despite their exhaustion, only stopping once they've truly lost consciousness.

Chapter 618 - Jade Flames

While Senior Zeng and Luo Yixiao continued to do their exercise, Su Yang said to Cai Yan, "Since you have never concocted pills before, I am going to teach you step by step."

"How much of the technique did you learn?" He then asked her.

"I understand most of it, Master."

"Good. That will make things much easier," he said.

"What should I do, Master?" Wang Shuren suddenly asked him, feeling slightly left out now that there were other disciples beside herself.

"Hm? You can do whatever you want until it's your turn." Su Yang said.

"I understand…" Wang Shuren sighed inwardly before going to concoct some pills.

"Now, let's begin your lectures." Su Yang said once Cai Yan sat before the cauldron.

"Before we can even start concocting pills, we need to see what kind of Alchemy flames you were born with."

"Not everyone is born with alchemy flames, but I can sense it in your spiritual energy, so you should have it."

Cai Yan nodded and closed her eyes to focus on the technique she'd been practicing for the past month.

A few minutes later, a small ball of pale green flames appeared before her.

"Oh? Your alchemy flames actually turned out to be Jade Flames? That's a very pleasant surprise." Su Yang said.

Just like Zhu Mengyi in the Holy Central Continent who was born with unique Azure Flames, Cai Yan was gifted with her own unique alchemy flames that are known as Jade Flames, a powerful but hard to control type of alchemy flame.

"What? Unique Alchemy Flames?" Wang Shuren stopped concocting pills to turn around and stare at the green flames floating above Cai Yan's palm. While she has heard rumors before, this is actually her first time seeing someone with unique alchemy flames.

"How lucky! If only I was born with unique alchemy flames, my life as an alchemist would be much easier…" Wang Shuren sighed loudly.

Hearing her sigh, Su Yang looked at her and said, "Being gifted with unique alchemy flames does not always mean having an easy life as an alchemist."

"What do you mean? Unique alchemy flames are basically a superior version of regular alchemy flames, right?"

However, Su Yang shook his head and said, "While having unique alchemy flames may indeed be advantageous in many situations, but because of their own uniqueness they are also much more difficult to control and master."

"It's like being born with a Heavenly Constitution but not knowing how to train that body properly, which might cause more harm than good to your cultivation."

"And if a novice like Cai Yan with her Jade Flames is taught by someone incompetent, her life as an Alchemist would only become miserable, perhaps even ending in a tragedy."

"Anyway, if you also want to have unique alchemy flames, it's not impossible." Su Yang suddenly said to Wang Shuren, causing her eyes to widen with shock.

"You mean I can also have unique Alchemy Flames?! I thought you can only be born with it!" Wang Shuren exclaimed in a bewildered voice.

"No, you too can have unique alchemy flames if you absorb one. However, I doubt you will be able to find any alchemy flames in this world, as they require hundreds of thousands of years to grow."

"You can absorb unique alchemy flames?! This is the first time I've heard of this! And what do you mean 'grow'? How does one grow alchemy flames?!" Wang Shuren quickly asked him.

"Alchemy Flames are no different than Spiritual Treasures in the sense that they can both be created naturally, but Alchemy Flames normally take longer to appear due to their unique nature.


Wang Shuren was speechless. However, her heart throbbed with excitement knowing that she might be able to use unique alchemy flames in the future.

"Anyway, if you want to know more about alchemy flames, I will tell you all about them later." Su Yang said before returning to Cai Yan.

"Now that we know you have Jade Flames, I will have to change your training methods."

Cai Yan nodded with a calm face.

"It will take some time for me to write the techniques, so I will have you familiarize yourself with the Jade Flame for now."

He then said to Wang Shuren, "I want you to teach her the basics of flame control and make sure that nothing goes wrong while I create the techniques for her."

"Just the basics, right? You can leave this to me." Wang Shuren nodded with a confident expression on her face.

Once Su Yang went away to write the new techniques for Cai Yan, Wang Shuren said to her, "The easiest way to familiarize yourself with your alchemy flames is simply by using it. Here, try to light a fire underneath the cauldron by controlling your spiritual energy and imaging a fire appearing under the cauldron." Wang Shuren pointed at her cauldron.

