

Chapter 148 Impregnate Me! 18+

It's been an hour since Su Yang and Wu Jinjing enclosed themselves in the room, and Qiuyue has been standing outside without moving a muscle, silently thinking about 'Immortal Fairy Su Yue'.

Su Yue, an alias Qiuyue created for herself when she first arrived in this unknown world to cope with her loneliness. It made her feel as though she was still close to Su Yang, who was the closest thing to a father she'd ever had and also someone approved by her dearest mother.

And using this alias, Qiuyue traversed this world, eventually granting herself the nickname Immortal Fairy Su Yue from the people of the Holy Central Continent due to her incomprehensible Cultivation level and fairy-like appearances.

Her profound Cultivation base rivaled Immortal Han Xin, perhaps even higher, and her beautiful that surpasses even goddesses, Qiuyue quickly and easily rose to the top of the world with no equal.

Countless experts from all sorts of power and status courted Qiuyue, hoping they'd be the lucky one, but alas, even after hundreds of years, there's not a single individual that managed to attract her gaze, much less her heart.

Eventually, Qiuyue decided that she would create another background for herself, one that would keep people from courting her, giving herself an imaginary husband named after the only man in this world that she would not mind actually being her real husband — the dead Su Yang.

She thought that not only would this help her cope with her loneliness but also make it so that his name would forever continue to live even after his death.

Of course, the men of this world did not take this news lightly and chaos reigned the Holy Central Continent for the first few months.

Many people requested to see Su Yang, her supposed husband, but Qiuyue refused any visitors, and this continued for many years.

Eventually, people gave up on courting Qiuyue, and the continent returned to be peaceful. However, not everybody had such resolution, such as Jiu Chen, who's still chasing after her even to this day, refusing to accept the fact that she was already taken because nobody's ever seen this Su Yang before.

"To think that he was still alive…" Qiuyue sighed as she stared at the plain door before her.

If she knew that there was even the slightest chance that he would find out about her alias, she would've never created such an embarrassing background for herself even if she were to die from loneliness.

However, it was too late to take back everything — a few hundred years too late. She now has no other choice but to try and hide her alias to the best of her abilities and hope Su Yang doesn't find out.

If he does find out about Su Yue, Qiuyue couldn't even imagine how she will face him from now on without wanting to cry from the embarrassment.






Inside the room surrounded, Wu Jinjing continued to release erotic moans nonstop, letting her lust run wild and without restraint.

Her mind was filled with nothing but the large rod that was thrusting in and out of her cave and the pleasure that came with it.

Her entire body was glistening with sweat, and her breathing was heavy, looking like she'd just finished running a marathon. Her elegant face was long gone and turned into one that befitted a pervert, and her twin peaks jiggled like tofu during an earthquake as Su Yang continuously pounded her inside with his rod.

Wu Jinjing could not even tell how long has passed since she's been reduced to such a state, but it was something she didn't mind and hope would last forever.

As for Su Yang, he'd obtained more than enough Yin Qi from Wu Jinjing to heal his internal injuries and fill his body with energy. In fact, he was absorbing so much Yin Qi from her that he had to activate the Celestial Body Refining Scripture earlier than expected just to control the overwhelming amount of Yin Qi that was entering his body to prevent damage to his Cultivation base.

Wu Jinjing was at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm whilst he was only at the True Spirit Realm, and only a fool would dare try to absorb her Yin Qi with such differences in Cultivation. If it weren't for the Celestial Body Refining Scripture, Su Yang's body would have surely exploded from absorbing too much Yin Qi by now.

However, because he has the Celestial Body Refining Scripture, Su Yang's Dantian was akin to a pig's stomach — a bottomless pit — hence why he's not hesitating when it comes to absorbing every last drop of Yin Qi from someone with two realms of Cultivation above him.

"With this much Yin Qi, I will be able to reach the peak of the True Spirit Realm if not breakthrough to the Earth Spirit Realm!" Su Yang happily thought to himself as he moved his hips, slamming his thick rod into Wu Jinjing's erotic body.


Suddenly, Su Yang raised an eyebrow. He lifted his gaze and went from watching Wu Jinjing's blissful expression to looking outside the window.

"About time, huh…" he thought to himself.

He then returned to looking at Wu Jinjing and said in a calm tone, "I am going to release it."

Suddenly hearing such words, Wu Jinjing's pink cave tightened even more.

"Please! Impregnate me!" Wu Jinjing said in an alluring voice that caused Su Yang's rod to tremble with delight.

Su Yang smiled and thrust his rod so hard into Wu Jinjing that it nearly sent her soul flying, releasing a load of hot Yang Qi that gushed into her body like a river.


Feeling as though she just swallowed a bowl of hot soup, Wu Jinjing released her loudest moan.

Once Su Yang released the last drop of Yang Qi, he removed his thick rod from Wu Jinjing's pink cave and said to her, "Do you have a way to seal it?"

Wu Jinjing snapped from her dazed moment and quickly retrieved a paper talisman from her storage ring and covered her bottom lip with it to prevent any leaking, tightly sealing the Yang Qi in her body.

Women would normally seal their lower hole with such talisman after intercourse so that the Yang Qi would not leak out if they really wanted to get pregnant, increasing the chances of getting fertilized.

"You actually carried around such a thing with you?" Su Yang smiled upon seeing the talisman.

After sealing herself, Wu Jinjing rubbed her stomach that was filled with warmth in an affectionate manner.

"Although I do not know if I will be pregnant after only one try, thank you, Su Yang, for giving me this opportunity..." Wu Jinjing said to him with teary eyes.

"You do not have to worry about that," he replied.

"Huh?" Wu Jinjing looked at him with wide eyes.

"I made sure to release my most vigorous Yang Qi into you, so you are almost guaranteed to get fertilized as long as you keep it sealed in you."

Indeed, not only does Su Yang have the ability to control when to ejaculate and how much Yang Qi to ejaculate, but he also has the ability to dictate what Yang Qi comes out of him! That is the result of thousands of years of dual cultivation!

"And if my body works the same as before, then you are guaranteed to have a baby."

"...Thank… Thank you… Really, thank you..."

Although Wu Jinjing did not understand his last sentence, she thanked him with tears streaming down her face.

Su Yang wiped the smile off her eyes and said in a gentle voice, "Take care of our child."

"I will! I promise!"

Even more tears appeared from her eyes after hearing such words.

A few moments later, after she calms down, Wu Jinjing said to him, "Allow me to clean you up before you dress."

Wu Jinjing then lowers her knees to the floor and began cleaning Su Yang with her mouth.

Sometime later, when she's done with cleaning him, Wu Jinjing also helps Su Yang with his robes, acting like a mother already.

Once they were fully dressed, Su Yang said to her, "You can leave first."


Wu Jinjing nodded and slowly walked to the door.

Although she said that she was going to raise the child alone, she felt reluctant to let him go in the end. But alas, she knew that such thoughts would only be a reality in her dreams.

Just as Wu Jinjing passed Su Yang, Su Yang grabbed her by the hands and pulled her into his embrace, even kissing her on the lips.


While she was surprised by his ambush, Wu Jinjing did not refuse it and gladly closed her eyes to accept it.

A few moments later, Su Yang removed his lips and said, "I know you only want my child, but if you also want me, I can make that happen."

Wu Jinjing's eyes widened with shock, and her lips trembled.

"However, I have some business to take care of right now, so I cannot take you with me for now. Although I don't know how long it will take or if I will even survive, but if you still want to be with me by that time, I will take you to my home."

Without even needing to think about it, Wu Jinjing nodded her head vigorously. "I will wait for you!" she said.

"Good… then goodbye for now…"

Su Yang gave her another hot kiss, before releasing her from his embrace and allowing her to leave.

In the end, he could not just leave her alone after having her bear his child. Although he cannot take her with him now because of the risks, he plans on coming back to this world one day after dealing with all the other problems within the Four Divine Heavens.

And even if by that time she's already moved on with her life and does not want to be with him, he will still give her his blessing, as that's what he has done in his past life and will continue doing in this life.




Once the door finally opened, Qiuyue glared at Wu Jinjing, who had returned to looking elegant and calm, with narrowed eyes filled with jealousy.

Wu Jinjing also looked at her, wondering her relationship with Su Yang.

"Excuse me, but you are blocking the way." Wu Jinjing said to Qiuyue, who was blocking the door.

"Hmph!" Qiuyue coldly snorted and allowed Wu Jinjing to pass.

After letting her pass, Qiuyue walked into the room where Su Yang was casually standing by the window with his gaze staring outside.

"They should be here any minute now," he said to her, acting as though nothing happened.

"You womanizing freak…" Qiuyue could not find the energy to be angry anymore and sighed.

Chapter 149 Rumors

Once Wu Jinjing returned to the room where her fellow disciples have been waiting for her, she prepared for the shame that was resulted from her loud moaning.

"Senior apprentice-sister Wu! Where have you been?! We thought you already left because senior apprentice-brother Zhang had long left us!"


Although she was baffled by their reaction, she did not question them.

"Did they not hear me moaning even though I was nearly screaming at the top of my lungs? How…?"

Wu Jinjing then remembered Qiuyue and the weird atmosphere that surrounded the room and understood the situation, and she silently thanked her for that.

"It's a bit sudden but I have to return to the Sect to speak with the Patriarch. I apologize for leaving early despite this celebration you all have set up for me."

"You don't have to apologize to us, senior apprentice-sister Wu."

"That's right. We should be the ones thanking you for giving us face by showing up."

After a short conversation, Wu Jinjing left the Nine Spring Hall to return to the Holy Sword Sect.

"Why do you guys think senior apprentice-sister Wu spent so long to speak with those people?"

The disciples began talking after Wu Jinjing left.

"I don't know, but for her to want to speak with the Patriarch afterward, it must be something serious."

"Senior apprentice-brother Zhang also left."

"He seemed fairly agitated, too."

