

The Chinese culture is said to be one of the biggest and unique culture in the whole world, but everything changes when an evil presence woke up and desired to create a mass extinction to the Chinese culture. That was until, an Indian boy who had the powers to destroy the evils stepped up and fate decided to put him into the challenge and fight the evil. Everything lied on the boy's hands to save the Chinese people from danger. ( This is an English work but still has some Mandarin and Tamil dialogues in the middle )

Mithran_Ganesh0702 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: One Family

In a huge house with a nature and peaceful feeling, a Chinese girl came down from the stairs and looked around the hall.

Hui Yi: Where is everyone? It looks like I'm the only person here in this house, how can they leave me alone?

Mithran: No, you're not. I'm in the kitchen.

Hui Yi heard the voice of her brother and immediately rushed towards the kitchen, to find Mithran preparing lunch for everyone in the house.

Hui Yi: You're here? Where is everyone?

Mithran: Well, Kai Wei went out for his personal reasons, Loshini went to the supermarket to buy some groceries and Xin Li went to spa.....again

Hui Yi: This is the third time of the week she went to the spa, she's just wasting her time and our hard-earned money. 真的是...

( Dang it )

Mithran: What can we do about that? She's enjoying herself with her own money.

Hui Yi: What do you mean her own money? She still hasn't pay me back the money I gave her for that handbag stuff.

Mithran: What do you expect from her? That's how she is, you know that right?

Hui Yi: Such an annoying girl. Anyway, what are you cooking?

Mithran: I'm in charge to cook chicken breast noodles, and once Loshini came back with her groceries, she will cook some delicious kimchi and toppings for the noodles.

Hui Yi: Awesome, thank God you and Loshini can cook delicious foods, unlike the others who can't even hold a knife properly.

Mithran: ( raises his eyebrows) May I know who are those 'others' ?

Hui Yi: 好吧,好吧, jeez you're such a teasing person.

( All right, all right )

Mithran: Ha ha ha ha ha, only to people I love.

Hui Yi: Don't be cheesy. All right, I'll go and take a shower first.

Mithran: Ok.

Hui Yi smiled at Mithran before leaving him cooking at the kitchen, the house was not a big deal even if was a huge house. The people inside were soft and kind to each other, if one of them had a problem, they would all step up and solve it together. They're basically a team which no one can separate.

When Mithran finished cooking his meal, he heard a bell sound coming from outside.

Mithran: It must be Kai Wen or Loshini.

The entrance door opened and a Chinese boy entered the house, feeling a bit tired of getting out often to strength his body.

Kai Wen: Hey, is anyone in the house?! I'm thirsty!!!

Mithran walked out from the kitchen and gave a glass of water to Kai Wen.

Kai Wen: Thanks, my maid.

Mithran: Shut up!

Kai Wen: Just kidding, where is everyone by the way?

Mithran: Hui Yi just woke up and went to the shower, Loshini went out to buy some groceries and Xin Li went to the spa....again....

Kai Wen: That spa again.....can you do something to stop her going there often? It seems she's spending too much time and money to enjoy there.

Mithran: We tried, but she's not all ears. She's too obsessed of taking care of her beauty, or whatever it is. Maybe you should try to do something about it, she's your friend, right?

Kai Wen: Oh, come on, don't make it weird. You and Hui Yi are my best friends, so do Loshini. But that Xin Li, I don't know if she's my friend anymore.

Mithran: Hey, don't say it that way, she might be a bit too much, but still she is your friend. Don't forget what she had done for you good things, you do remember that, right?

Kai Wen: Yeah, but....

Mithran: No more but, just try to tell her to spend her money wisely, otherwise she will start using our money sooner or later. All of us had worked hard to be in this good condition, hadn't we?

Kai Wen: We did, and I am so proud of us and our efforts. I guess I'm being overthinking for no reason.

Mithran: There you go, that's where the problem is, you're thinking too much to the point you started growing grey hair.

Kai Wen: Hey, I'm not getting old!! I'm still young!!!

Loshini: Your body might be young, but your mind is clearly not.

They turned to the door to see Loshini went back with groceries on her hands, Mithran went to her and got all the groceries from her.

Mithran: எல்லாத்தையும் வாங்கித்தியா?

( Did you buy all of them? )

Loshini: ஒன்னு விடாம வாங்கித்தேன்.