Cai Yan nodded and took a deep breath before creating a small flame under the cauldron.

"Good. Now keep it like that for as long as possible."

However, the Jade Flames disappeared only a few seconds later, and Cai Yan began panting heavily, seeming out of energy already.

"Eh? What happened? That wasn't even ten seconds!" Wang Shuren asked her with a dumbfounded face.

"I...I don't know…" Cai Yan said in an exhausted voice. "I tried to keep the alchemy flames active, but my spiritual energy depleted before I even realized."

"Do unique alchemy flames really consume that much spiritual energy? Even novice Alchemists at the Elementary Spirit Realm can maintain their alchemy flames for around 10 ten minutes before they run out of spiritual energy, but you can't even do it for a full minute while being at the fourth level True Spirit Realm! This is too weird!"

"Perhaps this is what Su— Master meant when he said that having unique alchemy flames does not automatically mean having an easy life as an alchemist…" Wang Shuren finally understood Su Yang's words.

"What should I do now, Senior Sister?" Cai Yan asked her with a dejected look. How will she ever concoct pills if she cannot even maintain her alchemy flames long enough to heat up the cauldron, much less concoct a pill?

"You can only increase your spiritual energy at this point, right? But how much spiritual energy would you need to maintain such energy-consuming alchemy flames?" Wang Shuren shook her head a moment later and sighed, "I guess I am the 'incompetent' teacher Master mentioned in this situation…"

"Well, there's not much we can do at this point but wait until the Master finishes whatever he's doing." Wang Shuren said.

However, Cai Yan wasn't willing to give up so easily and continued to try to maintain her Jade Flames.

Sometime later.

"Haaa… haaa… This is impossible..." Cai Yan eventually gave up after failing a dozen times. "Maintaining the Jade Flames is not possible when it quickly consumes all of my spiritual energy and I have no control over it…"

"Why don't we ask Senior Zeng? Although he might not be at Master's level, he's still a very prominent Alchemist with decades of experience. Perhaps he might know a thing or two about your Jade Flames. I'm going to wake him up." Wang Shuren said before nudging Senior Zeng awake from his slumber.

"Huh? Did I fall unconscious again from exhaustion?" Senior Zeng sat up with a tired look.

"Yes, you did, but that's not why I woke you up." Wang Shuren said, and she continued, "Do you know anything about unique alchemy flames?"

"Unique Alchemy Flames? Now that's a term you don't hear every day." Senior Zeng nodded.

"Although I know a thing or two about unique alchemy flames, I cannot say that I know very much about it because they are extremely rare. Why do you ask?"

Hearing his question, Wang Shuren turned to look at Cai Yan and said to her, "Show it to him."

A few moments later, Cai Yan summoned the Jade Flames for a brief moment.

However, that brief moment was more than enough to shock Senior Zeng wide awake.

"Unique Alchemy Flames?! You actually have unique alchemy flames?! Heavens! This is only my second time seeing someone with such a gift!" He exclaimed with excitement.

"Oh? So you know someone else who has unique alchemy flames?" Wang Shuren's eyes flickered with interest.

However, Senior Zeng's expression darkened after hearing her inquiry, and he spoke in a solemn voice a moment later, "Yes, I knew of someone who used to have purple-colored alchemy flames. However, that person died in an accident when he lost control over his own alchemy flames, burning himself until only his ashes were left."

"..." Wang Shuren and Cai Yan stared at him with a horrified look on their faces.

"T-This person burned himself to death using his own alchemy flames?" Cai Yan asked for confirmation.

Senior Zeng nodded before sighing, "He was a talented young man who was also my first disciple. However, because I knew nothing about his purple flames at that time, I was unable to guide him properly, which ended in that horrible accident."


Wang Shuren was speechless, as she didn't think that he would have such a tragic history!

Chapter 619 - It's Not Too Late to Quit

"I'm sorry… I didn't know you had such a history." Wang Shuren said a moment later.

"It's fine. Since it was something that happened over 150 years ago…" Senior Zeng sighed, and then he looked at the still unconscious Luo Yixiao and continued, "I haven't accepted another disciple ever since then, but that changed when I met Yixiao, who was brimming with talent in alchemy, which helped me finally overcome my trauma."