"Forget it, let's just finish eating and leave. If it weren't for senior apprentice-sister Wu, we would not be sitting here on the eighth floor at the Nine Spring Hall! Let's enjoy ourselves while we can!"

"Yeah! But I won't leave until I pass out from drinking Spirit Wine!"


The room soon returned to the delightful atmosphere even and the disciples no longer cared about Su Yang's group.




Outside the Nine Spring Halls, a middle-aged man stood before the entrance with a blissful expression as he stared at the flying boat that hovered near above the restaurant.

"I have finally found them! To think that they'd come here afterward!"

After leaving the Four Seasons Academy to search for Su Yang, Elder Deng went to the nearest city, which was the Spring City, one of the largest and richest cities within the continent.

Before he'd even arrived, Elder Deng knew that his mission to find Su Yang would not be an easy one. However, just minutes after entering the Spring City, he unexpectedly noticed a familiar-looking boat floating above the famous Nine Spring Hall.

After confirming the boat was the same one used by Su Yang's group, he immediately ran towards the Nine Spring Hall.

"Welcome to the Nine Spring Hall, Senior from the esteemed Four Seasons Academy."

The young lady outside the entrance easily identified the robes he was wearing and quickly greeted him with respect.

"How many will be dining with us today, Senior?" she proceeded to ask him.

However, Elder Deng replied in a way that she did not expect.

"The group of people that owns that flying boat over there! Which floor are they on?!"

Elder Deng pointed to the flying boat above the restaurant.

The young lady looked at the boat with a puzzled expression. When did such a thing appear above the Nine Spring Hall? She did not notice it at all!

"I apologize, but I do not recognize the owners of that thing…" she said to him after a moment of silence.

"Three individuals! One handsome young man in green robes followed by two young ladies!"

Once Elder Deng described Su Yang's group, the young lady quickly remembered them, as she greeted them just a little over an hour ago.

"Oh, you mean them? I don't know exactly which floor they are on, but they should be dining on any of the first five floors. However, my partner inside should know exactly which floor they went to."

"Should I ask her for Senior?"

"Hurry up! I am in a hurry!" Elder Deng replied.

If the Nine Spring Hall did not forbid entrance to those who are not there to dine, Elder Deng would have already barged inside to look for them.

"I understand, please wait a moment."

Although the young lady was displeased by Elder Deng's attitude, she did not show it on her face and remained smiling.

Inside the Nine Spring Hall, the young lady asked her co-worker, "Do you know which floor the group with three guests that came by an hour go went? The group with the super handsome young man. There's a Sect Elder from the Four Seasons Academy outside looking for them."

The worker inside the Nine Spring Hall immediately understood who the young lady was referring to the instant she heard 'handsome young man' and 'three individuals'.

"Eighth floor," she replied in a nonchalant manner.

"What?!" The young lady exclaimed in shock. "How could they be on the eighth floor?! I gave them a yellow pass, you know! Did you screw up?"

"Of course, I know! And I also have a bone to pick with you because you gave them a yellow pass! You nearly robbed me of my job here because of that! How dare you accuse me of screwing up when you are the one who screwed up big time!"

"What?! You must be joking! How did I screw up by giving them a yellow pass?"

"You really are clueless, huh? They had a recommendation from Immortal Fairy Su Yue!"

"Immortal Fairy Su Yue?! Impossible! Why didn't they show it to me when I asked if they had any recommendations?! It's definitely fake!"

"Even if you say that, Master Jiu already confirmed its authenticity and even spoke with them."

The young lady then recalled Su Yang telling her his surname, and her complexion instantly paled upon realizing how badly she screwed up.

"Su! He told me his surname as a hint to his true background, yet I have failed to realize it! How foolish of me!"

The young lady nearly dropped to her knees after making up her own reasoning, when in fact, Su Yang did not have such intentions.

"That young man must be Immortal Fairy Su Yue's child! Only someone as peerless as her could give birth to such a handsome young man!"

"Now that you mention it… no wonder why we didn't recognize him! Although we all know Immortal Fairy Su Yue, nobody knows anything about her family besides the name of her husband!"

"This is huge news! Immortal Fairy Su Yue's son has finally appeared!"

"Anyways, hurry up and notify him that someone from the Four Seasons Academy is here to look for him!"

The worker nodded and ran upstairs to notify Su Yang. Meanwhile, the other young lady went back outside to speak to Elder Deng.

"Well? Which floor are they on? And can I go inside already? I have important matters with them."

"Uhh… they are on the eighth floor, but before I allow you inside, we must ask them for permission first, as guests on that floor are special…"

"What?! Eighth floor?! But you just said—"

Elder Deng was shocked to learn of such news. Only extremely important individuals are allowed on the eighth floor, and they are usually people with power only slightly below that of people like the Matriarch of his Four Seasons Academy that can enter the ninth floor. As a matter of fact, even Elder Deng himself can only go as high as seven floors.

"I am here on behalf of the Four Season Academy's Matriarch!" he tried to pressure her.

"The Matriarch!" The young lady was surprised, no doubt.

However, when she takes into account the status of Immortal Fairy Su Yue's son, then even the Matriarch of one of the Three Ancient Academy seem nothing in comparison.

"Even if you say that… I'm afraid that I cannot allow you inside without his permission."


Elder Deng was speechless, but he didn't continue to trouble her, as the Nine Spring Hall has countless backers, so it would be unwise to offend them too much even if he's from the Four Seasons Academy.

Inside the Nine Spring Hall, when the worker reached the room Su Yang's group was staying, she knocked on the door with respect.

"Excuse me, there's—"

"Let him inside."

Su Yang's voice casually responded before the worker was able to finish her sentence, almost like he was expecting it.

"R-Right away!"

The worker did not dare to linger and immediately ran back downstairs to get Elder Deng.

"Please, come with me. Esteemed guest is expecting you."

Elder Deng, who had been waiting outside anxiously nodded and followed her to the eighth floor.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Su Yang welcomed Elder Deng into the room with a smug look and sarcastic voice.


Elder Deng felt like punching him in the face already but quickly resisted.

"What business do you have with me after kicking me away? Be sure to make it quick, as we're trying to eat here," said Su Yang as he sat on the edge of the window.

"Eat?" Elder Deng looked at the empty room with a frown.

"You know why I am here. I did as you requested and showed the Matriarch the paper you gave me!"

"Hm? But that's the exact opposite of what you told me." Su Yang continued to act dumb, purposefully trying to tick him off for wasting his time before.

"The Matriarch, after reading the contents, would like to speak with you."

Elder Deng, although annoyed, managed to stay calm and ignore his provoking.

"Sorry, but can you come back after we finish eating?"


Elder Deng was speechless again.

"How can you still act like this after sharing the recipe for the Soul Divination Pill with someone? The Four Seasons Academy no less? Do you have any idea what that pill means to our Sect?"

Su Yang smiled, and he said, "It's because I knew that, that I shared the recipe with you guys."

He then approached Elder Deng, but he didn't stop even after passing him.

Elder Deng was puzzled by his actions. Where is he going?

Su Yang, after reaching the doors, turned to him and spoke, "What are you waiting for? Are you still trying to waste more time?"

Elder Deng realized what this meant and quickly followed him.

When they reached the first floor, the worker gave Su Yang looks of admiration for some reason, almost like she was looking at her crush.

Su Yang noticed this but ignored it.

Once they left the Nine Spring Hall, Su Yang and Qiuyue rode on the flying boat whilst Elder Deng jumped on a flying sword and began flying towards the Four Seasons Academy.

Flying swords, despite having the same purpose as flying treasures, are actually not really flying treasures. They are just normal weapons enchanted with Profound Qi that allows for better control and less weight, allowing Cultivators to levitate them with ease, even soaring the sky with them.

And unlike flying treasures that require minimal Profound Qi to operate, flying swords demands more focus and a large amount of Profound Qi to maintain its flight status. The speed flying swords can achieve also depends on how much Profound Qi it consumes, so the faster one wants to fly, the more taxing it'll be on the Cultivator.

"The speed of that flying treasure is really ludicrous no matter how much I look at it… Just where does one get something like that?"

Elder Deng wondered as he exhausts his entire Cultivation base just to keep up with them. If he knew that they are using not even a tenth of its maximum speed, he would surely fall off the flying sword from shock.

It only took a few minutes since they left the Spring City, but once they reached the Four Seasons Academy, Elder Deng led them straight to the Matriarch.

The disciples of the Four Seasons Academy would look at Su Yang and his handsome appearance, wondering who they were and why Elder Deng was with them, and more than just a few females blushed when he walked past them.

Meanwhile, a new rumor began to spread within the Holy Central Continent, saying that Immortal Fairy Su Yue's son had appeared within Spring City!

Chapter 150 Lecture Hall

Inside a room filled with high-standing Sect Elders with profound Cultivation bases at the Four Seasons Academy, Su Yang stood before the Matriarch with a calm expression, feeling no pressure at all despite being surrounded by so many powerful individuals.

"He is the one who gave Elder Deng the recipe for the Soul Divination Pill? He's so young..."

The Matriarch looked at Su Yang with an odd gaze. Although she'd already heard of him beforehand from Elder Deng, it was still a bit surprising to see him in person.

To be this calm and composed when he's in the presence of this many experts and even the Matriarch of the Four Seasons Academy, he must be really confident that nothing bad could happen to him even in such a situation.

"I will get straight to the point." The Matriarch retrieved the Soul Divination Pill recipe and said, "Who are you and what do you want to achieve by giving us this paper?"

"The Soul Divination Pill was a gift from Immortal Han Xin, who was a close friend of the Sect's founder, shortly after the Four Seasons Academy was created. Additionally, as far as we know, only one of this pill exists in this world. In other words, it's a one-of-a-kind priceless treasure."

"We have been trying to recreate this pill ever since we received it, but alas, we are not even close to our goal after so many hundreds of years."