( I bought everything without leaving one of them. )

Kai Wen: Oh, so you're on his side now, huh?

Loshini: Don't try to lie, you do know you take some things too seriously, you end up hurting yourself just from that.

Kai Wen: Hey, I do because I care about you all, I'm worried about you all sometimes.

Mithran: Even at a random time?

Kai Wen: Uhmm, I didn't mean random time, it's.....when we have an issue...

Loshini: Like what issue, Kai Wen?

Loshini sat down at the dining table to take some rest from her work.

Kai Wen: You know what? This is getting ridiculous, forget about it.

Mithran: Loshini, I'm kind of surprised that you got everything we need for today's meal.

Loshini: Well, talk about it. It's the offer sale again, if it wasn't for Chinese New Year I would have been sitting at home.

Kai Wen: Wait, so Chinese New Year is near already?

Hui Yi came out from the bathroom and dried her long hair.

Hui Yi: Don't tell me you're not aware of it.

Kai Wen: I mean, I do know it's coming soon but I didn't expect to be too soon.

Mithran: Well, I guess we should prepare everything we need for this Chinese New Year. Besides, what is more we need than a fun celebration together?

Hui Yi: Sadly, everyone has been celebrating the festival in their own way, don't you remember when people would sit down together and have a lovely chat with families and friends? But now, everything they do will capture on their mobile phone, taking it as a memory instead of embracing it in the real life.

Loshini: Well, most of the people today are celebrating in this modern way, but there are still some people who actually spend time wisely with their families and friends.

Kai Wen: Especially when we have the chance to meet our family again after being alone for so long to go back and celebrate festival with them. Those are one of the unforgettable memories of everyone in their whole life.

Mithran: Well, I do have my family right now, it's you guys, right?

Hui Yi smiled and put her arm on Mithran's shoulder.

Hui Yi: Of course we are, who's going to say or what they will say is not a big deal, we are one family.

Loshini: And we will never separate no matter what happens.

Kai Wen: You guys are making me emotional again, makes me want to hug you all.

Mithran: Oh, you better don't. Because you crush us all with your tight hug.

Kai Wen: Oh yeah? So I guess I should hug you then. Come here, you.....

Mithran: No, don't!!!

Kai Wen started to chase after Mithran when Hui Yi and Loshini laughed out loud.

Mithran: Stop laughing you two and stop him.

Hui Yi: I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not getting in.

Loshini: Same here, I guess Kai Wen loves you a lot.

Mithran: What?!!

Before Mithran could say anything further, Kai Wen caught him and started to hug him tight from the back.

Kai Wen: Is this how you want me to hug you, Mithran?

Mithran: You're not hugging me at all, you're literally crushing me. Stop it, Kai Wen!!

Kai Wen: I can't, I love you too much to let you go.

Mithran: லூசு பையலே!!!

( You stupid boy!!! )

Xin Li: Hey, what's going on here?!

Xin Li came back home when she saw the boys were fighting.

Hui Yi: Hey, what took you so long to come back? And did you go to spa again?

Loshini: What?! Again?! How could you, Xin Li?! You have gone too much there.

Xin Li: It's my habitat, I can't live without my spa. Now Kai Wen, stop hugging Mithran and leave him.

Kai Wen turned around and held Mithran by his right arm on his shoulder.

Kai Wen: Hey, I told you don't spend too much money to go to spa, why don't you listen to us?

Xin Li: Ok ok, I won't go. Jeez, you all are so strict when it comes to money.

Hui Yi went beside Xin Li and hit her arm.

Xin Li: Ouch, what was that for?

Hui Yi: We are strict because those money are something that it came by own, we worked hard to earn it, so do spend it wisely.

Loshini: She's right, Xin Li. We might have a lot of money by now, but it can't be permanent for us, right? I mean, we humans are also not permanent in this world. So please, don't do something you will regret for the whole life even after your death.

Xin Li: Ok ok, I do understand your point, sorry for that.

Mithran: Hey, don't say sorry for that. You have the rights to use it.

Loshini came next to Xin Li and held her left arm.

Loshini: Of course you do, we are one family, right?

Xin Li: ( smiles ) Yeah, one family.

Everyone gathered around and side hugged each other.

Kai Wen: So, why are we hugging again?

Mithran: We are one family, get it?

All: We are one family!!!!

Everyone cheered happily and clapped their hands in joy.

