
Chapter 20-Freedom

Yuuto felt a tap on his shoulder and immediately woke up and looked around him. Then he remembered what happened yesterday.

(Sir calm down do you know where are you right now)said Tanako

(I remember what happened yesterday. I escaped from T-Tomura.)said Yuuto

Tanako talked to him when Yuuto saw Shin-ji come towards him and said they arrived at the base. Both of them got up and walked into a room. Yuuto stopped when before he entered the room. Tanako told Yuuto that he's going for a medical exam and that she will be there to comfort him and that he knows her well.

Yuuto nodded softly and walked inside the room. Then he looked around and saw it looked like a hospital room. So he sat down on the bed and leaned back. Dr Tanako told him she will be the one to examine him as he is comfortable around her.

Ten minutes later~~

After the examination Tanako told him that she would have to take some blood from him. Yuuto told her that he understood and allowed her to.

(Okay it will just be a small pinch. And now)said Tanako

Tanako put a cotton ball and a piece of tape on his arm then he looked at her and smiled softly but, he looked down.

(We're done sir you did really great).said Tanako

She told him that he will have to be in this room for a day for observation but that Shin-ji and someone else will visit him soon. Yuuto nodded and she smiled then she left.

As soon as she left Shin-ji and someone else came inside the room. Shin-ji had brown hair and green eyes.

(Hello Lucifen-san how are you).said Shin-ji

(I'm alright Kagamine-san. Who is the man next to you?)said Yuuto

(I'm Keizo Himura it's nice to meet you).said Keizo who looked at him

(It's a pleasure to meet you Himura-san)said Yuuto as he took a bow.

Himura and Kagamine looked at him as he raised himself from the bow. Yuuto told him that's how he and Tomura were raised together and so that's how he greets people. Himura has blue hair and yellow eyes and he told Yuuto the reason why he has blue hair is because he has ice powers and then his hair is a mutation. Yuuto smiled and said that he thinks it's pretty cool.

Himura quickly looked away and Yuuto thought he said something wrong. But he told Yuuto it was nothing that he did and not to worry about that. Shin-ji muttered gay but nobody heard him say it.

Two minutes later~

Shin-ji told him that he is the leader of the warriors resistance group and Keizo is second in command of the group. The warriors resistance is a group that is against Shadow Devil. Yuuto asked who is shadow Devil and Shin-ji said that shadow devil is Tomura. Yuuto looked shocked but he calmed down.

(Could I join the warriors Resistance leader? I want to kill Tomura for all of his wrongdoings).said Yuuto

(Of course Lucifen-san you can join the group. Welcome to the team).said Shin-ji

(Please call me Yuuto. I don't want to be called what everyone calls Tomura).said Yuuto

(Would you like some new clothes Yuuto?)said Keizo

(That would be lovely thank you my warrior).said Yuuto as he smiled

Keizo blushed a little but he quickly smiled then he went to go get some new clothes. Shin-ji looked at him and handed him a phone and piece of paper that had a number on it then he turned around. Before he walked out the door but he told Yuuto if he needed anything to call him with the number then he left.

Yuuto watched him leave then he turned on the phone and put in Shin-ji's number as leader.

Then he waited for Keizo to return with his new clothes.

Ten minutes later~

The door opened and Yuuto saw it was Keizo who had his new clothes for him.

(Thank you for the new clothes my warrior).said Yuuto

Keizo turned red and muttered something.

(My warrior are you alright your face is red. I can go get Dr. Tanako for you if you have a fever).said Yuuto

(I-I'm Alright Yuuto I don't have a fever it's um nothing).said Keizo as he smiled

(Alright I'll go and get changed now).said Yuuto

(Ok I'll be leaving now).said Keizo

Then Keizo left the room and Yuuto changed his clothes.

Two minutes later~

Yuuto got changed into a white long sleeve shirt and black jeans. Yuuto liked his new clothes he felt better. He likes it here at the base and he can't wait to get his first assignment from leader.

He liked Shin-ji and Keizo and it felt like a warm welcome from where he was. Maybe he could get in contact with his family if Shin-ji would allow him to.

Yuuto feels freedom for the first time in his life. And he hoped that it would stay that way forever.