"Yet, out of nowhere, a young man, whom nobody recognizes, appears with the recipe for the Soul Divination Pill…"

"What do you want from us?"

The entire room went silent after the Matriarch finished her words. Everybody in the room had their eyes on Su Yang and Qiuyue.

Although it did not show on their faces, they were all anxiously waiting for Su Yang to speak — the Matriarch included.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang smiled and spoke, "What I want is really simple — your Soul Divination Pill."

Hearing his words, other than a slight sigh, the Matriarch did not show many reactions.

"So you were expecting it, huh."

The Matriarch nodded, and said, "Indeed, but unfortunately, I will not be able to respond to your request."

"There are two one reason why you'd need the Soul Divination Pill despite having the recipe to make it. One, you do not have the capability to make it yourself, and two, the recipe is not real."

At this point, the Matriarch narrowed her gaze on Su Yang with a serious expression.

"If it's the latter reason, no matter what background you have behind you, I will surely have you pay for this stunt!"


The room returned to being silent, but the atmosphere had changed entirely.

Su Yang could feel an invisible pressure bear down on him. If the next few words that come out of his mouth is not what they wish to hear, there's no doubt that they will attack him there and then.

However, in response, Su Yang actually began laughing out loud, far from the expectations of everyone there.

"And unfortunately for you, both of your reasons are wrong," he said with a grin.

"What did you say?" The Matriarch and everybody in the room frowned at his words. If he had the capability to make the pill and had the recipe, then what is he doing here, asking them for the Soul Divination Pill?

"The only reason I am here is simply because it takes too much time to collect all of the ingredients and making it myself! It's a hassle!" He said in a clear voice, dumbfounding everyone there.


The people there almost couldn't believe their ears. He's willing to give away such a precious recipe just because it's a hassle to make it himself? Unbelievable! It would be one thing if he owned the recipe, but the people there were almost certain that it belonged to his family! Talk about being a black sheep for the family!

After a moment of silence from being speechless, the Matriarch said, "E-Even if you say that, I'm afraid that I will not be able to give you the Soul Divination Pill, as it was given our Ancestor by the exalted Immortal Han Xin. To give away his gift is akin to discarding his goodwill and slapping his face."

"Haaa… so it has come to this… How unfortunate." Su Yang sighed, giving the people there a bad feeling in their guts.

"W-What are you going to do?" The Matriarch asked in an anxious tone.

"Instead of the Soul Divination Pill, I want all the ingredients on that list I gave you — I will be making it myself. That you should be able to fulfill, right?"

"So that's what he meant!" The Matriarch exclaimed inwardly.

She then looked at the paper for a few seconds.

"Very well," she finally said, "But it will take a few days of time to prepare for a few of the ingredients, as some of them are quite rare even for a Sect as big as us."

Su Yang quickly nodded. He could use these few days to Cultivate the massive amount of Yin Qi he'd absorbed from Wu Jinjing and breakthrough to the Earth Spirit Realm. If he allows this much Yin Qi to stay inside his Dantian for too long it could easily damage his entire Cultivation base, so it would be wiser to convert the Yin Qi to Profound Qi while he has the time.

"If you want, we can also prepare a room for you for the time being," she added.

"I would appreciate that," Su Yang had no reason to refuse such an offer.

"Good, then I shall start the preparations. Until then, you may take a look around our Four Seasons Academy with one of our Elders to pass time."

"A Sect that specializes in Alchemy, huh…"

Although Su Yang does not care about Alchemy as much as the sword, it holds a special place in his heart, as it reminds him of one of his best friends in the Four Divine Heavens.

"I shall also accept that offer," he said with a smile on his face.


The Matriarch then looked at Elder Deng and said, "Go ahead and give our little friend here a tour around our home and make sure nobody causes trouble for him. This is a direct order. Anyone who disobeys will be hearing from me directly, you hear?"

She spoke in a way that made it seem as though there would certainly be someone who would cause trouble for Su Yang. Or perhaps she was worried that Su Yang might cause trouble and wanted Elder Deng to keep an eye on him just in case he doesn't do anything suspicious.

"Yes, Matriarch!"

Elder Deng, despite feeling reluctant to stay around Su Yang any longer, swiftly accepted his mission.

After exchanging a few more sentences about the preparations, Elder Deng led Su Yang and Qiuyue out of the room and began showing them around the Four Seasons Academy.

Once they were gone, the room that had been silent the entire time suddenly turned lively.

"Matriarch, are you sure that we can trust someone like him? What if he has ulterior motives?"

"Supreme Elder is right, Matriarch. We still have no clue where he came from, much less his identity. What if he wishes to harm our Sect?"

Complaints and logical worries were brought up the instant Su Yang left the room.

"We should pressure him into giving us more information before we give him so many precious resources. He may have looked compose just now, but if we—"

"Enough!" The Matriarch raised her hands, and she continued once the room returned to being peaceful.

"You guys have been focusing on that young man too much… It's not him I'm worried about but the young lady that was behind him like some kind of bodyguard."

"What? That young lady? What of her?"

The people there were puzzled. None of them had been paying attention to Qiuyue because of Su Yang's vast presence in the room. Hell, most of them thought she was only his servant.

"That young man's Cultivation base was at the early True Spirit Realm, and I can tell that it's his real Cultivation. As for that young lady behind him… I couldn't even sense her presence despite her standing right before my very eyes, almost like I was looking at a ghost!"

"And the way she stared at me… it was as if she was warning me to not make rash decisions."

"Now that you mention it! I also couldn't see her Cultivation base!"

The Sect Elders expressed shock once they realized it, too. Because Qiuyue looked so plain to them that they casually neglected her existence, solely focusing on Su Yang, who seemed to be the one in charge.

The Matriarch sighed and continued, "Haaaa… either her ability to disguise herself is truly that heaven-defying, or she's… at a level where even I, a peak Sovereign Spirit Realm expert, cannot see even a little bit of her Cultivation base."

"That's impossible! The Matriarch is one of the only three Sovereign Spirit Realm in this entire continent, someone at the apex of Cultivation! How could some random be—"

"Apex of Cultivation?" The Matriarch suddenly laughed out loud, dumbfounding the Sect Elders.

"Forget about me, even that old man at the Holy Sword Sect would not dare to say that he's at the apex of Cultivation! Not when 'she' is here!"

When she mentioned the Patriarch of the Holy Sword Sect, she did not say it because of his status but because of his Cultivation base that was at the 1st level of the Divine Spirit Realm, who is also considered to be at the limit of the Mortal Realm.

"She… you mean…"

The Sect Elders immediately recognized who the Matriarch was talking about despite the impossibly vague description.

"That's right! Immortal Fairy Su Yue, who has long surpassed the limits of a mortal, surpassing even Immortal Han Xin in terms of Cultivation! She is the only other individual in this world that has a Cultivation base which I cannot see at all!"

"Then are you saying that… the young lady has a Cultivation base similar to Immortal Su Yue?"

The Sect Elders began sweating once they thought of such a possibility.

Just the existence of Immortal Su Yue is already enough to turn this entire world's power balance upside down; they cannot imagine having another with similar strength.

The Matriarch shook her head and said, "I would not go that far, but I will also not deny that such a possibility could be possible."

"In the end, it's for the best that we don't offend them. Even if there is only a slight possibility that they are a group with such devastating prowess, we cannot afford to make this gamble, or else our thousand years foundation may crumble overnight!"


The Sect Elders there nodded viciously. None of them were stupid enough to make a gamble like this.

"For now, we should focus on preparing the ingredients on this list so that he could leave as soon as possible."

The Sect Elders all nodded in agreement.




"This is the Lecture Hall. Sect Elders would appear here once a week to give lectures to the disciples so they can gain enlightenment."

Elder Deng pointed to the large open area ahead of them. Currently, the Lecture Hall is crowded with disciples that numbered in the hundreds with a single Sect Elder in the front while sitting before a large cauldron, seemingly in the process of concocting a pill.

Compared to the Profound Blossom Sect's Lecture Hall that is always empty with barely any Sect Elders giving lectures, the atmosphere in this place is completely different.

Su Yang stopped walking to look at the Lecture Hall in the distance — the cauldron to be precise.

"Are you interested in the pill he's concocting?" Elder Deng asked him after seeing him stare at the Lecture Hall.

"Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill," Su Yang suddenly said.

"Excuse me?" Elder Deng looked at him with questioning eyes.

But Su Yang ignored him and continued, "Judging by the smell, it should come out with around 80% purity, so a medium quality pill at best."


By this point, Elder Deng could only stand there with a stupefied expression.

"E-Excuse me… I will be right back."

After saying that he ran towards the Lecture Hall, leaving Su Yang standing there in the distance.

Chapter 151 You Are Challenging Me?

At the Lecture Hall, Elder Deng watched the Sect Elder at the front from a distance with a serious expression on his face.

The other disciples quickly noticed his presence and tried to greet him, but upon seeing his expression, they all acted as though they didn't even see him.

"What am I getting all worked up for? There's no way he can foresee the results of a pill just from the smell alone…"

Although he thought that, Elder Deng still had doubts in his head.

The process of creating a pill is profound and almost incomprehensible to those that are not Alchemy Masters and requires countless hours of practice to concoct even the simplest of pills.

Making a single pill requires dozens of different and rare herbs. These herbs are then grounded together and melted into liquid before solidifying it into a pill, and with some profound pill requiring over hundreds of different ingredients, it is almost impossible to guess a pill without looking at the ingredients first. However, it is not entirely an impossible task, as some of the peak Alchemy Masters of this world has such ability but only for low-grade pills such as Elementary-grade and Profound-grade Pills.

As for the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill, it is an Earth-grade Pill that could almost completely restore an exhausted Dantian of even Earth Spirit Realm experts. In other words, it's far from being a low-grade pull.

Even with their enhanced senses as Cultivators, even the best Alchemy Masters in the Holy Continent would not be able to guess an Earth-grade pill being made just by the smell, much less some kid at the True Spirit Realm.