He then said to Cai Yan, "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to give you any advice regarding your unique alchemy flames, as I still fear that my incompetence might harm you like with my previous disciple."

Wang Shuren nodded and said, "I also think we should wait for the Master to return before we do anything we might regret. Heaven knows what he might do to me if I accidentally hinder your potential with my lecturing..."

After listening to Senior Zeng's past, Wang Shuren feared that Cai Yan might accidentally harm herself, so she refrained from giving her any more advice.

"I understand…" Cai Yan nodded.

Although she was slightly disheartened that they were unable to help her, there was simply nothing they could do at this moment besides wait for Su Yang to return.

"While I cannot give you advice on your alchemy flames I can help you with pill concocting because no matter what kind of alchemy flames you have, the basics are all the same." Wang Shuren then said to her.

"And you don't need alchemy flames to learn about pill concocting, so let's start from the beginning.

Wang Shuren proceeded to explain to Cai Yan the process of pill concocting with details. As for Senior Zeng, he returned to heating the cauldron until he became exhausted again.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Su Yang worked on Cai Yan's technique.

'Your Jade Flames is ranked 98 in the Unique Alchemy Flames ranking and are much stronger than normal alchemy flames, even surpassing many unique alchemy flames in terms of fierceness, so it's only natural that they require more spiritual energy to use than other alchemy flames. Cai Yan is currently only at the True Spirit Realm, and unless she reaches the Earth Spirit Realm she won't be able to use her Jade Flames for longer than a few minutes even with this flame controlling technique…'

After spending many hours writing the technique, Su Yang finally returned to the pill room, where Wang Shuren and Cai Yan were engaged in some sort of conversation regarding the cauldron.

"Master!" Cai Yan's expression immediately brightened after seeing him return.

"You're finally back," said Wang Shuren with a relieved look on her face.

"What's the matter? Why do you look so tired?" Su Yang asked them after seeing their exhausted faces.

"Well, it's like this, Master…" Cai Yan proceeded to explain her situation of not being able to use her alchemy flames for more than a few seconds before running out of spiritual energy.

Hearing this, Su Yang responded in a calm voice, "That's only natural since you don't have any flame controlling technique to properly use your Jade Flames."

"Eh? You mean it has nothing to do with her talent or cultivation base?" Wang Shuren asked him with a surprised look.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Jade Flames are naturally fierce and require more spiritual energy to maintain than even most unique alchemy flames out there. Without a proper flame controlling technique, it will be akin to trying to forcibly move a boulder when there are tools specifically made to help you move the boulder with ease. However, that is not to say her cultivation base is not to blame, as it's also true that she does not have the sufficient cultivation to use her Jade Flames yet."

"If you want to start using your Jade Flames, you must at least be at the Earth Spirit Realm. As for concocting pills, you can think about that once you've reached the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

"I have to reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm before I can start concocting pills?!" Cai Yan exclaimed with a shocked face. How long would that take? Hell, she might not even have the ability to reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Seeing Cai Yan's dejected face, Su Yang said to her, "Didn't I tell you beforehand that not everyone born with unique alchemy flames will automatically have an easy life as an alchemist? The stronger your alchemy flames the more effort you are required to put out. The Jade Flames are fairly powerful even amongst the other unique alchemy flames, so you will have to train harder than most people out there if you want to become an Alchemist."

"Of course, if you want to quit, that's also an option, as you haven't truly stepped into the world of alchemy yet. I also know of many people who wanted to be Alchemists but were unfortunately born with unique alchemy flames that could not be controlled or trained because of a lack of methods and techniques, forcing them to abandon their dream."

Su Yang then extended his arms with a scroll in his hands, "If you are willing to go down this path despite the challenges you will face, accept this. If not, you may shake your head, and I will immediately take you back to your family."


After a moment of silence, she spoke, "To tell you the truth, Master, I did not willingly take the test to become your disciple because I wanted to learn alchemy. It was purely my father's will that I partake in the exam even if I had no chance of passing. However, when you accepted me as your disciple and I began learning the techniques you gave me, my passion for alchemy started to grow, and after spending an entire month learning more about alchemy, I can say with confidence that I want to become an Alchemist!"

