
Mistress To Enemies: Let's Began The Game Of Heart!

[* Mature Content *] An unwonted nightmare of the past used to come afterwards in Prakash’s dreams since his infancy, due to which he never reclined peacefully. He is the King of Rajasthan after Sumit and before; he became the world’s famous Hollywood and Asian actor, his life went smooth and simple, with his nightmares. Since until a graceful girl named Yashika came into his life, who used to belong in the middle-class society, but Later on, Prakash knew about something horrific connected to his parent’s death. From which he decided to discover the truth of his family history and about his dream too… After learning the secrets, the one on whom the biggest secret was hidden is his love; means Yashika. She had betrayed him deeply which his family didn’t accept and wanted to take him away from her. So by becoming weak from her given betrayal; Will Prakash really stab to get away from Yashika; Or, take retaliation against her? Or, Will he try to know the truth by trusting his beloved?

WordDreamer · Urban
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5 Chs

The Throne

"Hm…I hear you out! Keep going."

It was only after he dared to put his point and say ahead. His voice was trembling while speaking about this; but in that, he run on:

"As per your incline, I shall be The King only when you will symbolize to equally disunite The Throne to my cousins more than the given tag of The Princes & The Princess.

And if you think demure than an aspect of Rajasthan, we are technically getting another state; likewise: 'Gujarat and apart from these two we already have Varanasi & a major part of Dubai and Sri Lanka...!"

On which, my convenient siblings; who were equally potential and competitors for The Throne, can at least have enough to build the direct entity as well authority to succour our family.

Then eventually, it will create well-enough protective defence layers for our family as well as our Royal Throne!"

To be honest, at first; Sumit wouldn't take his words, seriously!

Afterwards, his last para made him efficacy to think that actually, it makes absolute sense.

As if technically give each of their heirs; The Throne, then their rest enemies could nevermore presume to scathe The Crowne Prince; which happens in the departed period, to his elder brother (with Prashant). [*Season 1]

Thereafter reuniting the past into this; he said: "Hm! I am aware, of what you want and what concretely I need to do!

Granted! Tell them before coming here, so that they could already be made themselves prepared for the coming surprise contest.

Behalf on which their fortune of the higher states as well as authorities of their respective Kingdoms will be selected.

But…! But first of all; you've to respect my afore taken decisions or else; I will disown all your dema…."

Prakash: "I will esteem it all! I consent to all your decisions, but it should be coordinated!"

Sumit's last prevising gives Prakash evident less info about his father's infernal judgments.

Likewise, after both the parties' gratification with the commune and set themselves to do that by end of this month; Prakash and his siblings will recessional to their (home) destination.

After this, the call gets disjoined, which aids Prakash to take a serenity of breath for a second.

Unless when he checked the time on the digital wall side clock, he became blown up.

Because it shows 2:30 pm and providentially, today only; he set the scheme to unite lunch with his fellow cousins at sharp at 3 o'clock at noon; which he couldn't cast aside at all.

Because of their worst flings; regarding the last night, so he ran towards the washroom.

On the contrary, since disconnected the phone call, he seems to draft some uncouth notion which was reflected on his face, as well.

Afterwards, he started texting his wife; her favour and wants her opinion about taking big steps ahead.

It's not like this that he took always taking permission for his every matter, after all; it's the concern of the future of their broods.

Therefore, he doesn't want to handle this by himself; although thinking about all of these while he texting her and writing this, "I presume that now the moment has come for the show! Perhaps, it will gonna unique but satisfied all of our family legacies. So what's your point about this?" and he elatedly sends this to her.

Unexpectedly, within a few minutes; he also got her reply; which was written in only a sentence;

"Dude, don't bother me with your perception. Just tell me the time and place, I'll be present there, in 10 minutes!"

While reading this, a warm smile came up to his face and started more proud of his wife and their trusting deep bond; which makes him love his wife; even more, recondite from before.