However, what's even more impossible than guessing the pill would be telling the outcome of the pill's quality, and such a feat is unheard of in the world of Alchemy.




While Elder Deng pondered about what Su Yang said, the Sect Elder behind the cauldron has finally completed the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill after five hours of sweating and effort.

After taking a deep breath, the Sect Elder opened the cauldron to let the smoke out before taking out a white pill to show the astounded audience.

"It'd only taken Elder Li five short hours to concoct an Earth-grade pill! Truly amazing!"

"Not to mention the quality of the pill! Look at it! There are only a few dark spots on the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill! It means—"

Before the disciple could talk about the pill's quality, Elder Deng, who had been patiently waiting in the back, rushed forward and jumped to the front to stand beside Elder Li, greatly surprising him.

"Elder Deng! You nearly gave me a heart attack with that grand entrance!" Elder Li said while wiping the sweat off his face.

He then continued after seeing Elder Deng stare at his pill with a serious expression, "Is there something wrong with the pill?"

Elder Li didn't notice anything wrong with the pill when he retrieved it from the cauldron, but since Elder Deng's superior in Alchemy, he wanted to make sure.

However, Elder Deng did not respond to him even after many moments, only looking at his pill with a shocked expression that seemed to be frozen in time.

"Uhhh… Elder Deng?" Elder Li started to feel anxious from the silence. Did he screw up the pill that badly? To the point where it shocked Elder Deng to this extent? And in front of this many disciples? His reputation would also be screwed at this rate!

"80%! It's quality really is 80%! Impossible! It must be some kind of trick! How did he do it?! And from such a distance! Does he have the nose of a dog?!"

Elder Li watched with a dumbfounded expression as Elder Deng spew what sounded like nonsense to himself nonstop.

In Elder Deng's eyes, he'd just witnessed someone achieve something that was thought to be impossible by all Alchemy Masters.

A few seconds later, watched by everybody there, Elder Deng jumped off the platform and returned to Su Yang without explaining anything to Elder Li, leaving him profoundly puzzled.

"Who are those two?"

When the disciples there noticed Su Yang and Qiuyue, they quickly began mumbling in curiosity, as their Sect rarely have any guests.

"Hey, do you see that young man?"

"You'd have to be blind to miss someone as dazzling as him!"

"He's so handsome. I can even feel his calm demeanor from all the way over here. Where do you think he's from?"

Though, the females' voice far exceeded that of the males there for obvious reasons, causing a few of them to be upset from envy.

"I don't recognize his robes but they are clearly robes for disciples."

"To be accompanied by Elder Deng himself, he must be some bigshot…"

"If he's that famous, then how come nobody here recognizes him?"

The disciples no longer paid attention to the lecture and instead focused on the mysterious guest.

"How did you do it?" Elder Deng asked Su Yang with a serious face after returning to him.

"How did I do what?" Su Yang replied with a question of his own.

"Don't act stupid now! How did you know that it would come out as medium quality Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill? There's no way that you could've found out beforehand, but it's even more impossible for you to have guessed its outcome by the smell alone!"

"Ah, that?" Su Yang casually said, "What? You can't even do something as simple as that? The Alchemy Masters in this place are more inferior than I'd expected then."

"What did you say?!"

Su Yang's words easily angered Elder Deng, someone who takes great pride in his status as an Alchemy Master. Not just Elder Deng, but if anybody else there had heard his words, they too, would be fuming with anger right now. Su Yang basically called the entire Four Seasons Academy inexperienced, after all.

However, in Su Yang's eyes, his ability to deduct the quality of a pill before it's even finished is considered common practice within the Four Divine Heavens, so he was truly surprised to find out that this 'great' Four Seasons Academy couldn't do something as simple as that.

"Take back your words just now! You can insult me all you like but I will not allow you to speak badly of the Four Seasons Academy like this!"

Su Yang understood why Elder Deng was angry, but he only smiled, and said, "Or else?"


Elder Deng turned silent for a moment before saying, "Since you think so lowly of the Alchemy Masters in this place, you must be very confident of your own abilities. If you think you are really that good, then you wouldn't mind competing with one of our disciples, right? Or do you only have the ability to smell?"

"You are challenging me with Alchemy?" Su Yang suddenly burst out laughing.

"Good… Good! I will take on that challenge." He easily agreed.

Although Elder Deng was surprised that he had accepted his challenge so easily, he still smiled upon hearing him agree.

"In order to make it fair, we will make your opponent around the same age as you," he then asked. "How old are you?"

"You don't need to give me a handicap." Su Yang casually said. "I won't complain even if you were to participate yourself."

Elder Deng frowned. "You want to compete with me? Hmph! Just because you have a good nose does not qualify you to face me!" he coldly snorted. "Who knows what your actual abilities are?"

After another moment, he continued, "But since you are so confident, I will allow you to see what the geniuses of our Four Seasons Academy are capable of!"

Elder Deng then turned to look at the crowd of disciples by the Lecture Hall and called out a name, "Qing Shan, come over here!"

When the disciples heard Qing Shan's name being called out by Elder Deng, they all exchanged surprised looks with each other, wondering why Elder Deng would be calling for her now.

A few moments after Elder Deng called for this Qing Shan, an elegant beauty with a calming demeanor walked out of the crowd and approached him.

This beauty looked to be in her early twenties and the way she moves her body as she walked gave off an enchanting feeling, causing many of the male disciples there to stare at her with loose jaws and lustful eyes.

When she arrived in front of them, she gave a quick glance at Su Yang before greeting Elder Deng.

"Disciple Qing greets Sect Elder Deng."

Elder Deng accepted her graceful greeting with a bright smile and said, "This may be sudden, but I'd like you to participate in a little event. It's nothing important, so you don't have to worry too much about it."

"A little event?" she looked at him with her eyebrows raised. Out of all of the disciples at the Lecture Hall, she was the one he decided to call for this little task? When was the last time anybody had asked her to do something that was of little importance? She couldn't even remember!

"That's right. I'd like you to participate in a small showdown with this gentleman over here." Elder Deng pointed to Su Yang and continue, "This gentleman over here does not have a good grasp of our Four Seasons Academy, so I figured that we should show him a little of what we are capable of…"

Qing Shan had a good idea of the meaning behind Elder Deng's words, and she turned to look at Su Yang again.

"True Spirit Realm… You want me, who is at the fifth level Heavenly Spirit Realm, to fight him? Is this a joke, Sect Elder Deng?"

Elder Deng quickly waved his hands and laughed, "Of course not! I will have the two of you create a pill of my choosing under a time limit. The one with the best quality pill will be the victor."

However, Qing Shan still looked unhappy, and she said, "Even if it's only Alchemy, it still wouldn't be fair at all for him if I were to be his competitor. He is at the True Spirit Realm, and the highest grade of pills he'd be able to make with that Cultivation base are Profound-grade pills. It wouldn't be challenging at all if I were to make Profound-grade pills."

Although she didn't say it out loud, Qing Shan simply couldn't take Su Yang seriously as her competitor. How could a mere nobody compete with her, Core Disciples of the Four Seasons Academy in Alchemy? Even if she isn't the best within the Sect, her abilities are still top-notch, and not just within the Four Seasons Academy but the entire continent.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, Su Yang burst out laughing, dumbfounding the two.

"What's so funny?" Qing Shan asked with a frown on her elegant face.

"Nothing much," he said while still chuckling. "It's just that you remind me of someone I know. Acting all humble when it comes to Alchemy but you're full of arrogance inside, thinking that nobody is worth your time. Ahhh… this is great…"

"What did you just say?"

What Su Yang said had struck anger right in Qing Shan's heart, as his words were too true. While she indeed showed humbleness when speaking out loud, she was thinking inwardly that it'd only be a waste of time to compete with a nobody like Su Yang.

"I also find Profound-grade pills a tad bit boring, so why don't we kick it up a notch and concoct the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill for the challenge?"

Qing Shan smiled slightly upon hearing his words, and she said a moment later. "Elder Deng, this challenge, I accept!" Her heart was filled with discomfort. Nobody besides Su Yang has dared to speak to her in such a way ever since she was born, and she wasn't going to allow him to leave without being subjected to the same humiliation she'd just experienced if not even more.

Elder Deng, knowing that the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill is one of Qing Shan's specialties nearly burst out laughing and said, "Good! This challenge shall take place over there at the Lecture Hall for all the disciples to witness! We will begin once we finish preparing the stage!"

"I will make you regret choosing me as your competitor!" Qing Shan said as she walked away to prepare herself.

Su Yang only smiled at her words and casually walked towards the Lecture Hall.

Chapter 152 Concocting Pills

"What's going on?"

The disciples at the Lecture Hall looked around with confused expressions as Elder Deng brought a second cauldron onto the stage alongside enough ingredients to make two Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pills.

"Are they doing more lectures today?" asked one disciple.

"No, not that I am aware of any."

A few moments later, Elder Deng turned to face the crowd and began to speak, "A few minutes from now there will be a small competition between an honored guest and one of our own, Core Disciple Qing Shan, and you are all welcomed to bear witness of such event!"

His announcement instantly raised the crowd's excitement and caused the atmosphere to turn lively, and many disciples began appearing from every direction to witness this spectacle.

"We get to witness senior apprentice-sister Qing concocting pill? This is an extremely rare sight that I cannot afford to miss!"

"Could the guest be that handsome young man just now? He can also concoct pills?"

"If senior apprentice-sister Qing has agreed to compete with him, then his ability as an Alchemy Master must be quite remarkable!"

"He's not only handsome but also capable… Ah… I wonder if he's taken yet."

Many minutes later when they finished setting up the stage, Su Yang casually walked up and picked one of the two cauldrons to sit down. Beside him was a small table that had just enough ingredients to concoct a single Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill.

There are no rooms for errors during this competition, as a single mishap, even the slightest, could easily render the entire pill useless.