Cai Yan then reached for the scroll in Su Yang's grasp, and a second later, she accepted the technique.

"I hope you won't regret that decision later," Su Yang said with a smile behind his mask.

Chapter 620 - Preperations

"Now that you have accepted the flame controlling technique, I won't let you quit even if you want to," said Su Yang in a calm voice.

"This disciple wouldn't dare even if she were to be tortured by the Master…" Cai Yan said with a smile on her pretty face.

"Anyway, you can start studying the technique now. If there's anything that you don't understand, you can ask me," Su Yang said.

"Yes, Master." Cai Yan nodded before she began looking through the flame controlling technique.

Meanwhile, Su Yang turned his attention to Wang Shuren and asked her, "Do you still want to have unique alchemy flames after realizing the truth?"

She quickly nodded without hesitation, "Yes! So what if I will have to work a little bit harder than other people? It's all worth it if I can become a better Alchemist in the end!"

"...Now that I think about it, you never told me about your reason for becoming an Alchemist," he said to her. "If you don't mind, tell me about it."

"Well, you never asked me about it," she said with a smile before she continued, "I have always wanted to become an Alchemist for as long as I can remember, but I cannot actually recall the exact reason why I picked this path. I guess it's one of those situations where you don't remember why you're doing what you've been doing for many years, but oddly enough, I don't find anything wrong with that, as my passion for Alchemy is as real."

"However, despite my dream to become a top Alchemist, I was only able to enter an average sect like the Burning Lotus Sect and became a sect elder after many years of effort, whilst my reputation as an Alchemist was nearly nonexistence compared to people like Senior Zeng, who is renowned throughout the entire continent."

"If I had never met you, or you did not choose me but someone else as your assistant, I would probably still be working in the Burning Lotus Sect Auction House as a mere manager and without any real reputation." Wang Shuren sighed.

"Now that I think about it, you never told me your reason for picking me," she suddenly asked him. "Surely, there are countless people who would qualify more than me if you searched."

Su Yang smiled and said, "Well, you never asked me."

And then he continued, "As for why I picked you… there is really no reason, as it was mostly on a whim and you were the first person I came across."

"Is that so…? So it was only a coincidence, huh?" Wang Shuren showed a bitter smile after hearing his words.

However, Su Yang continued, "While it's true that it was mostly on a whim, there were a few reasons that caused me to actually go through with it, as I don't usually move just on a 'whim'."

"Really? What is it?" Wang Shuren's eyes immediately glowed with anticipation.

"Well, first and foremost, you are quite the stunning woman, and it only makes sense for a man such as myself to want someone like you around my side."

"..." Wang Shuren's face flushed with redness after hearing his words, but it was not because she was feeling bashful, as she has done many things with him that were more embarrassing than a few words.

In fact, the cause of her redness was due to the other people in the room. What will he do if they realize their real relationship? Since intimate relationsh.i.p.s between Masters and Disciples are frowned upon in the cultivation world, it would be better for their relationship to remain hidden.


Of course, Senior Zeng, Cai Yan, and Luo Yixiao were staring at them with wide and suspicious eyes, wondering if they were really in that kind of relationship.

'I didn't expect the Master to be the flirty type… even towards his own disciple...' Cai Yan thought to herself, wondering if she might receive the same treatment in the future once they know each other better.

"Another reason why I picked you was because of your smell." Su Yang continued, dumbfounding her.

"My...my smell?" Wang Shuren raised her eyebrows awkwardly.

"The smell of medicine was abundant on you when I first met you; it's a smell only those who are always surrounded by medicine would emit, telling me that you are at least somewhat serious when it comes to alchemy."

"Well, there are other reasons, but does it really matter why I chose you at this point?" Su Yang shrugged.

"I guess not…"

"Anyway, you can continue your routine. If you need any 'assistance', you can find me in the other room, where I will be cultivating." Su Yang said.

"And this goes to everyone here. If you need help with something, just knock on the door and I'll help you. Don't be afraid to bother me because that's what it means to be a Master."

Su Yang then left the pill room and went inside Wang Shuren's bedroom, where he sat on the floor and began searching inside his storage ring.

