
Mixed Between Love And A Non-Human World.

Brittany_Ayers8004 · Teen
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19 Chs

Who Is The Green Eyed Wolf

Anna felt droggy as she opened her eyes. She was in a different room . The room looked like a pink and purple marker had exploded everywhere. She thought back to thr coversation from yesterday when Christina had told her that she had her own room . Was this it ? The smell of bacon and french toast filled her nose . Anna looked down at her stomach as it began to rumble . Anna realized she had not ate anything the day before . She had started to eat breakfast but had lost her appetite when she was confronted by Bethany and Thomas .

Anna was starving . She hopped out of the rather large bed and ran towards the smell of food . As she reached the kitchen she found Christina humming away as she flipped a piece of bacon . Trying not to disturb the woman . Anna pulled out a barstool and took a seat .

"Well goodmorning Annistsia ! I take it that you are hungry ? Zack will be here any munuite . He had to run to the store to get milk." The woman seemed quite cheerful this morning .She had not yet put her makeup on and her olive complection was so clear . In this moment she knew... this is really my mom . They were almost identical other than her mother had green eyes instead of blue .

Could her new mom be the wolf from last night ? Theres no way ! She was human and warewolfs didn't really exist .Lost in her thoughts from the night before she had not realized Zack had came throught the door . He sat the two bags down of milk down on the bar looking at Anna . She was still in her own little world when Zack said ," Are you okay ? Is there something bothering you ? " How was she supposed yo tell Zack about the wolf . He would probably think she was crazy .But how did she get here ? It had to of been Zack so maybe he saw the wolf .First thing was first before she started in on an imaginary wolf ." How did I get here last night ?"

" I was still waiting outside the house to make sure you was going to be okay . I hearded alot of beating and banging so I came in to see if you was okay . Thats when I saw you passed out on the floor ."

" Where my parents still there?"

" No? I looked everywhere for them .But its probable best that I didn't find them because I would hace killed them .."

" So you didn't see anything weird or anything right ??"

" Not that I know of ? Tell me whats going on . What are you talking about ?"

" The wolf that was was standing over me when I passed out .The same wolf from the woods yesterday when you was chasing me ."

Zacks eyes widened after a few moments he finnaly spoke ," What did the wold look like ? "

" It was huge . It was gray with green cat like eyes ."

Zack looks from Christina to Anna . Christina quickly turned off the stove ," We have to go now ! We will pick up something to eat on the way ." She ran around the bar grabbing her keys and coat ." Come on Anna !" She yelled heading out the door .

" Where are we going ?" Anna slipped on her shoes that were by the front door .Anna and Zack raced to the car , for Christina had aready cranked the car and had it in gear .Jumping into the car Christina turned around in the drivers seat ," There are a few things you dont know about yourself yet . Today is the day you need to learn those things .Look at it like a minni vacation. "

They picked up breakfast at the gas station on the corner by the house before heading out . They had been driving for hours . Anna started wonding if they were ever going to make it to wherever Christina was taking them . As soon as she had decided to lean aginst the window and take a na0 , the car started slowing down. The car turned down a dirt road that seemed to be in the middle of no where . Trees from both sides seemed to just about swallow the road . Anna could see that at the end of the road was a clearing .

As the car reached the clearing huge houses that looked like condos formed on each side of the road .But what got her attention the most was to the right by the tree line looked to be two wolfs fighting . Anna started feeling nervous .

The car came to a stop infront of one of the huge houses ." We are here ! " Christina said excidedly ." First I need to introduce you to the Alfa ,Max, then we will find you a room close by . You and Zack might have to bunk together . "

" Alfa? What are you talking about ?"

" You will know soon enough , I promise . So come on so we can begin ."

Anna walked very slowly up to the door of the biggest house she had ever seen .As they entered the house she noticed the floor was carpeted with red carpet . To her right was a huge stair case , that seemed to go to an office .Christina and Zack had already started going up the stairs . Anna followed them staying five steps behind them .

A strong scent was coming from the office as they was about to enter . Something about the scent was very appeasing to her . Christina and Zack opened the door and walked in . Anna followed gracefully .She looked towards the desk in the center of the room .There he was ...the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life .This must be the alfa .He looked up from his desk to meet Annas gaze . Green .His eyes were so green . Her breath quickened . Please look away she thought . Anna couldn't she was frozen . Something inside of her keeping her body from moving . Shivers ran down spine .Max stood up from his desk not breaking eye contact with Anna .As he started walking towards closer Anna could hear her heart beating so fast it felt like it was going to fly right out of her chest . There was a caugh from somewhere in the room .Breaking the eye contact Max looked back noticing the two other people in the room that he had not noticed before. Before she could even realize what she was doing , she was running . Anna had to get away or she felt like she would be trapped here forever .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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