
Mitsukis life thru the multiverse

"Rimuru change back to your slime form!"

gates_of_babylon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Gg, 2 EZ


All the guards heard a cold voice laced with bloodlust.

Mitsuki looked at the next guard in line.

The guard looked at Mitsuki fearfully and turned to run away.

But as soon as he turned, a purple line appeared on his body, going right from his head and down to his crotch.

The next second the man split into two perfect halves and started burning in purple flames.

The guards at this point have no hope left. Seeing the demon kill two of their men in an instant.

They also can't see her move when she splits the two in half.

"Hmmm, I thought y'all would be more fun," Mitsuki says with a frown.

A guard then comes behind Mitsuki while one comes from her left trying to sneak her.

The guard at the back was the first one to reach her.

When he got close he grabbed his sword with both hands and swung down on her head.

Mitsuki didn't even look back at him and caught his sword barehanded.

The guard stared in shock once again at the demon in front of him.

Mitsuki then dispelled her flame sword and pointed her fingers at a gun at the second guard.

"bang." The cold and bloodthirsty voice resounded throughout the hall again.

The other guards turned to their comrade, only to see his top half blow up.

The guards are all scared now with even more trying to kill themselves, but it just doesn't work anymore.

"No, no. We can't have y'all doing that." Mitsuki says while looking at them with a slight frown.

She then turns back to the guard who is behind her.

The guard notices her gaze and lets go of his sword while falling backward.

Mitsuki watches all this with a sadistic glint and smiles on her face and eyes.

She then crouched down to his level her eyes glowing while casting a shadow on him.

"Are you scared of a beautiful girl like me? Or are you scared of women in general?"

She then grabs him by the hair and lifts him.

"Come tell me. Are you scared of me?"

"YES, I AM SCARED OF YOU." The guard screams at her.

Mitsuki just smiles even more at this statement.

She then points her palm at him while still holding his hair.

"Good, now bye-bye." She said with her eyes glowing red.

Her palm radiates a very faint purple glow.

The man instantly turns to dust in her hand.

"I think I should finish this, but not before I get you," Mitsuki says while looking at Teresa.

Teresa backed away in fright and bumped into a wall.

Mitsuki instantly teleports right in front of Teresa and puts her hand on the wall.

Teresa looks at Mitsuki in fright and ANTICIPATION!?💀🙏

"Sorry but, you're not my type," Mitsuki says to Teresa.

Mitsuki then grabs Teresa by the neck and pushes her more into the wall. (It's not what all think pls believe me 🙏💀)

Teresa starts struggling, but it has no use. She can't even get Mitsuki to budge.

Mituki then throws Teresa up a little bit, while summoning a red lightning spear.

"GALAXY SHATTERING SPEAR THRUST OF XAIOTIO!" Mitsuki screamed and thrust her spear upward.

The spear itself didn't Pierce Teresa, but the air pressure of it blew her body to bits.

The thrust also killed a lot of people around her that were trying to sneak her.

'Heh, I'm in my Chinese cultivator era.' Mitsuki amused herself.

She then looked at the remaining guards and teleported in the middle of them.

"WE'RE SORRY MOMMY... I MEAN MY LADY!" A guard screamed out.

"A sorry doesn't cut it..."

"Kneel," Mitsuki commanded in a powerful voice.

The guards then kneeled in front of her. While Mitsuki watched with a smile.

"No you all are looking like perfect little dogs," Mitsuki says.

"I'LL BARK FOR YOU IF YOU WANT!" A guard in the back screamed out.

All the other guards just look at him like 'really bro' (😑).

"No need. Yall will all be dead soon anyway." Mitsuki says in a calm tone.

She then teleported back to the throne and sat down on it.

"Yall were boring. GG EZ" Mitsuki said in a bored tone

"Die." All she said was one word.

And all the guards evaporated into thin air.

Mitsuki then dispelled the domain and came back onto the now-empty street.

Everyone in town knew about the black ball in the center of the capital and stayed far away from it.

Mitsuki then instantly teleported back to the mountain cave and made a nice bed to sleep on.

She then laid down and thought for a little bit.

'What do I do now? I could visit Rimuru, I always thought he was cute. Or I could go to different anime worlds." Mitsuki had many ideas running through her mind.

'I need to control the battle maniac in me, but it'll be easy. Also, I'm a sadist now apparently, but I don't hate it.' Mitsuki eventually fell asleep, but not before putting up a barrier around her.

(In tempest)

We can see a little slime hopping in the streets at night going into a place that looks like...

A bar.

"Hello Sir Rimuru, what can I do for you."

A beautiful green-haired lady addressed Rimuru.

"Nothing much Treanie(is that how you spell it) I just came here to look around." Rimuru says to the dryad Treanie.

"But can I look at one thing?" Rimuru asked her.

"Sure what can I do?" She asked back.

"I want to know who my soul is," Rimuru said back.

"But you already know that?" She said back.

"I have some hope that it changed into someone new," Rimuru said in a sad tone.

"Alright, wait a moment." She then ran to the back of the bar to get something.

She came back with a clear crystal ball in her hand and set it on the counter.

"Alright lord Rimuru I am ready." She said.

"Well let's start."

She then put her hands over the ball and a picture started forming.

The picture is blurry at first but then becomes clear.

In this ball, we can see a beautiful white-haired woman on a soft-looking bed in a black nightgown.

"LOOK, I TOLD YOU TREANIE!" Rimuru yelled out in shock.

"Thi. This has never happened before Lord Rimuru." Treanie says in shock.

"She is really beautiful," Rimuru adds.

"Well that's all I needed, thanks for your help Treanie," Rimuru said and hopped over to the door.

"No problem, sir Rimuru. Helping you is my job." Treanie says with a light chuckle.

Rimuru then hops out of the bar and back into the street.

"I wonder what she is like." Rimuru talked to himself out loud.

----your not fav clinicly insane auther here---

I honestly am thinking of dropping this.

This ff is just for me tbh but, I hope whoever's reading this is having fun.