Xin Li: Where did this even start in the first place to the point we are cheering right now?

Kai Wen: Only because you went to spa again.

Xin Li: KAI WEN!!!!

Everyone laughed and they had a great time together, that's how they were, being teasing, kind, supportive and motivating people. Even though they looked different, they still considering themselves as one family, a family with empathy and kindness.

Mithran: So, now that everyone is here, who wants to have some nice and hot chicken breast noodles?!

Kai Wen: Did you just say chicken breast noodles?! I'm not gonna missing that!!!

Loshini: Hey, that should be me as well.

Hui Yi: Well, so do I.

Xin Li: Then who gets to the table first they will have it all.

All of them started to run toward the dining table and started to fight each other for the food, Mithran put his hand on his head and chuckled at their naughty atrocities.

Mithran: Such funny people I have by my side.

10:00 am

All of them were having their breakfast meal that cooked by Mithran and Loshini, they were having it with so much joyfully and peacefully as they knew the foods were delicious.

Kai Wen: Hey, how can you both are good at cooking?! Mithran and Loshini, you are such awesome cooks. I couldn't ask for more.

Loshini: ( murmurs ) எப்படி கண்ணு வைக்கிறான் பாரு.

( Look how he's teasing us. )

Mithran: சும்மா இரு.

( Be quiet. )

Xin Li: What are you both blabbering again? You both are taking advantage of us when we can't speak Tamil.

Hui Yi: Hey, எனக்கும் தமிழ் தெரியும், பாத்துக்கோங்க.

( I do speak Tamil as well, watch out. )

Mithran: Hey, it's not me, Loshini came next to me and whispered into my ears.

Loshini: Are you trying to get me into trouble?

Xin Li: You're the type to get yourself trouble, so I'm not going to deny that.

Loshini: Hey!! You.....

Kai Wen: Ha ha ha ha ha ha...anyway, what are we gonna do for Chinese New Year?

Hui Yi: What else we have to do? We just need to cook a huge meal, decorate the house, buy a load of groceries, clean the house and so on.

Xin Li: I know it sounds harsh to say this but, do we really have to do it every year? It's getting bored to do the same thing.

Mithran: They don't care if you like it or not, it must be done for our own good.

Hui Yi: He's right, do you want to bring bad fortune for us just because of your laziness? I'm not ready for that.

Kai Wen: I partially agree of what Xin Li said, but what Mithran said, it has to be done. So we have no other choice, don't you become the reason for bringing bad luck to us.

Xin Li: 算了, let's just do it. So, where should we start?

( Fine. )

Loshini: The first thing we would always do, make some decorations for the whole house.

Hui Yi: You read my mind, girl. What should we do with the decorations?

As the group were discussing about their plan for Chinese New Year, a mysterious paper flew inside through the window and landed on Mithran's body.

Mithran: What's this?

Mithran grabbed that paper and found some letters on the paper.

Xin Li: I don't know, this paper just landed onto me.

Hui Yi noticed that there were some Chinese characters from the other side of the paper.

Hui Yi: Hey, it must be a letter. There are Chinese characters behind the paper.

Mithran flipped back the paper and found some unknown wrote letter to them in Chinese characters.

Mithran: This letter is for all of us, but who might have send it?

Kai Wen: What do you mean all of us?

Loshini peeked out from behind and kind of disappointed it was in Chinese characters, since she didn't learn Mandarin in the first place.

Loshini: Oh man, it's all in Chinese.

Mithran: Don't worry, I'll translate it to English.

Hui Yi: How rude was the person to just throw the paper through the window instead of giving us directly.

Kai Wen: That person might be too shy to give it to us face by face.

Xin Li: Or it might be someone who's messing with us.

Loshini: Hey Mithran, just read what it says.

Mithran: Ok here we go.

Everyone gathered next to Mithran and he held the paper in front of everyone.

Mithran: Dear my lovely children, how are you doing? It must have been fun to be with your friends and families all the time, right? But, I won't let that happen anyway.

The group started to get suspicious as the plot of the letter was not going in their favor. Mithran looked at their confused faces and continued to read the letter.

Mithran: You might be thinking of why am I saying like this, but that's a secret. You don't have to know my identity, and don't try to find me. No matter what, you all are going to destroyed by me at the end of the day. I will never forget of how you all ruined my whole time dream. I'm gonna make sure you all will not celebrate the usual Chinese New Year ever again, I mean who created festivals? Don't you think you can run or hide from you, I'm always watching you from every corner. Enjoy as much as you can, until you see the real me in that particular day. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!