A few seconds later, he looked at the red peanut-sized seed sitting on his palm.

'I should start preparing for when I finally consume this Hellfire Seed,' he thought.

'While I won't have any problems consuming this thing, it's what happens after I swallow this Hellfire Seed that…'

Su Yang suddenly sighed in a low voice, "Will there even be enough partners for me to exhaust the overwhelming amount of Yang Qi I will have afterward?"

This is actually his first time consuming a Hellfire Seed, and he was worried that the disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect wouldn't be nearly enough to satisfy his l.u.s.t after he consumes the seed.

"The Hellfire Seed should be barely enough for me to reach the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and if I am going to return to the Divine Heavens in two years, I must increase my cultivation base as much as possible before then." Su Yang stared at the Hellfire Seed with a dazed expression.

"Two years… just wait two more years for me and I will return to your sides…" he mumbled in a longing voice, and he remained sitting there for a long time with a dazed face, seemingly in deep thoughts.

Chapter 621 - A Favor

After spending a few hours concocting pills, Wang Shuren suddenly stood up and said, "I need some advice from the Master. I will be right back."

After announcing her reason for leaving, she quickly went to knock on the door to her own room.

"Come inside," Su Yang's voice resounded a few seconds later.

Wang Shuren then entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"Let's quickly do this before they get suspicious," said Wang Shuren as she began removing her robes.

"What are you so scared of? Are you worried that they might stop respecting you or something?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"That's not it. You probably won't understand it because you are from a dual cultivation sect but in the normal cultivation world, relationsh.i.p.s between Masters and Disciples are frowned upon," she explained to him her worries.

"Ah, I see…" Su Yang nodded after hearing her words.

"But just because it's frowned upon does not mean it's morally wrong or unacceptable. I have done many things that people didn't approve of and even things that made people hate my guts, but I never cared about others' opinions and did whatever I wanted." Su Yang shrugged.

"What exactly did you do?" It was Wang Shuren's turn to raise her eyebrows, her gaze filled the interest.

"The same things I have done for many years— cultivating with beauties," he calmly answered.

"Eh? Why would people hate you for doing something like that?"

"You won't understand it because you have never been to that place, but there are people— women that many people consider sacred and should never be soiled. Of course, as someone who hates being told what I can and cannot do, I went ahead and cultivated with these women, which caused an outrage."

"Why am I not surprised…?" Wang Shuren said with a smile.

"I am more possessive than you might think, Shuren. Back in the days, whenever I saw any beauty was not already taken, I would immediately get to work and make her mine. As for those that already had partners, if they didn't mind, I also wouldn't mind."


Wang Shuren was speechless, as it sounded like no women under heaven was safe with him around.

"Anyway, come over here. You'll catch a cold if you continue standing there n.a.k.e.d." Su Yang said with a smile.

A few moments later, Su Yang inserted his shaft into her hole and started banging her intensively.

"It's okay to release your voice. I have already surrounded this room with a sound-concealing formation." Su Yang said to her after seeing that she was desperately trying to hold her voice.


Wang Shuren immediately m.o.a.ned loudly after hearing his words.

And although she was worried about the time at first, once Su Yang started touching her body, Wang Shuren quickly forgot about everything else and only focused on indulging herself in the pleasure.

Time passed quickly, and an hour later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into her body.

"Aaaaaah!" Wang Shuren's body spasmed violently as her cave gushed with her love juice.

"I cannot return like this, Su Yang… They'll immediately realize what we did…" Wang Shuren said afterward with her entire body soaked in sweat.

"Then don't hide it." He said to her with a mysterious smile on his face. "They will find out the truth sooner or later, anyway."

Hearing his words, Wang Shuren sighed, and she returned to the pill room a few minutes later after tidying her appearance.

However, nobody in the pill room reacted when she returned to the pill; it was almost like they didn't realize she had disappeared for an entire hour, as they were too indulged in their own training.


Wang Shuren inwardly sighed in relief after seeing this, and she returned to concocting as though nothing had happened.


Once Wang Shuren was fully focused on the cauldron, the other three in the room glanced at her without moving their heads.

'Is she really going to act as though nothing happened…?' Senior Zeng wondered inwardly.