Sometime later, Qing Shan also showed up on the stage, but she was not wearing her normal sect clothes but robes made specifically for pill concoction. Because Alchemy Masters usually sweat buckets during the process, robes that could absorb all that sweat were made.

Before Qing Shan sat down, she looked at Su Yang's relaxed face and spoke, "Don't worry, I will wipe that arrogance off your face real soon."

Su Yang did not reply to her and only smiled slightly.

Once both Qing Shan and Su Yang were seated behind a cauldron and the crowd was quiet, Elder Deng stood in the middle of the stage and said, "The two on the stage will be competing with each other with the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill as their goal. Whoever achieves the highest quality in the end result will win, and they will have four hours to complete the task."

"It does not matter if one finishes faster than the other — if both of them are able to complete the pill within the allotted time, I will announce the winner based on the quality of the pill. If one of them burns the ingredient at any time during the process, it will be considered as a loss."

"If neither of them are able to finish the pill within the allotted time or they burn the ingredients during the match, it will result in a tie."

Elder Deng quickly explained the rules to the crowd.

"Only four hours? Even Elder Li took five hours to complete the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill, yet they are given only four hours?" One of the newer disciples said with a surprised look.

"This is senior apprentice-sister Qing that we are talking about! She has concocted the same pill in under three hours before, much less four hours! I'm sure that Elder Deng had increased the time because of that young man!"

"It's too late to back down now!" Qing Shan said to Su Yang, who looked a bit baffled by the rules, with a smug look on her face.

"F-Four hours?" Su Yang was indeed a bit shocked by the rules. He didn't think that they would be given four whole hours to concoct a mere Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill! In his eyes, it was no different than taking an hour to boil an egg!

"I have to sit here for four hours or at least until she's finished?" Su Yang began regretting accepting the challenge but for all the wrong reasons.

"Are both of you ready?" Elder Deng turned to ask them after announcing the rules.

Qing Shan eagerly nodded whilst Su Yang nodded while yawning.


Su Yang, who was seeming uninterested in the event before it even started irritated Qing Shan even further, but because she was about to concoct an Earth-grade pill she forced herself to ignore him and clear her mind.

"That arrogance! I will surely wipe it off your face!" She thought to herself before grabbing the ingredients beside her to inspect each and every single one of them.

Although they were prepared by her own Sect and was guaranteed to be fresh, Qing Shan still decided to inspect them by herself, as any decent Alchemy Master should be cautious even with the simplest things.

There were twenty-eight different herbs and medicine required to concoct the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill, and it had taken Qing Shan over ten minutes just to look over them.

Once she confirmed that there was no fault with the ingredients and they were clean, she proceeded to take half an hour to grind the herbs one by one with the grinder on the other side of her.

Just the beginning steps have taken almost an hour from her limited four, yet she hasn't even begun to concoct the pill. However, Qing Shan was neither feeling worried or rushed, as her movements were slow and elegant, almost like she was performing an artistic performance.

After all the ingredients are grounded to powder, she began to heat up the cauldron by creating flames with her Profound Qi and controlling it so the cauldron does not become too hot too fast or take too long to heat up.

Controlling the flames is considered to be the most difficult part to Alchemy by almost every Alchemy Master out there, especially during the creation of the pill, so one would normally engulf themselves in controlling the flames and thinking about nothing else.

Meanwhile, Su Yang only casually sat there with his eyes closed, looking almost like he's asleep. Ever since the competition started, Su Yang closed his eyes and hasn't moved a single muscle since then.

"This little brat! He's clearly trying to mock both of us by not taking this seriously!"

This greatly angered Elder Deng, who thought he was simply fooling around and not taking his challenge seriously, but he resisted the urge to approach him and decided to wait until the entire thing's over before letting him have a piece of his mind.

However, in truth, Su Yang was actually awake, and he was Cultivating at that. Because he didn't want to waste any more time he decided to use these few hours to Cultivate the Yin Qi in his Dantian. Even if he does not manage to Cultivate all of the Yin Qi, he will at least relieve some of the pressure on his body.

A little over an hour into the match, when Qing Shan finally finished heating up her cauldron, she used what little free time she had to peek at Su Yang to see what he was doing, and to her surprise, he was actually Cultivating without a care in the world! The ingredients beside him looked untouched, so he clearly hasn't even started to concoct the pill yet!

"This bastard! He's clearly doing this just to mock me!"

Su Yang's actions made Qing Shan feel anger that she has never experienced before. However, despite her anger, she did not outright stop the concocting her pill to yell at him. Instead, she decided to focus on completing the pill first. At this point, she no longer considered this as a competition with Su Yang but a showcase of her skills to her fellow disciples.

Once the cauldron was heated enough, Qing Shan picked up one of the many grounded ingredients beside her and threw it into the cauldron before quickly closing the lid and returning to controlling the flames.

A few minutes later, Qing Shan opened the lid back up to throw another grounded herb inside the cauldron, and she repeated this process for the next two hours.

With her entire body soaked in sweat, Qing Shan had her entire focus on the cauldron before her. She was so fixated on creating the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill that she'd already forgotten all about Su Yang and the match. In her mind right now there is nothing besides the cauldron and the pill that was slowly forming inside.

"Almost there…"

After a few more minutes, Qing Shan's eyes flashed with a profound light, and she slapped the cauldron lid open, causing a billow of dark grey smoke to emerge from the cauldron.

This grey smoke did not mean that Qing Shan had burned her pill. Instead, it meant that she was successful in extracting the impurity within the pill.

"So much impurity! It should be at least a medium quality pill!" Elder Deng smiled upon seeing the grey smoke being released into the sky.

Once all the smoke dissipated into the air, Qing Shan opened her palm to catch the pill that left the cauldron itself, almost like it was controlled by an invisible hand.

Qing Shan looked at the white pill with only a tiny number of grey spots in her hand with a satisfied smile before giving it to Elder Deng for inspection.

"90% quality! It's a high-quality pill!"

When Elder Deng announced the result to the crowd, almost every disciple there shouted in excitement.

"As expected from one of the best Alchemists in our Sect, senior apprentice-sister Qing!"

"Not only did she concoct an Earth-grade pill in under four hours but it also came out as a high-quality pill!"

Under the crowd's cheering, Qing Shan turned to look at Su Yang, who was still sitting there with his eyes closed.

However, before she could open her mouth to speak, Su Yang's eyes snapped open, and within his gaze flickered with profound lights.

"Although I was only able to Cultivate half of the stored Yin Qi, my Cultivate base has soared to the peak of the True Spirit Realm! Once I Cultivate the rest, there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to enter the Earth Spirit Realm!"

Su Yang then looked at Qing Shan and the pill in Elder Deng's grasp and spoke, "Hm? You are finally done?"


A vein of anger appeared on Qing Shan's smooth forehead upon hearing his casual tone, but before she could say anything, Su Yang moved his hands and directly tossed all twenty-eight herbs into the cauldron, dumbfounding everybody there.

"What the hell is he doing? He still thinks he has enough time to concoct a pill?"

"What a disappointment. I thought he was some kind of genius, but he turned out to be a fool."

The disciples expressed their discontent with him loudly.

However, Su Yang did not stop moving and closed the lid once all of the herbs were inside the cauldron.

He then waved his sleeves, causing a ring of flames to surround the cauldron.

When Qing Shan and Elder Deng saw how casually he controlled the flame and felt its perfect temperature, their eyes widened with shock and their jaws loosened slightly, and they stood there frozen like statues made of stone.

But not even a moment later, the flame suddenly expanded, engulfing the entire cauldron in flames.

"He really is an idiot! If he uses such strong flames, the ingredients inside will burn within seconds!"

"He didn't even grind the herbs before throwing them inside the cauldron…"

"His effort is like someone rushing to finish his work the last second after slacking for the entire day…"

Not even a minute later, Su Yang retrieved the flame and slapped the lid off the cauldron. The next second, a billow of pitch black smoke could be seen escaping the cauldron.

"Hahaha! Look! He really did burn it!"

"What a fool!"

"No… this is…"

While the disciples mocked Su Yang, both Elder Deng and Qing Shan had other thoughts racing through their heads. They were unable to smell the smell of any burning herbs, so the black smoke could not have been caused by burning. However, they have never seen anything like this before, so what's the meaning of this?

"Go ahead," Su Yang casually said to Elder Deng with a smile. "Inspect it."


Elder Deng forcefully swallowed his saliva and slowly approached the cauldron with trembling legs, his heart filled with an ominous feeling.

Chapter 153 Sudden Aggression

Elder Deng's heart raced a little bit faster with each step he takes toward the cauldron emitting the black smoke. His nerves were wrecked from all that's going inside his head right now.

Although he has never seen black smoke during a pill's creation before, he certainly has read about it in ancient scrolls.

"Impossible! There's no way a kid like him could achieve something from the legends — a flawless-quality pill!"

Elder Deng kept telling himself that such a young man could not possibly be able to achieve what every Alchemy Master in this world is currently striving for — a pill with 0% impurity — a flawless-quality pill, but alas, there's only one reason why the cauldron was emitting black smoke whilst not burning anything inside.

"If what the records say is true, then…"

Once Elder Deng reached the front of the cauldron, he slowly reached inside to retrieve the pill.

"This is — !"

However, before he could even take it out of the cauldron to see the color of the pill, his hands felt something extremely round and smooth, something akin to jade.

Once he grasped onto the smooth object, Elder Deng slowly retrieved his hands while trying his hardest to not drop the pill in his hands due to his uncontrollable trembling.

When he fully pulled his hand out of the cauldron, Elder Deng slowly opened his closed fist to see the object in his hands.

"T-T-This is a pill?!?! Impossible!"

A loud voice that was filled with shock suddenly echoed within the Lecture Hall, but the voice did not belong to Elder Deng. Instead, it was Qing Shan who had screamed just now.

