

"What about how we have been chased or chased away? You should remember 2,500 years ago, the first mixed-blood people came here because they wanted to find a safe place to live."

"Now, you say you don't want to live anymore, are you not ashamed. don't you know that you are disrespecting those who tried to find a safe place for the mixed bloods?"

"Even the stupid monsters inside the fog want to live, you guys are not fools, you are not monsters, do you not want to live?"

As Trebun said this, his eyes were red as if he wanted to cry, but the tears didn't come out because his eyes were already dry.

After saying that, Trebun sat down on the ground, next to the body of the girl from earlier. The villagers who were stunned just looked at each other as they said nothing.

"Hurry up!"

Trebun suddenly shouted, startling them, the villagers immediately dispersed, as they started to gather what they would take with them.