
Mixed Blessing System

Lothur Ritter mysteriously died on Earth and suddenly transmigrated to a bizarre cultivation world. Now in a new body, full of problems related to his predecessor and surrounded by uncertainties and doubts about his new reality, Lothur will face the arduous journey of cultivation with the help of a system. However, can he trust the system? Why he? What is so special about him that it has been chosen? Where will he end up? And what about this Lost Tree? Well, Lothur will pursue these questions while exploring the wonderful, vicious, and incomparable cultivation world! *** Notice: This is a fantasy story and, as such, is not related to any fact of reality. Disclaimer: I don't own the cover; if its original creator wants me to take down or put credit, leave a message in any chapter, and I'll do it as soon as possible. https://discord.gg/4437dvvk9x

RVN_1998 · Fantasy
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891 Chs

Counting Gains

After saying goodbye to Elke, Lothur arrived at an area outside the built-up part of Peters City, near a stream that ran between the valleys of that region.

In that place with trees far away from each other, where one could easily observe the starry sky, Lothur was finishing eliminating the contents of those three bags.

He had made a small fire not far from that stream and burned the remains parts of those people that were easiest to identify. As for the larger and more difficult to trace pieces, he had simply thrown them into the stream, hoping that the animals or beast of that region would finish his work.

Anyway, after he had finished putting those pieces of meat to burn and had thrown away the rest, Lothur sat down not far from that fire with the spatial rings of his enemies in his hands.