When Mithran finished reading the letter, it started to burn itself, he screamed and dropped it on the ground, everyone took a few step back from the burning paper and baffled of what they just witnessed.


11:00 am

Kai Wen and Mithran were sitting at the balcony with a clueless facial expression, they were still thinking about the moment they saw few hours ago. Kai Wen took a sip of his juice while Mithran looked at the surrounding without caring about anything.

Kai Wen: Did you burn your hand from that letter, Mithran?

Kai Wen asked a question but he didn't get any reply, he turned around and found Mithran looking outside.

Kai Wen: Hey, Earth to Mithran!!!

Mithran: Huh!! Wait!! What?!! Did another letter come to us?!!!

Kai Wen: Another letter? What are you talking about?

Mithran looked around the place and found himself too caught up by the letter he saw earlier.

Mithran: Oh, I was dreaming again....

Kai Wen: Are you still thinking about that letter?

Mithran: I just can't let that go, Kai Wen. I mean, whoever the person wrote that letter is clearly hating on us, what did we do wrong?

Kai Wen: That's what I had in my mind, why would a random person wrote a letter and threatened us to be killed for something we did, what's the error?

Mithran: Did you remember what the letter said? It said something like you all ruined my whole time dream, and you will see the real me and stuffs, it's a bit unusual from that letter.

Kai Wen: Then, does that mean we have an invisible enemy outside of our house? Even without doing anything we know?

Mithran: We did a millions of things in our whole life, Kai Wen. There must be something we did to enrage this person's anger or something, I have no idea what and why is that.

Kai Wen: As far as I can tell, that person is not going to let us celebrate Chinese New Year peacefully. I mean, what could go wrong?

Mithran: Don't take it lightly, Kai Wen! Did you see how that letter started to burn by itself after we finished reading it?! I guess that person didn't want us to keep the letter.

Kai Wen: But how that person could do something like this?! This is whole magic or something, really?

Mithran: Forget about that, we just have to be careful now, we never know his intentions to get his revenge upon us. 你别想那么够力了.

( Don't overthink about it. )

Kai Wen: Say as much as you want, I can't help myself anymore, I feel like we're threatened for no reason. I hope we'll be fine forever.

Kai Wen started to get tensed about the threatening letter the group received, he feared that something bad might would happen to them if they're not careful enough.

Mithran, on the other hand, was confused as a sudden entry of an unknown person who hated them threatened to take their lifes by sending a letter to them. He and the others had no idea as to who and why did the person feel enraged towards them for something they did to him without their knowledge.

Mithran MV: What could he have done? We had faced a lot of critical time during the last, but what could it be?

1:00 pm

When Kai Wen and Mithran were in their own pool of thoughts, Loshini and Hui Yi were devastated and disturbed by the threatening letter they received. They were resting in their own room while having a dozens of questions in their mind.

Loshini: I can believe it, am I dreaming or what?

Hui Yi looked up at Loshini when she started to talk after a short silent between them.

Loshini: What did we do wrong? Why we would get that disturbing letter from an unknown creepy person for no reason? Did I miss anything or what?

Hui Yi: Loshini, don't confuse yourself, everyone including you were equally baffled by what we just saw.

Loshini: How can't we? We are about to plan to have a nice and exciting Chinese New Year celebration, and now we have enemy to prevent it from happening. This is totally not making any sense.

Hui Yi: Calm down, we know what to do. We just have to be cautious starting from now.

Loshini: Did you see what that person wrote on that letter? He said he's watching us everytime, and....he might be watching us by now.

Hui Yi: Hey, that's totally a lie. How could someone keep an eye on us all the time? They must be teasing us for anything.

Loshini: Teasing, you say? Does 'I will kill you all' sound teasing to you?! Where is the logic?! No one would say this thing to someone we don't know.

Hui Yi: But... what if the person knows about us?

Loshini looked at Hui Yi with a confusing face after what she just said.

Loshini: What do you mean?

Hui Yi: I mean, what if we're having an enemy outside of our house without our knowledge?

Loshini: That's impossible!! We didn't do anything wrong to anyone, right?!

Hui Yi: We didn't do, but why does he want to kill us?