Qing Shan was pointing to the milky white pill on Elder Deng's palm that did not have even the slightest sign of impurity when she screamed. It was entirely white, almost as if the pill was made from milk instead of herbs filled with natural impurities.

"What else could it be?" Su Yang said.

He then looked at the pill she made and continued, "You were close — only 10% inferior to mine."


Qing Shen's eyes widened even more after hearing his words.

"You are trying to claim that the pill you made is 100% quality without even the slightest impurity? How laughable! Such a thing simply isn't possible!"

"Maybe in your Dao of Alchemy it is impossible." Su Yang smiled.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Your character is breaking, humble lady." Su Yang continued in a mocking tone.


Qing Shan was speechless. Just who is she dealing with? She has never felt such pressure from someone before!

Meanwhile, Elder Deng was seriously inspecting the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill made by Su Yang with his face so close to the pill that his eyeballs are nearly touching the pill.

Once he confirmed that the pill indeed had zero impurities, his hands began trembling even stronger than before, almost like there was an ongoing earthquake.

"100% quality… flawless… It's a flawless-quality pill from the legends!"

Not just Qing Shan but when everybody there heard the word 'flawless-quality pill' and Elder Deng's trembling voice, their minds went blank; it was as if they weren't able to comprehend such words and had to turn off their mind to prevent getting a headache.

The majority if not all of the disciples there have never heard of a flawless-quality pill until today, so it was no wonder why they could only stare at the pill on Elder Deng's palms as if they were looking at an object that defied all logic.

To create a flawless quality pill is to concoct a pill without even a speck of impurity, which is deemed impossible by Alchemy Masters all over the world because it was simply impractical to remove every speck of impurity that dwelled within the ingredients used to concoct the pill.

Concocting a pill is similar to Cultivating in many ways, and one of them would be the natural impurities found within the natural resources of these two.

For Alchemy, the impurities habit the herbs, and as for Cultivation, there are impurities within the Profound Qi Cultivators use to Cultivate. To completely erase the impurities within a pill is akin to cleaning a room filled with dust in every corner. The best one can do is to clean whatever they can manage but it's simply impossible to remove every speck of dust within that room.

However, it's not just this world. Even the Alchemy Masters within the Four Divine Heavens that could achieve flawless-quality pills could be counted with one's ten fingers!

"Elder Deng… what is a flawless-quality pill? And how does it compare to a high-quality pill?" A disciple decided to ask amidst the silence.

The people there were so distracted by the flawless-quality pill that they completely ignored the speed Su Yang had displayed when concocting the pill!

"According to the ancient records, a flawless-quality pill is a pill without the presence of impurities, meaning a pill with 100% purity. As for comparing them with high-quality pills… I honestly don't have a clue, but if I were to guess, it would be ten times more effective."

"Ten times more effective?!"

The disciples all dropped their jaws upon hearing that. The effects of a high-quality pill is already considered extremely powerful. If a flawless-quality pill has ten times the effect of that… they couldn't even imagine what it would be like to consume one of them.

Elder Deng looked at the milky white pill in his hands and swallowed the saliva that was building up inside his mouth. He also felt the urge to throw this pill into his mouth and have a taste of this legendary pill, but he didn't dare to consume such a legendary item.

"Hey, it's obvious who the winner is here." Su Yang suddenly called out to him. "It's been three hours. I'd like to rest in a place that's nice and quiet now."

"Oh right…" Elder Deng suddenly remembered what they were doing.

"And about this…"

He looked at the flawless-quality pill in his hands, feeling reluctant to let go of something that any and all Alchemy Master would fight to see, much less touch.

Su Yang knew very well what he was thinking and said, "That Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill, give it to her."

He pointed to Qing Shan, who was greatly surprised by his words. "You… but why? Don't you hate me?"

"You may be a little bit arrogant, but who in this type of world isn't at least a little prideful of their own talent? You may have looked down on me, but I also did the same, so what reason is there for me to hate you? Just think of it as a gift for our meeting. I have no use for such a pill, anyway."


Qing Shan was speechless, even feeling a little guilty for the way she has been acting towards him.

Elder Deng felt like crying after hearing Su Yang's words. While he has no saying in Su Yang's decision because the pill didn't belong to him, he still did not want to let it go.

But alas, Qing Shan was already staring daggers at him. Although he might be a Sect Elder and Qing Shan's a mere disciple, her status within the Sect is not any less inferior to Sect Elders despite her humbleness towards them.

"Sect Elder Deng…" she even called for him.

Elder Deng took one last look at the pill like he was trying to engrave it into his soul and released a deep sigh before handing the pill over to Qing Shan.

The moment Qing Shan took ahold of the pill, her entire body trembled with excitement from the otherworldly feeling that was emitted by the flawless-quality pill.

"So this is a flawless-grade pill… It's so pure and rich with the ingredients used to create this, almost like I am holding the purest treasure in this world…"

While Qing Shan mesmerized herself with the Advanced Spirit Refreshment Pill, Elder Deng led Su Yang and Qiuyue away from the Lecture Hall and directly to their living quarters.

"Not only do you have the recipe for the Soul Divination Pill but you can also concoct flawless -quality pills… And let's not even mention the time it took you to finish the pill from beginning to end. Who are you, really?" Elder Deng could no longer hold his curiosity in and asked him in a voice that held a hint of fear towards Su Yang.

"Just some pervert," Su Yang replied in a casual tone.

"What?" Elder Deng looked at him with a baffled look. What kind of individual would call himself a pervert?

"Hmph!" Qiuyue snorted after listening to his joke.

"So he still wants to remain low-key despite all that he's already shown to us… It'll only be a matter of time before his identity is spread across the entire continent!" Elder Deng thought to himself as he continued to lead them to their living quarters.

"The Matriarch had arranged a living quarter for you two inside the Inner Court. There is only one house available right now so I hope you won't mind sharing it."

"We'll be fine," said Su Yang. The two of them have been sharing the same room for some time now already so sharing a house is considered nothing.

"Uhh… I just realized this but weren't there three of you? What happened to the other one?" Elder Deng asked him after recalling the other little girl that was with them.

"You don't have to worry about her; she'll return soon enough."

"Is that so…"

Elder Deng no longer spoke with them after that and lead them in silence. A few minutes later, they arrived at a house that was at least three times bigger than the living quarters in the Profound Blossom Sect.

"This will be your living quarters until we finish the preparations. If you need anything or bump into any trouble, don't hesitate to find me or any of the Sect Elders in this place, as I'm sure all of the Elders have been briefed of your presence."

Elder Deng's attitude towards Su Yang has taken a weird turn ever since his match with Qing Shan. His current feeling towards Su Yang has respect and fear mixed together, almost like he's treating a respectable master.

Once Elder Deng left them alone, Su Yang and Qiuyue entered the large house.

"So when do you plan on telling me?" Qiuyue suddenly asked Su Yang the instant they entered the house.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Su Yang looked at her with a puzzled look.

"Don't act dumb. The attack you used against that Holy Sword Sect disciple when we were still at the Nine Spring Hall. Even if it's you, there's no way you could've released such power with your Cultivation base."

"Oh, that? It's nothing special. I wanted to test the power of the Celestial Qi within my body, so I merely mixed some of it into the attack. And as you saw, "

Qiuyue's eyebrows furrowed deeply upon hearing his words. "Are you crazy?! Do you realize how reckless that is?! Celestial Qi is something even Immortals fear, yet you actually had the gall to use it in your current state? You could've easily killed yourself if you had misused it even slightly!"

"I don't understand you! Was that girl really worth risking your life?!" Qiuyue was truly angry this time.

She could ignore him playing around with other girls, but if he's risking his life just to impress some girl, then she will interfere at all costs, even if he may end up hating her afterward. After all, he's the only person in this world she could really trust and call family. She's already lost him once and experienced the grief. She will not allow the same thing to happen again.

"You are right," Su Yang said a moment later, not denying the fact that he was indeed acting recklessly back then. "However, it was a chance for me to increase my Cultivation base drastically, and I really wanted to experience the Celestial Qi's prowess, so I took the risk."

"If you want to increase your Cultivation base so badly, then I will help you!"

Right as she said those words, Qiuyue reverted her disguise and loosened her robes, allowing them to slide onto the floor, revealing to Su Yang her impeccable body.

Su Yang's eyes widened, and he was rendered speechless by her sudden actions.

Chapter 154 Why Won't You Accept Me?

"Silly girl, what are you doing?" After his moment of shock, Su Yang shook his head and went to pick up Qiuyue's robes, putting it back on her.

"No matter how angry you are, there are things you shouldn't do as a lady…"

"I won't do anything like that again, I promise, so you also don't do that again," he then said.


Qiuyue clenched her fists, and she spoke, "You are cruel, father…"

"Why won't you accept me? Knowing you, you should've been aware of my feelings for you long ago…"

Su Yang's movements froze, and he looked at her in the eyes and said with a helpless expression, "I know, but you are…"

"Because I am her daughter? Because you do not want to touch the daughter of the woman you love? Is that it?" Qiuyue was not planning on letting him go easily this time, as she's already prepared for the consequences.

With a bitter smile, Su Yang said, "No, that's not it. Your status as Yuehai's daughter has nothing to do with it."

There were many times when Su Yang held both the mother and daughter in each of his arms, so her status as Yuehai's daughter had no effect on his thoughts.

"If my status is not a problem, then why won't you accept me into your arms like you do with almost every other woman out there?! Why am I different?!"

"It's a bit complicated, but do you recall when I said Yuehai was on her deathbed one time?"

"What does that have to—"

"You are unaware, but those of your bloodline is special, or to be precise, cursed… If you Cultivate with anyone that does not belong to your bloodline, you will die."

"What?! How come I have never heard of that? And is that the reason why my mother almost died…"

"It was because she ignored the consequences and Cultivated with me. If I had known about it beforehand, I would have never touched her."

