

Abbldi, bldi, - he returned. Then suddenly "the boys stood on the burning deck."

That's what Em decided. He doesn't get involved in such things, important clues. He walked to the side of the house and headed for the front door. Unfortunately, Gunn heard footsteps and stopped right outside the front door. He saw Em and Sid open the door just in time. "What are you doing here tonight?" heroism. "What are you going to do before we go in?" Did you hear him out the window? I was scared. He and Sid stood at the door trembling. "Uncle, I told you something." I was shaking. provisionally. The most important.'

"Ah!" said the gun. "Okay then. all of them. Why didn't you tell me before?"

He kept saying, "Abl, Abl." He had to be careful. He left and now it's in his head!

Stepping on the hot bricks like a cat, Ed Sid entered. Mr. Gunt took the coin into the living room. He was sitting in a large chair, legs crossed and arms crossed, looking at the two children. - So you have an idea. He said. 'what is this?'

Of course, Sid couldn't say a word. Ern was very bad. But in the end it all turned out to be a scam. "Uncle, Sid found a clue. Did you know that Bongawa-kun was kidnapped? He wasn't. She slept with the twins and left this morning.

Gun listened with a look of disbelief. Are you destroying yourself? with twins! Let him run away! How stupid were you? Mr. Goon was tall and scary. "Then why did you come here to say such nonsense and nonsense?" "Why don't you go talk to that fat guy?" Let him believe you! I will not. The story of the rooster and the bull! go! Do you dare tell me such a story?

— That's what Maily told us. Poor Em startled and almost cried. "I told him and he trusted us. They said I told you it was true. Let me help you."

Mr. The goon swelled until Emand Sid thought he had to go through all the buttons of the already tight tunic. He was standing over them. "Tell the frog boy I'm not as stupid as he thinks," Hebellow said. "Tell him to take the story about the pram and the twins to the inspector. I send you to fill yourself with such nonsense! Shame on you, M. I'll hide you for two pins. How dare you!"

Without waiting for another word, they walked down the hall, through the main gate, and out the gate. Sid cried. M is white. Why did Fati send him such a message? He and Em knew his brother didn't believe him. And he didn't. "Go back to camp." Ern said. "We will be safe there. Run, Sid, run! Poor Em didn't even think of going back to Fatty and telling him what happened. When Pers heard their story, he was glad that they did not go with them. He feared his brother as much as he feared others. Emhad often told him about his time with Mr. Goon: the beatings, the beatings, the shootings. "Still worth it," he reportedly cheered. "I became friends with the five children, especially Maily. Awesome, that guy!

Meanwhile, "Shindong" thought carefully about Sid's surprising news. Everything was very special. Is the seed correct? Could it be the little prince in a giant chariot? Of course, this kind of scare tactic has been done before. "You just have to take two seats and put the person in the pit of the cart.

And put kids on it, thought Fatty. "Yeah, it's pretty easy. But why did the prince cross the wall at night and get into the carriage the next day?

It was a puzzle. Fatty thought he could sleep and in the morning he chatted with others. I wondered what Ms. Gun thought of MC's appearance and news. was it turned on? Did he call the inspector? Fat Goon was expected to call to find out about Em's news. But he didn't come, Fati decided. "Okay, let it go." fat thought "If only he could solve the puzzle faster

If so, Icahn, good luck! I'm a disaster Why-when-where-how-especially why it seems impossible to answer!"

His name was Fat Larry. "Is that you, Larry?" Tomorrow morning with me, 9:30 sharp. The most important and mysterious event. We have good news for EmandSid."

- I say! Larry's voice sounded excited and strained. "What? Tell me a little, Patty."

"You can't talk on the phone," Fati said. "Anyway, that's the most important thing. Exactly half past nine.

Herang left, and Larry was so excited that he had no choice but to run to Patty's! He and Daisy spent the evening trying to figure out what Mai's mysterious discovery was. Of course, he was not successful. A grease called Pipnext. replied Mrs. Hilton. — Pip is taking a bath. She said. "Can I receive messages?"

May was suspended. Miss Hilton was not so bold with his uncles. In fact, he repeatedly told Pipand Bets not to let them in. In general, it is better not to say much. However, he can ask for a bet. So Bets thought she had some news for Miley, so she put on her bathrobe and called. - Hello, Mai. A voice was heard. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes." Melly said solemnly. "Something special just arrived - from Hernand Sid. I can't tell you over the phone. I'll see you right here at 9:30 in the morning."

"Fatty!" Beth exclaimed excitedly. "There's something to be said for that." fast! There are no people and it is very safe."

Fatty appreciates all this importance and said, "I can't talk on the phone." "All I can say is that it is very important and requires a lot of consultation and planning. The real mystery is about ToBegin, Bets!"

"Five." Betts said. - Yes, tomorrow is 9:30. I will go straight to Pip and talk to Pip.

"Okay, don't yell like that outside the bathroom door." Patty said in shock. - I do not see. Do not have to. Bets said. "I'm waiting for it to come out. But you better go faster and accelerate!

Pip is so excited by this sudden and unexpected call that he is tempted to dress up as Larry and shoot Patty. However, her mother decided she had to wait as he wouldn't like to go out after changing again and taking a hot bath. Fatty sat in the bedroom and thought. She thought as she reviewed everything she knew about the little prince. He took the encyclopedia and looked up Tetarua. She found her mom's store catalog and luckily it offered not just a stroller, but a full size double stroller. The fat couple thought hiding someone under a wagon was the easiest thing in the world. Perhaps the strangest thing in the world, he thought. "I wonder how OldGun will handle all of this!

Gon didn't care at all. He didn't believe a word, so he didn't miss a word. "Father!" - He spoke and completely denied the case!