Loshini: I don't know about this anymore, Hui Yi. I think we need to protect ourselves and others from safety.

Hui Yi: Yeah, we can't even call the police or ask anyone's help for this. We'll just deal this with our own.

Loshini: All right. By the way, where is Xin Li?

Hui Yi: Xin Li is watering the plants at the backyard.

Loshini: Ok.

Hui Yi and Loshini can't stop thinking about the letter they received, they needed to find a way to find out the person and stop him from doing any harm to their friends.

1:30 pm

Xin Li was watering the plants with a watering can as the group had planted a huge garden behind their house. Like the others, Xin Li's heart got heavier when she also read the letter they received back in the morning. She shook her head quickly and tried to forget the incident.

Xin Li: 不要,不要,不要, 别想到那么多.

( No, no, no, don't think about it too much. )

Xin Li convinced herself that it was totally and half-heartedly continued to watering the plants with a worried face.

Somewhere from a far place, a man with a dark vibe started to chant some unknown words, which he swung his hands across his face and the air. He raised his own voice and chanted more. He had a devilish smirk and he had a one eye of white and one eye of black. He suddenly put a fire in front of some bizzare objects and chanted with glowing eyes. As he raised his hand, one of the plants started to reach out from its place, it moved toward Xin Li who was keeping an eye on a particular plant.

Xin Li: This plant must have dried out a bit, I think I need to spend more time here from now on, my laziness has started to affect the plants me and my friends grew for ages. I should really ask for an apology from them.

Xin Li didn't care about her surrounding when she focused on her work. The plant started to grow uncontrollably and stood behind her, ready to attack her in any moment.

The man in black then stopped his magic and looked at his surrounding, he felt a huge load of evil vibes around him just because of his chanting and terrifying appearance. He smirked horribly and lifted his right hand in a fast speed, at the same time the plant grew onto the air and looked down at Xin Li.

The man pulled his own hand quickly, made the plant to go down to attack Xin Li. When the planted was about to get closer, Mithran came out from the house and looked at her focusing on her garden work.

Mithran: Hey Xin Li!!!

When the plant heard Mithran's words, it immediately went back to its usual place.

Xin Li: Hey, Mithran. I'm just watering the flowers and it seemed like I have stopped doing this work when I was obsessed with my modern world.

Mithran: It's fine, Xin Li, you're still doing your work in an effective way.

Xin Li: Oh stop it, it's not like I'm the hardworking person here, I'm a lazy person if you want to know the truth. Remember that.

Mithran: Ha ha ha ha ha ha... anyway, finish your work as fast as you can. We need to do some decorations for the house.

Xin Li: Ok, I will come soon.

With that said, Xin Li placed the watering can in a huge box and left the area quickly. Back with the man in black, he shouted in rage and broke everything near him. He tried to hurt the group for a thousands of times but they kept escaping from his attack.

Man: I will not let you all go that easily, my friend. Hahahahahahahaha.....!!!!

3:00 pm

The group had started to do the decorations for the house, Mithran and Hui Yi were in charged to write Chinese calligraphy, Kai Wen and Loshini were in charged to create huge lanterns while Xin Li was in charged to draw some patterns and designs for the jars that they would put snacks and cookies in it.

Mithran: It's been a while since we had done this Calligraphy, right Hui Yi? We had done this since the school years.

Hui Yi: Well, talk about it. I'm a bit touched out with this thing. It's completely weird to forget the way we should draw the Chinese characters perfectly.

Mithran: Well, not every Chinese characters are easy to draw, while some of them has a lot of strokes that we have to write in the correct way and the correct order.

Kai Wen: Mithran, since you are fluent in Mandarin for 15 years above, let me ask you this question.

Mithran: Uh huh, trying to test out my skills? Go ahead.

Kai Wen: Are you aware of the hardest Chinese character to write?

Loshini: Kai Wen, Mandarin is one of the hardest languages to learn, and now you're asking him the hardest Chinese character? What's the difference anyway?

Kai Wen: Loshini, don't stop me, I'm asking this question to Mithran. Do you know that?

Mithran: ( smirks ) How can I not know that character? I almost know every single Chinese characters which contains about 7000 of them.

Kai Wen: If you do, answer me then.

Mithran: Actually, I only got to know about that when I was scrolling on TikTok, a Chinese man wrote that hardest Chinese character on a whiteboard. And honestly, that Chinese character itself had gave me the shock of my life. I mean, I was even wondering at that time, was that even a word?!! Oh, by the way, the character is pronounced as "huáng".

