
Misty rox

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NEHA_TIWARI · Book&Literature
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Chapter 21 Thoughtful

and Erskine smiled reassuringly, "Naturally. And in the far end is a cot and a latrine. Wooden beds or novelty bathrooms are a tad too much.

I apologize about you needing to share and such, Miss Carter, but the battleground would be similar to this.".

"It's alright, doctor. I understand, we weren't really preparing for this sort of thing anyway.", Peggy said. "True; but so far, it appears that everything went almost right with the process; just excluding the height and all.",

Erskine sighed.

"Which puts us down at the bottom of the inning, considering that Nazi bitch is about 105...",

Phillips growled. "I remind you before, Colonel, that was due in a small part due to the Quantonium supply that the Nazis retrieved from the Black Forest... I know, I was there.", Erskine replied with a nod.

Phillips nodded, "Yeah, I know. It was a miracle that you got the remains of the Quantonium, and of course, escaped to freedom.". Steve replied, "Must have been a sight.".

Erskine nodded, "It indeed was.", before smiling, "Well, looks like you're all good here, then. Work out a schedule between yourselves, and we will send down dinner at 5.

Breakfast is at 7, and lunch is at half past 11. And oh, if I understand correctly, your eidetic memory will help you keep notes of your limits in strength and such.".

Peggy replied, "Of course. Thank you, Dr. Erskine. And Colonel, we will be ready to set out once we're plenty used to the basics.". Phillips nodded, "Excellent.

Your deadline will be this Saturday, a week from now.".

Steve and Peggy nodded, "Yes, sir!", with confident smiles, and the

two regular-sized people nodded proudly and respectfully before leaving the couple to their devices.

"Well, I have to admit, my homes haven't been too much better than this place.", Steve said as he glanced around.

"Hell, some apartments were much more cramped than this place.".

Peggy nodded, "New York is cramped compared to London, but hey, it's home sweet home for you, huh?",

before giggling, "First time I heard you swear.".

Steve smiled proudly, "I am a New Yorker through and through.",

and blushed, "I'm not usually inclined to swear, as Mom would have washed my mouth out with soap if she knew

I was swearing. She did it often to Bucky.", with a smirk.

Peggy grinned, "The more I hear about her, the more I respect her...

I wish I would've met her...through she might be mad at me if she knew about earlier...", with a sigh...

"Earlier?", Steve looked at her. "What, you mean the fact that you were naked before me as we didn't have a honeymoon or something?".

"No, not like that, Steve, though I'm sure she would understand about that part,

considering what has happened with the two of us.", Peggy glanced away and knew she now had to tell him the truth about before.

Steve squeezed her hand, "You can tell me anything, Peggy.

I would understand.", with a reassuring smile, repeating her words from earlier, and

Peggy chuckled, remembering that before sighing heavily, and looked up to look straight at Steve.

"Earlier, when you told me to turn around, and not look when you were occupied, I didn't look at first, but when

I heard you calling for me absentmindedly, I looked up, and I saw you in the reflections of the planes...I

watched you... it made me want to touch myself all as I wished to be in the place of the tarp you were using...", Peggy whispered firmly yet almost quietly.

Steve went really red-faced hearing all that, "Oh...".

His whole brain was still trying to catch up with the wave of shocking information he had just been told.

"I'm sorry, Steve... I just... my emotions got the better of me there, my whole body was practically...",

Peggy bit her lip as she stopped, certainly not wanting to say 'aching'. It was already embarrassing enough.

Steve exhaled, speechless, his brain trying to find the right words, and

Peggy looked away, "I've already made a mess with the whole machine thing, and I've made it worse...I'm so sorry...

You probably hate me...I'm a bimbo, a shrew...", tears swelling in her eyes as she started to walk away, not wanting to make herself an embarrassment more than she is, going for the latrine.

"Peggy.", Steve grabbed her hand, not letting her get away from him. "Don't...", Peggy looked at him before he gave a small smile.

"You're not a bimbo or a shrew or whatever horrible words you want to describe yourself. You're a woman that is as human as any other.

Our bodies now... they, they've acted on instinct today for the most part, but that doesn't make you or me bad in any way.".

Peggy looked at him in surprise and saw the love and sincerity in his eyes, and sighed heavily,

"I know...But what if it happens again, especially on the battleground? I...I care so deeply for you, Steve...", still not ready to say those fateful three words yet.

Steve touched her cheek with his other hand, gently moving her to face him, "I don't care if people judge us. They won't physically force us apart, literally. We're 50 ft tall.

If anyone dares hurt you, I'll hurt them, with words or my hand. We're together for the long haul, Peggy.", giving her a warm, gentle peck on the lips.

"Yeah, well, it looks like since the Red Army are slowing down their pushes for now, German High

Command thinks they can spare her to shore up the defense here. And it'll be even worse for those Anzio landings in the next few weeks if she stays.

Our best chance to outflank the Germans and finally break those defensive lines once and for all could be crushed before it could begin... literally.", Bucky replied with a grimace.

Peggy nodded, "Yes, I can see the advantage for the Germans.",

before looking thoughtful, "She would expect us to come from land.

What do you say to find out how fast we can swim, Steve?", as she emerged out of the water, grabbing her war outfit to put it over her one-piece bikini,