
Chapter 1: First day College

It was my first day of college, I was so excited and was brimming with energy, oblivious to the fact that I was being followed. I arrived at the gate, but it was shut, unfortunately I was late due to my lack of sleep, so I tried to go through the back door. It was long, narrow and dark just like alley ways you'd see in a movie, very creepy.

I reached the end of the passage and found the back door to the school, I was about to open the door when I was grabbed from behind with a cloth on my face , it caught me by surprise and I passed out. Luckily a few hours past and I was able to wake up, I found myself in a car, I pretended to be unconscious to not alert the people. We passed through bumpy roads and arrived at an airport, flew on a helicopter across the pacific and landed on a ship, it then took us to the coasts of Russia, where we met the men in black.