


Carlos' arms embrace me, scaring me. I look at the clock, and it's already nine in the morning, making me happy to know that he was still in bed with me. He smells my hair and kisses my ear, saying:

—Good morning, love. I love you.

—Good morning... I love you too. - I reply, turning to face my husband's face. I touch his hair and say, smiling. — I'm glad you're still here… I thought you were going to the company.

—No. - says Carlos, kissing the tip of my nose. — They're not really needing me that much. So I guess you'll see me around here more.

—Really? - I ask without believing. I hug my husband and say. —Great! If this is a good thing.

—Yes, I think so. – says Carlos. — It's always good to be with you, Dalia. And even if they didn't give me a little rest, I would manage. I miss being with you.

—I also. - I reply with a voice embargoed.—I miss you very much.

— I want to be like we were, can you try with me? - asks Carlos, running his fingers through mine.

—Of course I do. - I answer, kissing your hand.—Always.

—Great. - says Carlos, pulling me close to him.—Now I have not very good news. Your parents called me saying that they would like to have a surprise party for you on your birthday. - I roll my eyes, its terrible news.—As I know you hate surprises and celebrate your birthday… I'm warning you.


Carlos' arms embrace me, scaring me. I look at the clock, and it's already nine in the morning, making me happy to know that he was still in bed with me. He smells my hair and kisses my ear, saying:

—Good morning, love. I love you.

—Good morning... I love you too. - I reply, turning to face my husband's face. I touch his hair and say, smiling. — I'm glad you're still here… I thought you were going to the company.

—No. - says Carlos, kissing the tip of my nose. — They're not really needing me that much. So I guess you'll see me around here more.

—Really? - I ask without believing. I hug my husband and say. —Great! If this is a good thing.

—Yes, I think so. – says Carlos. — It's always good to be with you, Dalia. And even if they didn't give me a little rest, I would manage. I miss being with you.

—I also. - I reply with a voice embargoed.—I miss you very much.

— I want to be like we were, can you try with me? - asks Carlos, running his fingers through mine.

—Of course I do. - I answer, kissing your hand.—Always.

—Great. - says Carlos, pulling me close to him.—Now I have not had wonderful news. Your parents called me saying that they would like to have a surprise party for you on your birthday. - I roll my eyes, it's terrible news.—As I know you hate surprises and celebrate your birthday… I'm warning you.

—Thank you.–I reply. — But it's still a month away from my birthday.

—Yes, but think on the positive side: At least you are already getting things in advance... – says Carlos. — I can give it to you myself now...– so put your hand inside my sweater. — and every day until your birthday comes.

—Interesting proposal.- I say, kissing my husband.—I accept his gifts from now on.

—That's my girl! - says Carlos, pulling me again.


After the off I took from Mr. X, I decided to recover my marriage. That is going very well, we are adjusting. Carlos started to stay more at home. I started to dedicate myself more to college… now with regard to Mr.X…. well, that's the worst part.

Mr. X came in

Mr.x left

Mr. X came in

I could not block it from my MSN, actually I see no reason for so much. He just opened my eyes to reality. The problem is that I still feel something for him... I find myself always thinking about what he's doing, or if it's okay… Every day, I open the MSN waiting for a call from you, any sign. But all I have of it are your inputs and outputs. After a while, I began to think that maybe I was calling my attention to talk to him. A sign coming from your constant inputs and outputs. Until one day I could not resist and opened the window. It was unbearable to wonder how he is, although he is right there online, totally available to answer me:

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Good afternoon, X.

Mr. X says:

Good afternoon, Dalia. How are you?

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

How are you doing?

Mr. X says:

How are you REALLY? How is your marriage going?

I forgot that he knows me better than I know myself. I take a deep breath and smile as if he could see me.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Seriously, I'm fine. And my marriage is fine.

Mr. X says:


Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

You want to know if I'm hurt by what you told me that day? No, I'm not anymore. I understood perfectly what you meant. And you're right, it was all in my head. I appreciate the advice you gave me. They helped me rescue my marriage. Today, I know how to deal very well with what we have, X. I assure you.

