

And as if by chance I jump into Lamine's arms..

Me -out of breath-: La..La..Lamine I'm.. scared I swear there's.. there's someone in the.. in the living room.

Lam's: Mdddr calm down and pass this knife wesh are you crazy or what!

Me: No, but I swear there's someone down there and and...

And now I lost the words. I look in what position I was in .. Damn the shame mierda moreover there are the girls!!! I pull away, move away from him and lower my head. To not show them that I'm blushing but we couldn't see, since there's no light

Yasmine: What's going on here?

Me: There's someone in the living room, he broke something.

Anissa: Yeah we didn't wait

Me: Well why are you asking?

Anissa: It's not me who asked, it's Yas'!!

Keyla: It's okay you shuut

We look at her sideways.

Lam's: Well come let's see

Me: No no you're crazy, I don't want to die huh

Anissa: Nor me

Yasmine&Keyla: Same

Lam's: Aaaah Trumpet Band

Me: I'm not a trumpet me

Lam's: Oh yeah?

Me: Yeah!!

Lam's: Ok well follow me!!

Me: Girls??

They shake their heads no, ok quitters mdddr. In truth, I'm terrified.

He lays down the knife and advances, following it. I'm the girl who is not afraid, while it's all the opposite mdddr

Lam's: Wesh didn't you say you're not scared?

Me: But I'm not scared

Lam's: Yeah you take me for a fool, right?

Me: Neeeh not even!!

Lam's: In addition you continue, wait for you later.

He turns on the living room light

Me: Haaaaaaa


Yazid: Yeah yeah

He arrives and sits next to me and the girls come too, plus Younes

Younes -shouldered head-: Lili what's up??

Me: nothing nothing

Yazid: Yeah what is it

Lam's: Are you kidding me? I told you to scare her, not to do tb (=anything) in the living room.

Yazid: it looks like I did something serious.

Me: So you did it on purpose??

Lam's: Yeah and it worked well anyway. Mdddr if you would have seen your face k.oooo

Me: Pfff in any case, it's not me who's going to put all this away. Younes come you go to sleep.

I take Younes in my arms and bring him up to his room. I then go to mine, there are already the girls. We watch one last movie and sleep.

-1 week later-

The girls went home. Souley and Mams often came by the house, they weren't going to stay here all the time. They too have a family. I'm on bad terms with Lam's as usual. With Yazid and Younes we do stupid things all day long. We never stop until Lam's can't take it anymore.

In short today is a special day for Younes and me because we are going back to school, he is going to CP and I am going to enroll in a high school because Mr. Lamine does not want me to work!! I want to have my baccalaureate and be a childcare worker to work in kindergarten or nursery!!


I get up, I shower, I dress and do my hair like this: http://m.weheartit.com/entry/147956656/via/La_Comorienne

I go to Younes' room, when I open the door, he sneaks his head under his quilt

Me: You're gone get up! I know you're not sleeping

You': But I don't want to

Me: Don't get mad Younes

You': Alright I'm getting up

Me: Meet me downstairs for your breakfast

You': Mmmm

I go down to the kitchen and make him his breakfast and put him on the coffee table in front of the TV. He comes down all handsome, all fresh like this: http://m.weheartit.com/entry/140326828

Without the glasses.

Me: Bababa isn't laughing!!!

You': And yeah wait -by doing a turn on himself-

Me: Mddddr wait, I'll take a picture of you!!

You': No paparazzi

Me: Damn shut up

He does the same pose as on the photo of taleur, I take a picture of him and put him in the background

Me: Take your breakfast and let's go.

We take our breakfast and then put everything on the table for the others. Younes takes his bag and we go. I text Yazid to tell him I'm out. We arrive at school around 07:50, since we had to take the bus. In front of the gate there are plenty of small all fresh mdddr

I find Nasser with a small and a small. Anissa told me that her little sister would be with Nasser, her little brother. Yeah Lam's put Younes in the same school as Nasser

I'm going to see him with Younes, he chek

Me: how are you Nasser?

Nasser: Al Hamdûlilleh and you Melina?

Me: Yes it's ok, -to the girl- you have to be Amina?

Amina: Yes and you Melina?

Me: Yes, how are you?

Amina: Al Hamdûlilleh

Me: Dac, if you want I bring Salim?

Amina: Srx?

Me: Yeah my dear. I have nothing to do. Just tell me where kindergarten is and voila!!

Amina: Oh thank you!! It's just down there

Me: You're welcome

Amina: Salim, she's Mélina. She'll take you back to school. She's Anissa's girlfriend okay

Salem: Alright

Me: Well, I'll leave Younes to you then?

Amina: Yes tkt

Me: Ok Younes you stay with Amina I'll bring Salim back and don't be tb!!

You': Yeah tqt

Me: I'll pick you up at noon

Amina: Nah it's okay leave him, he's going to eat at my house (their school is not very far from their neighborhood so they have time to eat)

Me: Nah it's good, I don't want to disturb your mother and I'm going to enroll her in the canteen.

Amina: Nah tqt

Me: Are you sure?

Amina: Yeah!

Me: Ok thank you bah Younes I'll pick you up at 4:30 p.m.

Younes: I'm fine

Me: On your side

I'm leaving with Salim. When it opens I bring Salim back to his class

Salim: Melina! I don't want to go to school

Mélina: If you go to class, well, when I come back, I'll give you candy

Salem: Is it true?

Me: Yes so dry your tears and go to class

He does, I give him a kiss and he goes.

I leave and go to school.

I register and all and he tells me that I start from next week.

I send a message to Kaïsha

*Me: Kaisha how are you?*

*Kaïsha: Yeah and you?*

*I'm alright. What time do you take your pose?*

*Kaïsha: Soon why?*

*Me: Yeah I just want you to help me with something*

*Kaïsha: Yes it will meet me at Starbucks at 12pm*

*Me: Ok thanks*

*Kaïsha: It's nothing my beautiful*

Anyway, it's 9 a.m. so I have time to go to Auchant to buy some things and eat.

After that, I join Kaïsha but I don't see her so I call her

*Me: Kaisha where are you?*

*Kaïsha: Behind you!*

I turn around, I see her sitting at a table so I join her. I give her a kiss and sit down

Kaisha: How are you?

Me: Yeah and you?

Kaïsha: Yeah Al Hamdûlilleh. So what do you want to talk to me about?

Me: Yeah actually..

Kaïsha: About your past?

I nod my head yes

Kaïsha: Tell me all. You can trust me. I promise I won't say anything

Me: Huum bah in fact .. I tell him how I found myself here .. and there I want to find my real family but I don't know how. I would like you to help me

Kaïsha: But don't worry my dear!

Me: Thank you

Kaïsha: No problem! But it will be difficult because you were born in Paris and here we are not in Marseille. Ask Lamine if he can play his contacts from Paris.

Me: Oh no not him.

Kaisha: Why?

Me: Because he disgusts me, every evening he fucks whores at home beuuurk no respect he has. Hotels are made for that. And I learned that all who are in this house bah bicraves

Kaïsha: Aren't you a little jealous?