
Misty and Her Lovers

Misty just wanted to get away from her humdrum office life to see the Northern Lights, but after falling off her ship, she finds herself transmigrated to the realm of Tumult where people can shift into beasts and marriage is a magical contact between compatible souls. Now she must find her five soulmates before the foundation of this new world falls apart! With overpowered magic and a pair of divine guides, she is stuck here learning the rules of magic and society. #beastworld #reverseharem #magic #isakai #overpowered **Chapters with (M) contain mature content. **Image generated using starryai

ChaosArray · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Morning Delight (M)

***Author's warning: Contains mature content

Misty slept deeply for the rest of the night. She may have had a million dreams, but when her eyes opened, she couldn't remember any. She did remember being carried up to the bedroom by Jay. *What a lost opportunity,* she thought. The bed was warm and comfortable, and Misty snuggled deeper into the covers.

It wasn't too long before she needed to get up to use the restroom. She peeked around the room and didn't see anyone. Moving the covers to the side, she began searching for a place to relieve herself. One of the doors to the side of the room led to a place that seemed to fit the bill. It wasn't much like a modern toilet, but it was better than the woods or an outhouse.

After taking care of herself, she looked over the room. A canopy bed dominated the space. It was big and obviously made for more than a single person. Shear cream curtains draped across the wooden beams. She remembered that there were some countries that used curtains like netting so that people wouldn't get eaten by bugs at night.

She saw the sitting area. Her feet sunk into the soft carpet that anchored the seating area together. The couches and chairs seemed almost modern to her, with velvet-like fabric and sleek lines.

When she rounded the couch, she realized that Jay was sleeping on it. How he had been able to sleep puzzled her. His feet were hanging over the end of the arm rest and his broad shoulders were hanging off the cushions. The blanket over him fell to the floor and Misty could only stare.

*Abs. They look like a bar of chocolate, and I am feeling like a chocoholic.* Misty's face warmed, and she felt dizzy from the intensity of her lust. She wondered if it was because of the mate contract. She had liked guys back in her other world, but she had never been practically incoherent with desire.

She could see the rise and fall of his chest. Somewhere she heard that most men had to flex so that you could see the definition of their muscles. Jay was relaxed, but she could still see how incredibly in shape his body was.

She followed the dusting of hair down to his kaunak. Misty caught her breath and her eyes darkened with desire. Jay shifted and her eyes darted up to meet his.

Jay didn't dare move, but he could see Misty's desire in her appreciative gaze. Part of him wanted to grab her and throw her onto the bed as he devoured her. Something told him that he should give Misty time to process. He sat up, his face coming closer to hers.

Jay saw a stray lock of hair fall over her face and he reached out, pushing it back as the tips of his fingers glided over her forehead. He cupped the side of her face, and she closed her eyes, leaning into the tender embrace.

Jay pulled her closer and Misty decided to let her desires lead her. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling his lips claim her own. Jay's hands wrapped around her waist and inched up her back, pulling her in closer. He lifted her as he stood.

Misty wrapped her legs around his waist, and she could feel a bulge nudging her. Misty and Jay were lost in each other's lips. Jay walked over to the bed and lay her gently on the twisted covers, breaking their kiss. He yanked the sheets and blankets over to the side and looked down at her hungrily.

The dress Misty wore was wrinkled and torn from her ordeal and Jay reached down. One of his nails got sharper and he slit the dress down the center of the top until Misty could feel the cool air on her breasts. Jay bent down and began kissing her again. His lips followed the hollow of her neck and down her chest. Misty looked down to see him lick her mate mark and she shivered in anticipation. He pulled one of her nipples into his mouth. Misty moaned in pleasure.

As he lapped at both of her breasts, Misty felt his hand stroke her hip and lift her dress up. He pulled her up until she was sitting on his thigh. He ripped her dress off and he threw it haphazardly to the floor. His hand glid down her naked belly and lower into her secret curls. His fingertips dipped into her slick core.

Misty gasped and moaned as he rubbed her and sucked on her breasts. She gripped his shoulders and leaned into his hand. It wasn't long before she was shuddering in exquisite pleasure. She fell back onto the bed and Jay settled himself between her thighs. He kissed her deeply as he lifted her legs.

She couldn't think as she bent her knees and arched her back. She felt his hardness at her entrance. Misty bit her lip and looked up at jay. His eyes were dark with desire, and she could see him restrain himself so he wouldn't overwhelm her. She felt him slide slowly into her, filling every corner of her. It was tight and if Jay hadn't carefully prepared her, she may have been very uncomfortable.

The tension built and with every stroke, Misty moaned. Soon, her gasps became short pants, and she couldn't hold her voice back. That seemed to drive Jay over the edge, and he flipped her over and plunged even deeper, gripping her as she screamed into the pillow.

Jay began to move even faster and reached around to pull Misty back. She twisted around and kissed him. Then, the waves of pleasure that had been building shattered and they both groaned. Jay stilled and Misty could feel warmth filling her as her insides contracted around him.

They both fell onto the bed, spent. Jay kissed her shoulder and Misty closed her eyes as a satisfied warmth filled her.