Kai Wen: 我的天啊!!! You got that right, Mithran!! You're such an intelligent person.

( Oh my god!!? )

Hui Yi: Huang? I do remember the pronunciation but I don't remember how to write that.

Mithran: I have to agree with that, I think it will take few days to memorize the huge Chinese character. It's tough to even remember it.

Loshini: Hey Mithran, you were talking about the times when you draw the Chinese calligraphy, what is that all about?

Mithran: It's simple, everytime when Chinese New Year was around the corner, the school would hold a Chinese calligraphy competition for both teachers and students. However, more than a competition, it's really fun to do it with our friends.

Hui Yi: It was so memorable, like the time when Kai Wen accidentally splashed all his black ink on the floor.

Kai Wen: Hey, I didn't do purposely, it was just an accident.

Mithran: That's what she said, why are you repeating it?

Kai Wen: You.....

Loshini: So was that a must to join?

Hui Yi: Kinda, but we would have gone there everytime if there's a chance, even if they don't call us.

Mithran: And the day I remembered when I got first prize for non-Chinese category in that competition, it was an unforgettable experience for me.

Loshini: Wow, you are such a talented person, Mithran. I'm impressed.

Mithran: Nah nah, who said that?

Xin Li: Umm...guys, how many types of cookies should I make?

Hui Yi: Just 5 of them are enough, Xin Li. We only have 5 people around the house.

Loshini: Yeah, we can't simply waste food during Chinese New Year. It's a bad fortune if we do so.

Kai Wen: You're right. Anyway, can anyone tell us a story? It's kind of boring to do decorations only.

Hui Yi: Boring? What do you want us to do then if you don't want to get bored? Telling a story? Really?

Mithran: Come on, Kai Wen. We're not babies anymore.

Loshini: Yeah, even if we do, you will eventually fall asleep and let us take your work instead. Wait a minute, is that why you wanted us to tell a story?!

Kai Wen: Woah woah woah.... it's not what you think. I just wanted to hear a story, that's it.

Mithran: Just do it quickly if you don't want to get bored, or else you're banned from this celebration.

Kai Wen: What?! That's not fair!!!!!

3:00 pm

Somewhere far from the house, a tall man walked around the creepy house with a disturbed face, his glowing eyes kept wondering around the place as he couldn't found a way to make his dream come true. By that time, his onlyassistant showed up in his house. The man looked up to see a well built man standing at the broken doorway.

???: What are you doing here, Alvin?!

Alvin: Sir, I heard that you failed to kill one of the friends.

Lan Wei: Again, Alvin!!! AGAIN!!!!! How many times I have failed attempting to kill them?! And now, I can't even get next to them. I'm Han Lan Wei, the greatest devil here, but doing things like a fool.

Lan Wei was a devil who worshipped Demon and evil entities, like any other devil, he's against God. He wanted to take the whole world into his hand and become the king of the world as soon as possible. He would sacrifice various of life, including humans, animals and even devils just to increase his stamina and evil power.

Alvin: Sir, getting enraged is not going to help you to calm down, neither to achieve your dream. You have to think wisely before you decided to do something.

Lan Wei suddenly appeared in front of Alvin, which he stepped back a little from him.

Lan Wei: What do you mean think wisely? I'm a wise person.

Alvin: If you're that wise enough, you might have killed that group by now. But, what happened in the end? You're not thinking straight now, you're just keep dreaming of them being killed by your hands.

Lan Wei: I will continue to dream, but soon I'll make it come true. I can't lose myself to those useless group of friends, they ruined everything of mine, literally everything.

Alvin: You can continue dreaming, but there's no way you can make your dream come true if you continued to do it that way.

Lan Wei: Do you think I'm just imagining things?! No!! All I can do is to make anything what my mind thinks of. Anything!!!!

Alvin: I need to inform you one thing, Chinese New Year is around the corner, we have less time to start our plan. The solar eclipse however are few months away, you need to make your starting point in this upcoming Chinese New Year so your work will be easier than you think.

Lan Wei: Yes, the biggest dream of mine, Chinese culture has been a huge enemy since the start, it has not given me a single good thing when I was born. I will destroy the whole Chinese culture in the whole world, and there's no one can stop me from doing so.