Qiuyue was speechless. Her mother was actually so resolved that she'd die just to truly be with him? That was how much she loved him?

"But if you managed to keep her alive, then why can't you do the same with me? I am also willing to put my life on the—"

"You are not Yuehai, Qiuyue!" Su Yang raised his voice, sounding a bit angry. "Look at your Cultivation base! You are only at the Divine Lord Realm whilst Yuehai was an Immortal when it happened, and she barely managed to live! You wouldn't last even a second under the effects of that curse! Even if we ignore your Cultivate base, your Heavenly Constitution is also underwhelming!"


Qiuyue did not know how to answer him after hearing such words. Indeed, her Cultivation is not only lacking but straight up trash when considering her bloodline and age. While she may be at the top of the chain in this world, her presence within the Four Divine Heavens would not match that even of ants!

Tears began appearing in Qiuyue's eyes. This is the first time that she's feeling so vexed at her own Cultivation base. She felt hopeless. If only she didn't leave the Four Divine Heavens and deprive herself of Profound Qi that would help her Cultivate. If only she didn't arrive in this world, where the Profound Qi is simple too inferior for her to Cultivate properly. But that would mean she wouldn't learn of Su Yang's existence, something she also couldn't accept.

While Qiuyue cried to herself silently, Su Yang raised his hands to wipe the tears off her face.

"Father, I am—"

Su Yang suddenly kissed her on the lips, baffling Qiuyue, who was not the least prepared for his attack.

"This is the best I can do to answer your feelings for now. Although I cannot fully accept you now, it won't stay that way forever — I promise."

After her moment of shock, Qiuyue sheepishly smiled and nodded.

"Go get some rest for now. I have to Cultivate the remaining Yin Qi within my Dantian before it goes to waste."

After straightening out her robes, Qiuyue then asked him, "I didn't know about this curse for my bloodline but there's no way the Moon God does not… How did you two not get caught after such a big incident?"

"You should already know this but Yuehai is really talented at making up stories. If she doesn't want you to know something, you will most likely never find out." Su Yang chuckled.

Qiuyue also smiled after hearing his words. Indeed, her mother was quite talented in that aspect. After all, she managed to keep her relationship with Su Yang a secret for all those years while being together within the Sacred Moon Palace, where the Moon God has his eyes in every corner. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if she called such feat a miracle.

"But you are also pretty good at lying," she said to him with a smile.

Su Yang did not say anything and only smiled bitterly.

Sometime later, after Qiuyue straightened out her robes, she went into one of the two available rooms to rest.

Su Yang also went into his room.

Inside his room, Su Yang sat by the window and stared at the night sky, thinking about what had just happened.

"Because the Moon God detested the thought of his precious bloodline appearing outside the Sacred Moon Palace, he placed a curse upon his own family, completely sealing such possibility."

"However, because he isolated his bloodline within his own household, everybody within the Sacred Moon Palace is connected to one another as family, hence why many people harbor some sort of disdain towards that place."

Because of the curse, the people within the Sacred Moon Palace had no choice but to continue their legacy with each other, forcing incest upon the entire place.

In fact, such practices ended up becoming one of their natural instincts after many generations and why Qiuyue love Su Yang despite the way she looked at him.

"Although I wasn't capable back then, Moon God, I'll be sure to fix your damn place this time once I return to the Divine Heavens!" Su Yang thought to himself before clearing his mind to Cultivate the rest of the Yin Qi inside his body.

Chapter 155 Entering the Earth Spirit Realm

Inside the dark room, a faint golden light surrounded Su Yang as he Cultivated. His eyes were closed, and his face remained relaxed even after hours of being in that position, looking like he was only taking a nap in a sitting position.

Suddenly, he felt as if a refreshing wave of water submerged his entire body into a sea of Profound Qi, making his body feel powerful and bulging with energy.

At this moment, Su Yang had broken through the True Spirit Realm and entered the Earth Spirit Realm, feeling completely unstoppable by anything in this world.

However, even after he had a breakthrough, Su Yang did not open his eyes and continued to Cultivate.

There was more Yin Qi hidden deep within his Dantian than expected, and the Celestial Body Refining Scripture was much more efficient than he'd initially thought, extracting literally every drop of Profound Qi from Wu Jinjing's Yin Essence.

"If this goes on, I'll enter at least the third level Earth Spirit Realm without any doubt."

A few more hours passed by, and Su Yang would feel refreshing waves of energy overwhelm his body every hour.

By the end of his Cultivation, Su Yang had reached the fifth level of Earth Spirit Realm. He opened his eyes, which were flickering with Profound Qi, giving off a feeling of dominance.

If he went back to the Profound Blossom Sect right now, he would, without a doubt, be the strongest individual there.

How will the people at the Profound Blossom Sect react once they find out about Su Yang's shocking rise? Only time will tell.

After finishing his Cultivation, Su Yang went to clean the impurities that were eliminated from his body after the breakthrough, covering the floor with mud-colored water. Because Su Yang cultivated a special technique, his body does not retain as much as other Cultivators. If it were anyone else right now, the floor would not be filled with just water but actually black slime.

Once he changed his robes, Su Yang decided to finally go to sleep.

However, not even an hour into his sleep, Su Yang opened his eyes again and turned to look at the open window.

Standing there was a young girl with wavy silver hair, staring at him with her silver eyes that shone brightly together with the moonlight.

"Xiao Rong… what happened?" Although she didn't look injured or anything, Su Yang could tell that she'd done something she wasn't supposed to, or else her disguise wouldn't have disappeared.

"Big cat…" she said in a low voice.

"Big cat?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Big cat make Xiao Rong angry."


"So it was a scuffle between beasts?" Su Yang was no longer as worried, as fights between beasts are a part of nature and happen more often than not.

However, since Xiao Rong is a beast with a Cultivation base at the Ancient Realm, an entity that could easily wipe an entire city off the face of this world with her eyes closed and hands tied, a small scuffle from her could potentially mean changing the landscape of this world.

Su Yang shook his head and thought to himself, "There's no point in worrying about it now. If it's serious enough, I will find out sooner or later. If it's just a scuffle between two beasts, then nobody would even pay attention to it."

Thinking that, Su Yang closed his eyes and said, "I'm going back to sleep. Do whatever you want, just don't cause any more trouble."

Su Yang expected her to go away to play again, but unexpectedly, Xiao Rong did not leave and remained in the room with him.

She looked around the empty room, and after confirming that there was nobody beside Su Yang there, she stripped her clothes and jumped on the bed, laying beside Su Yang.

Seeing this, Su Yang sighed. But since he did tell her that she could remove her clothes when there's nobody around, he decided to stay silent and allowed her to stay naked.

A few moments later, Su Yang could feel something soft and wet on his face. It was obviously Xiao Rong licking him.

Perhaps it was because of his breakthrough, but in Xiao Rong's eyes, he was far more tempting than before, and the Celestial Qi within his Profound Qi was more apparent, making her mouth salivate just from looking at him.

"How am I going to sleep with you licking my face like this?" Su Yang sighed, comparing Xiao Rong to a baby that is in need of attention every second of the day.

"Haaa, whatever! It's not like I can sleep right after a breakthrough, anyway." Su Yang no longer tried to sleep and sat up on the bed.

He then looked at Xiao Rong, who was laying on his bed without even the slightest effort to cover her private parts.

He sighed, and said, "You may be a beast, but you are also a lady now, and I am your Master. I can't have you this ignorant and defenseless…"

Now that Xiao Rong is his responsibility, he decided to start teaching her about logic and how to act like a lady.

Although he has never raised a beast before, he knows plenty of beasts that have decided to live their lives as humans in his past life, such as the Dragon Clan, and of course, Cultivated with them, so he is much more knowledgeable about them than the average person.

"I'll leave your natural hate for clothes alone for now, but sooner or later, you'll have to stop acting so inelegant..."

Saying that, Su Yang spent the remainder of the night teaching Xiao Rong the human tongue. It was a bit awkward at first but Xiao Rong grasped the human language much quicker than Su Yang had expected, reaching what a normal child would be able to achieve within a single night.

"Ghost Cats are existences with great intelligence in general, so it isn't too shocking that she'd learn the human language in just a few hours as a beast." Su Yang nodded to himself with an approving smile.

Meanwhile, news of the Golden Lion Academy, one of the Three Ancient Academy, being nearly destroyed by a single and unknown individual spread like wildfire across the world, baffling every powerful background until their jaws dropped to the ground, even those hidden from the world.

Chapter 156 Brink of Destruction

Qiuyue laid on the bed with her eyes staring at the ceiling, her expression looking dazed. Ever since she entered this room, her mind has been preoccupied with the thought of Su Yang kissing her.

From night to day, she laid there with her eyes wide open and her fingers caressing her lips every so often, even giggling to herself like a child, thinking only about the sensation of Su Yang's lips touching her own.

While she may not be able to truly be with Su Yang for now, just the knowledge of him accepting her feelings was more than enough to turn her into some child that during their happiest times.

"That being said, I cannot just sit around until this curse is dealt with! I also have to do something, even if it's just increasing my Cultivation base slightly!"

Qiuyue felt that she would only be taking advantage of the situation if she waited for Su Yang to do all the work.

It's been a while since she took Cultivation seriously, especially when the Profound Qi in this world cannot support someone of her level.

"Even my Cultivation base will barely progress, I am still slowly reaching my goal!"

Qiuyue then retrieved her storage ring and retrieved every precious resource she had collected for the past few hundred years. She had intended to let Su Yang's Cultivation base to soar with these resources but that was before she was aware of his Cultivation methods.

Unless they wanted to cultivate faster, Dual Cultivation requires little to no resources, requiring only the Qi of the opposite gender. So as long Su Yang cultivates with females, he will inevitably become more powerful.

However, it's not as if Dual Cultivation has no downsides or else everybody would be doing it. They may only require the Qi of the opposite gender but they also must balance their Elemental Qi, which requires much more effort than absorbing Profound Qi that does not need such efforts, just like how Body Refiners require intensive tempering to the body.