After securing the spunk and permit from his beloved wife, with a vainglory attitude, he called someone.

At the noon, 3 pm;

MV Golden Present, Classic Resturant:

This restaurant was so expensive it can only be purchased by billionaires; due to this, it would have come to know about its delightfulness and comfort zone!

Keeping in the mind, the privacy and their level of appearance; Prakash's assistance had booked this morning.

All of them had been present until now; in which Muskan, Rahul, Aslan, Manav & Vansh. And as per still, the topic of their discussion means Prakash hadn't come yet.

Meanwhile, in between seated with them; Muskan isn't looked happy enough and continued taunting his eldest brother for not being presented at the right time.

Whereas; Into all of them, Vansh has sitting defer into their seats likewise; everyone else eagerly waiting for Prakash to come there. So that, they could be relishing for proding him.

However, he has been feeling bored; thus he scrolling on Insta. On which, after refreshing; he started to get Sumit & Preety's endless posters.

In which that middle-aged couple's latest posed photoshoots had done, which initially went at the top trending news on social media; as usual!

Yet in this case, the headline was written in a bold red style; "Today the enormous popular head couple of the Singhaniya Family revels the curtain on their family's big secrets!"

That's all that headline was, which is definitely not enough to calm his curiosity. Thus, he clicked below given in the description and that link straight go for youtube one of the famous news channel.

The video is still live showing that the press has taken an interview of the queenly couple; where that couple represents themselves spaciously while carrying their own glory; which glows existence more aristocratical!

The area where this sudden press conference is placed seems like a modern stylish academic open hall.

Preety & Sumit are seated on an expensive chair and holding respective mice in their hands and answering delightfully to the press.

Because Vansh was listening all over this to his Bluetooth, so nobody is aware of his changing facial features in each second.

But at the very end of that press conference live show, his phiz turned from wonder into daunting; which Aslan had noticed all the time, prudently!

But couldn't conclude his sudden bizarrely acts. He also gets caused to stray after seeing him.

He is about to ask Vansh the reason for his uneasy daze; however even before he could initiate this; Strangely! All of their phones started popping up with a sudden bunch of notifications.

Seeing this, everyone present over there engaged in their chit-chats that forced them to come to frightening states.

*Disclosure Of Vansh :

Related to Season 1; at the present period, after Kashi's death; Mr Sharan has left only two heirs for his empire which were; Preety & Vansh; where at that moment he was in the age 2, and for contretemps death, became The Crowne Prince of Dubai.

Due to this, he wasn't enough to pull up this huge empire, so at that period; Mr Sharan gave all to Preety till Vansh became an adult.

Therefore, at that moment Mr Sharan also clatter on the heaven door and slept over the death bed, which was the only meanders of Vansh, who also had been taken away by his lot, but at that moment, Sumit & Preety became his neoteric potency for his initiative and also beget his firm cosmos.

Thereafter, along with Prakash, Vansh also started calling them Mom & Dad. Technically, relatable to Sumit's situation, this time, they adopted Vansh legally as their child along with the rest!

Along with his growth in his age, he officially announced a part of Singhaniya's Family and was tagged as Second Prince.

He has a muscular well maintained body of about six inches long lumbar.

Her hair is neatly trimmed in light ashes color and her eyes were the most attractive on her as she was blue in colour.

There was such an expression on his face that anyone looking at him would get lost on him, especially his eyes.

To Be Continued...

Announcement ----- 🎤

Hello Readers,

This is the author of this novel.

I have a special announcement for you guys that 'Mistress To The Enemy: Let's Began The Game of Heart!' is transverse into 'Mistress Of The Alpha Villain '.

Here is the link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/mistress-of-the-alpha-villain!_25605025805385105

I requested you guys that Please go and read the further chapters

The story will continued into that novel.

Thanks for your cooperation and keep giving the love of my book.

Thank you guys, Bye!