Alvin: But sir, I need to warn you again. Destroying a huge culture which is recognized by every parts of the world is not an easy task, you know how huge and strong the culture is.

Lan Wei: And so do the population, they might be good at everything, but let's see if they can stop me from destroying all of them. In order to make that happen, I have to take the lives of those 5 people!!!

Alvin: You have to, because believe it or not, they are the hindrances who are preventing you from making your dream comes true.

Lan Wei: I will destroy all of them!!!! All of them!!!! I will give the hard taste of death, or something even more devastating than death. They should not die peacefully, or even their souls to be in peace. 我会来找你们!!!!

( I will come and find you all!!!! )

5.00 pm

Two miles away from the friends's house, Mithran went to Lord Shiva's temple for time passing. He stepped inside the temple and found his god, Lord Shiva's statue with a medium sized Shivalingam in front of the statue. He folded his hands together and closed his eyes, prayed for every good things he was manifesting to him and his friend.

???: Mithran.

Mithran opened his eyes and found his sage standing next to him, he's known as Gurudev.

Mithran: வணக்கம், Gurudev.

( Greetings )

Gurudev: What's wrong with you? You look nothing but worried.

Mithran: I can't stop worrying about everything happening around me, Gurudev. Everything was going great until someone blackmailed us that we could get killed by them. We haven't done anything wrong, but why is it after us?

Gurudev chuckled slightly and started to walk slowly in a different direction.

Gurudev: Not everything you or your friends do are aware of, something you are unknown of what are your actions for. And, it could also occur consequences, whether it's good or bad.

Mithran: So, are you saying that we actually did something wrong that someone is after us?

Gurudev: You can't possibly say you're on the wrong side, but you must have done something to someone who got hurt or devastated by you or your friends's action. Now, he is planning to get his revenge.

Mithran: What are you talking about, Gurudev? This isn't making any sense.

Gurudev: What you did is not something we can change, however they are coming for you and your friends. Evils are starting to hunt down for their feast, every single thing which is happening around you are considered inauspicious. You and your friends have to be more careful, Mithran. Their moves might be invisible, but they can attack you in anytime.

Mithran: No, Gurudev!! I can't let him hurt when I know the danger ahead!! Isn't there any way we can get away from this?!

Gurudev: No matter how much you try, you need to face the reality. Running away isn't the only solution, you need to fight back to solve it.

Mithran: But how is it possible?! You said they could attack us in anytime, even right now.

Gurudev: Don't worry, Mithran. Evil can't overpower God, He is always there watching you everytime. Believe Him, he will find the right way for you and your friends. You are one of His parts, he won't let you down.

Mithran: I still believe in Him, only He could save us from the invisible dangers. Lord Shiva will never give up on me, and neither will me.

Gurudev: Very well, keep praying to Him. Lord Shiva is always around you. ஓம் நமசிவாய.

( Hail to Lord Shiva or Om Nama Sivaya. )

Mithran: Thanks, Gurudev. I will make my leave then.

Mithran bowed at Gurudev and Lord Shiva one last time before he exited the temple, Gurudev walked towards the statue and raised his both hands.

Gurudev: O gracious, protect your child at any cost. Don't let them down.

8.00 pm

It's already night time, and the friends gathered at the living hall, as Mithran was about to tell them an important matter. They were a bit nervous as to why he asked them to gather.

Kai Wen: Mithran, why did you call us? Is something wrong?

Mithran: I will tell you. Wait until Loshini comes back.

Loshini went out from her room and gathered with the friends in a fast pace. She breathed rapidly and she was sweating a bit like a wet cloth.

Mithran: Woah, easy there, Loshini. No need to be rush.

Hui Yi: Loshini, what took you so long? And why are you sweating so much?

Loshini: I'm sorry guys, I was looking for my purse as it was gone from my closet.

Xin Li: And, did you find it?

Loshini: I did, but there's something else I found other than my purse. But, don't be shocked yet.

Loshini slowly took out an item from behind, what it seemed to be a dried bloody sharp knife with unknown symbols on it. The friends were shocked as they were not expecting that.

Kai Wen: What the....what is that?!!!

Hui Yi: It's a bloody knife!!! Where did you find it?!!

Loshini: I don't know, I heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom when I was looking for my purse. I went inside and found no one there. However, I saw this knife on the sink and I was equally baffled as you all.

