

Nana, a girl who died three years ago couldn't rest in peace because she wants justice for herself. No one in the whole world could see Nana except one man. Mister Alex, the arrogant, richest and most eligible bachelor who gets irritated at everything and hates children was destined to bump into Nana. Nana's intention was to seek justice for her self but what do you think? Do you think Mister arrogant will accept her and seek justice for her or will he turn his back on Nana? Read how this story plays out with Mister Arrogant and Nana. Read how Nana becomes a blessing into his life and how she changes him from an hot tempered man to a loving and caring step dad.

Kofoworaola_Rola · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Nana is reborn

"Alex! Alex that's my mom.". Nana said running towards him, follow her now or I fear that I may never see her again.

Alex left what he was doing and ran after Amber, but fortunately for him, she was still outside ordering a cab.

"Mrs Coke!" Alex called out as he ran towards her.

"Ma'am I have something to tell you," Alex said as Nana came out panting.

"Thank God I was able to catch up with you," Naha said.

"What is it that you have to tell me?" Amber said to Alex looking impatient.

"Hmm... This might sound weird but your daughter has been looking for you." Alex said as she looked shocked.

"Excuse me! Are you trying to make fun of my situation or what?" Amber asked.

"Am not lying to you, she hasn't received salvation and she wants to see you," Alex said.

"What's wrong Alex? Why did you run off like that?" Mrs Hampton asked.

"Am telling you. Please return to that house so your daughter can be at rest." Alex continued.

"But I already sold that house," Amber said.

"Am willing to give you the house," Alex said.

"What! How do you want me to believe what you are saying? I don't even understand all you are saying and how you want me to believe you." Amber said.

"Alex you know what? Please tell her to come back to the house if she doesn't believe you but she should please go back to the house with my Dad." Nana said.

"Nana wants you to go back to the house with her Dad."

"Who is Nana please say something and stop keeping us in the dark. What! Is it the same Nana the daughter of Sebastian who died three years ago?" Mrs. Hampton quired.

"Yes, Dad that's the same girl," Alex said.

"What! Does this mean that a ghost has been staying in this house with us?" Mrs. Hampton said in shock.

Nana went ahead to touch her mom. Amber felt shocked and looked at her hand she could feel that someone just hugged her. She knelt and hugged the invincible person. "Nana!" She called out.

"Alex I believe you," Amber said as Alex smiled looking at the mother and daughter hugging each other even though Amber couldn't see her late daughter.

"Now am at peace because your daughter has seen her Mom," Alex said.

"Everyone, all is well and Nana is not the bad ghost she's a good one and now that she has seen her mom, she will retain salvation," Alex said.

"I love you," Mira said holding Alex's hand.

"I love you too," Alex said making everyone shout.


2nd of march

The ballroom was decorated with garlands of flowers, shimmering lights, and sparkling chandeliers. The tables are covered in crisp white linens and set with glittering crystal glasses. A towering wedding cake stands at the center of the room, surrounded by platters of delicious-looking desserts. Candles flicker on every table, casting a soft glow over the scene. The bride and groom's family and friends are seated around the room, dressed in their finest attire, and there's an air of anticipation as they await the newlyweds' arrival.

The moment everyone has been waiting for arrives as the doors open and the bride and groom walk into the room. The music swells, and everyone stands to greet them. Mira looks radiant in her gown, and Alex is dressed in a sharp tuxedo. They make their way to the altar as the pastor was already there. The pastor looks at the bride and groom and says, "Do you, Mira, take Alex to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Mira looks deep into Alex's eyes and answers, "I do." The pastor then turns to Alex and asks, "Do you, Alex, take Mira to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" "I do," Alex said instantly. "And now I pronounce you two as husband and wife, You may kiss your bride." The pastor said. The room erupts into applause as the couple shares their first kiss. As the night progresses, the guests eat, drink, and danced the night away. It's a night filled with celebration, love, and laughter


Alex leads Mira carefully down the stairs, one arm around her waist and the other holding the handrail. His movements are slow and deliberate, and he speaks gently, reassuring his wife that everything is fine. She places her hand on her belly, feeling the baby kicking inside her. They reach the bottom of the stairs, and she sighs with relief. Alex takes her hand in his and kisses it, whispering, "You did it, love. You're so strong and brave." She smiles, as they went to the sofa and Alex helps his wife to sit.

"Hey! Everyone is here now." Nana walked into the AAJ'S mansion.

"Nana is here," Alex said to Mira.

"Oh! Really? Tell her to come over to me I want her to sit close to me." Mira said.

"Hey! You heard what she said right?" Alex said smiling.

"Ok... Ok... Ok, am going, am going." Nana said walking over to where Mira was but something about her was changing. Nana was fading.

"Alex... What's going on with me?" Nana asked Alex feeling shocked.

"I don't know but...." Alex said running over to where Nana was, but she disappeared and something golden came out of her and entered Mira's stomach which made Alex shocked.

"What did I just see?" Alex asked himself.

"Hey! What's wrong." Mira asked.

"Nothing baby," Alex said.

"Is she sitting close to me?" Mira asked Alex who didn't know who kept mute for some time.

"Hmmm yes... She is close to you. Very very close to you." Alex said.

Mira closed her eyes to relax when suddenly a wave of pain hits her. She doubles over, clutching her stomach. "Oh no," she thinks to herself. "This is it." She said to Alex, but the pain was too intense. Mira felt a gush of liquid between her legs and knows that her water has broken. "Take me to the hospital," Mira said.



The doctor came out smiling.

"Congratulations Mr. Alex, your wife has delivered a bouncing baby girl." The doctor announced as everyone shouted in happiness.

"Nana has been reborn," I said to myself smiling.

"Can we see her now?" Alex asked.

"Yes, you can." The doctor responded as everyone went to check on Mira.


Thank you guys for following me through the journey of Alex and Nana and thanks for coping with my errors. Catch up on my other stories."DEVIL DOESN'T BARGAIN." COMING UP ON DECEMBER 6TH 2023. YOU ALL DON'T WANNA MISS IT.