
Chapter 477 Cooperation

Harbor City, a certain building, meeting room.

The negotiation site for the Nanshan Tunnel.

This negotiation had been going on for seven years already.

Both sides, up and down, had discussed dozens of times.

Due to significant differences, no agreement had been reached.

Today, however, there was a turning point.

The negotiating representative from Haihua Company, the tunnel's owner, said at the start of the afternoon negotiation, "We can transfer the operating rights of Nanshan Tunnel under your conditions, but you have to agree to one of our terms."

The negotiating opponent was Dongjun Company, and their representatives brightened up, immediately asking, "What condition?"

The negotiator from Haihua Company passed over a document.

Upon reviewing it, the Dongjun Company's negotiator couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile.

Unexpectedly, the condition was for them to protect a murderer.

After smiling bitterly, he felt it wasn't impossible.