Kai Wen: What was a bloody knife doing in your bathroom?!! That's creepy!!

Xin Li: Hey, give me that thing.

Loshini gave the knife slowly to Xin Li without touching the dried blood on it.

Xin Li: That sure is a lot of blood.

Mithran: And this is not even our knife, it has unknown symbols on it, like skulls, bats, demons.....it looks like an ancient knife.

Mithran started to get worried all of a sudden, after everything Gurudev warned him back in the temple, it had already started to happen.

Mithran: No.....this can't be happening.....why it has to be now????

Hui Yi: What's wrong, Mithran? You look pale.

Mithran: I went to Lord Shiva's temple this evening, and the Gurudev warned us to be careful, as someone was after us. And now with this bloody knife, they are near!!!

Kai Wen sat next to Mithran and held his hands to calm him down.

Kai Wen: It's ok, Mithran. I'm here right next to you.

Hui Yi: I can't ignore Gurudev's warning though, what he said would always comes true. We have to take that as a caution for us.

Loshini: We already know that we are being watched, but how are we supposed to know when will they attack us? It could be anytime.

Xin Li: They would do anything to destroy us, and I don't want that to be an interrupter for our Chinese New Year celebration. We have to get rid of them as fast as we could.

Kai Wen: But the real question is, HOW?! We can't keep an eye on everything at everytime.

Mithran: There's one thing we can do right now.

The friends turned toward Mithran who was looking determined to do something.

Hui Yi: What is it?!

Mithran: Give me a second.

Mithran left the friends alone and went into the prayers room. The friends had no idea what was he trying to do. After a moment, he came back with a bottle of oil lamp, a packet of lamp wicks and some small bricks made lamps.

Loshini: What's all this thing? Are you going to do a prayer here?

Mithran: This is not a prayer, it's a small ritual.

Xin Li: What? What are you going to do?

Mithran: It's not me, it's us.

Hui Yi: What do you mean? What does these things have to do with us?

Mithran: According to the hindu astrology, tonight is an inauspicious night. So evil presence might be everywhere in this night.

Kai Wen: Are you serious? How long?

Mithran: Approximately 6 hours, from 10pm to 4am.

Loshini: Ok, but what are we going to do with these things?

Mithran: Since we can't do anything yet to attack, we just have to defend ourselves. What we're going to do is to light up these lamps and put them in different areas of the house, which are, the living hall, bathroom, garden, kitchen, boys's room and girls's room.

Xin Li: Ok, what will happen if we do so?

Mithran: Lighting up lamps in a particular area is said to get rid of the dark and welcome light, that's what these lamps are made for in Hinduism. It's a divine orb that can protect us from the evil, so if we light up these lamps in our house, the evil presence has no way to get in here.

Hui Yi: So will we protected by these lamps until the bad time ends?

Mithran: Not so fast, Hui Yi. The lamps can't last long if the lamp wicks burned out completely or the lamp oil ran out. We have to lit it back before it wiped out completely. We just have to do this over and over until this inauspicious night ends.

Kai Wen: Well, I'm not so sure if this will work, but I'm going to do this just for you, Mithran.

Hui Yi: Me too, I guess we have no other choice than this. Let's do it then.

Loshini: Same here, I don't want to risk my life for no good.

Xin Li: Well, if everyone is on it, I have no objections.

Mithran: Thank you guys for trusting me, I can't ask for more.

Kai Wen: That's what friends for, to trust and help each other.

Mithran: What are we waiting for? Let's get to work.

With that said, everyone grabbed a small lamp for each of them and went to different areas of the house. Mithran went to garden and lit up a lamp, Hui Yi went to the girls's room, Kai Wen went to the boys's room, Xin Li went to the bathroom and Loshini went to living hall and kitchen.

Everyone had lit up a lamp just like how Mithran wanted to be, the orange light shone through out the whole house, it almost turned into a temple. When Mithran was about get in after he lit up a lamp at the garden, he spotted a creepy shadow figure lurking around the bushes. He knew that the evil presence were up to something to harm him and his friend. But all he could believe now is to hoping that the lamp will last long until the inauspicious night ended.

With that tint of hope, Mithran went back into the house without looking back at the dark shadow. The shadow then quickly disappeared into thin air. Little they did know? It was about to begin with the start of a horror lifetime.

To be continued...

谢谢你, நன்றி.

( Thanks )

Your Author,
