
Go to the Dormitory

"Assalamu'alaikum ma'am, Likha came home." Likha entered her house, she saw her mother was in the kitchen cooking for dinner.

"Wa'alaikum, greetings, Likha, have you come home, son? Earlier a postman came, you got a letter from your school, you put it on the table in your room, take a look, son, who knows it's important." Mother continued cooking, Likha immediately went to her room, he felt he had to read the letter immediately, in case there was a notification about when he had to leave after Likha opened and read the letter, it was true, he had to leave tomorrow morning because there would be provision for prospective new students, also for the distribution of uniforms, shoes too. the textbooks she needed. Likha then went to her mother in the kitchen.

"Mom, I've read the letter, it turns out it's a notification letter that tomorrow morning I have to go to the dormitory, ma'am, even though school will still start in one week but we have to leave early for debriefing, so I ask for your blessing, ma'am, I hope my steps to study are facilitated by Allah. "Likha kissed her mother's hand, she stroked her daughter's head gently, Likha then said goodbye to take a shower and pray asr.

"Aamiin, may Allah grant your prayers, son, take a shower and check all the things you will bring tomorrow, don't let anything be left behind." Likha's mother then continued her cooking program, while Likha rushed back to her room to take a towel and a change of clothes, the bathroom in Likha's house is near the kitchen, her family is a family that barely lives, so they only have a very simple bathroom.

"Father, mother, tomorrow I leave early in the morning, and you can only take me to my old school, I will be picked up by the border, you have to promise me you will always be happy, yeah, ma'am." Likha looked at her parents sadly, the third people who were eating dinner were silent, they were busy with their own thoughts. After dinner, Likha immediately went into her room, she would go to bed early so that tomorrow wouldn't be late, Likha deliberately didn't pray, she would wake up at two in the morning. for the Isyak prayer and all the midnight prayers. He immediately pulled out his blanket and read the prayer before going to sleep.

"O Allah, wake me up tomorrow at two in the morning, Aamiin" Likha prayed in Indonesian, Likha and her parents were religious people even though they did not have more knowledge in that field, they knew they had to carry out their obligations and stay away from prohibitions. Fasting in the month of Ramadan and praying on time, it's that simple religion for them.

"Likha, wake up, son, he said, told to wake up early." Likha's mother shook her only daughter's shoulder slowly, Likha, still sleepy, opened her eyes, she then looked at the clock on the wall hanging on her bedroom wall, Likha then immediately woke up when she saw that the clock was already showing five in the morning.

"Ouch ... mother, I woke up late. I haven't prayed the sobbing prayer ma'am ... Allah ... forgive the sin of your servant ..." Likha immediately ran to the bathroom, then performed the dawn prayer and changed her prayer.

"Son ... when you are in the dormitory, you should never postpone your prayers, let alone postpone the obligatory prayers to perform sunnah prayers ... prioritize what is obligatory first, then add the sunnah." her mother Likha advised her daughter to live in the dormitory.

"Yes ma'am ... I'm sorry ma'am ..." Likha then ate her breakfast specially made by her mother. Likha was also provided with lunch by her mother, she was afraid that Likha would have trouble finding a shop, sometimes parents' thoughts were more complicated.

"Son ... this is a little extra pocket money for you, but only a little son ... you accept it, the new school will start next Monday, I'm afraid you haven't got an allowance from your school." Mother handed over a hundred thousand rupiahs. Actually, Likha was reluctant to accept it, but her mother insisted, so Likha was forced to accept it to make her parents calm to let her go. Likha's father and mother took Likha to her junior high school. There was a school principal who officially handed over Likha to the person in charge of the plus school who would bring Likha.

"Mother ... father ... Likha go away ... you guys take care of your health ..." Likha kissed her parents' hands, then to the principal, Likha immediately got into the car that picked her up and took her straight to the city, indeed from Likha's school. , only Likha alone enters this plus school, every year only ten people can enter one province, and Likha is one of the lucky ones. This smart beautiful girl from a simple family might have the opportunity to change her fate. In the backseat of the car that carried him, he watched the village of his birth that he slowly left to a strange place that could not be imagined in his mind.

"Father ... mother ... pray for your daughter, I hope I can make it through these three years with ease ..." Likha's inner voice begged, her tears dripping at the thought of her parents at home, her heartfelt like she was missing something, but all this must live, this opportunity, not everyone can get it.

"Likha ... you have to be enthusiastic ... you have to prove that you can go through all this, six months is a little while, when the holidays arrive you will meet your parents ... you have to make your parents proud." Likha encouraged herself.