Mr. X says:

Are you sure?

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Absolute. Want a test? How about we play a little, and you draw your conclusions? I'm taking my shirt off, slowly.

Mr. X says:

You don't have to prove anything to me, Dalia, I believe you.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

I put her hands over my bra as I open my black skirt, her breath gets heavier…

Mr. X says:

I take her lips as she unbuttoned her bra. Her breasts jump, desperate for my touch. My repressed desire drives me to throw it on my desk and suck them with ferocity as you pull my hair.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

I take off his belt and down his pants, finding his cock throbbing for me. I hold him with my hand and masturbate you full of desire.

Mr. X says:

You are too hot, Dalia. I take your hand away and go down between your legs, thirsty for your taste. I lick you hard, your breath increases, you groan with pleasure in every inch of my fingers in you… but I don't want you to come. I stick my penis in you, making you scream. Exactly how you like it. You scratch me, bite me… I caress your breasts as you roll on top of me. Your eyes condemn you: You're horny.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

I squeeze your ass and bring you closer to me, I want you all inside me. Make me cum, X. Like only you know how to.

Mr. X says:

I turn you on my back and come back inside you harder. I slap her in the ass, making her moan. I pull her hair, bringing her closer to me. Our pace is intense, I feel you getting hotter. You beg for more, I stimulate your clitoris as I thrust into you hard. That baby, come to me. You arch your body, turning me on... I'm close... ah Dalia... come to me... come to me, baby... Aaaahhh... we are one... me and you...

My orgasm comes right after your words, I squirm in my chair as my tears descend my face. What have I done? What the hell am I doing?

Mr. X says:

Dalia... are you all right?

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Great, it was perfect, X. You're awesome! Now I'll be able to do my tasks more… relaxed.

Mr. X says:

Ahaahahah, the usual Dahlia. I'm glad you're back, I missed you, Doce.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

I have to go. I got some stuff to do. I even got it, X.

Mr. X says:

To Dalia.

Actually, I don't have anything to do, but the feeling I thought it overcame me back in full force. I'm still in love with him. Added to that, I'm to blame for what I just did. This is the first time I feel like I've cheated on my husband... And it hurt too much to know that I was hurting him...

— Love, I arrived. – shouts Carlos from the room.

I wipe my tears and get up from the chair. I finish taking the rest of my clothes and walk, naked, to the living room. Upon arriving, I find Carlos admiring our photo of Paris that hangs over our key chain. He turns and stares at me in surprise.

—Wow, is it for me? - asks Carlos. He approaches and asks. — What's the celebration?

— None, just a way to thank you for being the best husband in the world. – I answer by leaning my naked body on Carlos. I kiss his lips with all my will, making him sigh. I hold his hand and say. — Come, I want you.

I lead my husband to the room, where I take piece by piece of him kissing. He sits on the bed and I take off his shoes. I fit in the middle of her legs, the kiss and go down until I find her penis waiting for me. I suck it with taste, though my mind continues to condemn me for what I have done. The more I condemn myself, the more I suck my husband, who groans amazed at my wit. He puts his hands in my hair, trying to lead me, but I'm uncontrollable.

—Dalia... love... so... I... will not hold me ... – try to say, Carlos.

—Don't hold back.- I say, licking her glans.

I go back to sucking it harder. I know that Carlos has very little left to enjoy, so I increase the speed. In a short time, Carlos arches forward, howling with pleasure, while I finish oral with mastery. He lifts me from the middle of his legs and puts me in his lap, taking my hair off my face.

—You're perfect, my love. – says Carlos. — There couldn't be anyone better in life. Thank you for choosing me.

Her words destroy me even more, leaving me more guilty than I am. Crying hugged my husband who pushes me away and kisses my face.

—What was it, love?- asks Carlos, confused. — Did I say something wrong?

—No, you're perfect. - I answer between hiccups —I'm a fool.

— Hey, I love you. Don't forget that.

While I'm hugging Carlos, I promise myself that would be the first and last time I would have a relapse for X.