
The Wicked King

But what about the current Third Prince? He verbally claims that she is his fiancee and will make her his consort, but his demeanor and tone are extremely cold and distant. The way he looks at her is like staring at a hard piece of rock, devoid of any fluctuations, like a stagnant pool, silent and inscrutable.

This isn't due to him still harboring deep feelings for her. His intention to make her his consort is probably a form of veiled retaliation.

Miles away from the stationed army, Nangong Xuan, wearing a robe of blue and white, rides on a tall maroon horse. The warm spring breeze brushes against his exceedingly handsome face, blowing his ink-black hair. The scene is like a fine ink painting spilled across the vast plain.

Nangong Xuan narrows his phoenix eyes, a sharp gleam flashing in them. Barbarians are just barbarians, who couldn't even wait for a moment, eager to force Lin Huijin into submission.

Lin Huijin bit him, and Khan Tark was so angry and ashamed that he knocked Lin Huijin off the carriage. They searched all night but found no trace of Lin Huijin. Now that dawn has broken, based on where Lin Huijin fell from the carriage, she is likely in the army camp ahead.

Most ironically, the troops stationed here are the fifty-thousand-strong army of the Wicked King, who can enter the capital at the Emperor's command and accept the Emperor's rewards and edicts.

And this Wicked King is the very Third Prince who was abandoned and betrayed by Lin Huijin three years ago!

"My Lord, is the Queen really in the hands of the Wicked King?" Ye Han asked from behind.

"We've searched everywhere. If Lin Huijin isn't in the Wicked King's camp, she must have sprouted wings and flown away," Nangong Xuan was very certain.

Last night it was raining, and Lin Huijin was injured. Even if she was conscious when she fell down the hillside, she couldn't have gone far, and there aren't any people living nearby.

If Lin Huijin isn't in the Wicked King's camp, where else could she be?

"Three years ago, the Queen canceled her engagement with the Wicked King and married you, my Lord. If she falls into the Wicked King's hands, how will he treat her?" Everyone knew how the Wicked King treated Lin Huijin three years ago.

But three years have passed, and the Wicked King is no longer the gentle and honest Third Prince he used to be. How he would treat Lin Huijin is indeed an unknown.

"Anyway, he won't kill Lin Huijin. Let's go!" Nangong Xuan pulled the reins, and his maroon horse immediately understood his intention, galloping towards the continuous camp ahead.

In the east camp, the military doctor reported Lin Huijin's injuries to Nangong Lei, who exuded an aura of a king, sitting at the main seat.

"So, she truly has amnesia and doesn't remember anything?" Nangong Lei flipped through the report in his hand, asked in a leisurely tone.

"Yes, the most serious injury on the Queen of Jin is at the back of her head. I have already wrapped it with medicinal herbs. She may still have after-effects when she recovers," the military doctor was very sincere.

Yet, a cold light suddenly shot at the doctor, scaring him into trembling.

"Queen of Jin? Where did this Queen of Jin come from?" Nangong Lei closed the report in his hand, his voice chilling.