
Murphy's law

If my father thought I was going to give up on getting married, it's because he doesn't know the daughter he has.

— Congratulations on the grades. – says my father, analyzing my report card. — Now all that's left is college…

— Here it is. - I say, delivering my letter of approval at the University of Barcelona for the Law course. He opens , showing all the satisfaction in reading my letter. — Now you can give the blessing for my marriage.

— Yes, Dalia. - says my father taking off his reading glasses.

I wanted to jump for joy, but I notice that my parents have a disappointed expression, which makes me confused, since I did exactly what he wanted. My father looks at me and says:

—Dalia knows in these months that have passed I always thought I would give up this madness and change my mind.

— Then you know me, little Dad.–I say, leaning against the table. —I will never give up on Carlos…


After my father gave the blessing, I had to run with the preparations for my engagement. After all, we had decided to get engaged a month before college classes started and get married two months later. Putting it in more precise numbers, I had three months for the engagement and two for the wedding.

The first thing I decided to streamline was our home. Carlos was totally against us looking for another house, since he considered his ideal for us. It is logical that I went against his plans and imposed myself. After all it was not even his, but rented. Besides being tiny, and I wouldn't even give it to my friends to come visit us or have a party.

—No Carlos. Whoever marries wants home. – I say repeating the saying that my mother always says.

— But Dalia... – tries to argue Carlos, being interrupted by my lips. I feel someone manifest below, then I walk away smiling.

— I knew you would agree with me. - I say, going towards the door of his house. — Tomorrow I will come here to search for our house.

We did not need to look for much, because we found a beautiful apartment that had just been renovated in a prime location for the two of us. We bought all the furniture and every day we were going to fix our future home. I loved decorating my home, to the point of making me think about changing course, but maybe it was just the enthusiasm for being able to do everything my way. As I had already finished school, I spent the day with Carlos in our home, until the night it was time to go home, since my father did not allow me to stay long with Carlos.

—I have to go ... – I say, panting as Carlos sucks my breasts madly. I look at my cell phone waking up and know that if I did not arrive on time, my parents would come over me and I do not want to give reasons for my father to cancel the wedding. I take my head away from Carlos and the insurance, saying firm. — We better stop now, before we regret it... Don't forget our agreement.

Carlos and I were committed to not going to bed until we were married. Not that I was a virgin, and neither was he, but we wanted the moment to be special for both of us. Only the boner was killing us both. It was almost impossible to resist. I get up from the couch, adjusting my bra. I smile at him, who breathes deeply, passing his hand in his hair. He buttoned my blouse and straightened my skirt. I walk to her direction that pulls my leg, sliding her hands across my thighs, reaching to the waistband of my panties.

—Ahhh Dalia... – groans Carlos, excited. I kiss his lips and then walking away, biting mine.

—See you tomorrow, Carlos. – I say, smiling.

I come home a little later, but my dad's not expecting me. I walk towards my room trying to be as quiet as possible, but I hear a groan of pain coming from my sister's bed. I sit on her bed and watch her touch her back.

— Is everything okay, Valeria? - I ask, worried.

—It's my back that's hurting a lot.- my sister replies with difficulty.

—Have you told Dad and Mom? - I ask, nervous.

—No, it should just be the weight of the backpack, nothing big.

—Let them know tomorrow. For you to be in pain so far is not only that. - I say. I give a kiss on your forehead. —Sleep well.

The other day, my sister warned my mother about the pains, and she took her to the doctor to know what could be. After a week, the exam results changed my plans.

— Valeria will need surgery to reduce the breast, because she has severely damaged the spine of Valeria. - explains my mother during the Sunday lunch in which she demanded that Carlos be present, leaving me worried. — This type of surgery here in our country goes far beyond our conditions ...

— The doctor recommended that the surgery be done in Brazil because of the quality and the cost to be lower.- explains my father, giving a terrible break. Carlos holds my hand, facing my father. — and the only available date is exactly two days after your engagement. Then we'll have to postpone the wedding until after the surgery and Valerie's recovery.

— And how long would all this take? - I ask, afraid of the answer.

—Four months. - my father replies.

That answer fell like a bomb on our heads. It would take longer than I thought to get married. But I breathe and try to smile for my sister, who I know is not at fault.

— The good part is that the engagement will continue standing. – my mother says, trying to cheer us up, unsuccessfully.

I started to run with the last preparations of the engagement, barely had time to see my friends. I was so wrapped up in my notes on my desk that I didn't even notice anyone coming in and covering my eyes.

— Since Muhammad does not go to the mountain. – says the male voice I love so much: Julio Castillo. I turn and hug my best friend. — Hi, gone.

—Hello, mister. – I say back. I show my notes and say. — It's the engagement's fault.

- Hummm... that's exactly what I came to talk to you about .– says Julio pointing to my leaves.

— What was it? - I ask, curious and apprehensive.

— I was at my house thinking about what I could give to Dalia Penedo that she no longer has. - Julio says, going to my bed and lying down. He takes my doll and holds it. — so he concludes that I've already given her the greatest gift she could have: a husband.

— If you came to my house with that excuse just to not give me a gift.- I say pretending to be angry. —You can take your horse out of the rain.

— And who says I won't give you a gift? - questions Julio, pretending to be offended. — I came here just to give you a gift at the time: I want you to make your engagement in my house, where you first met. A cheesy gift, wonderful and unique that only I could give you.

— Are you serious? - I ask, amazed. I would get engaged in the same place where I met Carlos… unimaginable, but coming from Julio, everything was possible. I grabbed him, filling with kisses.

— Less Dahlia, less… -says Julio, holding me. — In return, you have to invite a companion to my height.

— I knew there was a price. - I say, smiling. — You can be sure you'll have the most beautiful woman at the party.

— I hope so. - says Julio getting up. He gives me a lusty kiss on the cheek and says. — Who knew that Dahlia Penedo would marry…

— One would say to his marriage. - prophesy, as I watch the look of amazement of Julius.

— Nor come with this. – says Julio making the sign of the cross. —I'm going, see you soon, girl.

The fact that my engagement moved to Julius' house made my list of 20 people double in a few hours. Consequently, I had to double work with the decoration, buffet and many other things that were being included as the days went by.