'Senior sister… is quite darling. How can she act so calmly after what happened?' Cai Yan pondered to herself.

'..." Luo Yixiao was speechless even inwardly, as her mind had been soiled by Wang Shuren's intense m.o.a.ning for the past hour.

Indeed, Su Yang had lied about the sound-concealing formation, and Wang Shuren's loud m.o.a.ning was heard clearly by everyone in this house.

As for why Su Yang would do such a thing, there were two reasons.

One, it was an effective training method for her mentality, and finally, he simply wanted to see her reaction once she realized what really happened.

Unfortunately for Su Yang and fortunately for Wang Shuren, the three people who heard the m.o.a.ning decided to act as though it never happened, so Wang Shuren was able to practice her alchemy in peace for the rest of the day.

A few days later, Su Yang said to them, "I won't keep you guys here any longer, and you can continue practicing at your own place. If you have any questions, you can contact me through Wang Shuren."

He then looked at Senior Zeng and Luo Yixiao and said, "I will come to the Divine Nature Garden again in one month to see your progress with the exercise. If you aren't able to achieve my standards, you know what will happen, right?"

Luo Yixiao nodded with a serious expression on her face, "I won't disappoint the Master!"

"Good." He nodded and turned to look at Cai Yan before speaking, "I want you to continue practicing the flame controlling technique, and in one month, I will begin your training. If you show unsatisfactory results, I will also let you go. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master!" Cai Yan said with a resolute expression.

Su Yang then brought Cai Yan, Senior Zeng, and Luo Yixiao back to their own home on the flying ship before returning to the Burning Lotus Sect.

"What are you going to do now?" Wang Shuren asked him.

"I am going to the Heavenly Swan Sect to see how Bai Lihua's doing," he said.

"I see… Then I'll see you again later."

"Wait. Before you go, I need a favor." Su Yang suddenly stopped her.

"You need a favor from me?" Wang Shuren raised her eyebrows in a pleasantly surprised manner.

He nodded and said, "I am going to consume the Hellfire Seed soon, and I need you to help me with gathering partners."

"You're going to consume the Hellfire Seed? That's reckless even for you!" Wang Shuren said with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of methods to keep it under my control."

"Then what do you mean by partners?" she then asked.

"Cultivation partners, of course. Once I consume the Hellfire Seed, my body will become uncontrollably l.u.s.tful and very energetic, and if I don't relieve that energy, my body will explode."

"You call something like that 'under your control'? And what about the disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect? You have plenty of partners there."

He shook his head and said, "They won't be enough."

"Then how many partners do you need? And what can I do to help?"

"I need at least a thousand partners, and you can help by recruiting them for me," he said.

"You want me to help you recruit partners? And a thousand of them?!" Wang Shuren's jaw dropped from shock, as she could have never imagined that such a day would come.

"Wouldn't it be easier if you did it yourself? I'm confident there is no lack of women out there who would willingly and gladly give their body to you if you asked." Wang Shuren said to him.

"Trust me, it works better when it's spread through the mouth of others instead of myself. It's not my first time doing this," he responded with a smile.

"And it's not as if I am asking you to travel around the world for this. I just need you to tell the disciples in the Burning Lotus Sect that I am currently looking for females who are willing to cultivate with me."

"Of course, I won't ask them to sacrifice their bodies for free. They'll also benefit from it."

"Are you going to pay them?" Wang Shuren raised her eyebrows in a doubtful manner.

"What? Of course not! If I am looking for p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.es, I wouldn't need your help!" Su Yang sighed.

"Sorry… But what are you going to do?"

"After consuming the Hellfire Seed, my Yang Qi will be no different from a priceless treasure as it will contain powerful spiritual energy that will greatly benefit anyone who cultivates it."

"R-Really?" Wang Shuren looked at him with wide eyes. "Will it be able to benefit someone in the Earth Spirit Realm?"

He looked at her in the eyes and nodded, "Forget about the Earth Spirit Realm. My Yang Qi will greatly benefit even those in the Heavenly Spirit Realm!"

"What?! It's that potent?! You must let me cultivate with you then!" Wang Shuren quickly said.

"Don't worry, you will be one of the few to receive it first," he chuckled at her enthusiasm.