
Mistress To Enemies: Let's Began The Game Of Heart!

[* Mature Content *] An unwonted nightmare of the past used to come afterwards in Prakash’s dreams since his infancy, due to which he never reclined peacefully. He is the King of Rajasthan after Sumit and before; he became the world’s famous Hollywood and Asian actor, his life went smooth and simple, with his nightmares. Since until a graceful girl named Yashika came into his life, who used to belong in the middle-class society, but Later on, Prakash knew about something horrific connected to his parent’s death. From which he decided to discover the truth of his family history and about his dream too… After learning the secrets, the one on whom the biggest secret was hidden is his love; means Yashika. She had betrayed him deeply which his family didn’t accept and wanted to take him away from her. So by becoming weak from her given betrayal; Will Prakash really stab to get away from Yashika; Or, take retaliation against her? Or, Will he try to know the truth by trusting his beloved?

WordDreamer · Urban
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5 Chs

A Red Beauty

The Residential Bar & Royal Club House,

At Pune (in Mumbai);

That bar was stationed by an altisonant guild and in front of stunning rain shower splash pond water visual.

In front of that bar, from expensive to high sumptuous cars were parked.

*Inside The Bar,

All the rich and high figure peoples from teenagers to the middle age group were present.

All of them were delighting the songs played by the disco guy, who was twisting Bollywood and Hollywood songs on full of swings.

In a view, it was a much classy as well as costly bar, so there were a total of three category floors placed while keeping in mind class.

As the ground floor is for the newly wealthy cluster, the second floor is for the teenage ones and the top floor is meant for Millionaires or Billionaires.

Suppose you are in such a congregation in such a position that you are paid well lavish money on the third floor, then it reflects your capability as well as the class of status; whether you're newly rich or a teenager.

However, the rate of the top floor makes extraordinary costly resonance which only a limited number of people were capable to pay the amount.

On the top floor;

Two eagled eyes were screechingly at someone while sipping the wine on the side labelled: 'The Royal Endor'.

That guy looks approx 29 years old, his looks reflect God Of Handsome. His scenic facial expression, his spanking glowing eyes with masterly shaped and his well favoured (kissed material lips) and especially his blonde and glowing skin; makes him a surpassing figure.

He isn't only seated there, beside him; there were a total of six members present, among which four boys and two girls enjoyed each other's company.

Some of them hold glasses of vodka, wine or liquor. They seem busy in their endless taking.

Whereas the connoisseur's eyes of that guy were different and his intense eyes were stopped in a graceful girl.

The one who is dancing to a bit of the music on her own oneself with a glass full of ice liquor in her hand.

This attitude of her made her asunder, sexy and cool. Along with this, she is wearing a sleeveless body feat above the knee, a stylish dress; which was bloody red in coloured.

Her golden soft skin is a magnificent better way, which described her as more attractive; everyone's greedy eyes were on her.

In comparison to others; some teenagers were intentionally dancing while hovering around her.

But there must be a special attraction in the eyes of that guy for that unknown girl, whose age seems to like around 24 years old.

That unwonted bachelor was busy in his self-artificial world, suddenly everyone's attention was sitting beside him choking on the libation and looking at him.

From seeing him looking in another direction with an interest, then everybody also followed his gaze and their eyes stopped on the same red dress beauty, who is dancing throughout the wad of men.

Even everyone found her more attractive as well! A person who was sitting close to that guy; took a shot of vodka in a stroke and said while mocking him.

"Today, after many weeks; finally guys…..Our boy has a desire to hunt a bird, isn't it Prakash? What are your thoughts on this?"

"Aslan! What are you talking about? I feel that my dearest brother has fallen in love, Poor guy….I already feel sorry for you, Mr Rana Singhaniya!"

"Oh please, come on! M..U..S..K..A..N, Do you really think that these two pennies of girls have such status or capability to make him fall in love with such a multibillionaire actor, so soon!"

I also agree with Prerna's point, I don't think as well that our fellow's choices will be down to earth, after tasting so many beauties."

Everyone started laughing with this conversation, hearing their point of view on his character; his smile also appeared on his face a bit.

Likewise each time; Prakash is self-explanatory that he comes into his fellow's spotlight.

Seeing their reaction over him, somewhere now he distracted his eyes away from that girl and shifted to his friends.

With his melodious and deep voice, he responds to their comments;

"Are you unaware of my nature? Is she really have the potency to seduce me unless; I permit it?

Even I can say by looking a glace at this cheap girl that to create this dream come true, this girl would've to take a minimum of 100th births!"

Upon hearing him, the pride of their luxurious life was glow and shone on their faces.

Manav: "Then on this occasion, let's bet about it; Vansh! That this beauty comes within 1 minute or else, Prakash will have to go to her."

To whom Vansh heard his words and said after he finished, "Man! Manav Allen, why do you always challenge me when you always mislay, now it'll be your loss because you finely knew that I never gonna be lose in betting and gambling!"

Manav (Confidently) said: "If it's concluded in such a topic, then let's bet for 1 lakh and I'm in support of that girl that only Prakash willing to go because seeing her, it seems she doesn't have to come for him."

And while looking at everyone else, he continues to say; "Tell me, how many are on my side?"

In which only Aslan & Muskan are raised their gestured by supporting him.

Now it's Vansh's turn to speak, "Come on, along with sucking a useless option, you also put the rest of the pesos at stake.

Well….then, my option is that not even a minute will take that she will come and try to seduce Prakash by herself! Who is with me?"

Rahul, Muskan, Aslan & Prerna raised their hands instead of saying, almost every member on the side of Vansh in this matter, without any doubts.

Seeing this, Prakash inwardly makes fun of Mnav's imagination and shows a devious smile; by realizing Aslan's & Muskan's charky device that they already won in either case by two-timing!

In any case, it wouldn't be possible to lose money and the rest means; Rahul & Prerna almost have a familiar condition, that they also cleverly sucked the possible event.

This means only Manav was the only person left who would've to pay a fine of 1 lakh to Vansh.

Or else, if this turns over then every person except Aslan & Muskan would be lost their money and Manav will gain a profitable amount.

Prakash calculated all the states of affairs in his mind; soon he heard from his fellows saying this, "That red dress girl came to this direction, in a quirky mannerisms style.

And within seconds, she asked Prakash in a captivating way; "Hey Handsome, will you mind dancing with me?"

Seeing Prakash proudly looked at his companions for a while and then reply to that beauty in the same manner while gently kissing that girl's hand.

"Sure sexy, are you free tonight; in a case? So we can go for a long drive to relax after dance and also spend some time alone together!"

That girl wasn't holding her rashness and said excitedly, "Why not, Baby?"

Hereafter ending their conversation, while getting up; once again a spooky smile giving to his friends and hold her hand and went to the dance floor.

Since they left from there, they all started laughing seeing Prakash's manner to show his winning pride and on this Prerna said,

"OMG! I don't know when this guy will improve!"

Whereas, Manav had clearly known that he had the worst losses in his bet, so he is trying to escape from there.

But unfortunately, Vansh caught him while doing his method red-handed and said; "Where, man!? First, give me 1 lakh rupees and then we'll go to the Casino. Now, bring it on; dear…"

To Be Continued....