As for Cultivators that cultivate using the universal method, they will have to rely on resources and the Profound Qi in the air to raise their Cultivation level.

After sorting out all of the resources before her that could easily fund a Sect as big as the Four Seasons Academy for centuries, Qiuyue began cultivating seriously for the first time in hundreds of years.




Meanwhile, the Holy Central Continent has been in complete chaos since last night, when one of the Three Ancient Academy, Golden Lion Academy, was nearly destroyed in a single night.

Many people with status gathered at the Golden Lion Academy to find out what had happened and were shocked speechless by the destructive scene.

The place was covered with craters and looked as though a meteorite had struck the Sect then raided with an army that was thousands strong.

It had taken the people only but a single glance at the scene to tell that whoever did this had prowess that could not be comprehended by ordinary means, and even worse, no sense of mercy.

"What kind of monstrous entity could possibly have the strength to turn a Sect as powerful as the Golden Lion Academy into ruins over the night by itself?"

Many people currently have this question in their minds, and they felt nothing but fear when the thought of this monster possibly attacking their place next entered their mind.

"If even the exalted Golden Lion Academy cannot hold a candle against this monster, what can the rest of us do to protect ourselves? We're all simply chickens on the chopping board without any way to defend ourselves!"

"This entity threatens not only every Sect in this world but the world itself! We must do something about it before it strikes again!"

"Yes, but first, we need to find out why it attacked the Golden Lion Academy in the first place."

Soon later, many individuals from different factions around the continent gathered at the Golden Lion Academy, including Sect Elders and Patriarchs and Matriarchs from various Sects. The severity of this situation is so grave that even the Patriarch of the Holy Sword Sect and the Matriarch of the Four Seasons Academy had to rush over there to take a look despite their rivalry.

"My goodness… What kind of entity could possibly cause this much destruction?"

The Four Seasons Academy's Matriarch could feel a heavy pressure bearing down on her just from the destructive scenery. She cannot imagine this happening to her Four Seasons Academy.

Even the Patriarch of the Holy Sword Sect, one of the leading figures of this world, could not help but feel his legs go soft after feeling the lingering Profound Qi that caused this destruction.

"The Golden Lion Academy is not just 'nearly' destroyed. It's completely ruined at this point. Even someone as rich and powerful as that proud bastard will have to sell an arm and a leg to fix all of this mess."

The Four Seasons Academy Matriarch looked at the old man beside her and spoke, "This is no longer a Sect, but the aftermaths of a massacre. All of this… caused by a single entity… How frightening."

"Yes, but fortunately, perhaps even miraculously, only a few disciples had passed from this horrifying incident with the majority receiving slight injuries. However, this is something that should not make us feel relieved but more fearful instead."

The Matriarch agreed with him and continued, "It just means that the entity was holding back and spared this place from complete destruction."

At this point, the Patriarch of the Holy Sword Sect looked at one of the Sect Elders from the Golden Lion Sect, and said, "Hey! Where's your Patriarch in such times? I haven't seen him since we got here."

The Sect Elder looked down and spoke in a trembling voice, "The Patriarch… he's sealed himself inside his room, refusing to come out after what had happened."

"What? That proud bastard is hiding alone despite all of this?! Bring me to him!" The Holy Sword Sect's Patriarch spoke in a demanding tone, his voice filled with anger.

How could the Patriarch of his own Sect cowardly hide when his disciples are in desperate need of help?

"U-Understood!" The Sect Elder quickly replied.

Chapter 157 Cowering in Fear

The Sect Elder from the Golden Lion Academy quickly led the group of influential individuals to the living quarters of his Patriarch.

"The Sect Master should still be inside—"

Before he could even finish speaking, the Patriarch from the Holy Sword Sect unsheathes the sword by his side and in a single strike, sliced the door into countless pieces.

"Old Gold! Get your ass out here right now! How dare you act like this when you are a Patriarch! Have you forgotten your responsibility as a Sect Master?!" he yelled in anger, clearly irritated by his cowardly behavior.

The people watched in awe as the Patriarch from the Holy Sword Academy speaks to the Patriarch of the Golden Lion Academy in such a face-slapping way. In this whole world, only he and the old lady from the Four Seasons Academy would dare to speak to him in such a way.

However, even after waiting many moments, there was not a single reply from the Golden Lion Academy's Patriarch.

"Don't think I can't sense your presence just because you concealed it!"

After another moment of silence, the Patriarch from the Holy Sword Sect had enough waiting around and went directly into the house, and the others followed behind, afraid that they might get attacked if they walked inside first.

Inside the house was completely dark and grimy, almost like the place was haunted.

At the end of the room, they were able to notice a faint golden glow that outlined a human figure, and it was trembling in the corner.

"Old Gold, you…"

Not just the Patriarch of the Holy Sword Academy but everybody there were shocked speechless by what they were witnessing.

The Patriarch of the Golden Lion Academy, one of the proudest and most arrogant individuals to walk on this earth, was actually cowering in fear in the corner of this dark room.

His usually vigorous aura was nowhere to be seen, replaced by sheer fear and a feeling of being powerless.

The spirit in his faint eyes was also completely gone, turning his expression soulless.

The once domineering Sovereign Spirit Realm expert was nowhere to be seen and has been reduced to such a pitiful sight.

What on earth did he experience that could break a man of his caliber to such a state?

The anger on the Holy Sword Academy's face disappeared the moment he saw Patriarch Gold, who screamed in horror when he noticed the newcomers.

"P-P-Please! I am sorry for attacking you! D-D-Don't hurt me!" Patriarch Gold cried in a begging voice, causing the atmosphere to turn even more awkward.

"Relax, Old Gold. It's me, Wu Jian Yi!"

The Patriarch of the Holy Sword Academy spoke in a voice that he would usually use around frightened children.

"W-W-Wu J-J-Jian Y-Yi?"

"That's right. Everybody is here, so you don't have to worry about the threat anymore."



"Senior Gold, we are all here to help you."

"That's right. There's nothing to be fearful of anymore now that we are all gathered here."

"N-No! You don't understand!" Patriarch Gold suddenly exclaimed, his voice still trembling in fear. "That thing — that monster — there's nothing we can do against it!"

Everybody there frowned simultaneously after hearing those words. Perhaps they are still underestimating the true terror this entity could bring?

"Old Gold, why don't you start by explaining the situation so we can have a better grasp of what we are dealing with?" The Matriarch of the Four Seasons Academy said. "But first, why don't we give you a few minutes to organize your mind first? We will wait for you outside."

Everybody there approved of the idea and left the living quarters, leaving Patriarch Gold by himself.

Once they were outside, they all released a deep sigh.

"I can finally breathe… Seeing Senior Gold in such a state shocked me more than seeing the destruction here! Shit!"

"Just what the hell are we dealing with? To reduce someone like Senior Gold into something like that… I cannot imagine."

"We should all put aside our pride and rivalry for now, perhaps even making an alliance, at least until all of this is solved," someone within the crowd suggested. "I don't think this is something we can deal with by ourselves."

Everybody there quickly agreed.

After many minutes of waiting, Patriarch Gold could finally be seen leaving his house.

Although he looked much better than before, his complexion was still as white as sheets, looking like a ghoul.

Sometime later, dozens of high standing individuals occupied the meeting room within the Golden Lion Academy, and Patriarch Gold began explaining the situation to everybody there.

Apparently, during the night of the attack, he had caught some unidentified child snooping around the Sect like she was taking a stroll in the park, and he confronted her.

"A female child?"

The people there wanted to doubt his words but there was no reason for him to make such lies in this grave situation.

"That's right. She looked like your ordinary teenager at first, but once I confronted her, perhaps by surprise, her disguise collapsed."

"So it was a disguise! So what did she really look like?"

"She still retained the figure of a child, but her appearance…" Patriarch Gold forcefully swallowed his saliva up to this point.

He didn't want to explain how she was so beautiful that he'd lost control of his reasoning and attempted to assault her… After all, such an explanation would only backfire on him, and they will without a doubt label him as a pervert and a danger to children.

"She had wavy silver hair and silver eyes, resembling Immortal Fairy Su Yue to the teeth…"

"What?! Immortal Fairy Su Yue?! Impossible! It couldn't have been her!" The Matriarch of the Four Seasons Academy immediately refuted such claims.

The people could not believe that someone like Immortal Fairy Su Yue would be behind all of this destruction.

"I did not say she did it! Although she had similarities to Immortal Fairy Su Yue, her aura and demeanor were entirely different!"


The place immediately turned silent.

"Perhaps this child came from Immortal Fairy Su Yue's hometown? After all, we know nothing of her background beside the name of her 'husband'." Someone said out loud.

The people there took this explanation to be quite logical and believable to a certain degree.

"Maybe only Immortal Fairy Su Yue can solve this crisis…"

"But we haven't seen even her shadow for some time now! Who knows where she could've gone in this vast world."

"Right… With her incomprehensible Cultivation base, there's nowhere in this world where she cannot go."

Suddenly, someone said, "We may not know where Immortal Fairy Su Yue is right now, but have you heard the rumors of her son appearing at the Nine Spring Hall?"

"What? Her son? Who would believe such rumors?"

"Are you sure it's not so they can get more customers?"

"That's right. We haven't even seen her husband and her son appears out of nowhere?"

The people there quickly rejected such a rumor.

"Huh? The Nine Spring Halls…?"

The eyes of the Four Seasons Academy Matriarch widened with suspicion, and the image of her recent guest appeared in her mind.

"Impossible… he couldn't be…" she thought to herself.

Although she didn't want to believe it, his mysterious background and that young lady with an unfathomable Cultivation base almost confirm it, not to mention the recipe for the Soul Divination Pill.

"Now that I think about it… I didn't ask for his name!" she nearly facepalmed after realizing such a mistake.