
Mistress To Enemies: Let's Began The Game Of Heart!

[* Mature Content *] An unwonted nightmare of the past used to come afterwards in Prakash’s dreams since his infancy, due to which he never reclined peacefully. He is the King of Rajasthan after Sumit and before; he became the world’s famous Hollywood and Asian actor, his life went smooth and simple, with his nightmares. Since until a graceful girl named Yashika came into his life, who used to belong in the middle-class society, but Later on, Prakash knew about something horrific connected to his parent’s death. From which he decided to discover the truth of his family history and about his dream too… After learning the secrets, the one on whom the biggest secret was hidden is his love; means Yashika. She had betrayed him deeply which his family didn’t accept and wanted to take him away from her. So by becoming weak from her given betrayal; Will Prakash really stab to get away from Yashika; Or, take retaliation against her? Or, Will he try to know the truth by trusting his beloved?

WordDreamer · Urban
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5 Chs

D…Dad…! What’s up?

Likewise, after happening something like this he felt out of humoured and girths.

While continue staring into the hateful eyes of that girl, he started to think: "Haha! What the fuck?

Seeing her, it seems to be the last fu*cked night she really enjoyed, very well!"

Anyway, after commuting his weft; he hastily put a blank check on which he started writing on that, the amount of their One Night Stand; which was 1 Crore and put remain his elegant signature on it and left that place, as earliest possible!

Whereas, as soon as he left; that girl gets up facilely as if she had already woken up and expected his anon to leave.

She saw the check which was on the mini table cabinet beside the bed, she took that expediently.

When she saw the amount on that check, she get roundly flicked and entirely wonder that she can't even express her reverie!

Her fruition becomes duplex to see the amount, as per her reward for the last night and after getting dressed in her remaining protracted attires, quickly and with sempiternal joyfully and also let up of that place.

On The Otherside,

After half a minute:

Prakash resplendently walk through the hall of the five-star level of consisting flat and went to the 20th floor and unlocked the door of his luxurious majestical room.

He is a sight to be drowsy, so he went straight to his bedroom and drop his muscular well-maintained body onto the soft King-sized bed.

Within a sec, he fell asleep; but barring the sands o'clock, he eventually resume a chance to see the nightmare; which again….! Repeating itself.

Which he was getting aware of since his first five years of birthday till today; which he was very much distressed with.

In his dream, he used to investigate his identity, because in every period, he found himself standing in a historical royal Palace.

Around the entire Palace; the obscurity is like hell and solitude strangled him.

Into this, he feels himself; paused at a place. And he is continuously able to listen; one of the most kind of familiar melodious voices (*female) tuned to a song.

But enigmatically, this is the only part which makes him relax and wanted him to stay tuned on that.

However, he never perceived that mystery lady which made to feel warm to him.

During that piercing tune of the melody song, sinister umbrage all of a sudden came in envisage of his visage and spoke (as shouting) some weird ancient language of Rajasthani as if whatever of that umbrage it is, were cursing him.

As soon as this happened, likewise every time; this time too, Prakash opened his eyes, cogently in fear and panic!

Actually, his phone was ringing and vibrating, incessantly. Well! As always, this day doesn't exceptional aspect from his daily morning wake-up based.

Naturally, his periods of sleep couldn't able to succeed! Ergo of this, he furious of the sick of his phone call and finally answered the without looking at the screen and redly said (approx. to a shouting tone);

"Yeah…! What do you want….? Why did the heck you call so early in the morning?"

On the other hand of that call, remains silent till he completes his words and after his done,

Prakash could clearly hear a loud powerful roaring voice of a near of middle-aged man.

All through, he sounds louder but then in that too, it's sound in perfect stillness and eases to hear, which saying:

"Have I disturbed you by calling now? By the way, in a general sense, our clock indicates to us that it isn't early….morning! But 1 o'clock of the afternoon."

He was well familiar with that relatable voice, the roar of which he had to diagnose that man, greatly; Who called him!

Because in the full Universe, in front of him; it can be only two characters are built to roar in a majestic loud way, to show their reflection.

*Author's Note: And that two characters are none other than the second characters of Season 1;

Sumit Roy Singhaniya- as his father

Preety Roy Singhaniya- as his mother


Since, thinking this inside him, he quaked up and along with this; he recognized that his father might be already been in anger and with his unexpected acts, he spared no effect in bulldozing his anger.

Through this, he became damn sure about his punishment has definitely waiting for welcoming him.

Unlike beyond his alpha rule, for the first time; he started trying to melt Sumit, in his filtered softening tone for escaping the punishment.

"D…Dad…! What's up? Have you taken the stress of the company along with political matters, again…? Or else, are board members bothering you again? Just a word and I'll take care of the rest…."

In taking out the frustration, he groped. Listening to whom, Sumit who was still now talking serious manner, started laughing which makes him more majestic waves.

Sumit: "Oh my dear, do you think any outsiders have the guts to bother me, except your dearest Mom!"

On which; this time both of them started laughing while recalling the past of their bond of fighting a relation bond became more rough and tough to break, passing through the period!

After a while, they continued their further talks; at this point, Prakash sapidity asked Sumit:

"Dad! By the way, you called me so sudden at the noon, for the first time. Surely, there will be an urgent case, am I right?"

Sumit (proudly) replied to him: "Absolutely! This is the impressive quality that I really like about you. Due to this, your queenly makes you stand out from the top.

Anyway, my purpose is to call today that recently here; some former and extant foe has returned mystically for snatching the throne; once again!

So now, it is the time for you guys to enter the fray and now soon be, the World also have to be aware that the actual possessor of this Majistical Royal Throne resides.

The only one of them is capable to resist sitting on that seat of the throne!"

Listening to his brief description, his face gets tough likewise Sumit's expression remains the same till now; while saying all the above stuff.

However, Prakash was thinking apart from a diverse subject; which makes him emphasise say to his father.

And before Sumit could talk ahead of this, while interrupting him in the middle, he hang back for his opinion relatable to this.

"Fine…! It'll be under my charge to take everyone there but I am thinking something else."

Sumit while pressing him to sustain saying further, said: "Oh Yes, yes! Please go ahead, What do you want to say?"

Prakash: "Since as per your thoughts, it is neatly shown at any cost you will certainly make me The King. Although I'm already The Crown Prince, hence I want to update the principal of the princely state a little…of..f (off)!"

Though he was so preoccupied and misgiving about not admitting his taken certitude, so after saying the above words; he remains silent and pressured himself to calm down.

And began to scrutinize Sumit's impedance; Whereas, cognizant of this; Sumit construct a loud voice and peal while saying ….

To Be Continued.....